[mercury-users] Example of possible 'simple samples and problems' document to aug ment Mercury resources

Luke Evans Luke.Evans at seagatesoftware.com
Tue Jun 15 05:47:48 AEST 1999

To illustrate some of my previous comments I've spent a little bit of time
knocking up an example for material which I would consider useful.  I think
we need to decide how we apportion material between the tutorial, the FAQ, a
samples repository (or any other documents), but I present this to see what
comments people have to offer.  For the time being, I call this a 'Mercury
Helper', please find attached.

Basically I've taken just the first few items off my list and developed them
into this text.   I also need to stress that I've neither proof read the
text, nor tested the samples.  For the moment these are simply to gauge
opinion on the concept and solicit remarks about the format. 

Some opinions I'd like to sample are:

- Is this material best suited to residing in a document separate to the
tutorial (but referring to it)?
- Should many of the samples be moved straight into the tutorial, and the
'newbie problems' straight into the FAQ?

Thanks in advance for your comments.


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