[mercury-users] Memory Query
Daryl Essam
daryl at cs.adfa.edu.au
Wed Jan 16 14:58:39 AEDT 2002
I've included all the files as attachments. main.m is the main program.
If you look at the parameters.m file at about line 210. There is a term
called pop_size, and one called ind_max_depth... pop = 2000 and depth = 6
works, and pop=100, and depth =10 works, but pop =2000 and depth =100
gives the problem. If you can work it out that would be great, but I
really do think its something about mercury's memory management
On Wed, 16 Jan 2002, Ralph Becket wrote:
> Daryl Essam, Wednesday, 16 January 2002:
> > >
> > > Also, where was the exception thrown from (backtrace) ?
> > >
> > > Paul.
> >
> > That really was the only error message I got.. There was no backtrace
> > of the methods from where the exception came. Today or tomorrow I will
> > try to do a cut-down version of the code and reproduce the error.
> > If I still get it, I will send it to this list.. otherwise I'll send
> > something saying I've sorted it out. Thanks for your time
> If you compile in a debugging grade you should get a stack trace when
> the program aborts.
> - Ralph
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-------------- next part --------------
% File : general.m
% Author : Raymee Chau
% Date Created :
% Last Modified : 22/2/2001
% This is a file for predicates or functions that were called by predicates
% or functions that are in different files.
:- module general.
:- interface.
:- import_module array, parameters.
% is_exist(T, ArrayT, ArraySize)
% Used in : init_pop/8 - init_population.m
% get_fitness_cases/8 - get_fitness_cases.m
% This predicate checks whether the element, T, exist in ArrayT.
:- pred is_exist(T, array(T), int).
:- mode is_exist(in, in, in) is semidet.
% count_nodes(Count) = S_expression
% Used in : cross_individual/6 - cross_individual.m
% mutate_individual/4 - mutate_individual.m
% This function count the number of nodes in the "S_expression",
% and returns this number as "Count".
:- func count_nodes(int) = s_expression.
:- mode count_nodes(out) = in is det.
% join(S_expression, BreakPoint, Fregment, Count, Point, NewS_expression)
% Used in : cross_individual/6 - cross_individual.m
% mutate_individual/4 - mutate_individual.m
% This predicate insert the "Fregment" to the "S_expression" at
% "BreakPoint" to create a "NewS_expression".
:- pred join(s_expression, int, s_expression, int, int, s_expression).
:- mode join(in, in, in, in, out, out) is det.
:- implementation.
:- import_module int, array, require.
:- import_module parameters.
is_exist(I, Array, N) :-
N > 0,
N1 is N - 1,
\+(lookup(Array, N1, I)) ->
is_exist(I, Array, N1)
count_nodes(C) = I :-
I = plus(count_nodes(C1), count_nodes(C2)) ->
C = C1 + C2 + 1
I = diff(count_nodes(C1), count_nodes(C2)) ->
C = C1 + C2 + 1
I = times(count_nodes(C1), count_nodes(C2)) ->
C = C1 + C2 + 1
I = divide(count_nodes(C1), count_nodes(C2)) ->
C = C1 + C2 + 1
I = aND(count_nodes(C1), count_nodes(C2)) ->
C = C1 + C2 + 1
I = nand(count_nodes(C1), count_nodes(C2)) ->
C = C1 + C2 + 1
I = oR(count_nodes(C1), count_nodes(C2)) ->
C = C1 + C2 + 1
I = nor(count_nodes(C1), count_nodes(C2)) ->
C = C1 + C2 + 1
I = sin(count_nodes(C1)) ->
C = C1 + 1
I = cos(count_nodes(C1)) ->
C = C1 + 1
I = exp(count_nodes(C1)) ->
C = C1 + 1
I = rln(count_nodes(C1)) ->
C = C1 + 1
I = x1 ->
C = 1
I = x2 ->
C = 1
I = x3 ->
C = 1
I = x4 ->
C = 1
I = x5 ->
C = 1
I = x6 ->
C = 1
I = x ->
C = 1
I = one ->
C = 1
error("count_nodes failed!")
join(I, N, If, C, Csum, Iout) :-
I = plus(I1, I2) ->
N = C -> Csum = C, Iout = If, !
C1 = C + 1, Iout = plus(Iout1, Iout2),
join(I1, N, If, C1, C2, Iout1),
join(I2, N, If, C2, Csum, Iout2)
I = diff(I1, I2) ->
N = C -> Csum = C, Iout = If, !
C1 = C + 1, Iout = diff(Iout1, Iout2),
join(I1, N, If, C1, C2, Iout1),
join(I2, N, If, C2, Csum, Iout2)
I = times(I1, I2) ->
N = C -> Csum = C, Iout = If, !
C1 = C + 1, Iout = times(Iout1, Iout2),
join(I1, N, If, C1, C2, Iout1),
join(I2, N, If, C2, Csum, Iout2)
I = divide(I1, I2) ->
N = C -> Csum = C, Iout = If, !
C1 = C + 1, Iout = divide(Iout1, Iout2),
join(I1, N, If, C1, C2, Iout1),
join(I2, N, If, C2, Csum, Iout2)
I = aND(I1, I2) ->
N = C -> Csum = C, Iout = If, !
C1 = C + 1, Iout = aND(Iout1, Iout2),
join(I1, N, If, C1, C2, Iout1),
join(I2, N, If, C2, Csum, Iout2)
I = nand(I1, I2) ->
N = C -> Csum = C, Iout = If, !
C1 = C + 1, Iout = nand(Iout1, Iout2),
join(I1, N, If, C1, C2, Iout1),
join(I2, N, If, C2, Csum, Iout2)
I = oR(I1, I2) ->
N = C -> Csum = C, Iout = If, !
C1 = C + 1, Iout = oR(Iout1, Iout2),
join(I1, N, If, C1, C2, Iout1),
join(I2, N, If, C2, Csum, Iout2)
I = nor(I1, I2) ->
N = C -> Csum = C, Iout = If, !
C1 = C + 1, Iout = nor(Iout1, Iout2),
join(I1, N, If, C1, C2, Iout1),
join(I2, N, If, C2, Csum, Iout2)
I = sin(I1) ->
N = C -> Csum = C, Iout = If, !
C1 = C + 1, Iout = sin(Iout1),
join(I1, N, If, C1, Csum, Iout1)
I = cos(I1) ->
N = C -> Csum = C, Iout = If, !
C1 = C + 1, Iout = cos(Iout1),
join(I1, N, If, C1, Csum, Iout1)
I = exp(I1) ->
N = C -> Csum = C, Iout = If, !
C1 = C + 1, Iout = exp(Iout1),
join(I1, N, If, C1, Csum, Iout1)
I = rln(I1) ->
N = C -> Csum = C, Iout = If, !
C1 = C + 1, Iout = rln(Iout1),
join(I1, N, If, C1, Csum, Iout1)
I = x1 ->
N = C -> Csum = C, Iout = If, !
Csum = C + 1, Iout = I
I = x2 ->
N = C -> Csum = C, Iout = If, !
Csum = C + 1, Iout = I
I = x3 ->
N = C -> Csum = C, Iout = If, !
Csum = C + 1, Iout = I
I = x4 ->
N = C -> Csum = C, Iout = If, !
Csum = C + 1, Iout = I
I = x5 ->
N = C -> Csum = C, Iout = If, !
Csum = C + 1, Iout = I
I = x6 ->
N = C -> Csum = C, Iout = If, !
Csum = C + 1, Iout = I
I = x ->
N = C -> Csum = C, Iout = If, !
Csum = C + 1, Iout = I
I = one ->
N = C -> Csum = C, Iout = If, !
Csum = C + 1, Iout = I
error("join failed!")
-------------- next part --------------
% File : init_individual.m
% Author : Raymee Chau
% Date Created :
% Last Modified : 22/2/2001
% The predicates in this file create a tree randomly with
% different types (i.e. full and grow trees) and different depths.
:- module init_individual.
:- interface.
:- import_module random, parameters.
% init_individual(TreeType, Depth, Tree, RandomSupplyI, RandomSupplyO)
% This predicate builts a "Tree" in type "TreeType", with a
% set "Depth".
% TreeType defines the type of the "Tree", 0 means full tree, and 1
% means grow tree. Depth sets the maximum depth of the "Tree".
:- pred init_individual(int, int, s_expression, supply, supply).
:- mode init_individual(in, in, out, mdi, muo) is det.
:- implementation.
:- import_module int, random, require.
:- import_module random_select, parameters.
init_individual(TreeType, Depth, I, RSI, RSO) :-
TreeType = 0 ->
my_random(FuncSetAmt, R, RSI, RSI1),
I = init(TreeType, Depth - 1, R, RSI1, RSO)
my_random(FuncSetAmt, R, RSI, RSI1),
I = init(TreeType, Depth - 1, R, RSI1, RSO)
% init(TreeType, Depth, RandomNumber, RandomSupplyI, RandomSupplyO) = Tree
% This function picks a node of the "Tree" according to the
% RandomNumber given.
:- func init(int, int, int, supply, supply) = s_expression.
:- mode init(in, in, in, mdi, muo) = out is det.
init(TreeType, Depth, R, RSI, RSO) = I :-
R = 0 ->
I = aND(init(TreeType, Depth, RSI, RSI1),
init(TreeType, Depth, RSI1, RSO))
R = 1 ->
I = nand(init(TreeType, Depth, RSI, RSI1),
init(TreeType, Depth, RSI1, RSO))
R = 2 ->
I = x1,
R = 3 ->
I = x2,
error("init failed!")
% init(TreeType, Depth, RandomSupplyI, RandomSupplyO) = Tree
% This function builds the "Tree" until the maximum depth, "Depth",
% is reached.
:- func init(int, int, supply, supply) = s_expression.
:- mode init(in, in, mdi, muo) = out is det.
init(TreeType, Depth, RSI, RSO) = I :-
TreeType = 0 ->
Depth > 0 ->
my_random(FuncSetAmt, R, RSI, RSI1),
I = init(TreeType, Depth - 1, R, RSI1, RSO)
my_random(TermSetAmt, R, RSI, RSO),
( R = 0 -> I = x1 ;
I = x2
Depth > 0 ->
my_random(FuncSetAmt + TermSetAmt, R, RSI, RSI1),
I = init(Depth - 1, R, RSI1, RSO)
my_random(TermSetAmt, R, RSI, RSO),
( R = 0 -> I = x1 ;
I = x2 )
-------------- next part --------------
% File : init_population.m
% Author : Raymee Chau
% Date Created :
% Last Modified : 22/2/2001
% The predicates in this file initialises the first population using the
% "ramped half-and-half" generative method.
:- module init_population.
:- interface.
:- import_module array, random.
% init_population(Init_individual, Population, RandomSupplyI, RandomSupplyO)
% This predicate initialises the "Population".
:- pred init_population(pred(int, int, T, supply, supply),
array(T), supply, supply).
:- mode init_population(pred(in, in, out, mdi, muo) is det,
out, mdi, muo) is det.
:- implementation.
:- import_module int, array, require.
:- import_module parameters, general, init_individual.
init_population(Init_individual, Population) -->
{ pop_size(PopSize) },
{ ind_min_depth(MinDepth) },
{ ind_max_depth(MaxDepth) },
{ PopSizeForEachDepth = div(PopSize, (MaxDepth - MinDepth + 1)) },
{ PopSize = 0 } ->
{ make_empty_array(Population) }
call(Init_individual, 0, MinDepth, I),
{ init(PopSize, I, Array0) },
init_population(Init_individual, 1, MinDepth,
PopSize, 1, PopSizeForEachDepth, 1, Array0, P) ->
{ Population = P }
{ error("init_population/4 failed!") }
% init_population(Init_individual, TreeType, TreeDepth, PopSize,
% PopSizeCount, PopSizeForEachDepth, PopSizeForEachDepthCount,
% CurrentPopulation, FinalPopulation, RandomSupplyI, RandomSupplyO)
% This predicate implements the "ramped half-and-half" generative
% method to initialise the population.
% Note : the commented lines are used to ensure that all the
% individuals in the population are different.
:- pred init_population(pred(int, int, T, supply, supply), int, int, int,
int, int, int, array(T), array(T), supply, supply).
:- mode init_population(pred(in, in, out, mdi, muo) is det, in, in, in,
in, in, in, array_di, array_uo, mdi, muo) is det.
init_population(Init_individual, TreeType, Depth, PopSize, PopSizeCount,
PopSizeForEachDepth, Count, Array0, Population) -->
{ PopSizeCount = PopSize },
{ Count = PopSizeForEachDepth } ->
{ Population = Array0 }
{ PopSizeCount = PopSize - 1 } ->
call(Init_individual, TreeType, Depth, I),
% (
% { is_exist(I, Array0, PopSizeCount) } ->
% init_population(Init_individual, TreeType,
% Depth, PopSize, PopSizeCount,
% PopSizeForEachDepth, Count,
% Array0, Population)
% ;
{ set(Array0, PopSizeCount, I, Array1) },
{ Population = Array1 }
% )
{ PopSizeCount < PopSize },
{ Count = PopSizeForEachDepth } ->
init_population(Init_individual, TreeType, Depth + 1,
PopSize, PopSizeCount, PopSizeForEachDepth,
0, Array0, Population)
{ PopSizeCount < PopSize },
{ Count = PopSizeForEachDepth - 1 } ->
call(Init_individual, TreeType, Depth, I),
% (
% { is_exist(I, Array0, PopSizeCount) } ->
% repeat_init_individual(
% Init_individual, TreeType, Depth,
% Array0, PopSizeCount, I1_1),
% { TreeType1 is (TreeType + 1) mod 2 },
% { set(Array0, PopSizeCount, I1_1, Array1) },
% { PopSizeCount1 is PopSizeCount + 1 },
% { Count1 is Count + 1 }
% ;
{ TreeType1 is (TreeType + 1) mod 2 },
{ set(Array0, PopSizeCount, I, Array1) },
{ PopSizeCount1 is PopSizeCount + 1 },
{ Count1 is Count + 1 }
% ),
init_population(Init_individual, TreeType1, Depth + 1,
PopSize, PopSizeCount1, PopSizeForEachDepth,
Count1, Array1, Population)
{ Count < PopSizeForEachDepth } ->
call(Init_individual, TreeType, Depth, I1),
% (
% { is_exist(I1, Array0, PopSizeCount) } ->
% repeat_init_individual(
% Init_individual, TreeType, Depth,
% Array0, PopSizeCount, I1_1),
% { TreeType1 is (TreeType + 1) mod 2 },
% { set(Array0, PopSizeCount, I1_1, Array1) },
% { PopSizeCount1 is PopSizeCount + 1 },
% { Count1 is Count + 1 }
% ;
{ TreeType1 is (TreeType + 1) mod 2 },
{ set(Array0, PopSizeCount, I1, Array1) },
{ PopSizeCount1 is PopSizeCount + 1 },
{ Count1 is Count + 1 }
% ),
call(Init_individual, TreeType1, Depth, I2),
% (
% { is_exist(I2, Array1, PopSizeCount) } ->
% repeat_init_individual(
% Init_individual, TreeType1, Depth,
% Array1, PopSizeCount, I2_1),
% { set(Array1, PopSizeCount1, I2_1, Array2) },
% { PopSizeCount2 is PopSizeCount1 + 1 },
% { Count2 is Count1 + 1 }
% ;
{ set(Array1, PopSizeCount1, I2, Array2) },
{ PopSizeCount2 is PopSizeCount1 + 1 },
{ Count2 is Count1 + 1 }
% ),
init_population(Init_individual, TreeType,
Depth, PopSize, PopSizeCount2,
PopSizeForEachDepth, Count2,
Array2, Population)
{ error("init_population/11 failed!") }
% repeat_init_individual(Init_individual, TreeType, TreeDepth,
% CurrentPopulation, CurrentPopulationPointer, Individual,
% RandomSupplyI, RandomSupplyO)
% This predicate ensures that the new "Individual" that will be added
% to the "CurrentPopulation" is not in the "CurrentPopulation.
:- pred repeat_init_individual(pred(int, int, T, supply, supply),
int, int, array(T), int, T, supply, supply).
:- mode repeat_init_individual(pred(in, in, out, mdi, muo) is det,
in, in, in, in, out, mdi, muo) is det.
repeat_init_individual(Init_individual, TreeType, Depth, Array, N, I) -->
call(Init_individual, TreeType, Depth, Ind),
{ is_exist(Ind, Array, N) } ->
Init_individual, TreeType, Depth, Array, N, I)
{ I = Ind }
-------------- next part --------------
% File : main.m
% Author : Raymee Chau
% Date Created :
% Last Modified : 21/2/2001
% This file is the start of the GP for Koza's "Simple Symbolic Regression".
% It initialises the seed for generating random numbers, chooses the
% fitness cases randomly, initilises the population, and call the solve
% predicate to find the solution.
:- module main.
:- interface.
:- import_module io.
:- pred main(io__state, io__state).
:- mode main(di, uo) is det.
:- pred genloop(int, io__state, io__state).
:- mode genloop(in, di, uo) is det.
:- pred oneGen(int, io__state, io__state).
:- mode oneGen(in, di, uo) is det.
:- implementation.
:- import_module io, random, require.
:- import_module time, float, std_util, int.
:- import_module parameters.
:- import_module init_population, init_individual.
main(A, B) :-
genloop(Runs, A,B ).
genloop(Runs, A, B) :-
( Runs > 1 ->
oneGen(Runs, A, C),
R1 is Runs - 1,
genloop(R1, C, B)
oneGen(Runs, A, B)
oneGen(Runs) -->
% Initialise a random number using either a seed created manually
% or a seed created by time.
{ seed_typ(manual, Seed) } ->
{ init(Seed, I) }
{ seed_typ(random, _) } ->
print("Runs : "), nl,
print(Runs), nl, nl,
print("Time : "), nl,
print(gmtime(T)), nl, nl,
{ F_to_I = round_to_int(difftime(mktime(
tm(0,0,0,0,0,0,0,yes(standard_time))), T)) },
{ init(F_to_I, I) },
print("Seed : "), nl,
print(F_to_I), nl, nl
{ error("no default seed yet!") }
{ Init_individual = init_individual },
{ init_population(Init_individual, P, I, _) },
print("Input : "), nl,
print(P), nl, nl,
-------------- next part --------------
% File : parameters.m
% Author : Raymee Chau
% Date Created :
% Last Modified : 20/2/2001
% This file contains all the parameters required for Koza's "Simple Symbolic
% Regression". It also conatins the functions of function set.
:- module parameters.
:- interface.
% rand_typ defines the type of seed for the random generator.
:- type rand_typ
---> default % not implemented
; random % uses timer to create seed
; manual. % insert your own seed integer
% s_expression holds the s-expression of a tree.
:- type s_expression
---> plus(s_expression, s_expression) % function
; diff(s_expression, s_expression) % function
; times(s_expression, s_expression) % function
; divide(s_expression, s_expression) % function
; aND(s_expression, s_expression) % function
; nand(s_expression, s_expression) % function
; oR(s_expression, s_expression) % function
; nor(s_expression, s_expression) % function
; sin(s_expression) % function
; cos(s_expression) % function
; exp(s_expression) % function
; rln(s_expression) % function
; x1 % terminal
; x2 % terminal
; x3 % terminal
; x4 % terminal
; x5 % terminal
; x6 % terminal
; x % terminal
; one. % terminal
% seed_typ(T, Seed)
% T = random -> system would use its timer to create the seed
% T = manual -> an integer, Seed, will be the seed integer
:- pred seed_typ(rand_typ, int).
:- mode seed_typ(out, out) is det.
% gen_run(MaxGenerations)
% Specifies the maximum number of generations that the program is
% going to run.
:- pred gen_run(int).
:- mode gen_run(out) is det.
% Specifies the boolean test cases
:- type values
---> values(
x1 :: int,
x2 :: int,
x3 :: int,
x4 :: int,
x5 :: int,
x6 :: int
% pop_size(Size)
% Specifies the population size of each generation.
:- pred pop_size(int).
:- mode pop_size(out) is det.
% num_of_fitness_cases(N)
% Set the amount of data points (x, y) it is using for calculating
% fitness.
:- pred num_of_fitness_cases(int).
:- mode num_of_fitness_cases(out) is det.
% num_of_func_set(N)
% Specifies the size of the function set.
% In this case, the function set has a size of 8, i.e. N = 8, as
% Function set = { +, -, *, /, sin, cos, exp, log }
:- pred num_of_func_set(int).
:- mode num_of_func_set(out) is det.
% num_of_term_set(N)
% Specifies the size of the terminal set.
% In this case, N = 1, as Terminal set = { x }
:- pred num_of_term_set(int).
:- mode num_of_term_set(out) is det.
% ind_min_depth(N)
% Set the minimum depth of the trees for initiating the population.
:- pred ind_min_depth(int).
:- mode ind_min_depth(out) is det.
% ind_max_depth(N)
% Set the maximum depth for initialisating the population or generating
% a branch for mutation.
:- pred ind_max_depth(int).
:- mode ind_max_depth(out) is det.
% crossover_rate(N)
% Defines the percentate of the population that will be crossovered.
% 0.0 <= N <= 1.0
:- pred crossover_rate(float).
:- mode crossover_rate(out) is det.
% mutation_rate(N)
% Defines the percentage of the population that will be mutated.
% 0.0 <= N <= 1.0
:- pred mutation_rate(float).
:- mode mutation_rate(out) is det.
% tournament_selection_size(N)
% Defines the size of the tournament selection.
:- pred tournament_selection_size(int).
:- mode tournament_selection_size(out) is det.
% target_value(N)
% Defines the value that the generations has to reach to be determined
% as the solution.
:- pred target_value(float).
:- mode target_value(out) is det.
:- pred noruns(int).
:- mode noruns(out) is det.
% hit_definition(N) - not used!
% Defines the closeness that the curve is required to reach to
% score a hit.
:- pred hit_definition(float).
:- mode hit_definition(out) is det.
% hit_score(N) - not used!
% Defines the score that the program is required to get to,
% in order for it to stop and print out the result.
:- pred hit_score(int).
:- mode hit_score(out) is det.
% curve_interval(Low, High)
% Defines the boundaries of the curve you want to fit.
:- pred curve_interval(float, float).
:- mode curve_interval(out, out) is det.
% plus(A, B) = Soln
% This function does a normal sum : A + B = Soln
:- func plus(float, float) = float.
:- mode plus(in, in) = out is det.
% diff(A, B) = Soln
% This function does a subtraction : A - B = Soln
:- func diff(float, float) = float.
:- mode diff(in, in) = out is det.
% times(A, B) = Soln
% This function mutiplies : A * B = Soln
:- func times(float, float) = float.
:- mode times(in, in) = out is det.
% divide(A, B) = Soln
% This function does a division : A / B = Soln
% However for this division function, if B = 0 -> Soln = 1.
:- func divide(float, float) = float.
:- mode divide(in, in) = out is det.
% rln(A) = Soln
% This function finds the log of the absolute value of A :
% ln(|A|) = Soln
% But when A = 0, Soln = 0
:- func rln(float) = float.
:- mode rln(in) = out is det.
:- implementation.
:- import_module float, math.
seed_typ(random, -981435622). % random
%seed_typ(manual, -982910377).
curve_interval(-1.0, 1.0).
plus(N1, N2) = N1 + N2.
diff(N1, N2) = N1 - N2.
times(N1, N2) = S :-
( abs(N1) = 0.0; abs(N2) = 0.0 ) ->
S = 0.0
S = N1 * N2
divide(N1, N2) = S :-
abs(N2) = 0.0 ->
S = 1.0
S = N1 / N2
rln(N1) = S :-
abs(N1) = 0.0 ->
S = 0.0
S = ln(abs(N1))
-------------- next part --------------
% File : random_select.m
% Author : Raymee Chau
% Date Created :
% Last Modified : 22/2/2001
% The predicates in this file generates random number, and does random
% selections from an array.
:- module random_select.
:- interface.
:- import_module array, random.
% my_random(Num, Random, RandomSupplyI, RandomSupplyO)
% This predicate generates a random integer, "Random", between 0
% and Num.
:- pred my_random(int, int, supply, supply).
:- mode my_random(in, out, mdi, muo) is det.
% my_random_float(Num, Random, RandomSupplyI, RandomSupplyO)
% This predicate returns a random float, "Random", between 0 and Num.
:- pred my_random_float(float, float, supply, supply).
:- mode my_random_float(in, out, mdi, muo) is det.
% random_select(Array1, Array2, Element1, Element2, N,
% RandomSupplyI, RandomSupplyO)
% This predicate selects a random, Nth, element, Element1, from
% an array, Array1, and the Nth Element2 from Array2.
:- pred random_select(array(T), array(T1), T, T1, int, supply, supply).
:- mode random_select(in, in, out, out, out, mdi, muo) is det.
% random_select_n is not used in this program!
% This predicate selects n elements from the arrays.
:- pred random_select_n(array(T), array(T1), int,
array(T), array(T1), supply, supply).
:- mode random_select_n(in, in, in, out, out, mdi, muo) is det.
:- implementation.
:- import_module int, float, array, random, std_util, require.
my_random(Num, Random) -->
{ to_float(R, R_float) },
{ to_float(RandMax + 1, RandMax_float) },
{ to_float(Num, Num_float) },
{ Rand_float = (R_float / RandMax_float) * Num_float },
{ Random = floor_to_int(Rand_float), ! }.
my_random_float(Num, Random) -->
{ to_float(R, R_float) },
{ to_float(RandMax + 1, RandMax_float) },
{ Random = (R_float / RandMax_float) * Num, ! }.
random_select(Array, Array_val, SelectedE, SelectedE_val, RanE) -->
{ size(Array, Size) },
my_random(Size, RanE),
{ lookup(Array, RanE, SelectedE) },
{ lookup(Array_val, RanE, SelectedE_val) }.
random_select_n(Array, Array_val, N, Selected, Selected_val) -->
{ size(Array, Size) },
{ N >= 0 },
{ N =< Size } ->
random_select_with_replace(Array, Array_val,
N, Selected, Selected_val)
{ error("random_select_n failed!") }
:- pred random_select_with_replace(array(T), array(T1), int,
array(T), array(T1), supply, supply).
:- mode random_select_with_replace(in, in, in, array_uo, array_uo,
mdi, muo) is det.
random_select_with_replace(Array, Array_val, N, Selected, Selected_val) -->
{ N = 0 } ->
{ make_empty_array(Selected) },
{ make_empty_array(Selected_val) }
random_select(Array, Array_val, S, S_val, _),
{ init(N, S, Array0) },
{ init(N, S_val, Array_val0) },
{ N1 is N - 1 },
random_select_with_replace2(Array, Array_val, N1, 1,
Array0, Array_val0, Sel, Sel_val) ->
{ Selected = Sel },
{ Selected_val = Sel_val }
{ error("random_select_with_replace failed!") }
:- pred random_select_with_replace2(array(T), array(T1), int, int,
array(T), array(T1), array(T), array(T1), supply, supply).
:- mode random_select_with_replace2(in, in, in, in,
array_di, array_di, array_uo, array_uo, mdi, muo) is semidet.
random_select_with_replace2(Array, Array_val, Len, N,
Array0, Array_val0, Selected, Selected_val) -->
{ N >= Len } ->
{ Selected = Array0 },
{ Selected_val = Array_val0 }
random_select(Array, Array_val, S, S_val, _),
{ set(Array0, N, S, Array1) },
{ set(Array_val0, N, S_val, Array_val1) },
{ N1 is N + 1 },
random_select_with_replace2(Array, Array_val,
Len, N1, Array1, Array_val1, Selected, Selected_val)
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