Workshop on Distributed Systems (Satellite Workshop to FCT'99)

Dorel Lucanu dlucanu at
Sun Mar 21 06:21:25 AEDT 1999

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                           Call for Papers

                   Workshop on Distributed Systems
    Satellite Workshop to FCT'99 (12th International Symposium on
                 Fundamentals of Computation Theory*1)

                 September 2-3, 1999, Iasi, Romania


Papers presenting new results in all areas of formal methods applied
to distributed systems are welcome. Special topics of interests are:
action calculi, Chu spaces, coalgebraic methods, concurrency theory,
data-flow networks, interaction categories, linear logic based models,
mixed control and data-flow models, mobile networks, Petri nets,
process algebra and related calculi, reactive and real-time systems,

Invited Speakers:

Joseph Goguen (University of California at San Diego, USA)
Mathew Hennessy (Sussex University, UK)
Dan Moldovan (Southern Methodist University, Dallas, USA)
Ugo Montanari (University of Pisa, Italy)

Program Committee:

M. Broy         (Munich, D)
R. Diaconescu   (Bucharest, RO)
J. Esparza      (Munich, D)
J.F. Groote     (Amsterdam, NL)
R. Grosu        (Philadelphia, USA)
M. Kanovitch    (Moscow, RU)
D. Lucanu       (Iasi, RO)
B. Moller       (Augsburg, D)
F. Moller       (Uppsala, S)
A. Ponse        (Amsterdam, NL)
T. Rus          (Iowa City, USA)
E. Stark        (Stony Brock, USA)
Gh. Stefanescu  (Bucharest, RO) - chair
D. Walker       (Oxford, UK)

Important Dates

Submission              May 31st, 1999  
Notification            June 30th, 1999
Extended abstract       July 15th, 1999
Workshop                Sept. 2-3, 1999
Final paper             Sept. 1999


The workshop will be held at Iasi, Romania between 
        September 2-3, 1999
in conjunction with FCT'99, 
12th International Symposium on Fundamentals of Computation Theory.

Submission information

Send your contribution (up to 15 pages) as a Postscript file to the
address below. A volume with extended abstracts of the accepted papers
will be made available at the workshop. Depending on the value of the
papers there is a possibility to publish selected papers in a special
issue of the 
        Journal of Universal Computer Science (Springer-Verlag)
See also the workshop home page for more or updated information.

Email address for submission:
        ghstef at
        stefanes at
Snail address:  
        WDS'99, Attn: Prof.Dr. Gh. Stefanescu
        Faculty of Mathematics, University of Bucharest
        Str. Academiei 14, RO 70109 Bucharest, Romania
See also the workshop home page at

Organizing Committee: 

Bucharest Team:  
  Gh. Stefanescu (co-chair), R. Ceterchi, C. Dima, A. Stefanescu
Iasi Team: 
  D. Lucanu (co-chair), L. Ibanescu, S. Orzan, V. Tablan
       **  FCT'99  D E A D L I N E is  March 26, 1999 !! **
Dorel Lucanu
Universitatea "A.I.Cuza"
Facultatea de Informatica
str. Berthelot 16
6600 Iasi, Romania

e-mail: dlucanu at
home page:
tel: home       40 32 156487
     office     40 32 146141
     department 40 32 216560
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