[m-users.] Basic Unit Test Framework

Charles Shuller charles.shuller at gmail.com
Tue Jul 14 09:35:42 AEST 2015

> > 3) Hard to get a message about what failed if the predicate only
> succeeds of fails.  I save off results instead of pushing IO into the test
> harness though.   I felt it made more sense.
> I also don’t like pushing IO through the test cases, but I didn’t
> accomplish to put test cases into a list. After reading in the reference
> manual section 8.3, that higher-order terms can cause problems in
> polymorphic collection types, I gave up my try to collect test cases in a
> list.
> I'm not using Polymorphism.

:- type test_result	---> test_result(result_test_name::string,		

Eventually, I'll want to flesh that out with things like the hostname,
startTime, stopTime, etc...  but this is all I needed for no

> For a simple XML parser, I wrote dozens of test cases like these:
> %% testDCG(TestNo, DCG-predicate, InputToBeParsed, ExpectedResult, !IO)
> testDCG(1, nameStartChar, ":", yes(':'), !IO),
> testDCG(2, nameStartChar, "-", no, !IO),
> testDCG(3, nameChar, "-", yes('-'), !IO),
> testDCG(4, name, "Name", yes("Name"), !IO),
> testDCG(5, attValue, "\"AttValue\"", yes("AttValue"), !IO),
> testDCG(6, attribute, "attribute=\"Value\"",
>     yes({"attribute", "Value"}), !IO),
> I don’t understand the syntax of test_case yet. Could you please give me
> an example, how I can write a list of test cases for different DCG
> predicates?
You don't pass in the predicate-under-test as a parameter, instead you
build a test predicate and call predicate-under-test from there.

Below is an example of test cases defined in terms of named predicates,
instead of lambdas.   I am currently No Good at DCGs, but I'll write
something similar to what I think you're first test does  and hopefully you
can figure out how to adapt it.

:- pred pass_test(test_disposition::out) is det.pass_test(Disposition)
:-	Disposition = pass.:- pred fail_test(test_disposition::out) is
det.fail_test(Disposition) :-	Disposition = fail("Fail tests aways

:- pred name_start_test(test_disposition::out) is det.
name_start_test(Disposition) :-
         nameStartChar(":someString" OutStartChar),
          if   OutStartChar = ":"
          then Disposition = pass
          else Disposition = fail("Expected StartChar to be : But got
" ++ OutStartChar ++ " instead"

TestList = [		    test_case("PassTest", pass_test),		
test_case("FailTest", fail_test),
                    test_case("NameStartTest), name_start_test)

the if...then...else in name_start_test could have been a call to
assertions.are_equal instead:
       nameStartChar(":someString", OutStartChar),
       assertions.are_equal(univ(":"), univ(OutStartChar), Disposition).


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