[m-rev.] for post-commit review: replace cons/3

Zoltan Somogyi zoltan.somogyi at runbox.com
Sun Jun 30 21:31:46 AEST 2024

For review post commit because the concept has been reviewed,
and the implementation is *mostly* straightforward. The exceptions
are all in modules that have their own entries in the log message.
The diff is with -b.

I ended up going with Julien's suggestion of du_data_ctor/1
instead of heap_ctor/1, because in the earliest compiler stages,
that function symbol is used not just for du type's constructors
and the tuple constructor, but also for char constants, for which
heap_ctor would be misleading. (Even more so than for enums,
which at least are a special case of something that does use
the heap in the general case.)

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