[mercury-users] Unique and mostly-unique modes
Peter Hawkins
peter at hawkins.emu.id.au
Thu Sep 8 14:18:57 AEST 2005
(I'm taking usual caveat about incomplete implementations of unique
modes as read).
I have the following module, which produces three error messages, all of
which I think are wrong:
:- module test.
:- interface.
:- import_module io.
:- pred main(io.state::di, io.state::uo) is det.
:- implementation.
:- import_module string.
:- import_module exception.
:- type moo ---> socket(string).
:- pred read(string::out, socket::mdi, socket::muo) is semidet.
read(S, socket(S), socket(S)).
:- pred write(string::in, socket::di, socket::uo) is det.
write(S, socket(_), socket(S)).
:- pred test_pred(socket::di, socket::uo, io.state::di, io.state::uo) is
test_pred(!Socket, !IO) :-
(if read(S0, !Socket) then
S = S0
write("foo", !Socket),
print(S, !IO).
main(!IO) :-
test_pred(socket("hello"), _, !IO).
Making Mercury/cs/test.c
test.m:015: In clause for `read(out, mdi, muo)':
test.m:015: mode error: argument 3 had the wrong instantiatedness.
test.m:015: Final instantiatedness of `HeadVar__3' was
test.m:015: `unique(test.socket(ground))',
test.m:015: expected final instantiatedness was `mostly_unique'.
Surely something unique qualifies as being mostly_unique as well?
test.m:018: In clause for `write(in, di, uo)':
test.m:018: mode error: argument 3 did not get sufficiently instantiated.
test.m:018: Final instantiatedness of `HeadVar__3' was
test.m:018: `unique(test.socket(ground))',
test.m:018: expected final instantiatedness was `unique'.
How is this incorrect? Surely unique(socket(ground)) <= unique.
test.m:027: In clause for `test_pred(di, uo, di, uo)':
test.m:027: in argument 2 of call to predicate `test.write/3':
test.m:027: mode error: variable `STATE_VARIABLE_Socket_3' has
test.m:027: `mostly_unique',
test.m:027: expected instantiatedness was `unique'.
Yes, but I've ensured that you can't backtrack across the call to read,
so clearly the object is actually unique. Is there any way to convince
the compiler of this?
What I'm actually trying to do here is to parse input from a socket
using a DCG. You can backtrack over calls to 'read' since I'm keeping a
buffer of everything that has been read. You can't backtrack over
'write' since you can't unsend things you have already sent. I could
make 'read' take a unique object, but this would mean you couldn't
backtrack over it, and this would remove half the point of using a DCG
since the grammar then has to be effectively LL(1). Any suggestions as
to how I can deal with this?
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