[m-users.] Mercury on ARM

Julien Fischer jfischer at opturion.com
Tue Jun 4 00:53:06 AEST 2013

Hi again,

On Mon, 3 Jun 2013, Tycho Luyben wrote:

> Is it possible to get Mercury working on ARM? I cannot find any
> references to it, except from 2005 which is outdated. It seems because
> of the C generation, it should be capable of compiling the compiler to
> ARM from an Intel machine using a cross compiler? And then (if needed)
> bootstrap with that? Any issues with that ? Did anyone do that?

I should have read the last part of that a little more carefully.
You don't need a Mercury compiler to bootstrap the compiler.
The Mercury source distribution contains pre-generated C files, so
you should be able to boostrap the compiler with just a C compiler.
(Given the appropriate build tools, e.g. make etc, you should just
be able to compile it directly on your ARM machine.)


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