[mercury-users] java / threads / UIMA

Tomas By tomas at basun.net
Thu Aug 18 00:00:15 AEST 2011

Hi all,

I have a Mercury predicate that is currently not doing anything:

| :- pred lexlookup(string::in) is det.
| lexlookup(_).
| :- pragma foreign_export("Java",lexlookup(in),"lexlookup").

which is called by a Java procedure:

| public void process(JCas jcas) throws AnalysisEngineProcessException {
|   String text = jcas.getDocumentText();
|   lexlookup.lexlookup(text);
|   System.out.println("done");
| }

overriding a `method' in a class that `extends' JCasAnnotator_ImplBase,
which means it is a UIMA `annotator' (see uima.apache.org).

Here is the call:

| class ProcessLexicon extends SwingWorker<Void,Void> {
|   @Override
|   public synchronized Void doInBackground() {
|     try {
|       Global.lex_engine.process(Global.cas);
|     } catch (Exception x) {
|       x.printStackTrace();
|     }
|     return null;
|   }
|   @Override
|   public void done() {
|   }
| }

The idea being that it runs in a separate thread.

However, it does not seem to terminate. The `done' is never printed.

Any ideas what goes wrong? How can I debug it?


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