[mercury-users] One-month alert to ICFP submission deadline

Olin Shivers shivers at cc.gatech.edu
Sat Mar 1 04:00:36 AEDT 2003

The submission deadline for ICFP -- the International Conference on Functional
Programming -- is coming up soon: Saturday, March 29, which is four weeks away.

The 2003 ICFP will be in Uppsala, Sweden on August 25-29, in conjunction with
PPDP (Principles and Practice of Declarative Programming). Please take a
moment to read the "call for papers" I've appended below, and see if you have
a topic or result you would like to submit to the program committee.

Please forward this notice to any relevant internal mailing lists, as well.

See you in Sweden.
    -Olin Shivers
     program chairman

Eighth Annual ACM SIGPLAN International Conference on Functional Programming
ICFP 2003
Call for Papers 
(Revised 2003/2/5)

Affiliated with PLI 2003 
August 25-29, 2003 
Uppsala, Sweden 


* Important dates
Submission deadline			18:00 EST 29 March, 2003 (Saturday)
Notification of acceptance  rejection	19 May, 2003
Final paper due				16 June, 2003
Conference				25-29 August, 2003

* Scope
ICFP 2003 seeks original papers on the full spectrum of the art, science, and
practice of functional programming. The conference invites submissions on all
topics ranging from principles to practice, from foundations to features, and
from abstraction to application. The scope covers all languages that encourage
programming with functions, including both purely applicative and imperative
languages, as well as languages that support objects and concurrency. Topics
of interest include, but are not limited to, the following:

      formal semantics, lambda calculus, type theory, monads, continuations,
      control, state, effects.
      Algorithms and data structures, modules and type systems, concurrency
      and distribution, components and composition, relations to
      object-oriented and logic programming, multiparadigm programming.
      abstract machines, compile-time and run-time optimization, just-in-time
      compilers, memory management. Interfaces to foreign functions, services,
      components and low-level machine resources.
Transformation and analysis 
      abstract interpretation, partial evaluation, program transformation,
      theorem proving, specification and verification.
Software development techniques for functional programming 
      design patterns, specification, verification and validation, debugging,
      test generation, tracing and profiling.
Applications and domain-specific languages 
      systems programming, scientific and numerical computing, symbolic
      computing and artificial intelligence, systems programming, databases,
      graphical user interfaces, multimedia programming, application
      scripting, system administration, distributed-systems construction, web
Practice and experience 
      functional programming in education and industry, ramifications on other
      paradigms and computing disciplines.
Functional pearls 
      elegant, instructive examples of functional programming. 

Papers in the latter three categories need not necessarily report original
research results; they may instead, for example, report practical experience
that will be useful to others, re-usable programming idioms, or elegant new
ways of approaching a problem. The key criterion for such a paper is that it
makes a contribution from which other practitioners can benefit. It is not
enough simply to describe a program!

* Submission guidelines
Due date & time: Submissions must be filed at the web site by 18:00 EST on
Saturday 29 March. Some convenient equivalents to 18:00 EST are 
      New York: 6:00 PM = 18h00 
      San Francisco: 3:00 PM = 15h00 
      Chicago: 5:00 PM = 17h00 
      Paris: Midnight 
      Hong Kong: 7:00 AM (30 March) 
      UTC: 2300 
For other time-zones/locations, see

Submission URL: http://www.cc.gatech.edu/icfp03/submit 

Authors should submit a 100-200 word abstract and a full paper by 23:00
Universal Coordinated Time on Saturday, 29 March, 2003. Submissions should be
no more than 12 pages (including bibliography and appendices) in standard ACM
conference format: two columns, nine-point font on a ten-point baseline, with
pages 20pc (3.33in) wide and 54pc (9in) tall, with a column gutter of 2pc
(0.33in). Detailed formatting guidelines are available at
http://www.acm.org/sigs/pubs/proceed/template.html, along with formatting
templates or style files for LaTeX, Word Perfect, and Word. You don't need to
include categories, keywords, etc., though you are welcome to do so. Also,
note that the ACM copyright notice is not required of submissions, only of
accepted papers.

Authors wishing to supply additional material to the reviewers beyond the
12-page limit can do so in clearly marked appendices, on the understanding
that reviewers are not required to read the appendices. Submissions that do
not meet these guidelines will not be considered. The submission deadline and
length above are firm.

Submissions will be carried out electronically via the Web, at the URL given
above. Papers must be submitted in either PDF format, or as PostScript
documents that are interpretable by Ghostscript, and they must be printable on
US Letter sized paper. Individuals for which this requirement is a hardship
should contact the program chair at least one week before the deadline.

Submitted papers must have content that has not previously been published in
other conferences or refereed venues; simultaneous submission to other
conferences or refereed venues is unacceptable. Each paper should explain its
contributions in both general and technical terms, clearly identifying what
has been accomplished, saying why it is significant, and comparing it with
previous work. Authors should strive to make the technical content of their
papers understandable to a broad audience.

Authors of accepted papers will be required to sign the ACM copyright form.
Proceedings will be published by ACM Press.

* Student Attendees
Students who have a paper accepted for the conference are offered student
membership of SIGPLAN free for one year. As members of SIGPLAN they may apply
for travel fellowships from the PAC fund.

* Conference Chair
 Colin Runciman
 University of York, UK 

* Program Chair
 Olin Shivers 
 College of Computing 
 Georgia Institute of Technology 
 Atlanta, Ga. 30332-0280, USA 
 shivers at cc.gatech.edu 
 Phone: +1 404 385.00.91 
 Fax: +1 404 383.12.53 

* Program Committee
 Andrzej Filinski  (DIKU, University of Copenhagen) 
 Robby Findler  (University of Chicago) 
 Fritz Henglein  (IT University of Copenhagen) 
 Hugo Herbelin  (INRIA) 
 Ralf Hinze  (Universität Bonn) 
 Annie Liu  (Stony Brook University) 
 Benjamin Pierce  (University of Pennsylvania) 
 Todd Proebsting  (Microsoft Corp.) 
 Amr Sabry  (University of Indiana) 
 Zhong Shao  (Yale University) 
 Tim Sheard  (OGI School of Science and Engineering) 
 Eijiro Sumii  (University of Tokyo) 
 Andrew Wright  (Cisco, Critical Infrastructure Assurance Group)

* Accessing this document
This document can be obtained in the following formats: 
  HTML		http://www.cc.gatech.edu/icfp03/cfp.html 
  PostScript	http://www.cc.gatech.edu/icfp03/cfp.ps 
  PDF		http://www.cc.gatech.edu/icfp03/cfp.pdf 
  Plain text	http://www.cc.gatech.edu/icfp03/cfp.txt 

* Change log 
 Added program committee; revised submission deadline from 3/20 to 3/29;
 updated student travel-fellowship information. 

 March 29 is Saturday, not Thursday. (March 20 is a Thursday.)

 Added Andrew Wright to PC list.

 Added URLs for accessing the CFP in various formats.
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