[m-rev.] for review: implement the rest of the extension changes proposal

Julien Fischer jfischer at opturion.com
Fri Aug 18 21:59:39 AEST 2023

On Thu, 17 Aug 2023, Zoltan Somogyi wrote:

> For review by anyone, and for tryout by Julien on Windows.

This evening's ROTD build has fallen over while attempting to install
the Java grade; I suspect it is this change.

The error is below, but th relevant information is probably the
command line used to invoke the Java compiler, which isn't captured
in the .err file.



Making Java class files
Note: Some input files use unchecked or unsafe operations.
Note: Recompile with -Xlint:unchecked for details.
Making Mercury/classes/jmercury/array.class
Mercury/javas/jmercury/array.java:415: error: package string__parse_util
does not exist
   private static final string__parse_util.String_format_flags_0[]
MR_scalar_common_3 = new string__parse_util.String_format_flags_0[1];
Mercury/javas/jmercury/array.java:416: error: package
string__parse_util.String_format_maybe_width_0 does not exist
   private static final
MR_scalar_common_4 = new
Mercury/javas/jmercury/array.java:417: error: package
string__parse_util.String_format_maybe_prec_0 does not exist
   private static final
MR_scalar_common_5 = new
Mercury/javas/jmercury/array.java:418: error: package list.List_1 does
not exist
   private static final list.List_1.F_nil_0[] MR_scalar_common_6 = new
Mercury/javas/jmercury/array.java:2093: error: package builtin does not
   public static builtin.Comparison_result_0
... output log truncated, see `array.err' for the complete log.
** Error making `Mercury/classes/jmercury/array.class'.
gmake[1]: *** [libmer_std.install] Error 1

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