[mercury-users] Dependent Types

Stefan Karrmann sk at mathematik.uni-ulm.de
Tue Feb 22 20:14:12 AEDT 2000

There is an interesting extension of Haskell by Lennart Augustsson.
It is Cayenne (see http://www.cs.chalmers.se/~augustss/cayenne/index.html)
which uses dependent types. This increases the power of functions, e.g.
you can type printf:

module example$printf =
#include Prelude
PrintfType :: String -> #
PrintfType (Nil)          = String
PrintfType ('%':('d':cs)) = Int    -> PrintfType cs
PrintfType ('%':('s':cs)) = String -> PrintfType cs
PrintfType ('%':( _ :cs)) =           PrintfType cs
PrintfType ( _ :cs)       =           PrintfType cs

printf' :: (fmt::String) -> String -> PrintfType fmt
printf' (Nil)          out = out
printf' ('%':('d':cs)) out = \ (i::Int)    -> printf' cs (out ++ show i)
printf' ('%':('s':cs)) out = \ (s::String) -> printf' cs (out ++ s)
printf' ('%':( c :cs)) out =                  printf' cs (out ++ c : Nil)
printf' (c:cs)         out =                  printf' cs (out ++ c : Nil)

printf :: (fmt::String) -> PrintfType fmt
printf fmt = printf' fmt Nil

Can Mercury be extended in a similar way? How would it look like?

Stefan Karrmann
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