[m-rev.] for review: Implement two more transitive closure algorithms.
Peter Wang
novalazy at gmail.com
Tue Jan 24 17:29:08 AEDT 2023
Implement two transitive closure algorithms in the digraph module:
- Basic_TC by Yannis Ioannidis et al.
- STACK_TC by Esko Nuutila, a refinement of the SIMPLE_TC algorithm
previously implemented
On 115 graphs randomly generated by tests/hard_coded/digraph_tc.m,
ranging from 100 to 3000 vertices:
- basic_tc ran from 0.79 to 1.66 times as fast as the existing
simple_tc implementation (mean 1.158, stddev 0.157)
- basic_tc ran from 0.83 to 1.69 times as fast as stack_tc
(mean 1.111, stddev 0.157)
Therefore, after this commit, I will delete the simple_tc and stack_tc
implementations, but they will be available in the version history.
Implement Basic_TC and STACK_TC.
Use map.transform_value in key_set_map_union to replace a search
followed by update.
Test and benchmark the new algorithms.
Also compare inverse graphs to check that predecessor maps are
maintained properly.
library/digraph.m | 578 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
tests/hard_coded/digraph_tc.m | 48 ++-
2 files changed, 614 insertions(+), 12 deletions(-)
diff --git a/library/digraph.m b/library/digraph.m
index 6210662f5..bc34ab067 100644
--- a/library/digraph.m
+++ b/library/digraph.m
@@ -347,6 +347,12 @@
:- func transitive_closure(digraph(T)) = digraph(T).
+ % Other transitive closure implementations for comparison.
+ % These will be deleted soon.
+ %
+:- pred simple_tc(digraph(T)::in, digraph(T)::out) is det.
+:- pred stack_tc(digraph(T)::in, digraph(T)::out) is det.
% rtc(G, RTC) is true if RTC is the reflexive transitive closure of G.
% RTC is the reflexive closure of the transitive closure of G,
@@ -392,6 +398,7 @@
:- implementation.
:- import_module bimap.
+:- import_module int.
:- import_module require.
:- import_module uint.
@@ -447,9 +454,8 @@ key_set_map_add(XI, Y, Map0, Map) :-
key_set_map(T)::in, key_set_map(T)::out) is det.
key_set_map_union(XI, Ys, Map0, Map) :-
- ( if map.search(Map0, XI, SuccXs0) then
- sparse_bitset.union(Ys, SuccXs0, SuccXs),
- map.det_update(XI, SuccXs, Map0, Map)
+ ( if map.transform_value(sparse_bitset.union(Ys), XI, Map0, Map1) then
+ Map = Map1
map.det_insert(XI, Ys, Map0, Map)
@@ -465,6 +471,14 @@ key_set_map_delete(XI, Y, Map0, Map) :-
Map = Map0
+:- pred key_set_map_contains(key_set_map(T)::in,
+ digraph_key(T)::in, digraph_key(T)::in) is semidet.
+key_set_map_contains(Map, X, Y) :-
+ X = digraph_key(XI),
+ map.search(Map, XI, SuccXs),
+ sparse_bitset.contains(SuccXs, Y).
init = G :-
@@ -1101,7 +1115,225 @@ tc(G, Tc) :-
Tc = transitive_closure(G).
transitive_closure(G) = Tc :-
- simple_tc_main(G, Tc).
+ basic_tc(G, Tc).
+% This implements the Basic_TC (BTC) algorithm described by Yannis Ioannidis
+% et al. in "Transitive Closure Algorithms Based on Graph Traversal"
+% ACM Transactions on Database Systems, Vol. 18, No. 3, Sept. 1993, pp. 512-576
+% <https://www.madgik.di.uoa.gr/publications/transitive-closure-algorithms-based-graph-traversal>
+% It is also helpful to read Esko Nuutila's doctoral thesis
+% "Efficient Transitive Closure Computation in Large Digraphs"
+% <http://www.cs.hut.fi/~enu/thesis.html>
+% Note: Nuutila's STACK_TC algorithm should be faster than Basic_TC in general,
+% as it computes edges between components rather than vertices. The algorithm
+% outputs Comp and Succ, such that to find the successors of a vertex v,
+% you would look up Succ(Comp(v)). That representation saves a lot of time and
+% memory since the successors of every vertex in a component are always the
+% same.
+% However, the advantage is eroded given that our digraph representation stores
+% the successors and predecessors of each vertex individually. Then Basic_TC
+% tends to be faster, likely due to its relative simplicity.
+:- type modified_tarjan_visit(T) == simple_tc_visit(T). % temporary
+:- type modified_tarjan_state(T)
+ ---> modified_tarjan_state(
+ % A map from a vertex to the candidate root of the component
+ % that will include the vertex.
+ root_map :: map(digraph_key(T), digraph_key(T)),
+ % Stack of vertices being visited.
+ stack :: list(digraph_key(T)),
+ % A vertex is included in popped once the component containing
+ % the vertex has been determined, i.e. it has been popped off
+ % the stack.
+ popped :: digraph_key_set(T),
+ % The detected components in topological order
+ % (parent before descendants).
+ comps :: list(component(T))
+ ).
+:- type component(T)
+ ---> component(
+ component_root :: digraph_key(T),
+ component_nonroots :: list(digraph_key(T))
+ ).
+:- pred basic_tc(digraph(T)::in, digraph(T)::out) is det.
+basic_tc(G, Tc) :-
+ % First identify strong components.
+ modified_tarjan(G, Comps),
+ list.reverse(Comps, RevComps),
+ % Loop over components in reverse topological order
+ % (descendants before parent).
+ G = digraph(NextKey, VMap, FwdMap0, _BwdMap0),
+ list.foldl2(btc_process_component(FwdMap0), RevComps,
+ map.init, SuccMap, map.init, PredMap),
+ Tc = digraph(NextKey, VMap, SuccMap, PredMap).
+ % NOTE: modified_tarjan could be used elsewhere in this module.
+ %
+:- pred modified_tarjan(digraph(T)::in, list(component(T))::out) is det.
+modified_tarjan(G, Comps) :-
+ G = digraph(_NextKey, VMap, FwdMap, _BwdMap),
+ Visit0 = simple_tc_visit(0u, map.init),
+ State0 = modified_tarjan_state(map.init, [], sparse_bitset.init, []),
+ bimap.foldl2(modified_tarjan_main_loop(FwdMap), VMap,
+ Visit0, _Visit, State0, State),
+ State = modified_tarjan_state(_RootMap, _Stack, _Popped, Comps).
+:- pred modified_tarjan_main_loop(key_set_map(T)::in,
+ T::in, digraph_key(T)::in,
+ modified_tarjan_visit(T)::in, modified_tarjan_visit(T)::out,
+ modified_tarjan_state(T)::in, modified_tarjan_state(T)::out) is det.
+modified_tarjan_main_loop(OrigEdges, _V, KeyV, !Visit, !State) :-
+ ( if modified_tarjan_new_visit(KeyV, !Visit) then
+ modified_tarjan_visit(OrigEdges, KeyV, !Visit, !State)
+ else
+ true
+ ).
+:- pred modified_tarjan_new_visit(digraph_key(T)::in,
+ modified_tarjan_visit(T)::in, modified_tarjan_visit(T)::out) is semidet.
+modified_tarjan_new_visit(V, !Visit) :-
+ simple_tc_new_visit(V, !Visit). % temporary
+:- pred modified_tarjan_visit(key_set_map(T)::in, digraph_key(T)::in,
+ modified_tarjan_visit(T)::in, modified_tarjan_visit(T)::out,
+ modified_tarjan_state(T)::in, modified_tarjan_state(T)::out) is det.
+modified_tarjan_visit(OrigEdges, V, !Visit, !State) :-
+ some [!RootMap, !Stack] (
+ !:RootMap = !.State ^ root_map,
+ !:Stack = !.State ^ stack,
+ map.det_insert(V, V, !RootMap),
+ !:Stack = [V | !.Stack],
+ !State ^ root_map := !.RootMap,
+ !State ^ stack := !.Stack
+ ),
+ get_successors(OrigEdges, V, SuccVs),
+ sparse_bitset.foldl2(modified_tarjan_visit_v_w(OrigEdges, V),
+ SuccVs, !Visit, !State),
+ RootMap = !.State ^ root_map,
+ ( if map.search(RootMap, V, V) then
+ % V is the root of a component that also contains Ws.
+ some [!Stack, !Popped, !Comps] (
+ !:Stack = !.State ^ stack,
+ !:Popped = !.State ^ popped,
+ !:Comps = !.State ^ comps,
+ pop_component(V, Ws, !Stack),
+ sparse_bitset.insert(V, !Popped),
+ sparse_bitset.insert_list(Ws, !Popped),
+ !:Comps = [component(V, Ws) | !.Comps],
+ !State ^ stack := !.Stack,
+ !State ^ popped := !.Popped,
+ !State ^ comps := !.Comps
+ )
+ else
+ true
+ ).
+:- pred modified_tarjan_visit_v_w(key_set_map(T)::in,
+ digraph_key(T)::in, digraph_key(T)::in,
+ modified_tarjan_visit(T)::in, modified_tarjan_visit(T)::out,
+ modified_tarjan_state(T)::in, modified_tarjan_state(T)::out) is det.
+modified_tarjan_visit_v_w(OrigEdges, V, W, !Visit, !State) :-
+ ( if modified_tarjan_new_visit(W, !Visit) then
+ modified_tarjan_visit(OrigEdges, W, !Visit, !State)
+ else
+ true
+ ),
+ Popped = !.State ^ popped,
+ ( if sparse_bitset.contains(Popped, W) then
+ % We already determined the component that contains W.
+ true
+ else
+ % Otherwise, update the candidate that will become the root of the
+ % component that contains W.
+ RootMap0 = !.State ^ root_map,
+ map.lookup(RootMap0, V, RootV),
+ map.lookup(RootMap0, W, RootW),
+ ( if visited_earlier(!.Visit, RootV, RootW) then
+ map.det_update(V, RootW, RootMap0, RootMap),
+ !State ^ root_map := RootMap
+ else
+ true
+ )
+ ).
+:- pred btc_process_component(key_set_map(T)::in, component(T)::in,
+ key_set_map(T)::in, key_set_map(T)::out,
+ key_set_map(T)::in, key_set_map(T)::out) is det.
+btc_process_component(OrigEdges, Comp, !SuccMap, !PredMap) :-
+ % V is the root of a component that also contains Ws.
+ Comp = component(V, Ws),
+ % Build the set of successors for the root vertex V.
+ get_successors(!.SuccMap, V, SuccV0),
+ list.foldl(build_successor_set(OrigEdges, !.SuccMap), [V | Ws],
+ SuccV0, SuccV),
+ V = digraph_key(VI),
+ map.det_insert(VI, SuccV, !SuccMap),
+ % Distribute successors to other vertices in the component.
+ list.foldl(add_successors(SuccV), Ws, !SuccMap),
+ % Maintain the predecessor map from the (new) successors back to each
+ % vertex in the component. This ends up dominating the time spent computing
+ % the transitive closure, even though the user may not make use of the
+ % predecessor map at all.
+ (
+ Ws = [],
+ sparse_bitset.foldl(add_predecessor(V), SuccV, !PredMap)
+ ;
+ Ws = [_ | _],
+ sparse_bitset.list_to_set([V | Ws], VWs),
+ sparse_bitset.foldl(add_predecessors(VWs), SuccV, !PredMap)
+ ).
+:- pred build_successor_set(key_set_map(T)::in, key_set_map(T)::in,
+ digraph_key(T)::in, digraph_key_set(T)::in, digraph_key_set(T)::out)
+ is det.
+build_successor_set(OrigEdges, SuccMap0, W, !SuccV) :-
+ get_successors(OrigEdges, W, SuccW),
+ sparse_bitset.difference(SuccW, !.SuccV, NewSuccessors),
+ sparse_bitset.foldl(build_successor_set_2(SuccMap0), NewSuccessors,
+ !SuccV).
+:- pred build_successor_set_2(key_set_map(T)::in, digraph_key(T)::in,
+ digraph_key_set(T)::in, digraph_key_set(T)::out) is det.
+build_successor_set_2(SuccMap0, W, !SuccV) :-
+ get_successors(SuccMap0, W, SuccW),
+ sparse_bitset.insert(W, !SuccV),
+ sparse_bitset.union(SuccW, !SuccV).
@@ -1134,9 +1366,7 @@ transitive_closure(G) = Tc :-
pred_map :: key_set_map(T)
-:- pred simple_tc_main(digraph(T)::in, digraph(T)::out) is det.
-simple_tc_main(G, Tc) :-
+simple_tc(G, Tc) :-
G = digraph(NextKey, VMap, FwdMap0, BwdMap0),
Visit0 = simple_tc_visit(0u, map.init),
State0 = simple_tc_state(map.init, sparse_bitset.init, [],
@@ -1330,6 +1560,340 @@ add_predecessor(Y, X, !Map) :-
+% The stack_tc algorithm from Esko Nuutila's thesis.
+:- type stack_tc_visit(T)
+ ---> stack_tc_visit(
+ visit_counter :: uint,
+ visit_map :: map(digraph_key(T), uint),
+ tree_edges :: key_set_map(T)
+ ).
+:- type stack_tc_state(T)
+ ---> stack_tc_state(
+ % A map from a vertex to the candidate root of the component
+ % that will include the vertex.
+ root_map :: map(digraph_key(T), digraph_key(T)),
+ % Vertices with self-loops.
+ self_loop :: digraph_key_set(T),
+ % Information about components.
+ comp_counter :: uint,
+ vert_comp :: map(digraph_key(T), component_id),
+ comp_verts :: map(component_id, digraph_key_set(T)),
+ comp_succ :: map(component_id, sparse_bitset(component_id)),
+ % Stack of vertices being visited.
+ vstack :: list(digraph_key(T)),
+ % Stack of components and the height of the stack.
+ cstack :: list(component_id),
+ cstack_height :: int,
+ % The successors and predecessors of each vertex in the graph
+ % we are building.
+ succ_map :: key_set_map(T),
+ pred_map :: key_set_map(T)
+ ).
+:- type component_id
+ ---> component_id(uint).
+:- instance uenum(component_id) where [
+ to_uint(component_id(UInt)) = UInt,
+ from_uint(UInt, component_id(UInt))
+stack_tc(G, Tc) :-
+ G = digraph(NextKey, VMap, FwdMap0, _BwdMap0),
+ Visit0 = stack_tc_visit(0u, map.init, map.init),
+ State0 = stack_tc_state(map.init, sparse_bitset.init,
+ 0u, map.init, map.init, map.init, [], [], 0, map.init, map.init),
+ bimap.foldl2(stack_tc_main_loop(FwdMap0), VMap,
+ Visit0, _Visit, State0, State),
+ State = stack_tc_state(_, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, FwdMap, BwdMap),
+ Tc = digraph(NextKey, VMap, FwdMap, BwdMap).
+:- pred stack_tc_main_loop(key_set_map(T)::in, T::in, digraph_key(T)::in,
+ stack_tc_visit(T)::in, stack_tc_visit(T)::out,
+ stack_tc_state(T)::in, stack_tc_state(T)::out) is det.
+stack_tc_main_loop(OrigEdges, _V, KeyV, !Visit, !State) :-
+ ( if stack_tc_new_visit_no_parent(KeyV, !Visit) then
+ stack_tc(OrigEdges, KeyV, !Visit, !State)
+ else
+ true
+ ).
+:- pred stack_tc_new_visit_no_parent(digraph_key(T)::in,
+ stack_tc_visit(T)::in, stack_tc_visit(T)::out) is semidet.
+stack_tc_new_visit_no_parent(V, !Visit) :-
+ Counter0 = !.Visit ^ visit_counter,
+ Map0 = !.Visit ^ visit_map,
+ map.insert(V, Counter0, Map0, Map),
+ Counter = Counter0 + 1u,
+ !Visit ^ visit_counter := Counter,
+ !Visit ^ visit_map := Map.
+:- pred stack_tc_new_visit_via(digraph_key(T)::in, digraph_key(T)::in,
+ stack_tc_visit(T)::in, stack_tc_visit(T)::out) is semidet.
+stack_tc_new_visit_via(Parent, V, !Visit) :-
+ Counter0 = !.Visit ^ visit_counter,
+ Map0 = !.Visit ^ visit_map,
+ TreeEdges0 = !.Visit ^ tree_edges,
+ map.insert(V, Counter0, Map0, Map),
+ Counter = Counter0 + 1u,
+ Parent = digraph_key(ParentI),
+ key_set_map_add(ParentI, V, TreeEdges0, TreeEdges),
+ !Visit ^ visit_counter := Counter,
+ !Visit ^ visit_map := Map,
+ !Visit ^ tree_edges := TreeEdges.
+:- pred stack_tc(key_set_map(T)::in, digraph_key(T)::in,
+ stack_tc_visit(T)::in, stack_tc_visit(T)::out,
+ stack_tc_state(T)::in, stack_tc_state(T)::out) is det.
+stack_tc(OrigEdges, V, !Visit, !State) :-
+ some [!RootMap, !VStack] (
+ !:RootMap = !.State ^ root_map,
+ !:VStack = !.State ^ vstack,
+ map.det_insert(V, V, !RootMap),
+ !:VStack = [V | !.VStack],
+ !State ^ root_map := !.RootMap,
+ !State ^ vstack := !.VStack
+ ),
+ SavedHeight = !.State ^ cstack_height,
+ get_successors(OrigEdges, V, OrigSuccV),
+ sparse_bitset.foldl2(stack_tc_for_v_w(OrigEdges, V), OrigSuccV,
+ !Visit, !State),
+ RootMap = !.State ^ root_map,
+ ( if map.search(RootMap, V, V) then
+ % V is the root vertex of a new component C.
+ new_component(C, !State),
+ some [!VStack, !CStack, !CStackHeight] (
+ !:VStack = !.State ^ vstack,
+ !:CStack = !.State ^ cstack,
+ !:CStackHeight = !.State ^ cstack_height,
+ % Ws are the other vertices in the component.
+ pop_component(V, Ws, !VStack),
+ pop_cstack_to_height(SavedHeight, PoppedComps0,
+ !CStack, !CStackHeight),
+ % The original algorithm would sort the components in cstack
+ % between SavedHeight and the top of cstack into a topological
+ % order and eliminate duplicates.
+ %
+ % We don't do the topological sorting as it's not obvious how.
+ % We do optimistically remove consecutive duplicates. It probably
+ % doesn't make a big difference as our run time is dominated by
+ % maintaining the successor and predecessor maps, so some extra
+ % bitset union operations should have relatively little impact.
+ list.remove_dups(PoppedComps0, PoppedComps),
+ !State ^ vstack := !.VStack,
+ !State ^ cstack := !.CStack,
+ !State ^ cstack_height := !.CStackHeight
+ ),
+ some [!VertComp, !CompVerts, !CompSucc, !SuccMap, !PredMap] (
+ !:VertComp = !.State ^ vert_comp,
+ !:CompVerts = !.State ^ comp_verts,
+ % Record C as the component of each of the vertices.
+ list.foldl(assign_component_to_vertex(C), [V | Ws], !VertComp),
+ % Record the vertices that make up the component C.
+ sparse_bitset.list_to_set([V | Ws], VWs),
+ map.det_insert(C, VWs, !CompVerts),
+ ( if
+ (
+ Ws = [_ | _] % i.e. C is non-trivial.
+ ;
+ has_self_loop(!.State, V)
+ )
+ then
+ SuccC0 = sparse_bitset.make_singleton_set(C)
+ else
+ SuccC0 = sparse_bitset.init
+ ),
+ % Compute the successor set of the component C.
+ !:CompSucc = !.State ^ comp_succ,
+ list.foldl(build_component_successor_set(!.CompSucc),
+ PoppedComps, SuccC0, SuccC),
+ map.det_insert(C, SuccC, !CompSucc),
+ % Maintain the successor and predessor maps for each vertex.
+ % This is not part of the original algorithm. It ends up taking
+ % the majority of the run time for this implmentation.
+ !:SuccMap = !.State ^ succ_map,
+ !:PredMap = !.State ^ pred_map,
+ union_components_vertices(!.CompVerts, SuccC, SuccVerts),
+ list.foldl(add_successors(SuccVerts), [V | Ws], !SuccMap),
+ sparse_bitset.foldl(add_predecessors(VWs), SuccVerts, !PredMap),
+ !State ^ vert_comp := !.VertComp,
+ !State ^ comp_verts := !.CompVerts,
+ !State ^ comp_succ := !.CompSucc,
+ !State ^ succ_map := !.SuccMap,
+ !State ^ pred_map := !.PredMap
+ )
+ else
+ % V is not the root of a component.
+ true
+ ).
+:- pred stack_tc_for_v_w(key_set_map(T)::in,
+ digraph_key(T)::in, digraph_key(T)::in,
+ stack_tc_visit(T)::in, stack_tc_visit(T)::out,
+ stack_tc_state(T)::in, stack_tc_state(T)::out) is det.
+stack_tc_for_v_w(OrigEdges, V, W, !Visit, !State) :-
+ ( if W = V then
+ set_self_loop(V, !State)
+ else
+ ( if stack_tc_new_visit_via(V, W, !Visit) then
+ stack_tc(OrigEdges, W, !Visit, !State)
+ else
+ true
+ ),
+ VertComp = !.State ^ vert_comp,
+ ( if not map.contains(VertComp, W) then
+ RootMap0 = !.State ^ root_map,
+ map.lookup(RootMap0, V, RootV),
+ map.lookup(RootMap0, W, RootW),
+ ( if stack_tc_visited_earlier(!.Visit, RootV, RootW) then
+ map.det_update(V, RootW, RootMap0, RootMap),
+ !State ^ root_map := RootMap
+ else
+ true
+ )
+ else if not is_forward_edge(!.Visit, V, W) then
+ map.lookup(VertComp, W, CompW),
+ push_cstack(CompW, !State)
+ else
+ true
+ )
+ ).
+:- pred stack_tc_visited_earlier(stack_tc_visit(T)::in,
+ digraph_key(T)::in, digraph_key(T)::in) is semidet.
+stack_tc_visited_earlier(Visit, X, Y) :-
+ VisitMap = Visit ^ visit_map,
+ map.lookup(VisitMap, X, OrderX),
+ map.lookup(VisitMap, Y, OrderY),
+ OrderY < OrderX.
+:- pred is_forward_edge(stack_tc_visit(T)::in,
+ digraph_key(T)::in, digraph_key(T)::in) is semidet.
+is_forward_edge(Visit, V, W) :-
+ stack_tc_visited_earlier(Visit, W, V),
+ TreeEdges = Visit ^ tree_edges,
+ not key_set_map_contains(TreeEdges, V, W).
+:- pred has_self_loop(stack_tc_state(T)::in, digraph_key(T)::in) is semidet.
+has_self_loop(State, V) :-
+ SelfLoops = State ^ self_loop,
+ sparse_bitset.contains(SelfLoops, V).
+:- pred set_self_loop(digraph_key(T)::in,
+ stack_tc_state(T)::in, stack_tc_state(T)::out) is det.
+set_self_loop(V, !State) :-
+ SelfLoop0 = !.State ^ self_loop,
+ sparse_bitset.insert(V, SelfLoop0, SelfLoop),
+ !State ^ self_loop := SelfLoop.
+:- pred new_component(component_id::out,
+ stack_tc_state(T)::in, stack_tc_state(T)::out) is det.
+new_component(Comp, !State) :-
+ Counter0 = !.State ^ comp_counter,
+ Comp = component_id(Counter0),
+ Counter = Counter0 + 1u,
+ !State ^ comp_counter := Counter.
+:- pred push_cstack(component_id::in,
+ stack_tc_state(T)::in, stack_tc_state(T)::out) is det.
+push_cstack(Comp, !State) :-
+ CStack0 = !.State ^ cstack,
+ Height0 = !.State ^ cstack_height,
+ CStack = [Comp | CStack0],
+ Height = Height0 + 1,
+ !State ^ cstack := CStack,
+ !State ^ cstack_height := Height.
+:- pred pop_cstack_to_height(int::in, list(component_id)::out,
+ list(component_id)::in, list(component_id)::out,
+ int::in, int::out) is det.
+pop_cstack_to_height(SavedHeight, Popped, CStack0, CStack, Height0, Height) :-
+ NumToPop = Height0 - SavedHeight,
+ list.det_split_list(NumToPop, CStack0, Popped, CStack),
+ Height = SavedHeight.
+:- pred assign_component_to_vertex(component_id::in, digraph_key(T)::in,
+ map(digraph_key(T), component_id)::in,
+ map(digraph_key(T), component_id)::out) is det.
+assign_component_to_vertex(C, V, !Map) :-
+ map.det_insert(V, C, !Map).
+:- pred build_component_successor_set(
+ map(component_id, sparse_bitset(component_id))::in, component_id::in,
+ sparse_bitset(component_id)::in, sparse_bitset(component_id)::out) is det.
+build_component_successor_set(CompSucc, X, !SuccC) :-
+ ( if sparse_bitset.contains(!.SuccC, X) then
+ true
+ else
+ map.lookup(CompSucc, X, SuccX),
+ sparse_bitset.insert(X, !SuccC),
+ sparse_bitset.union(SuccX, !SuccC)
+ ).
+:- pred union_components_vertices(map(component_id, digraph_key_set(T))::in,
+ sparse_bitset(component_id)::in, digraph_key_set(T)::out) is det.
+union_components_vertices(CompVerts, Cs, Vs) :-
+ sparse_bitset.foldl(get_component_vertices(CompVerts), Cs, [], VsList),
+ sparse_bitset.union_list(VsList, Vs).
+:- pred get_component_vertices(map(component_id, digraph_key_set(T))::in,
+ component_id::in,
+ list(digraph_key_set(T))::in, list(digraph_key_set(T))::out) is det.
+get_component_vertices(CompVerts, C, !VsList) :-
+ map.lookup(CompVerts, C, Vs),
+ !:VsList = [Vs | !.VsList].
rtc(G) = reflexive_transitive_closure(G).
rtc(G, Rtc) :-
diff --git a/tests/hard_coded/digraph_tc.m b/tests/hard_coded/digraph_tc.m
index 2595cda21..74a1a8e11 100644
--- a/tests/hard_coded/digraph_tc.m
+++ b/tests/hard_coded/digraph_tc.m
@@ -207,7 +207,9 @@ generate_edge(KeysArray, !G, !R) :-
:- pred test_graph(digraph(string)::in, bool::in, io::di, io::uo) is det.
test_graph(G, Verbose, !IO) :-
- tc(G, TC),
+ tc(G, TC), % basic_tc
+ simple_tc(G, SimpleTC),
+ stack_tc(G, StackTC),
slow_tc(G, SlowTC),
io.print_line("---- G ----", !IO),
@@ -225,13 +227,34 @@ test_graph(G, Verbose, !IO) :-
( if same_graph(TC, SlowTC) then
- io.write_string("** TC mismatch\n\n", !IO),
+ io.write_string("** TC != SlowTC\n\n", !IO),
+ io.set_exit_status(1, !IO)
+ ),
+ ( if same_graph(SimpleTC, SlowTC) then
+ true
+ else
+ io.write_string("** SimpleTC != SlowTC\n\n", !IO),
+ io.set_exit_status(1, !IO)
+ ),
+ ( if same_graph(StackTC, SlowTC) then
+ true
+ else
+ io.write_string("** StackTC != SlowTC\n\n", !IO),
io.set_exit_status(1, !IO)
:- pred same_graph(digraph(T)::in, digraph(T)::in) is semidet.
same_graph(A, B) :-
+ same_graph_2(A, B),
+ digraph.inverse(A, InvA),
+ digraph.inverse(B, InvB),
+ same_graph_2(InvA, InvB).
+:- pred same_graph_2(digraph(T)::in, digraph(T)::in) is semidet.
+same_graph_2(A, B) :-
digraph.to_assoc_list(A, PairsA),
digraph.to_assoc_list(B, PairsB),
sort(PairsA, SortedPairsA),
@@ -264,8 +287,23 @@ run_benchmark(Size, G, Repeat, !IO) :-
io.format("vertices: %d\n", [i(Size)], !IO),
io.format("edges: %d\n", [i(NumEdges)], !IO),
- benchmark_det(tc, G, _TC, Repeat, TimeTC),
- AvgTimeTC = float(TimeTC) / float(Repeat),
- io.format("tc avg: %f ms\n", [f(AvgTimeTC)], !IO).
+ benchmark_det(tc, G, _BasicTC, Repeat, TimeBasicTC),
+ AvgTimeBasicTC = float(TimeBasicTC) / float(Repeat),
+ io.format("basic_tc avg: %f ms\n", [f(AvgTimeBasicTC)], !IO),
+ benchmark_det(simple_tc, G, _SimpleTC, Repeat, TimeSimpleTC),
+ AvgTimeSimpleTC = float(TimeSimpleTC) / float(Repeat),
+ io.format("simple_tc avg: %f ms\n", [f(AvgTimeSimpleTC)], !IO),
+ benchmark_det(stack_tc, G, _StackTC, Repeat, TimeStackTC),
+ AvgTimeStackTC = float(TimeStackTC) / float(Repeat),
+ io.format("stack_tc avg: %f ms\n", [f(AvgTimeStackTC)], !IO),
+ io.nl(!IO),
+ F1 = float(TimeSimpleTC) / float(TimeBasicTC),
+ io.format("basic_tc %f times as fast as simple_tc\n", [f(F1)], !IO),
+ F2 = float(TimeStackTC) / float(TimeBasicTC),
+ io.format("basic_tc %f times as fast as stack_tc\n", [f(F2)], !IO),
+ io.nl(!IO).
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