[mercury-users] Re: Handy Programming tool for Mercury.
Ralph Becket
rwab1 at cam.sri.com
Tue May 11 21:57:30 AEST 1999
True to form, I forgot to attach the file... here it is.
Ralph Becket | rwab1 at cam.sri.com | http://www.cam.sri.com/people/becket.html
-------------- next part --------------
#! /usr/local/bin/gawk -f
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# state2m Mon May 10 BST 1999 Ralph Becket <rwab1 at cl.cam.ac.uk>
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Tool to help automate the construction of `state containers' in
# Mercury.
# This program preprocesses a file as follows. Any lines that do not
# start with a `*' are passed straight through. Lines that start with
# a `*' must obey the grammar below.
# A type is declared to the preprocessor with
# * type type_name[(.*)] [different_constructor_name]
# followed by zero or more lines of
# * field_name field_type fieldproperty* [% comment]
# where fieldproperty abbreviates [readonly | mutable | private | func]
# followed by a blank line.
# Code is generated with the following:
# * typespec type_name
# * predspec type_name
# * implementation type_name
# By default a field is taken to be RW, accessed and updated via
# predicates of spec
# :- pred field_name(type_name::in, field_type::out) is det.
# :- pred set_field_name(type_name::in,field_type::in,field_type::out)
# is det.
# respectively.
# If a field has property mutable, but not func, then it also has a
# predicate of spec
# :- pred chg_field_name(type_name::in,
# (pred(field_type::in, field_type::out) is det)::in,
# type_name::out) is det.
# If a field has property mutable and also func, then it also has a
# function of spec
# :- func chg_field_name(type_name, func(field_type) = field_type) =
# type_name.
# If a field has property readonly then the set_field_name predicate is not
# generated (nor is the chg_field_name predicate if the field is
# mutable).
# If a field has property func then the above predicates are instead
# implemented with functions with spec
# :- func field_name(type_name) = field_type.
# :- func set_field_name(type_name, field_type) = type_name.
# If a field has property private then it will not be declared in the
# predinterface section, but rather the implementation section.
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
$1 != "*" { print $0; in_type_spec = 0; next }
{ print "% "$0 }
$2 == "type" {
if(NF < 3 || 4 < NF) {
warn("syntax error: expected\n* type type_name[(.*)] [differentconstructor_name]\n found\n"$0)
exit 1
type_decl_name = $3
type_name = $3
sub("\\(.*", "", type_name)
constructor_name = ( NF == 4 ? $4 : type_name )
if(type_name in type_names) {
warn("name error: type name used twice: "type_name)
exit 1
ntype = ntypes++
# print ntype, type_name, type_decl_name, constructor_name
type_names[ntype] = type_name
type_decl_names[ntype] = type_decl_name
constructor_names[ntype] = constructor_name
in_type_spec = 1
in_type_spec {
comment = $0
sub("^[^%]*", "", comment)
sub("%.*", "", $0)
if(NF < 3) {
warn("syntax error: expected\n* field_name field_type fieldproperty* [% comment]\n found\n"$0 comment)
exit 1
field_name = $2
field_type = $3
if((type_name,field_name) in field_names) {
warn("name error: field name used twice in same type: "field_name)
exit 1
nfield = nfields[ntype]++
# print ntype, type_name, nfield, field_name, field_type
field_names[ntype,nfield] = field_name
field_types[ntype,nfield] = field_type
for(i = 4; i <= NF; i++) {
if($i == "readonly") {
is_readonly[ntype,nfield] = 1
else if($i == "mutable") {
is_mutable[ntype,nfield] = 1
else if($i == "func") {
is_function[ntype,nfield] = 1
else if($i == "private") {
is_private[ntype,nfield] = 1
else {
warn("syntax error: field property must be one of readonly, mutable, private, or func\n found: "$i)
exit 1
$2 == "typespec" {
if(NF != 3) {
warn("syntax error: expected\n* typespec type_name\n found\n"$0)
exit 1
type_name = $3
for(i = 0; i < ntypes; i++) {
if(type_names[i] == type_name) {
ntype = i
if(i == ntypes) {
warn("name error: unrecognised type name: "type_name)
exit 1
# print ntype, type_name, nfields[ntype], type_decl_names[ntype]
print ""
if(nfields[ntype] == 0) {
print ":- type "type_decl_names[ntype]" ---> "constructor_names[ntype]"."
else {
print ":- type "type_decl_names[ntype]" ---> \n\t"constructor_names[ntype]"("
for(i = 0; i < nfields[ntype]; i++) {
print "\t\t"field_types[ntype,i] \
( i + 1 == nfields[ntype] ? "" : "," )
print "\t)."
$2 == "predspec" {
if(NF != 3) {
warn("syntax error: expected\n* predspec type_name\n found\n"$0)
exit 1
type_name = $3
for(i = 0; i < ntypes; i++) {
if(type_names[i] == type_name) {
ntype = i
if(i == ntypes) {
warn("name error: unrecognised type name: "type_name)
exit 1
print ""
for(i = 0; i < nfields[ntype]; i++) {
if(! is_private[ntype,i]) {
print public_spec(ntype, i)
$2 == "implementation" {
if(NF != 3) {
warn("syntax error: expected\n* implementation type_name\n found\n"$0)
exit 1
type_name = $3
for(i = 0; i < ntypes; i++) {
if(type_names[i] == type_name) {
ntype = i
if(i == ntypes) {
warn("name error: unrecognised type name: "type_name)
exit 1
print ""
for(i = 0; i < nfields[ntype]; i++) {
print implementation(ntype, i)
warn("syntax error: unrecognised syntax\n found\n"$0)
exit 1
function public_spec(ntype, nfield, s, tf) {
tf = ntype SUBSEP nfield
s = ""
if(! is_private[tf]) {
s = s get_spec(ntype, nfield)
if(! is_readonly[tf]) {
s = s set_spec(ntype, nfield)
if(is_mutable[tf]) {
s = s mut_spec(ntype, nfield)
return s
function private_spec(ntype, nfield, s, tf) {
tf = ntype SUBSEP nfield
s = ""
if(is_private[tf]) {
s = s "\n"get_spec(ntype, nfield)
s = s set_spec(ntype, nfield)
if(is_mutable[tf]) {
s = s mut_spec(ntype, nfield)
else if(is_readonly[tf]) {
s = s set_spec(ntype, nfield)
return s
function get_spec(ntype, nfield, s, tf, isfn) {
tf = ntype SUBSEP nfield
isfn = is_function[tf]
s = ":- "( isfn ? "func " : "pred ")field_names[tf]"("
s = s type_decl_names[ntype]
s = s ( isfn ? ") = "field_types[tf]".\n" : ", "field_types[tf]").\n" )
s = s ( isfn ? "" : ":- mode "field_names[tf]"(in, out) is det.\n" )
return s
function set_spec(ntype, nfield, s, tf, isfn) {
tf = ntype SUBSEP nfield
isfn = is_function[tf]
s = ":- "( isfn ? "func " : "pred ")"set_"field_names[tf]"("
s = s type_decl_names[ntype]", "field_types[tf]
s = s ( isfn ? ") = "type_decl_names[ntype]".\n" : ", "type_decl_names[ntype]").\n" )
s = s ( isfn ? "" : ":- mode set_"field_names[tf]"(in, in, out) is det.\n" )
return s
function mut_spec(ntype, nfield, s, tf, isfn, pt, pm) {
tf = ntype SUBSEP nfield
isfn = is_function[tf]
if(isfn) {
pt = "func("field_types[tf]") = "field_types[tf]
pm = ""
else {
pt = "pred("field_types[tf]", "field_types[tf]")"
pm = "pred(in, out) is det"
s = ":- "( isfn ? "func " : "pred ")"chg_"field_names[tf]"("
s = s type_decl_names[ntype]", "pt
s = s ( isfn ? ") = "type_decl_names[ntype]".\n" : ", "type_decl_names[ntype]").\n" )
s = s ( isfn ? "" : ":- mode chg_"field_names[tf]"(in, "pm", out) is det.\n" )
return s
function implementation(ntype, nfield, s, tf, ismut) {
tf = ntype SUBSEP nfield
ismut = is_mutable[tf]
s = private_spec(ntype, nfield)"\n"
s = s get_implementation(ntype, nfield)"\n\n"
s = s set_implementation(ntype, nfield)"\n"
if(ismut) {
s = s "\n"mut_implementation(ntype, nfield)"\n"
return s
function get_implementation(ntype, nfield, s, tf, isfn) {
tf = ntype SUBSEP nfield
isfn = is_function[tf]
s = field_names[tf]"("select_nth_arg(ntype, nfield, "X")
s = s ( isfn ? ") = X." : ", X)." )
return s
function set_implementation(ntype, nfield, s, r, tf, isfn) {
tf = ntype SUBSEP nfield
isfn = is_function[tf]
r = replace_nth_arg(ntype, nfield, "X")
s = "set_"field_names[tf]"("select_but_nth_arg(ntype, nfield)", X"
s = s ( isfn ? ") = "r"." : ", "r")." )
return s
function mut_implementation(ntype, nfield, s, r, tf, isfn) {
tf = ntype SUBSEP nfield
isfn = is_function[tf]
replace_nth_arg(ntype, nfield, "Y")
s = "chg_"field_names[tf]"("replace_nth_arg(ntype, nfield, "X")", F"
if(isfn) {
s = s ") = "replace_nth_arg(ntype, nfield, "F(X)")"."
else {
s = s ", "replace_nth_arg(ntype, nfield, "Y")") :-\n"
s = s "\tF(X, Y)."
return s
function select_nth_arg(ntype, nfield, arg, s, i) {
for(i = 0; i < nfields[ntype]; i++) {
s = s ( i == nfield ? arg : "_" )
s = s ( i+1 < nfields[ntype] ? ", " : "" )
return type_names[ntype]"("s")"
function select_but_nth_arg(ntype, nfield, arg, s, i) {
for(i = 0; i < nfields[ntype]; i++) {
s = s ( i == nfield ? "_" : "X"i )
s = s ( i+1 < nfields[ntype] ? ", " : "" )
return type_names[ntype]"("s")"
function replace_nth_arg(ntype, nfield, arg, s, i) {
for(i = 0; i < nfields[ntype]; i++) {
s = s ( i == nfield ? arg : "X"i )
s = s ( i+1 < nfields[ntype] ? ", " : "" )
return type_names[ntype]"("s")"
function warn(s) {
print FILENAME":"FNR":"s > "/dev/stderr"
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