[mercury-users] Is DCG really appropriate, even for the things it does well?

Peter Schachte schachte at cs.mu.OZ.AU
Wed Apr 3 11:44:08 AEST 2002

> Examples.
> ---
> term ::= factor "*" term
> term ::= factor "/" term
> term ::= factor
> Mercury using DCG.
> ------------------
> :- pred term(list(char)::in, list(char)::out) is nondet.
> term --> factor, ['*'], term.
> term --> factor, ['/'], term.
> term --> factor.
> Mercury using concatenation
> ---------------------------
> :- pred term(list(char)) is semidet.
> term(Factor ++ ['*'] ++ Term) :-
> 	factor(Factor), term(Term).
> term(Factor ++ ['/'] ++ Term) :-
> 	factor(Factor), term(Term).
> term(Factor) :-
> 	factor(Factor).

I think your own example answers your question.  To me, the DCG syntax
is much clearer and easier to read than the concatenation-based
approach.  This would be doubly so if you were constructing a parse

You might argue that parsing isn't really common enough to warrant a
special syntax, but given that it's already there, it seems like the
right way to code a grammar.

You might also argue that DCGs are not implemented efficiently enough.
I wouldn't disagree.  But I think some reasonably general compiler
optimization could help.  For example, in your code above, factoring
out the common initial goals in a disjunction would really help.
You ought to get code like:

	term(S0, S) :-
		factor(S0, S1),
		(   S1 = [C|S2],
		    (	C = '*',
			term(S2, S)
		    ;	C = '/',
			term(S2, S)
		;   S = S1

which looks pretty efficient to me.

Your append-based approach would need accumulator introduction, and
then would need the same optimization.  Forget trying to do it without
accumulator introduction.

Peter Schachte              Predestination was doomed from the start. 
schachte at cs.mu.OZ.AU        
Phone: +61 3 8344 9166      
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