[mercury-users] typeclass / collections / unexplainable behaviour

Jörg Roman Rudnick joerg.rudnick at t-online.de
Mon Oct 16 17:10:17 AEST 2006

Dear Mercury team,

having done type classes of collections by passing members wrapped 
(once, of course) so far, I've just stumbled over some strange behaviour:

In some cases extraction seems to return multiply wrapped members.

My example code represents the most simple case of this phenomenon; 
other variations lead to a segmentation violation.

% --- snip 
:-module test0.
:-import_module io.
:-pred main(io::di, io::uo) is det.
:-import_module queue.

%%%   Node:
:-type node ---> node.
:-typeclass fringeNode(T) where [].
:-instance fringeNode(node) where [].

%%%   Fringe:
:-type wrapper(T) ---> wrap(T).
:-typeclass fringeW(Fringe, Wrapper) <= (Fringe -> Wrapper) where [
    pred firstW(Fringe::in, Wrapper::out) is semidet,
    func insertW(Wrapper, Fringe)= Fringe
:-instance fringeW(queue(T), wrapper(T)) <= fringeNode(T) where [
    (firstW(Queue, wrap(First)) :- queue.first(Queue, First)),
    (insertW(wrap(Node), Queue)= queue.put(Queue, Node))

:-pred suche(NodeT::in, FringeT::in, io::di, io::uo) is det
    <= fringeW(FringeT, wrapper(NodeT)).
suche(Node, EmptyFringe, !IO) :-
    Fringe = insertW(wrap(Node), EmptyFringe),
    write_string("fringe: ", !IO), write(Fringe, !IO), nl(!IO),
    (if firstW(Fringe, Wrap) then
        write_string("wrapped first: ", !IO), write(Wrap, !IO), nl(!IO)
    else true).

%%%   to prevent ambiguity with (pred (queue.queue(T))):
:-func emptyQueue= queue(node).
emptyQueue= queue.init.

main(!IO) :-
    suche(node, emptyQueue, !IO).
% --- snap 

Here the output:

$> ./test0
fringe: [] - [node]
wrapped first: wrap(wrap(node))

The debugger is a bit terse - actually, the doubling of wrappers seems 
to appear before calling write/3, as in other examples, I could unwrap 
`wrap(wrap(node))', receiving `wrap(node)'. Moreover, with nested 
fringeNode type variables (e.g., `nest(...)') I made an observation that 
the outer functor is also multiplied (e.g., `wrap(nest(wrap(nest(...))))'):

      22:     13  5 CALL pred queue.first/2-0 (semidet) queue.m:178 
mdb> p
first([] - [node], _)
      23:     13  5 EXIT pred queue.first/2-0 (semidet) queue.m:178 
mdb> p
first([] - [node], node)
      24:     12  4 EXIT pred 
(semidet) test0.m:21
mdb> p
[node]), wrap(node))
      25:     11  3 EXIT pred test0.firstW/2-0 (semidet) (test0.m:30)
mdb> p
firstW([] - [node], wrap(node))
      26:      4  2 THEN pred test0.suche/4-0 (det) c9;t; test0.m:31
mdb> p
suche(wrap(node), [] - [], _, _)
mdb> P
       Node (arg 1)             wrap(node)
       EmptyFringe (arg 2)      [] - []
       Fringe                   [] - [node]
       TypeInfoIndex            1
       Wrap                     wrap(wrap(node))
      27:     14  3 CALL pred io.write_string/3-0 (det) io.m:6309 
wrapped first:       28:     14  3 EXIT pred io.write_string/3-0 (det) 
io.m:6309 (test0.m:31)
      29:     15  3 CALL pred io.write/3-0 (det) io.m:3796 (test0.m:31)
mdb> p
write(wrap(wrap(node)), _, _)

As I got notice work (which I am greatly looking forward to :-) will be 
done on type classes in the next future, I just wanted to report this 
incident. Perhaps it is of interest.

All the best,


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