[mercury-users] Datalog interpreter
Alexsandro Soares
prof.asoares at gmail.com
Fri Aug 5 22:27:34 AEST 2011
Hi Peter,
Thank you for your answer.
I'm trying to create a SWRL reasoner in Mercury. I have built a very
basic tableaux-based ALC reasoner in Mercury for reasoning with T-box . Now,
for efficiency reasons, I'm trying to do an OWL 2 RL reasoner for both T-box
and A-box reasoning. My first idea is to build a Datalog Interpreter, then
on top of this, I build an SWRL interpreter and finally I transform OWL 2 RL
to SWRL.
I have to integrate the reasoner in a .Net platform, so I can't use the
Mercury built-in tabling and constraint solving features, because they
aren't available on .Net grade (I think).
I am not a experienced programmer in Mercury, so I'm having troubles in
this task. I need a pretty simple Datalog code and/or documentation in order
to start my project. I have found some Datalog codes in Java, C++ and Prolog
(The Datalog Educational System), but not in Mercury.
All of this is really necessary? Or there is another way to do an OWL 2 RL
(or QL or EL) reasoner in Mercury?
2011/8/4 Peter Ross <pro at missioncriticalit.com>
> Hi Alexsandro,
> On Thu, Aug 4, 2011 at 6:05 AM, Alexsandro Soares
> <prof.asoares at gmail.com> wrote:
> > I need to write an Datalog interpreter in Mercury. Does anyone have
> any
> > suggestions for how to do this (relevant literature, sample code, etc) ?
> > Thanks in advance for any answer.
> >
> I would look at ./samples/interpreter.m which is a prolog engine
> written in Mercury. This would give you a starting point for the
> parser, however you would have to change it to the resolution required
> by datalog.
> Regards,
> Pete
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