[m-rev.] Fwd: for review: fix type cast bug in extras/graphics/samples/maze/maze.m

Fabrice Nicol fabrnicol at gmail.com
Wed Jan 5 12:50:26 AEDT 2022

As another modest proposal for review by anyone.


Bug issue (fixed): building samples/maze crashes with following error 
report in maze.err:

maze.m:109: In clause for predicate `main'/2:
maze.m:109:   in argument 3 of call to predicate `io.format'/5:
maze.m:109:   in list element #0:
maze.m:109:   in unification of argument
maze.m:109:   and term `s(Str)':
maze.m:109:   type error in argument of functor `s'/1.
maze.m:109:   Argument 1 (Str) has type `getopt.option_error(maze.option)',
maze.m:109:   expected type was `string'.
maze.m:109:   One possible reason for the error is that the signatures 
of the
maze.m:109:   option processing predicates in the `getopt' module have 
maze.m:109:   recently. Errors are now returned in a structured form, 
which can
maze.m:109:   be converted to a string by calling the 
maze.m:109:   function


Proposed fix:


         Fixed as suggested in maze.err, see above


Fix was tested under Gentoo Linux (amd64 branch, freeglut v.3.2.1, mesa 
v.21.2.6) by building application 'maze' in directory 'samples'.

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