[m-users.] Mercury operators explained

Julien Fischer jfischer at opturion.com
Wed Feb 19 11:35:12 AEDT 2014

On Wed, 19 Feb 2014, Paul Bone wrote:

> On Tue, Feb 18, 2014 at 10:49:23PM +0000, Piotr Trojanek wrote:
>> Thank you both for a detailed and prompt reply!
>> I am making my first steps with Mercury and perhaps I need a less
>> trial-and-error approach. However, I still can not find an explanation
>> of the "=\\=" operator. Is there any other reference/book/guide that I
>> should consult?
> I didn't know we had such an operator, I guess I never needed it :-).  I'm
> affraid I don't know where or if it is documented.

There is no "=\\=" operator.  Whoever cut-and-pasted the operator table
into the reference manual neglected to remove the character escapes,
i.e. "=\\=" is really "=\=", "\\+" is really "\+" etc.


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