[mercury-users] Mercury programmer required ;-)

Warwick HARVEY warwick at cs.mu.OZ.AU
Fri Sep 25 10:27:23 AEST 1998

Fergus writes:
> I was also glad to see that your program reported input errors

Well "Duh!"  :-)  It's not like Mercury makes it easy for you to ignore
input errors, and it's hardly any more work to report them than to
explicitly ignore them, so...

This, of course, is a Good Thing(tm).

> I had only one substantive criticism of your program:
> the error message in case of an input error really ought
> to go to stderr rather than stdout.

Yup, fixed.

Incidentally, can anybody give me a simple technique that will actually let
me *test* this error-handling code?  :-)

Anyway, here's a revised "verbose" version.  I'll construct a "concise"
version based on your other comments and post it here when I'm done.

% File: rot13_verbose.m
% Main author: Warwick Harvey <wharvey at cs.monash.edu.au>
% Additional input: Fergus Henderson <fjh at cs.mu.oz.au>

% rot13_verbose:
% Program to read its input, apply the rot13 algorithm, and write it out
% again.
% This version is more verbose (and more efficient) than its companion,
% rot13_concise.
% Key features:
% - is independent of character set (e.g. ASCII, EBCDIC)
% - has proper error handling

:- module rot13_verbose.

:- interface.
:- import_module io.

:- pred main(io__state, io__state).
:- mode main(di, uo) is det.

:- implementation.
:- import_module char, int, require.

	% rot13a/2
	% A table to map the alphabetic characters to their rot13 equivalents
	% (fails if the input is not alphabetic).
:- pred rot13a(char, char).
:- mode rot13a(in, out) is semidet.

rot13a('a', 'n').
rot13a('b', 'o').
rot13a('c', 'p').
rot13a('d', 'q').
rot13a('e', 'r').
rot13a('f', 's').
rot13a('g', 't').
rot13a('h', 'u').
rot13a('i', 'v').
rot13a('j', 'w').
rot13a('k', 'x').
rot13a('l', 'y').
rot13a('m', 'z').
rot13a('n', 'a').
rot13a('o', 'b').
rot13a('p', 'c').
rot13a('q', 'd').
rot13a('r', 'e').
rot13a('s', 'f').
rot13a('t', 'g').
rot13a('u', 'h').
rot13a('v', 'i').
rot13a('w', 'j').
rot13a('x', 'k').
rot13a('y', 'l').
rot13a('z', 'm').
rot13a('A', 'N').
rot13a('B', 'O').
rot13a('C', 'P').
rot13a('D', 'Q').
rot13a('E', 'R').
rot13a('F', 'S').
rot13a('G', 'T').
rot13a('H', 'U').
rot13a('I', 'V').
rot13a('J', 'W').
rot13a('K', 'X').
rot13a('L', 'Y').
rot13a('M', 'Z').
rot13a('N', 'A').
rot13a('O', 'B').
rot13a('P', 'C').
rot13a('Q', 'D').
rot13a('R', 'E').
rot13a('S', 'F').
rot13a('T', 'G').
rot13a('U', 'H').
rot13a('V', 'I').
rot13a('W', 'J').
rot13a('X', 'K').
rot13a('Y', 'L').
rot13a('Z', 'M').

	% rot13/2
	% Applies the rot13 algorithm to a character.
:- pred rot13(char, char).
:- mode rot13(in, out) is det.

rot13(Char, RotChar) :-
	( if rot13a(Char, TmpChar) then
		RotChar = TmpChar
		RotChar = Char

main -->
	( { Res = ok(Char) },
		{ rot13(Char, RotChar) },
	; { Res = eof }
	; { Res = error(ErrorCode) },
		{ io__error_message(ErrorCode, ErrorMessage) },
		io__write_string(StdErr, "rot13: error reading input: "),
		io__write_string(StdErr, ErrorMessage),

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