[mercury-users] Re: BOUNCE mercury-users at cs.mu.OZ.AU: Non-member submission from [Peter Hawkins <hawkinsp at cs.mu.OZ.AU>]

Ralph Becket rafe at cs.mu.OZ.AU
Wed Mar 17 19:23:55 AEDT 2004


it's necessary to sign up to the mercury-users mailing list before
posting to it (your message narrowly avoided being discarded as spam.)

Peter Hawkins <hawkinsp at cs.mu.OZ.AU>, Wednesday, 17 March 2004:
> Hi...
> I have two quick questions about mercury language features:
> 1) Is there some way of doing non-logical I/O in order to do printf style 
> debugging?

Yes, but we'd rather not tell you about it!

I've attached a module unsafe.m which should do what you ask, but its
use is strictly at your own risk.

> 2) If I have an arbitrary term, say [1,2,3,4,5], is there a
> way of getting a string representation of that term? I'd like a
> representation similar to the one that would be produced by io__print/3,
> except to a string, not to a stream. (I'm trying to make my error messages as 
> produced using the error/1 predicate a little more verbose).

[Ahhh, I thought I'd checked that patch in...]

I'm just about to check in a patch to the string library module adding a
function string/1 which turns arbitrary values into strings.  I think
this is what you're after - it should appear in a ROTD in the next day
or two.

Your other option is to use the pprint library module which implements a
pretty printer.  pprint should be your first port of call for
non-trivial structured output.

-- Ralph
-------------- next part --------------
% unsafe.m
% Ralph Becket <rafe at cs.mu.oz.au>
% Wed Jan 30 11:10:10 EST 2002
% vim: ft=mercury ff=unix ts=4 sw=4 et tw=0 wm=0
% Unsafe IO.

:- module unsafe.

:- interface.

:- import_module io, list, string.

    % Support arbitrary unsafe IO operations without the need to
    % thread the IO state in.  Intended largely for debugging only.
:- pred io(pred(io, io)).
:- mode io(pred(di, uo) is det) is det.

    % Useful shortcuts for writing debugging messages.
:- pred format(string, list(io__poly_type)).
:- mode format(in, in) is det.

:- pred format(output_stream, string, list(io__poly_type)).
:- mode format(in, in, in) is det.

:- pred print(T).
:- mode print(in) is det.

:- pred print(output_stream, T).
:- mode print(in, in) is det.


:- implementation.


io(P) :- P(unsafe_io_state, _).


format(Fmt, Args) :- io(io__format(Fmt, Args)).

format(Stream, Fmt, Args) :- io(io__format(Stream, Fmt, Args)).


print(T) :- io(io__print(T)).

print(Stream, T) :- io(io__print(Stream, T)).


:- func unsafe_io_state = io.
:- mode unsafe_io_state = uo is det.

:- pragma foreign_proc(
    unsafe_io_state = (_IO::uo),
    [will_not_call_mercury, thread_safe, promise_pure],


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