CSL'99 Last CFP (Text & LaTex versions)

Eva Ullan evah at eucmax.sim.ucm.es
Mon Mar 1 00:16:38 AEDT 1999


          My apologies if you receive this more than once!

	    ****   D E A D L I N E   March 19, 1999   ****

	             LAST CALL FOR PAPERS -- CSL'99

	 Annual Conference of the European Association
	             for Computer Science Logic

	      September 20-25, 1999, Madrid, Spain

CSL is the annual conference of the European Association for Computer
Science Logic (EACSL). The conference is intended for computer scientists
whose research activities involve logic, as well as for logicians working
on issues significant for computer science. Suggested, but not exclusive,
topics of interest include:

* abstract datatypes,
* automated deduction,
* categorical and topological approaches,
* concurrency theory,
* constructive mathematics,
* database theory,
* domain theory,
* finite model theory,
* lambda and combinatory calculi,
* logical aspects of computational complexity,
* logical foundations of programming paradigms,
* linear logic,
* modal and temporal logics,
* model checking,
* program logics and semantics,
* program specification, transformation and verification,
* rewriting,
* symbolic computation.

Samson Abramsky (Edinburgh, UK)
Marc Bezem (Utrecht, The Netherlands)
Peter Clote (Munich, Germany)
Hubert Comon (Cachan, France)
Jorg Flum (Freiburg i.Br., Germany) (co-chair)
Harald Ganzinger (Saarbrucken, Germany)
Neil Immerman (Amherst, USA)
Neil Jones (Copenhagen, Denmark)
Jan Maluszynski (Linkoping, Sweden)
Michael Maher (Brisbane, Australia)
Catuscia Palamidessi (Pennsylvania, USA)
Mario Rodriguez-Artalejo (Madrid, Spain) (co-chair)
Wolfgang Thomas (Aachen, Germany)
Jerzy Tiuryn (Warsaw, Poland)
Glynn Winskel (Aarhus, Denmark)
Martin Wirsing (Munich, Germany)

In addition to invited lectures and contributed papers, there will be two
tutorials on theorem proving and rewriting techniques,
scheduled on September 24 afternoon (Friday) and September 25 morning
(Saturday), immediately after the main conference.

** September 20--24, 1999: Invited Lectures and Contributed Papers
   The list of invited speakers will include:
        Jose Luis Balcazar (Barcelona, Spain)
        Javier Esparza (Munich, Germany)
         Martin Grohe (Freiburg, Germany)
         Peter D. Mosses (Aarhus, Denmark)
         V. Vianu (San Diego, USA)

** September 24--25, 1999: CSL Tutorials
         Douglas Howe (Bell Labs, USA)
         Aart Middeldorp (Tsukuba, Japan)

J. Carlos Gonzalez-Moreno
Teresa Hortala-Gonzalez
Javier Leach-Albert (chair)
Paco Lopez-Fraguas
Fernando Saenz-Perez
Eva Ullan

Marc Bezem (Utrecht, President)
Ian Stewart (Leicester, Vice-President)
Clemens Lautemann (Mainz, Treasurer)
Peter Hajek (Prague)
Simone Martini (Udine)
Christine Paulin (Paris)
Moshe Vardi (Houston)
Johann Makowsky (Haifa)
Alexander Razborov (Moscow)

EACSL homepage:  http://www.dimi.uniud.it/~eacsl

Paper submissions		March 19, 1999
Notifications of acceptance	May 31, 1999
Final version due: 		July 12, 1999
CSL'99 main conference		September 20-24, 1999
CSL'99 Tutorials		September 24-25, 1999

Submitted papers must be written in English and describe work not previously
published. They must not be submitted concurrently to a journal or to another
conference. Papers authored or coauthored by members of the Program
Committee are not allowed. Submissions must not exceed 15 pages, including
title page, figures, and references. The title page must contain: title and
authors; physical and e-mail addresses; telephone and (if available) fax
number for each author; identification of corresponding author, if not the
first author; an abstract of no more than 200 words; a list of keywords.

Submissions must arrive by  March 19, 1999, and notifications of acceptance
will be sent by May 31, 1999. Authors are invited to send manuscripts by
electronic mail, as uuencoded gzipped postcript files:

* see the conference home page for instructions
* or send an empty message with subject "submission information'' to
	csl99org at eucmos.sim.ucm.es

Those authors without access to the facilities for electronic submission
can alternatively submit five hardcopies to:

	Prof. Mario Rodriguez Artalejo, CSL'99
	Departamento de  Sistemas Informaticos y Programacion
	Facultad de Matematicas, Universidad Complutense de Madrid
	Av. Complutense s/n
	E-28040 Madrid

	E-mail: mario at sip.ucm.es
	Phone: +34 91 3 94 45 12
	Fax:   +34 91 3 94 46 07

Papers accepted by the Program Committee must be presented at the
conference and will appear in a proceedings volume, to be published by
Springer Verlag in the "Lecture Notes in Computer Science" series.
The second refereeing round which was requested in previous CSL editions
before accepting a paper for publication in the proceedings, has been
suppressed following the decision taken by the EACSL membership
meeting held during CSL'98 (Brno, Czech Republic, August 25th 1998).

Final versions of accepted papers will be due by July 12, 1999.
The format for camera-ready manuscripts will be that of Springer LNCS;
instructions can be found in the LNCS home page at:

CSL'99 home page: 		http://mozart.sip.ucm.es:1580/csl99
CSL'99 local organization: 	csl99org at eucmos.sim.ucm.es

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% Last Call for Papers, CSL'99.
% Last revision: February 19, 1999


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{\large \bf LAST CALL FOR PAPERS -- CSL'99}

{\Large \bf Annual Conference of the }\\[1.5ex]
{\Large \bf European Association for Computer Science Logic}

{\large \bf Madrid, Spain, September 20-25, 1999}


% Left column


{\bf Program Committee:}

Samson Abramsky (Edinburgh, UK)\\
Marc Bezem (Utrecht, The Netherlands)\\
Peter Clote (Munich, Germany)\\
Hubert Comon (Cachan, France)\\
J\"{o}rg Flum (Freiburg i.Br., Germany) \\
\hspace{1cm} ({\bf co-chair})\\
Harald Ganzinger (Saarbr\"{u}cken, Germany)\\
Neil Immerman (Amherst, USA)\\
Neil Jones (Copenhagen, Denmark)\\
Jan Maluszynski (Link\"{o}ping, Sweden)\\
Michael Maher (Brisbane, Australia)\\
Catuscia Palamidessi (Pennsylvania, USA)\\
Mario Rodr\'{\i}guez-Artalejo (Madrid, Spain) \\
\hspace{1cm} ({\bf co-chair})\\
Wolfgang Thomas (Aachen, Germany)\\
Jerzy Tiuryn (Warsaw, Poland)\\
Glynn Winskel (Aarhus, Denmark)\\
Martin Wirsing (Munich, Germany)\\


{\bf Invited Speakers:}

Jos\'{e} Luis Balc\'{a}zar (Barcelona, Spain)\\
Javier Esparza (Munich, Germany)\\
Martin Grohe (Freiburg, Germany)\\
Peter D. Mosses (Aarhus, Denmark)\\
V. Vianu (San Diego, USA)


{\bf Tutorialists:}

Douglas Howe (Bell Labs, USA)\\
Aart Middeldorp (Tsukuba, Japan)


{\bf Local Organizing Committee:}

J. Carlos Gonz\'{a}lez-Moreno\\
Teresa Hortal\'{a}-Gonz\'{a}lez\\
Javier Leach-Albert ({\bf chair})\\
Paco L\'{o}pez-Fraguas\\
Fernando S\'{a}enz-P\'{e}rez\\
Eva Ull\'{a}n


{\bf EACSL Board:}

Marc Bezem (Utrecht, President)\\
Ian Stewart (Leicester, Vice-President)\\
Clemens Lautemann (Mainz, Treasurer)\\
Peter Hajek (Prague)\\
Simone Martini (Udine)\\
Christine Paulin (Paris)\\
Moshe Vardi (Houston)\\
Johann Makowsky (Haifa)\\
Alexander Razborov (Moscow)\\


{\bf EACSL homepage:}



{\bf Important Dates:}

Paper submissions: \\
~~~~ March 19, 1999 \\
Notifications of acceptance: \\
~~~~ May 31, 1999 \\
Final version due: \\
~~~~ July 12, 1999 \\
CSL'99 main conference: \\
~~~~ September 20-24, 1999 \\
CSL'99 Tutorials: \\
~~~~ September 24-25, 1999

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{\bf Aims and Scope of the Conference:}
{\bf CSL} is the annual conference of the {\em European Association for
Computer Science Logic} (EACSL). The conference is intended for computer
scientistswhose research activities involve logic, as well as for logicians
working on issues significant for computer science. Suggested, but not
exclusive, topics of interest include:
abstract datatypes,
automated deduction,
categorical and topological approaches,
concurrency theory,
constructive mathematics,
database theory,
domain theory,
finite model theory,
lambda and combinatory calculi,
logical aspects of computational complexity,
logical foundations of programming paradigms,
linear logic,
modal and temporal logics,
model checking,
program logics and semantics,
program specification, transformation and verification,
symbolic computation.


{\bf Scientific Programme:}
In addition to invited lectures and contributed papers, there will be two
tutorials on theorem proving and rewriting techniques,
scheduled on September 24 afternoon (Friday) and September 25 morning
(Saturday), immediately after the main conference.


{\bf Paper Submissions:}
Submitted papers must be written in English and describe work not previously
published. They must not be submitted concurrently to a journal or to another
Papers authored or co-authored by members of the Program Committee are not
allowed. Submissions must not exceed 15 pages, including
title page, figures, and references. The title page must contain: title and
authors; physical and e-mail addresses; telephone and (if available) fax
number for each author; identification of corresponding author, if not the
first author; an abstract of no more than 200 words; a list of keywords.
Submissions must arrive by  {\bf March 19, 1999}, and notifications of
acceptance will be sent by {\bf May 31, 1999}.
Authors are invited to send manuscripts by electronic mail, as uuencoded
gzipped postcript files (see the conference home page for instructions,
or send an empty message with subject ``submission
information'' to csl99org at eucmos.sim.ucm.es). Those authors without
access to the facilities for electronic submission can alternatively
submit {\em five hardcopies} to:


	Prof. Mario Rodr\'{\i}guez-Artalejo, CSL'99  \\
	Departamento de  Sistemas Inform\'{a}ticos y Programaci\'{o}n   \\
	Facultad de Matem\'{a}ticas, Universidad Complutense de Madrid  \\
	Av. Complutense s/n ~~~~~~~~~~ Phone: +34 91 3 94 45 12 \\
	E-28040 Madrid ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Fax:   +34 91 3 94 46 07 \\
	Spain ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ E-mail: mario at sip.ucm.es


{\bf Publication:}
Papers accepted by the Program Committee must be presented at the conference
and {\bf will appear in a proceedings volume}, to be published by Springer
Verlag in the ``Lecture Notes in Computer Science'' series. The second
refereeing round which was requested in previous CSL editions before
accepting a paper for publication in the proceedings, has been
suppressed following the decision taken by the EACSL membership
meeting held during CSL'98 (Brno, Czech Republic, August 25th 1998).
Final versions of accepted papers will be due by {\bf July 12, 1999}.
The format for camera-ready manuscripts will be that of Springer LNCS;
instructions can be found in the LNCS home page at


{\bf Important Remark:}
The proceedings volume will be available at the conference.
In order to enable this, the deadlines for paper submission and
notification of acceptance have been slightly modified w.r.t.
the announcement made in the 1st call for papers.


{\bf Additional Information:}

	CSL'99 home page: & http://mozart.sip.ucm.es:1580/csl99 \\
	CSL'99 local organization: & E-mail: csl99org at eucmos.sim.ucm.es


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