[mercury-users] Maths and contexts.
Julien Fischer
juliensf at csse.unimelb.edu.au
Sat Apr 21 02:07:38 AEST 2012
On Sat, 21 Apr 2012, Mark Brown wrote:
> On 20-Apr-2012, Michael Richter <ttmrichter at gmail.com> wrote:
>> On 20 April 2012 23:33, Julien Fischer <juliensf at csse.unimelb.edu.au> wrote:
>>> :- module test.
>>> :- interface.
>>> :- import_module io.
>>> :- pred main(io::di, io::uo) is det.
>>> :- implementation.
>>> :- import_module decimal2.
>>> :- import_module bool, integer.
>>> main(!IO) :-
>>> Context1 = make_context(integer(30), round_floor, signal(no, no)),
>>> Context2 = make_context(integer(40), round_up, signal(no, no)),
>>> X = to_number(Context1, "1000000"),
>>> Y = to_number(Context2, "2900000"),
>>> Z = X `add` Y,
>>> io.write_string(to_scientific_**string(Z), !IO),
>>> io.nl(!IO).
>>> Attempting to compile the above will result in the following compilation
>>> error:
>>> Making Mercury/cs/test.c
>>> test.m:013: In clause for predicate `main'/2:
>>> test.m:013: in unification of variable `Z'
>>> test.m:013: and term `add(X, Y)':
>>> test.m:013: type error in argument(s) of functor `add/2'.
>>> test.m:013: Argument 1 (X) has type `(some [C] decimal2.decimal(C))',
>>> test.m:013: expected type was `decimal2.decimal(C)';
>>> test.m:013: argument 2 (Y) has type `(some [C] decimal2.decimal(C))',
>>> test.m:013: expected type was `decimal2.decimal(C)'.
>>> ** Error making `Mercury/cs/test.c'.
>> OK, thanks, Julien. That's looking like a very promising line of inquiry.
>> Adding the context to the creation of a number was the line I was going to
>> originally investigate but I was concerned at the need for run-time
>> checking. Your solution eliminates that problem for me.
> Julien said it gives you compile-time checking, not that it eliminates
> run-time checking. You'll still need run-time checks if two contexts
> don't originate from the same call to make_context.
What runtime checks are you performing there? That the two contexts
are in fact semantically identical?
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