[mercury-users] Native garbage collector for Mercury

Thomas Charles CONWAY conway at cs.mu.OZ.AU
Mon Sep 14 17:02:24 AEST 1998

Peter Schachte, you write:
> of *which* io__state?  count, as I conceived it, takes an io__state as
> input, and produces an io__state as output, and you aren't allowed to
> change it between those points.  All parts of the io__state that are
> needed to implement count *must* be there when you call count.
> Otherwise you're cheating.

Ah. What you need is the semantics for fork/4 which we've worked out,
but I'm still in the process of writing them up. Basically, fork is
a cc_multi predicate that performs an "arbitary" interleaving of all
the updates to the io__state of a pair of closures - Fergus alluded
to it in his post earlier.

Thomas Conway <conway at cs.mu.oz.au>
Nail here [] for new monitor.  )O+

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