[mercury-users] CFP PPDP 2000

Franck van Breugel franck at cs.yorku.ca
Sat Jan 8 12:31:36 AEDT 2000

			   Call For Papers

             ACM-SIGPLAN 2nd International Conference on 
    Principles and Practice of Declarative Programming (PPDP 2000)

	       Montreal, Canada, September 20-22, 2000

                Submission deadline: March 1, 2000

Program Co-Chairs:
Maurizio Gabbrielli (University of Udine, Italy) gabbri at dimi.uniud.it
Frank Pfenning (Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, USA) fp at cs.cmu.edu

Program Committee:
Samson Abramsky (University of Edinburgh, UK)
Zena Ariola (University of Oregon, USA) 
Andrea Asperti (University of Bologna, Italy) 
Frank de Boer (University of Utrecht, NL) 
Radhia Cousot (Ecole Polytechnique, France) 
Danny De Schreye (Catholic U. Leuven, Belgium) 
Saumya Debray (University of Arizona, USA) 
Thom Fruhwirth  (LMU Munich, Germany) 
Andrew Gordon (Microsoft Research, UK) 
Doug Howe (Bell Labs, USA)
Claude Kirchner (LORIA & INRIA Nancy, France) 
Naoki Kobayashi (University of Tokyo, Japan) 
Michael Maher (Griffith University, Australia) 
Greg Morrisett (Cornell University, USA) 
Robert Nieuwenhuis (TU of Catalonia, Spain)
Christine Paulin (LRI-University Paris Sud, France) 
Paul Tarau (University of North Texas, USA)
German Vidal (University of Valencia, Spain) 

Scope of the Conference: 
PPDP represents the union of two former conferences: Programming 
Languages, Implementations, Logics and Programs (PLILP) and Algebraic
and Logic Programming (ALP).  Continuing the tradition of PLILP/ALP, 
PPDP 2000 aims to stimulate research on the use of declarative methods 
in programming and on the design, implementation and application of 
programming languages that support such methods.  Topics of interest 
include any aspect related to understanding, integrating and extending 
programming paradigms such as those for functional, logic, constraint 
and object-oriented programming; concurrent extensions and mobile 
computing; type theory; support for modularity; use of logical methods 
in the design of program development tools; program analysis and 
verification; abstract interpretation; development of implementation 
methods; application of the relevant paradigms and associated methods 
in industry and education.  This list is not exhaustive: submissions
related to new and interesting ideas relating broadly to declarative 
programming are encouraged.  The technical program of the conference 
will combine presentations of the accepted papers with invited talks
and advanced tutorials.

Paper Submissions: 
Submissions must be received on or before March 1, 2000. Papers must 
describe original, previously unpublished work that has not been 
simultaneously submitted for publication elsewhere.  They must be 
written in English, must contain a clearly delineated part intended 
for the proceedings not exceeding 15 pages, 11 pt font, and must have 
a cover page with an abstract of up to 200 words, keywords, postal 
and electronic mailing addresses, and phone and fax numbers of the 
corresponding author.  Additional material for possible consideration 
by reviewers may be included in the form of appendices. 

All submissions are to be electronic unless specifically approved by 
the Program Co-Chairs. Submissions in PostScript format should be 
sent to 

ppdp-00 at cs.cmu.edu

Authors will be notified of acceptance decisions by May 15, 2000. 
Camera-ready copies of the accepted papers must be received by 
June 15, 2000.

The proceedings will be published by ACM Press. 

Conference Venue and Related Events: 
PPDP 2000 is part of a federation of colloquia known as Principles, 
Logics and Implementations of high-level programming languages 
(PLI 2000) which includes the International Conference on Functional 
Programming (ICFP 2000).  The overall event will run from September 18 
to September 23, 2000 and will be held in Montreal, Canada. Details 
about the affiliated conferences and workshops will appear at the URL 

PPDP 2000 is being sponsored by ACM (SIGPLAN) with support of ALP, 

Logic and Constraint Programming
Functional Programming
Object-Oriented Programming
Concurrent Programming
Mobile Computing
Specification Languages and Methods
Type and Module Systems
Program Logics and Verification
Program Analysis and Transformation
Abstract Machines and Compilation Methods
Parallel and Distributed Implementations
Programming Environments

Important dates:
Submission deadline: March 1, 2000 
Notification: May 15, 2000 
Final Version: June 15, 2000 
Conference: September 20-22, 2000

Conference Chair:
Franck van Breugel (York University, Toronto, Canada) franck at cs.yorku.ca

Web Site and Email Contact:
URL: http://www.cs.yorku.ca/ppdp-00 
email: ppdp-00 at cs.yorku.ca 
email for submissions: ppdp-00 at cs.cmu.edu 
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