[mercury-users] Mercury programmer required ;-)

Tyson Dowd trd at cs.mu.OZ.AU
Sat Sep 26 13:14:13 AEST 1998

On 25-Sep-1998, Peter Schachte <pets at cs.mu.OZ.AU> wrote:
> On Fri, Sep 25, 1998 at 02:44:59PM +0200, Juergen Stuber wrote:
> > This would break already in ISO 8859-1 if is_alpha/1
> > and to_upper/2 were extended to accented letters or umlauts.
> What do you mean by "break"?  What do you expect rot13 to do to
> accented letters?  What do you expect, say, e umlaut to turn into?

By definition it is supposed to ignore them, because rot13 is only
defined on English letters.

So it is not safe to rely on `is_alpha', because is_alpha means
"is a letter" and so would be true of accented letters too (if/when
someone extends it to support ISO 8859-1 fully).

Those who would give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary
safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.     - Benjamin Franklin

Tyson Dowd   <tyson at tyse.net>   http://tyse.net

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