[mercury-users] Error compiling ROTD with grade hlc.gc

Alexsandro Soares prof.asoares at gmail.com
Sat Jul 16 02:42:17 AEST 2011


   I'm trying to compile the mercury-compiler-11.07-beta-2011-07-14 and I
find the following error with the grade hlc.gc:

mmc --make-transitive-optimization-interface --grade hlc.gc
--mercury-linkage shared --flags LIB_FLAGS   --flags INTER_FLAGS     array2d
make[2]: ** [array.c_date] Error 139

I'm using Ubuntu 11.04 64 bits and I had compiled the others grades before
this one succesfully using the standard procedure:
sh configure
sudo make install

Any ideas to help me?

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