[mercury-users] Mercury needs a Tutorial

David Powers powers at ist.flinders.edu.au
Mon Feb 15 14:01:51 AEDT 1999

Fergus Henderson said:

> > The trouble with this approach is that it's probably too
> > verbose for LP experts who want to learn Mercury.
> Most of those either (a) can easily skim over the bits they understand
> (b) are capable of learning Mercury from the reference manual, or
> (c) have learnt Mercury already! ;-), so I think that is OK.
> And we already have a "Prolog to Mercury transition guide" for
> those kind of people (though it could doubtless be improved).

I've read the stuff on your site (a while back), including some lecture notes, 
but I haven't made the effort to swap from Prolog, so I would welcome a 
tutorial (and can indeed skip/skim the bits that are superfluous).

Can you tell me where to find this Prolog to Mercury transition guide - I 
obviously missed it.


--   powers at acm.org       http://www.cs.flinders.edu.au/People/David_Powers
 Associate Professor David M. W. Powers PhD     Facsimile:  +61-8 820 13626
 Director, AILab, Informatics & Engineering     UniOffice:     08 820 13663
 The Flinders University of South Australia     Secretary:        820 12662
 GPO Box 2100 ADELAIDE South Australia 5001     PrvMobile:   +61-414-824307

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