[m-rev.] for review: Implement simple_tc algorithm.

Peter Wang novalazy at gmail.com
Wed Jan 18 12:10:16 AEDT 2023

On Tue, 17 Jan 2023 17:34:19 +1100 Peter Wang <novalazy at gmail.com> wrote:
> +:- pred simple_tc(key_set_map(T)::in, digraph_key(T)::in,
> +    simple_tc_visit(T)::in, simple_tc_visit(T)::out,
> +    simple_tc_state(T)::in, simple_tc_state(T)::out) is det.
> +
> +simple_tc(OrigEdges, V, !Visit, !State) :-
> +    some [!RootMap, !Stack] (
> +        !:RootMap = !.State ^ root_map,
> +        !:Stack = !.State ^ stack,
> +
> +        map.det_insert(V, V, !RootMap),
> +        !:Stack = [V | !.Stack],
> +
> +        !State ^ root_map := !.RootMap,
> +        !State ^ stack := !.Stack
> +    ),
> +
> +    get_successors(OrigEdges, V, OrigSuccV),
> +    sparse_bitset.foldl2(simple_tc_for_v_w(OrigEdges, V), OrigSuccV,
> +        !Visit, !State),
> +
> +    RootMap = !.State ^ root_map,
> +    ( if map.search(RootMap, V, V) then
> +        some [!Stack, !Comp, !SuccMap, !PredMap] (
> +            !:Stack = !.State ^ stack,
> +            !:Comp = !.State ^ comp,
> +            !:SuccMap = !.State ^ succ_map,
> +            !:PredMap = !.State ^ pred_map,
> +
> +            % V is the root of a component that also contains Ws.
> +            pop_component(V, Ws, !Stack),
> +            sparse_bitset.insert(V, !Comp),
> +            sparse_bitset.insert_list(Ws, !Comp),
> +
> +            % Distribute successors from the root V to other vertices in the
> +            % component.
> +            get_successors(!.SuccMap, V, SuccV),
> +            list.foldl(add_successors(SuccV), Ws, !SuccMap),
> +
> +            % Maintain the predecessor map from the (new) successors back to
> +            % each vertex in the component. This ends up dominating the time
> +            % spent computing the transitive closure, even though the user may
> +            % not make use of the precessor map at all.
> +            add_predecessors(SuccV, V, !PredMap),
> +            list.foldl(add_predecessors(SuccV), Ws, !PredMap),

We can update the precessor maps more efficiently. With the following
change, benchmarks on some randomly generated graphs ran from 2.33 to 93
times as fast as the old algorithm.


diff --git a/library/digraph.m b/library/digraph.m
index fb831e84e..b54788929 100644
--- a/library/digraph.m
+++ b/library/digraph.m
@@ -444,6 +444,17 @@ key_set_map_add(XI, Y, Map0, Map) :-
         map.det_insert(XI, SuccXs, Map0, Map)

+:- pred key_set_map_union(uint::in, digraph_key_set(T)::in,
+    key_set_map(T)::in, key_set_map(T)::out) is det.
+key_set_map_union(XI, Ys, Map0, Map) :-
+    ( if map.search(Map0, XI, SuccXs0) then
+        sparse_bitset.union(Ys, SuccXs0, SuccXs),
+        map.det_update(XI, SuccXs, Map0, Map)
+    else
+        map.det_insert(XI, Ys, Map0, Map)
+    ).
 :- pred key_set_map_delete(uint::in, digraph_key(T)::in,
     key_set_map(T)::in, key_set_map(T)::out) is det.

@@ -1189,8 +1200,14 @@ simple_tc(OrigEdges, V, !Visit, !State) :-
             % each vertex in the component. This ends up dominating the time
             % spent computing the transitive closure, even though the user may
             % not make use of the precessor map at all.
-            add_predecessors(SuccV, V, !PredMap),
-            list.foldl(add_predecessors(SuccV), Ws, !PredMap),
+            (
+                Ws = [],
+                sparse_bitset.foldl(add_predecessor(V), SuccV, !PredMap)
+            ;
+                Ws = [_ | _],
+                sparse_bitset.list_to_set([V | Ws], VWs),
+                sparse_bitset.foldl(add_predecessors(VWs), SuccV, !PredMap)
+            ),

             !State ^ stack := !.Stack,
             !State ^ comp := !.Comp,
@@ -1281,28 +1298,23 @@ get_successors(SuccMap, V, SuccV) :-
 :- pred add_successors(digraph_key_set(T)::in, digraph_key(T)::in,
     key_set_map(T)::in, key_set_map(T)::out) is det.

-add_successors(Successors, V, !SuccMap) :-
-    V = digraph_key(VI),
-    ( if map.search(!.SuccMap, VI, SuccV0) then
-        sparse_bitset.union(Successors, SuccV0, SuccV),
-        map.det_update(VI, SuccV, !SuccMap)
-    else
-        SuccV = Successors,
-        map.det_insert(VI, SuccV, !SuccMap)
-    ).
+add_successors(Ys, X, !Map) :-
+    X = digraph_key(XI),
+    key_set_map_union(XI, Ys, !Map).

 :- pred add_predecessors(digraph_key_set(T)::in, digraph_key(T)::in,
     key_set_map(T)::in, key_set_map(T)::out) is det.

-add_predecessors(Successors, V, !PredMap) :-
-    sparse_bitset.foldl(add_predecessor(V), Successors, !PredMap).
+add_predecessors(Ys, X, !Map) :-
+    X = digraph_key(XI),
+    key_set_map_union(XI, Ys, !Map).

 :- pred add_predecessor(digraph_key(T)::in, digraph_key(T)::in,
     key_set_map(T)::in, key_set_map(T)::out) is det.

-add_predecessor(V, Successor, !PredMap) :-
-    Successor = digraph_key(SuccessorI),
-    key_set_map_add(SuccessorI, V, !PredMap).
+add_predecessor(Y, X, !Map) :-
+    X = digraph_key(XI),
+    key_set_map_add(XI, Y, !Map).


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