[m-rev.] for review: Make subtypes share high-level data representation with base type.

Peter Wang novalazy at gmail.com
Thu Apr 1 12:24:05 AEDT 2021

In the high-level data representation, make a subtype term be
represented using the class corresponding to the base type constructor
instead of its own class. This is necessary to be able to downcast
a term from a type to a subtype in Java and C#.

    Move get_base_type_ctor predicate to type_util.m.

    Abort in a couple of places that should not occur.

    Add get_base_type_ctor predicate.

    Add compilation_target_high_level_data predicate.

    Use compilation_target_high_level_data predicate.

    When using the high-level data representation,
    don't generate a MLDS type definition (class) for a subtype.

    When using the high-level data representation,
    replace a Mercury subtype with its base type in an mlds_type.

    Move foreign_type_to_mlds_type.

    To access a field when using the high-level data representation,
    use field names from the base type constructor of a subtype.

    When using the high-level data representation,
    generate unify/compare procs for subtypes that just call the
    unify/compare proc for the base type constructor.

    Delete references to --high-level and --high-level-data.


    Document a new field MR_type_ctor_base in MR_TypeCtorInfo_Struct.
    The field is unnecessary and does not exist in the
    MR_TypeCtorInfo_Struct for C.

    Add type_ctor_base member to MR_TypeCtorInfo_Struct for C#.

    Add type_ctor_base member to MR_TypeCtorInfo_Struct for Java.

    Add field correponding to MR_type_ctor_base in type_ctor_details
    for enum, notag and general du types.

    Initialize the MR_type_ctor_base field in type_ctor_infos
    for high-level data grades.

    Don't write out the MR_type_ctor_base field when using
    the low-level data representation.

    In Java and C# grades (high-level data grades), use the
    MR_type_ctor_base field to get the type_ctor_info of the base type
    ctor when constructing or deconstructing terms of a subtype.
    It is necessary to perform reflection using class and field names
    from the base type constructor since there are no classes
    correponding to subtypes.

    Clean up some code.


    Add a test case.

    Enable a test that was previously skipped in Java and C# grades.
 compiler/du_type_layout.m             |  62 +---
 compiler/globals.m                    |  24 +-
 compiler/lco.m                        |  10 +-
 compiler/ml_type_gen.m                |  53 ++--
 compiler/ml_unify_gen_util.m          |  20 +-
 compiler/mlds.m                       | 236 +++++++++++----
 compiler/options.m                    |   7 +-
 compiler/rtti.m                       |  28 +-
 compiler/rtti_out.m                   |  11 +-
 compiler/rtti_to_mlds.m               |  72 ++++-
 compiler/type_ctor_info.m             |  75 +++--
 compiler/type_util.m                  |  53 ++++
 compiler/unify_proc.m                 | 195 +++++++++----
 java/runtime/TypeCtorInfo_Struct.java |  34 ++-
 library/rtti_implementation.m         | 394 +++++++++++++++++++-------
 runtime/mercury_dotnet.cs.in          |  60 ++--
 runtime/mercury_type_info.h           |   9 +-
 tests/hard_coded/Mmakefile            |   1 +
 tests/hard_coded/subtype_abstract.exp |   1 +
 tests/hard_coded/subtype_abstract.m   |  25 ++
 tests/hard_coded/subtype_abstract_2.m |  30 ++
 tests/hard_coded/subtype_rtti.exp2    |   4 +-
 tests/hard_coded/subtype_rtti.m       |  17 +-
 23 files changed, 976 insertions(+), 445 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 tests/hard_coded/subtype_abstract.exp
 create mode 100644 tests/hard_coded/subtype_abstract.m
 create mode 100644 tests/hard_coded/subtype_abstract_2.m

diff --git a/compiler/du_type_layout.m b/compiler/du_type_layout.m
index ac52d7986..2e75b94a9 100644
--- a/compiler/du_type_layout.m
+++ b/compiler/du_type_layout.m
@@ -133,7 +133,6 @@
 :- import_module one_or_more.
 :- import_module pair.
 :- import_module require.
-:- import_module set.
 :- import_module string.
 :- import_module term.
 :- import_module uint.
@@ -705,7 +704,7 @@ add_if_subtype_of_simple_du_type_to_maps(OldTypeTable, TypeCtorTypeDefn,
                     TypeCtor, TypeParams, yes(Ctors), !NoTagTypeMap)
-                true
+                unexpected($pred, "cannot get base type")
             MaybeSuperType = no,
@@ -724,7 +723,7 @@ add_if_subtype_of_simple_du_type_to_maps(OldTypeTable, TypeCtorTypeDefn,
                 maybe_copy_no_tag_type_from_base(BaseTypeCtor, TypeCtor,
                     TypeParams, no, !NoTagTypeMap)
-                true
+                unexpected($pred, "cannot get base type")
             ( AbstractDetails = abstract_type_general
@@ -743,63 +742,6 @@ add_if_subtype_of_simple_du_type_to_maps(OldTypeTable, TypeCtorTypeDefn,
         unexpected($pred, "not subtype")
-:- pred get_base_type_ctor(type_table::in, type_ctor::in, type_ctor::out)
-    is semidet.
-get_base_type_ctor(TypeTable, TypeCtor, BaseTypeCtor) :-
-    set.init(Seen0),
-    get_base_type_ctor_loop(TypeTable, TypeCtor, BaseTypeCtor, Seen0).
-:- pred get_base_type_ctor_loop(type_table::in, type_ctor::in, type_ctor::out,
-    set(type_ctor)::in) is semidet.
-get_base_type_ctor_loop(TypeTable, TypeCtor, BaseTypeCtor, Seen0) :-
-    % Check for circularities.
-    set.insert_new(TypeCtor, Seen0, Seen1),
-    search_type_ctor_defn(TypeTable, TypeCtor, TypeDefn),
-    get_type_defn_body(TypeDefn, TypeBody),
-    require_complete_switch [TypeBody]
-    (
-        TypeBody = hlds_du_type(_, MaybeSuperType, _, _, _),
-        (
-            MaybeSuperType = no,
-            BaseTypeCtor = TypeCtor
-        ;
-            MaybeSuperType = yes(SuperType),
-            type_to_ctor(SuperType, SuperTypeCtor),
-            get_base_type_ctor_loop(TypeTable, SuperTypeCtor, BaseTypeCtor,
-                Seen1)
-        )
-    ;
-        TypeBody = hlds_abstract_type(AbstractDetails),
-        require_complete_switch [AbstractDetails]
-        (
-            ( AbstractDetails = abstract_type_general
-            ; AbstractDetails = abstract_type_fits_in_n_bits(_)
-            ; AbstractDetails = abstract_dummy_type
-            ; AbstractDetails = abstract_notag_type
-            ),
-            BaseTypeCtor = TypeCtor
-        ;
-            AbstractDetails = abstract_subtype(SuperTypeCtor),
-            get_base_type_ctor_loop(TypeTable, SuperTypeCtor, BaseTypeCtor,
-                Seen1)
-        ;
-            AbstractDetails = abstract_solver_type,
-            unexpected($pred, "base type is abstract solver type")
-        )
-    ;
-        TypeBody = hlds_eqv_type(EqvType),
-        type_to_ctor(EqvType, EqvTypeCtor),
-        get_base_type_ctor_loop(TypeTable, EqvTypeCtor, BaseTypeCtor, Seen1)
-    ;
-        TypeBody = hlds_foreign_type(_),
-        unexpected($pred, "base type is foreign type")
-    ;
-        TypeBody = hlds_solver_type(_),
-        unexpected($pred, "base type is solver type")
-    ).
 :- pred maybe_copy_component_kind_from_base(type_ctor::in, type_ctor::in,
     component_type_map::in, component_type_map::out) is det.
diff --git a/compiler/globals.m b/compiler/globals.m
index 6263b4e2e..c21ad6105 100644
--- a/compiler/globals.m
+++ b/compiler/globals.m
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
 % vim: ft=mercury ts=4 sw=4 et
 % Copyright (C) 1994-2012 The University of Melbourne.
-% Copyright (C) 2013-2017 The Mercury Team.
+% Copyright (C) 2013-2021 The Mercury Team.
 % This file may only be copied under the terms of the GNU General
 % Public License - see the file COPYING in the Mercury distribution.
@@ -66,14 +66,18 @@
     ;       lang_csharp
     ;       lang_java.
-:- func target_lang_to_foreign_export_lang(compilation_target)
-    = foreign_language.
     % A string representation of the compilation target suitable
     % for use in human-readable error messages.
 :- func compilation_target_string(compilation_target) = string.
+    % Return if the compilation target uses high-level data.
+    %
+:- func compilation_target_high_level_data(compilation_target) = bool.
+:- func target_lang_to_foreign_export_lang(compilation_target)
+    = foreign_language.
     % A string representation of the foreign language suitable
     % for use in human-readable error messages.
@@ -461,14 +465,18 @@
-target_lang_to_foreign_export_lang(target_c) = lang_c.
-target_lang_to_foreign_export_lang(target_csharp) = lang_csharp.
-target_lang_to_foreign_export_lang(target_java) = lang_java.
 compilation_target_string(target_c) = "C".
 compilation_target_string(target_csharp) = "C#".
 compilation_target_string(target_java) = "Java".
+compilation_target_high_level_data(target_c) = no.
+compilation_target_high_level_data(target_csharp) = yes.
+compilation_target_high_level_data(target_java) = yes.
+target_lang_to_foreign_export_lang(target_c) = lang_c.
+target_lang_to_foreign_export_lang(target_csharp) = lang_csharp.
+target_lang_to_foreign_export_lang(target_java) = lang_java.
 foreign_language_string(lang_c) = "C".
 foreign_language_string(lang_csharp) = "C#".
 foreign_language_string(lang_java) = "Java".
diff --git a/compiler/lco.m b/compiler/lco.m
index 9a263e4ad..2726a09c6 100644
--- a/compiler/lco.m
+++ b/compiler/lco.m
@@ -456,15 +456,7 @@ lco_proc(LowerSCCVariants, SCC, CurProc, PredInfo, ProcInfo0,
     proc_info_get_inferred_determinism(ProcInfo0, CurProcDetism),
     module_info_get_globals(!.ModuleInfo, Globals),
     globals.get_target(Globals, Target),
-    (
-        Target = target_c,
-        HighLevelData = no
-    ;
-        ( Target = target_java
-        ; Target = target_csharp
-        ),
-        HighLevelData = yes
-    ),
+    HighLevelData = compilation_target_high_level_data(Target),
     globals.lookup_bool_option(Globals, unboxed_float, UnboxedFloat),
         UnboxedFloat = no,
diff --git a/compiler/ml_type_gen.m b/compiler/ml_type_gen.m
index 1d7812b5d..5d5431bc1 100644
--- a/compiler/ml_type_gen.m
+++ b/compiler/ml_type_gen.m
@@ -201,38 +201,45 @@ ml_gen_hld_type_defn(ModuleInfo, Target, TypeCtor, TypeDefn, !ClassDefns) :-
         % see our BABEL'01 paper "Compiling Mercury to the .NET CLR".
         % The same issue arises for some of the other kinds of types.
-        TypeBody = hlds_du_type(_Ctors, _MaybeSuperType, MaybeUserEqComp,
+        TypeBody = hlds_du_type(_Ctors, MaybeSuperType, MaybeUserEqComp,
             MaybeRepn, _Foreign),
-        % XXX SUBTYPE
             MaybeRepn = no,
             unexpected($pred, "MaybeRepn = no")
             MaybeRepn = yes(Repn)
-        Repn = du_type_repn(CtorRepns, _ConsCtorMap, _CheaperTagTest,
-            DuTypeKind, _MaybeDirectArgCtors),
-        ml_gen_equality_members(MaybeUserEqComp, MaybeEqualityMembers),
-            ( DuTypeKind = du_type_kind_mercury_enum
-            ; DuTypeKind = du_type_kind_foreign_enum(_)
-            ),
-            ml_gen_hld_enum_type(Target, TypeCtor, TypeDefn, CtorRepns,
-                MaybeEqualityMembers, ClassDefn)
-        ;
-            DuTypeKind = du_type_kind_direct_dummy,
-            % XXX We shouldn't have to generate an MLDS type for these types,
-            % but it is not easy to ensure that we never refer to that type.
-            ml_gen_hld_enum_type(Target, TypeCtor, TypeDefn, CtorRepns,
-                MaybeEqualityMembers, ClassDefn)
+            MaybeSuperType = yes(_)
+            % In high-level data grades, a subtype uses the same class as its
+            % base type ctor.
-            ( DuTypeKind = du_type_kind_notag(_, _, _)
-            ; DuTypeKind = du_type_kind_general
+            MaybeSuperType = no,
+            Repn = du_type_repn(CtorRepns, _ConsCtorMap, _CheaperTagTest,
+                DuTypeKind, _MaybeDirectArgCtors),
+            ml_gen_equality_members(MaybeUserEqComp, MaybeEqualityMembers),
+            (
+                ( DuTypeKind = du_type_kind_mercury_enum
+                ; DuTypeKind = du_type_kind_foreign_enum(_)
+                ),
+                ml_gen_hld_enum_type(Target, TypeCtor, TypeDefn, CtorRepns,
+                    MaybeEqualityMembers, ClassDefn)
+            ;
+                DuTypeKind = du_type_kind_direct_dummy,
+                % XXX We shouldn't have to generate an MLDS type for these
+                % types, but it is not easy to ensure that we never refer to
+                % that type.
+                ml_gen_hld_enum_type(Target, TypeCtor, TypeDefn, CtorRepns,
+                    MaybeEqualityMembers, ClassDefn)
+            ;
+                ( DuTypeKind = du_type_kind_notag(_, _, _)
+                ; DuTypeKind = du_type_kind_general
+                ),
+                ml_gen_hld_du_type(ModuleInfo, Target, TypeCtor, TypeDefn,
+                    CtorRepns, MaybeEqualityMembers, ClassDefn)
-            ml_gen_hld_du_type(ModuleInfo, Target, TypeCtor, TypeDefn,
-                CtorRepns, MaybeEqualityMembers, ClassDefn)
-        ),
-        !:ClassDefns = [ClassDefn | !.ClassDefns]
+            !:ClassDefns = [ClassDefn | !.ClassDefns]
+        )
@@ -250,7 +257,7 @@ ml_gen_hld_type_defn(ModuleInfo, Target, TypeCtor, TypeDefn, !ClassDefns) :-
     %   };
     % It is marked as an mlds_enum so that the MLDS -> target code generator
-    % can treat it specially if need be (e.g. generating a C enum rather than
+    % can treat it specially if need be (e.g. generating a C# enum rather than
     % a class).
     % Note that for Java the MR_value field is inherited from the
diff --git a/compiler/ml_unify_gen_util.m b/compiler/ml_unify_gen_util.m
index da49d1776..aa1f7935d 100644
--- a/compiler/ml_unify_gen_util.m
+++ b/compiler/ml_unify_gen_util.m
@@ -509,13 +509,24 @@ decide_field_gen(Info, VarLval, VarType, ConsId, ConsTag, Ptag, FieldGen) :-
         % except for tuple types.
         ( if type_is_tuple(VarType, _) then
             FieldVia = field_via_offset
-        else if ConsId = cons(ConsSymName, ConsArity, TypeCtor) then
+        else if ConsId = cons(ConsSymName, ConsArity, ConsTypeCtor) then
+            ml_gen_info_get_module_info(Info, ModuleInfo),
             ml_gen_info_get_target(Info, Target),
             % XXX ARG_PACK Delete this sanity test after it has been tested
             % for a while.
             type_to_ctor_det(VarType, VarTypeCtor),
-            expect(unify(TypeCtor, VarTypeCtor), $pred,
-                "TypeCtor != VarTypeCtor"),
+            expect(unify(ConsTypeCtor, VarTypeCtor), $pred,
+                "ConsTypeCtor != VarTypeCtor"),
+            % With the high-level data representation, subtypes use the same
+            % class as their base type constructor, whose field names are
+            % derived from the base type constructor.
+            module_info_get_type_table(ModuleInfo, TypeTable),
+            ( if get_base_type_ctor(TypeTable, ConsTypeCtor, BaseTypeCtor) then
+                TypeCtor = BaseTypeCtor
+            else
+                TypeCtor = ConsTypeCtor
+            ),
             ml_gen_type_name(TypeCtor, QualTypeName, TypeArity),
             QualTypeName = qual_class_name(MLDS_Module, QualKind, TypeName),
             TypeQualifier = mlds_append_class_qualifier(Target, MLDS_Module,
@@ -592,8 +603,7 @@ ml_gen_hl_tag_field_id(ModuleInfo, Target, Type) = FieldId :-
     lookup_type_ctor_defn(TypeTable, TypeCtor, TypeDefn),
     hlds_data.get_type_defn_body(TypeDefn, TypeDefnBody),
-        TypeDefnBody = hlds_du_type(_, _MaybeSuperType, _, MaybeRepn, _),
-        % XXX SUBTYPE Type representation depends on base type.
+        TypeDefnBody = hlds_du_type(_, _, _, MaybeRepn, _),
             MaybeRepn = no,
             unexpected($pred, "MaybeRepn = no")
diff --git a/compiler/mlds.m b/compiler/mlds.m
index 90e35bde0..25e5f69b5 100644
--- a/compiler/mlds.m
+++ b/compiler/mlds.m
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
 % vim: ft=mercury ts=4 sw=4 et
 % Copyright (C) 1999-2011 The University of Melbourne.
-% Copyright (C) 2013-2018 The Mercury team.
+% Copyright (C) 2013-2021 The Mercury team.
 % This file may only be copied under the terms of the GNU General
 % Public License - see the file COPYING in the Mercury distribution.
@@ -2478,6 +2478,7 @@
 :- import_module check_hlds.
 :- import_module check_hlds.type_util.
 :- import_module mdbcomp.builtin_modules.
+:- import_module parse_tree.builtin_lib_types.
 :- import_module parse_tree.file_names.
 :- import_module parse_tree.java_names.
@@ -2606,59 +2607,14 @@ mlds_get_func_signature(Params) = Signature :-
     ParamTypes = mlds_get_arg_types(Parameters),
     Signature = mlds_func_signature(ParamTypes, RetTypes).
-:- func foreign_type_to_mlds_type(module_info, foreign_type_body) = mlds_type.
-foreign_type_to_mlds_type(ModuleInfo, ForeignTypeBody) = MLDSType :-
-    % The body of this function is very similar to the function
-    % foreign_type_body_to_exported_type in foreign.m.
-    % Any changes here may require changes there as well.
-    ForeignTypeBody = foreign_type_body(MaybeC, MaybeJava, MaybeCSharp),
-    module_info_get_globals(ModuleInfo, Globals),
-    globals.get_target(Globals, Target),
-    (
-        Target = target_c,
-        (
-            MaybeC = yes(Data),
-            Data = type_details_foreign(CForeignType, _, _),
-            ForeignType = c(CForeignType)
-        ;
-            MaybeC = no,
-            % This is checked by check_foreign_type in make_hlds.
-            unexpected($pred, "no C foreign type")
-        )
-    ;
-        Target = target_csharp,
-        (
-            MaybeCSharp = yes(Data),
-            Data = type_details_foreign(CSharpForeignType, _, _),
-            ForeignType = csharp(CSharpForeignType)
-        ;
-            MaybeCSharp = no,
-            % This is checked by check_foreign_type in make_hlds.
-            unexpected($pred, "no C# foreign type")
-        )
-    ;
-        Target = target_java,
-        (
-            MaybeJava = yes(Data),
-            Data = type_details_foreign(JavaForeignType, _, _),
-            ForeignType = java(JavaForeignType)
-        ;
-            MaybeJava = no,
-            % This is checked by check_foreign_type in make_hlds.
-            unexpected($pred, "no Java foreign type")
-        )
-    ),
-    MLDSType = mlds_foreign_type(ForeignType).
-% There is some special-case handling for arrays, foreign types and some
-% other types here, but apart from that, currently we return mlds_types
+% There is some special-case handling for arrays, foreign types, subtypes, and
+% some other types here, but apart from that, currently we return mlds_types
 % that are just the same as Mercury types, except that we also store the type
 % category, so that we can tell if the type is an enumeration or not, without
 % needing to refer to the HLDS type_table.
-% XXX It might be a better idea to get rid of the mercury_type/2 MLDS type
+% XXX It might be a better idea to get rid of the mercury_nb_type/2 MLDS type
 % and instead fully convert all Mercury types to MLDS types.
 mercury_type_to_mlds_type(ModuleInfo, Type) = MLDSType :-
@@ -2692,17 +2648,8 @@ mercury_type_to_mlds_type(ModuleInfo, Type) = MLDSType :-
             module_info_get_type_table(ModuleInfo, TypeTable),
             ( if search_type_ctor_defn(TypeTable, TypeCtor, TypeDefn) then
-                hlds_data.get_type_defn_body(TypeDefn, TypeBody),
-                ( if TypeBody = hlds_foreign_type(ForeignTypeBody) then
-                    MLDSType = foreign_type_to_mlds_type(ModuleInfo,
-                        ForeignTypeBody)
-                else if TypeBody = hlds_abstract_type(_) then
-                    CtorCat = classify_type_ctor(ModuleInfo, TypeCtor),
-                    MLDSType = type_and_category_to_mlds_type(Type, CtorCat)
-                else
-                    CtorCat = classify_type_defn_body(TypeBody),
-                    MLDSType = type_and_category_to_mlds_type(Type, CtorCat)
-                )
+                MLDSType = mercury_type_ctor_defn_to_mlds_type(ModuleInfo,
+                    Type, TypeCtor, TypeDefn)
                 CtorCat = classify_type_ctor(ModuleInfo, TypeCtor),
                 MLDSType = type_and_category_to_mlds_type(Type, CtorCat)
@@ -2713,6 +2660,65 @@ mercury_type_to_mlds_type(ModuleInfo, Type) = MLDSType :-
         MLDSType = mercury_nb_type(Type, Category)
+:- func mercury_type_ctor_defn_to_mlds_type(module_info, mer_type,
+    type_ctor, hlds_type_defn) = mlds_type.
+mercury_type_ctor_defn_to_mlds_type(ModuleInfo, Type, TypeCtor, TypeDefn) =
+        MLDSType :-
+    hlds_data.get_type_defn_body(TypeDefn, TypeBody),
+    (
+        TypeBody = hlds_du_type(_, MaybeSuperType, _, _, _),
+        ( if
+            MaybeSuperType = yes(SuperType),
+            compilation_target_uses_high_level_data(ModuleInfo)
+        then
+            % In high-level data grades, a subtype is represented with the
+            % same class as its base type ctor.
+            type_to_ctor_det(SuperType, SuperTypeCtor),
+            get_base_type_maybe_phony_arg_types(ModuleInfo, SuperTypeCtor,
+                BaseType),
+            CtorCat = classify_type(ModuleInfo, BaseType),
+            MLDSType = type_and_category_to_mlds_type(BaseType, CtorCat)
+        else
+            CtorCat = classify_type_defn_body(TypeBody),
+            MLDSType = type_and_category_to_mlds_type(Type, CtorCat)
+        )
+    ;
+        TypeBody = hlds_abstract_type(DetailsAbstract),
+        (
+            ( DetailsAbstract = abstract_type_general
+            ; DetailsAbstract = abstract_type_fits_in_n_bits(_)
+            ; DetailsAbstract = abstract_dummy_type
+            ; DetailsAbstract = abstract_notag_type
+            ; DetailsAbstract = abstract_solver_type
+            ),
+            CtorCat = classify_type_ctor(ModuleInfo, TypeCtor),
+            MLDSType = type_and_category_to_mlds_type(Type, CtorCat)
+        ;
+            DetailsAbstract = abstract_subtype(SuperTypeCtor),
+            ( if compilation_target_uses_high_level_data(ModuleInfo) then
+                % In high-level data grades, a subtype is represented with the
+                % same class as its base type ctor.
+                get_base_type_maybe_phony_arg_types(ModuleInfo, SuperTypeCtor,
+                    BaseType),
+                CtorCat = classify_type(ModuleInfo, BaseType),
+                MLDSType = type_and_category_to_mlds_type(BaseType, CtorCat)
+            else
+                CtorCat = classify_type_ctor(ModuleInfo, TypeCtor),
+                MLDSType = type_and_category_to_mlds_type(Type, CtorCat)
+            )
+        )
+    ;
+        TypeBody = hlds_foreign_type(ForeignTypeBody),
+        MLDSType = foreign_type_to_mlds_type(ModuleInfo, ForeignTypeBody)
+    ;
+        ( TypeBody = hlds_eqv_type(_)
+        ; TypeBody = hlds_solver_type(_)
+        ),
+        CtorCat = classify_type_defn_body(TypeBody),
+        MLDSType = type_and_category_to_mlds_type(Type, CtorCat)
+    ).
 :- func type_and_category_to_mlds_type(mer_type, type_ctor_category)
     = mlds_type.
@@ -2735,6 +2741,116 @@ type_and_category_to_mlds_type(Type, CtorCat) = MLDSType :-
         MLDSType = mercury_nb_type(Type, CtorCat)
+:- pred compilation_target_uses_high_level_data(module_info::in) is semidet.
+compilation_target_uses_high_level_data(ModuleInfo) :-
+    module_info_get_globals(ModuleInfo, Globals),
+    globals.get_target(Globals, Target),
+    compilation_target_high_level_data(Target) = yes.
+:- pred get_base_type_maybe_phony_arg_types(module_info::in, type_ctor::in,
+    mer_type::out) is det.
+get_base_type_maybe_phony_arg_types(ModuleInfo, SuperTypeCtor, BaseType) :-
+    %
+    % XXX If a type is a subtype of a subtype, we should substitute the type
+    % arguments into the supertype recursively until we get to the base type.
+    % This requires that the tvarset containing the variables of the original
+    % type be passed into mercury_type_to_mlds_type. But that would still not
+    % solve the next problem.
+    %
+    % XXX If a type is a subtype of an abstract supertype, we will only know
+    % the type ctor of the supertype, as supertype arguments are not written to
+    % interface files (we may need to revisit that decision).
+    %
+    % Instead, we find the base type ctor of a type ctor and simply apply
+    % `c_pointer' for all its type parameters. `c_pointer' corresponds to
+    % `Object' in Java and `object' in C#.
+    %
+    % In almost all cases, only the type ctor in a mercury_nb_type is used,
+    % not the type arguments. The phony type arguments only makes a difference
+    % when generating the Java class corresponding to a Mercury type, e.g. for
+    %
+    %   :- type mytype(T)
+    %       --->    mytype(abs(T)).     % abstract subtype
+    %
+    % we generate
+    %
+    %   public static class Mytype_1<MR_tvar_1>
+    %       implements jmercury.runtime.MercuryType
+    %   {
+    %       public Abs_1<Object> F1;
+    %
+    %       public Mytype_1(Abs_1<Object> F1)
+    %       {
+    %           this.F1 = F1;
+    %       }
+    %   }
+    %
+    % The member F1 and constructor argument has type Abs_1<Object> instead of
+    % Abs_1<MR_tvar_1>. The Java code will still compile and run, but there is
+    % a slight loss of type information for hand written code that uses the F1
+    % member. This is a very minor problem and does not seem worth fixing
+    % unless other problems arise.
+    %
+    module_info_get_type_table(ModuleInfo, TypeTable),
+    ( if get_base_type_ctor(TypeTable, SuperTypeCtor, BaseTypeCtor) then
+        BaseTypeCtor = type_ctor(_, Arity),
+        list.duplicate(Arity, c_pointer_type, PhonyTypeArgs),
+        construct_type(BaseTypeCtor, PhonyTypeArgs, BaseType)
+    else
+        unexpected($pred, "cannot get base type ctor")
+    ).
+:- func foreign_type_to_mlds_type(module_info, foreign_type_body) = mlds_type.
+foreign_type_to_mlds_type(ModuleInfo, ForeignTypeBody) = MLDSType :-
+    % The body of this function is very similar to the function
+    % foreign_type_body_to_exported_type in foreign.m.
+    % Any changes here may require changes there as well.
+    ForeignTypeBody = foreign_type_body(MaybeC, MaybeJava, MaybeCSharp),
+    module_info_get_globals(ModuleInfo, Globals),
+    globals.get_target(Globals, Target),
+    (
+        Target = target_c,
+        (
+            MaybeC = yes(Data),
+            Data = type_details_foreign(CForeignType, _, _),
+            ForeignType = c(CForeignType)
+        ;
+            MaybeC = no,
+            % This is checked by check_foreign_type in make_hlds.
+            unexpected($pred, "no C foreign type")
+        )
+    ;
+        Target = target_csharp,
+        (
+            MaybeCSharp = yes(Data),
+            Data = type_details_foreign(CSharpForeignType, _, _),
+            ForeignType = csharp(CSharpForeignType)
+        ;
+            MaybeCSharp = no,
+            % This is checked by check_foreign_type in make_hlds.
+            unexpected($pred, "no C# foreign type")
+        )
+    ;
+        Target = target_java,
+        (
+            MaybeJava = yes(Data),
+            Data = type_details_foreign(JavaForeignType, _, _),
+            ForeignType = java(JavaForeignType)
+        ;
+            MaybeJava = no,
+            % This is checked by check_foreign_type in make_hlds.
+            unexpected($pred, "no Java foreign type")
+        )
+    ),
+    MLDSType = mlds_foreign_type(ForeignType).
 ml_global_const_var_name_to_string(ConstVar, Num) = Str :-
diff --git a/compiler/options.m b/compiler/options.m
index 4fb9085a1..fe9156937 100644
--- a/compiler/options.m
+++ b/compiler/options.m
@@ -5401,12 +5401,7 @@ options_help_compilation_model(!IO) :-
         "-H, --high-level-code\t\t\t(grades: hlc, csharp, java)",
         "\tUse an alternative back-end that generates high-level code",
         "\trather than the very low-level code that is generated by our",
-        "\toriginal back-end.",
-        "--high-level-data\t\t\t(grades: csharp, java)",
-        "\tUse an alternative higher-level data representation.",
-%       "--high-level\t\t\t(grades: hl, hl_nest, il, csharp, java)",
-        "--high-level\t\t\t(grades: csharp, java)",
-        "\tAn abbreviation for `--high-level-code --high-level-data'."
+        "\toriginal back-end."
 % The --det-copy-out option is not yet documented,
 % because it is not yet tested much and probably not very useful,
 % except for Java, where it is the default.
diff --git a/compiler/rtti.m b/compiler/rtti.m
index 56ef24e9a..e8fb54ee1 100644
--- a/compiler/rtti.m
+++ b/compiler/rtti.m
@@ -174,7 +174,8 @@
                 enum_ordinal_table  :: map(uint32, enum_functor),
                 enum_name_table     :: map(string, enum_functor),
-                                    :: list(uint32)
+                                    :: list(uint32),
+                enum_base_type_ctor :: maybe(type_ctor)
     ;       tcd_foreign_enum(
                 foreign_enum_language      :: foreign_language,
@@ -192,11 +193,14 @@
                 du_value_table      :: ptag_map,
                 du_name_table       :: map(string, map(uint16, du_functor)),
-                                    :: list(uint32)
+                                    :: list(uint32),
+                du_base_type_ctor   :: maybe(type_ctor)
     ;       tcd_notag(
                 notag_axioms        :: equality_axioms,
-                notag_functor       :: notag_functor
+                notag_functor       :: notag_functor,
+                notag_base_type_ctor
+                                    :: maybe(type_ctor)
     ;       tcd_eqv(
                 eqv_type            :: rtti_maybe_pseudo_type_info
@@ -1483,7 +1487,7 @@ type_ctor_rep_to_string(TypeCtorData, TargetPrefixes, RepStr) :-
     TypeCtorDetails = TypeCtorData ^ tcr_rep_details,
-        TypeCtorDetails = tcd_enum(TypeCtorUserEq, IsDummy, _, _, _, _),
+        TypeCtorDetails = tcd_enum(TypeCtorUserEq, IsDummy, _, _, _, _, _),
             IsDummy = enum_is_dummy,
             expect(unify(TypeCtorUserEq, standard), $pred,
@@ -1509,7 +1513,7 @@ type_ctor_rep_to_string(TypeCtorData, TargetPrefixes, RepStr) :-
-        TypeCtorDetails = tcd_du(TypeCtorUserEq, _, _, _, _),
+        TypeCtorDetails = tcd_du(TypeCtorUserEq, _, _, _, _, _),
             TypeCtorUserEq = standard,
             RepStr = "MR_TYPECTOR_REP_DU"
@@ -1518,7 +1522,7 @@ type_ctor_rep_to_string(TypeCtorData, TargetPrefixes, RepStr) :-
             RepStr = "MR_TYPECTOR_REP_DU_USEREQ"
-        TypeCtorDetails = tcd_notag(TypeCtorUserEq, NotagFunctor),
+        TypeCtorDetails = tcd_notag(TypeCtorUserEq, NotagFunctor, _),
         NotagEqvType = NotagFunctor ^ nt_arg_type,
             TypeCtorUserEq = standard,
@@ -1785,9 +1789,9 @@ maybe_pseudo_type_info_or_self_to_rtti_data(self) =
 type_ctor_details_num_ptags(TypeCtorDetails) = MaybeNumPtags :-
-        ( TypeCtorDetails = tcd_enum(_, _, _, _, _, _)
+        ( TypeCtorDetails = tcd_enum(_, _, _, _, _, _, _)
         ; TypeCtorDetails = tcd_foreign_enum(_, _, _, _, _, _)
-        ; TypeCtorDetails = tcd_notag(_, _)
+        ; TypeCtorDetails = tcd_notag(_, _, _)
         ; TypeCtorDetails = tcd_eqv(_)
         ; TypeCtorDetails = tcd_builtin(_)
         ; TypeCtorDetails = tcd_impl_artifact(_)
@@ -1795,7 +1799,7 @@ type_ctor_details_num_ptags(TypeCtorDetails) = MaybeNumPtags :-
         MaybeNumPtags = no
-        TypeCtorDetails = tcd_du(_, _, PtagMap, _, _),
+        TypeCtorDetails = tcd_du(_, _, PtagMap, _, _, _),
         map.keys(PtagMap, Ptags),
         list.det_last(Ptags, LastPtag),
         LastPtag = ptag(LastPtagUint8),
@@ -1806,16 +1810,16 @@ type_ctor_details_num_ptags(TypeCtorDetails) = MaybeNumPtags :-
 type_ctor_details_num_functors(TypeCtorDetails) = MaybeNumFunctors :-
-            TypeCtorDetails = tcd_enum(_, _, EnumFunctors, _, _, _),
+            TypeCtorDetails = tcd_enum(_, _, EnumFunctors, _, _, _, _),
             list.length(EnumFunctors, NumFunctors)
             TypeCtorDetails = tcd_foreign_enum(_, _, ForeignFunctors, _, _, _),
             list.length(ForeignFunctors, NumFunctors)
-            TypeCtorDetails = tcd_du(_, DuFunctors, _, _, _),
+            TypeCtorDetails = tcd_du(_, DuFunctors, _, _, _, _),
             list.length(DuFunctors, NumFunctors)
-            TypeCtorDetails = tcd_notag(_, _),
+            TypeCtorDetails = tcd_notag(_, _, _),
             NumFunctors = 1
         MaybeNumFunctors = yes(NumFunctors)
diff --git a/compiler/rtti_out.m b/compiler/rtti_out.m
index 667e38895..0a1fdc808 100644
--- a/compiler/rtti_out.m
+++ b/compiler/rtti_out.m
@@ -903,7 +903,8 @@ output_type_ctor_details_defn(Info, Stream, RttiTypeCtor, TypeCtorDetails,
         !DeclSet, !IO) :-
         TypeCtorDetails = tcd_enum(_, _IsDummy, EnumFunctors,
-            EnumByOrd, EnumByName, FunctorNumberMap),
+            EnumByOrd, EnumByName, FunctorNumberMap, _MaybeBaseTypeCtor),
+        % MaybeBaseTypeCtor is not required for low-level data.
         list.foldl2(output_enum_functor_defn(Info, Stream, RttiTypeCtor),
             EnumFunctors, !DeclSet, !IO),
         output_enum_ordinal_ordered_table(Info, Stream, RttiTypeCtor,
@@ -933,8 +934,9 @@ output_type_ctor_details_defn(Info, Stream, RttiTypeCtor, TypeCtorDetails,
         MaybeFunctorsName = yes(type_ctor_foreign_enum_name_ordered_table),
         HaveFunctorNumberMap = yes
-        TypeCtorDetails = tcd_du(_, DuFunctors, DuByRep,
-            DuByName, FunctorNumberMap),
+        TypeCtorDetails = tcd_du(_, DuFunctors, DuByRep, DuByName,
+            FunctorNumberMap, _MaybeBaseTypeCtor),
+        % MaybeBaseTypeCtor is not required for low-level data.
         list.foldl2(output_du_functor_defn(Info, Stream, RttiTypeCtor),
             DuFunctors, !DeclSet, !IO),
         output_du_ptag_ordered_table(Info, Stream, RttiTypeCtor, DuByRep,
@@ -947,7 +949,8 @@ output_type_ctor_details_defn(Info, Stream, RttiTypeCtor, TypeCtorDetails,
         MaybeFunctorsName = yes(type_ctor_du_name_ordered_table),
         HaveFunctorNumberMap = yes
-        TypeCtorDetails = tcd_notag(_, NotagFunctor),
+        TypeCtorDetails = tcd_notag(_, NotagFunctor, _MaybeBaseTypeCtor),
+        % MaybeBaseTypeCtor is not required for low-level data.
         output_notag_functor_defn(Info, Stream, RttiTypeCtor, NotagFunctor,
             !DeclSet, !IO),
         output_functor_number_map(Info, Stream, RttiTypeCtor, [0u32],
diff --git a/compiler/rtti_to_mlds.m b/compiler/rtti_to_mlds.m
index 4bac15e9f..375b09e52 100644
--- a/compiler/rtti_to_mlds.m
+++ b/compiler/rtti_to_mlds.m
@@ -230,7 +230,7 @@ gen_init_rtti_data_defn(ModuleInfo, Target, RttiData, !GlobalData) :-
         gen_functors_layout_info(ModuleInfo, Target, RttiTypeCtor,
             TypeCtorDetails, FunctorsInfo, LayoutInfo, NumberMapInfo,
-            !GlobalData),
+            BaseTypeCtorInitializer, !GlobalData),
         % Note that gen_init_special_pred will by necessity add an extra
         % level of indirection to calling the special preds. However, the
@@ -274,7 +274,9 @@ gen_init_rtti_data_defn(ModuleInfo, Target, RttiData, !GlobalData) :-
             % MR_type_ctor_flags
             % MR_type_ctor_functor_number_map
-            NumberMapInfo
+            NumberMapInfo,
+            % MR_type_ctor_base
+            BaseTypeCtorInitializer
             % These two are commented out while the corresponding fields of the
             % MR_TypeCtorInfo_Struct type are commented out.
@@ -631,15 +633,15 @@ gen_pseudo_type_info_defn(ModuleInfo, Target, RttiPseudoTypeInfo, Name, RttiId,
 :- pred gen_functors_layout_info(module_info::in, mlds_target_lang::in,
     rtti_type_ctor::in, type_ctor_details::in,
     mlds_initializer::out, mlds_initializer::out, mlds_initializer::out,
-    ml_global_data::in, ml_global_data::out) is det.
+    mlds_initializer::out, ml_global_data::in, ml_global_data::out) is det.
 gen_functors_layout_info(ModuleInfo, Target, RttiTypeCtor, TypeCtorDetails,
         FunctorInitializer, LayoutInitializer, NumberMapInitializer,
-        !GlobalData) :-
+        BaseTypeCtorInitializer, !GlobalData) :-
     module_info_get_name(ModuleInfo, ModuleName),
         TypeCtorDetails = tcd_enum(_, _IsDummy, EnumFunctors,
-            EnumByOrd, EnumByName, FunctorNumberMap),
+            EnumByOrd, EnumByName, FunctorNumberMap, MaybeBaseTypeCtor),
         list.foldl(gen_enum_functor_desc(ModuleInfo, RttiTypeCtor),
             EnumFunctors, !GlobalData),
         gen_enum_ordinal_ordered_table(ModuleInfo, RttiTypeCtor,
@@ -652,7 +654,9 @@ gen_functors_layout_info(ModuleInfo, Target, RttiTypeCtor, TypeCtorDetails,
         FunctorInitializer = gen_init_rtti_name(ModuleName, RttiTypeCtor,
         NumberMapInitializer = gen_init_rtti_name(ModuleName, RttiTypeCtor,
-            type_ctor_functor_number_map)
+            type_ctor_functor_number_map),
+        BaseTypeCtorInitializer = gen_init_base_type_ctor(ModuleName, Target,
+            MaybeBaseTypeCtor)
         TypeCtorDetails = tcd_foreign_enum(ForeignEnumLang, _,
             ForeignEnumFunctors, ForeignEnumByOrdinal, ForeignEnumByName,
@@ -671,10 +675,12 @@ gen_functors_layout_info(ModuleInfo, Target, RttiTypeCtor, TypeCtorDetails,
         FunctorInitializer = gen_init_rtti_name(ModuleName, RttiTypeCtor,
         NumberMapInitializer = gen_init_rtti_name(ModuleName, RttiTypeCtor,
-            type_ctor_functor_number_map)
+            type_ctor_functor_number_map),
+        BaseTypeCtorInitializer = gen_init_base_type_ctor(ModuleName, Target,
+            no)
         TypeCtorDetails = tcd_du(_, DuFunctors, DuByPtag, DuByName,
-            FunctorNumberMap),
+            FunctorNumberMap, MaybeBaseTypeCtor),
         list.foldl(gen_du_functor_desc(ModuleInfo, Target, RttiTypeCtor),
             DuFunctors, !GlobalData),
         gen_du_ptag_ordered_table(ModuleInfo, RttiTypeCtor,
@@ -687,9 +693,11 @@ gen_functors_layout_info(ModuleInfo, Target, RttiTypeCtor, TypeCtorDetails,
         FunctorInitializer = gen_init_rtti_name(ModuleName, RttiTypeCtor,
         NumberMapInitializer = gen_init_rtti_name(ModuleName, RttiTypeCtor,
-            type_ctor_functor_number_map)
+            type_ctor_functor_number_map),
+        BaseTypeCtorInitializer = gen_init_base_type_ctor(ModuleName, Target,
+            MaybeBaseTypeCtor)
-        TypeCtorDetails = tcd_notag(_, NotagFunctor),
+        TypeCtorDetails = tcd_notag(_, NotagFunctor, MaybeBaseTypeCtor),
         gen_functor_number_map(RttiTypeCtor, [0u32], !GlobalData),
         LayoutInitializer = gen_init_rtti_name(ModuleName, RttiTypeCtor,
@@ -698,7 +706,9 @@ gen_functors_layout_info(ModuleInfo, Target, RttiTypeCtor, TypeCtorDetails,
         NumberMapInitializer = gen_init_rtti_name(ModuleName, RttiTypeCtor,
         gen_notag_functor_desc(ModuleInfo, Target, RttiTypeCtor, NotagFunctor,
-            !GlobalData)
+            !GlobalData),
+        BaseTypeCtorInitializer = gen_init_base_type_ctor(ModuleName, Target,
+            MaybeBaseTypeCtor)
         TypeCtorDetails = tcd_eqv(EqvType),
         TypeRttiData = maybe_pseudo_type_info_to_rtti_data(EqvType),
@@ -706,7 +716,9 @@ gen_functors_layout_info(ModuleInfo, Target, RttiTypeCtor, TypeCtorDetails,
             LayoutInitializer, !GlobalData),
         % The type is a lie, but a safe one.
         FunctorInitializer = gen_init_null_pointer(mlds_generic_type),
-        NumberMapInitializer = gen_init_null_pointer(mlds_generic_type)
+        NumberMapInitializer = gen_init_null_pointer(mlds_generic_type),
+        BaseTypeCtorInitializer = gen_init_base_type_ctor(ModuleName, Target,
+            no)
         ( TypeCtorDetails = tcd_builtin(_)
         ; TypeCtorDetails = tcd_impl_artifact(_)
@@ -714,7 +726,9 @@ gen_functors_layout_info(ModuleInfo, Target, RttiTypeCtor, TypeCtorDetails,
         LayoutInitializer = gen_init_null_pointer(mlds_generic_type),
         FunctorInitializer = gen_init_null_pointer(mlds_generic_type),
-        NumberMapInitializer = gen_init_null_pointer(mlds_generic_type)
+        NumberMapInitializer = gen_init_null_pointer(mlds_generic_type),
+        BaseTypeCtorInitializer = gen_init_base_type_ctor(ModuleName, Target,
+            no)
@@ -1310,6 +1324,36 @@ gen_init_functor_number(NumUint32) = Init :-
+:- func gen_init_base_type_ctor(module_name, mlds_target_lang,
+    maybe(type_ctor)) = mlds_initializer.
+gen_init_base_type_ctor(ModuleName, Target, MaybeBaseTypeCtor) = Initializer :-
+    % The MR_type_ctor_base field is only required in high-level data grades.
+    ( if mlds_target_high_level_data(Target) = yes then
+        (
+            MaybeBaseTypeCtor = yes(BaseTypeCtor),
+            BaseTypeCtor = type_ctor(SymName, Arity),
+            (
+                SymName = qualified(TypeModule, TypeName)
+            ;
+                SymName = unqualified(_),
+                unexpected($pred, "base type ctor is not module qualified")
+            ),
+            RttiTypeCtor = rtti_type_ctor(TypeModule, TypeName,
+                uint16.det_from_int(Arity)),
+            RttiId = ctor_rtti_id(RttiTypeCtor, type_ctor_type_ctor_info),
+            Initializer = gen_init_rtti_id(ModuleName, RttiId)
+        ;
+            MaybeBaseTypeCtor = no,
+            % The type is a lie, but a safe one.
+            Initializer = gen_init_null_pointer(mlds_generic_type)
+        )
+    else
+        Initializer = no_initializer
+    ).
 :- func gen_init_rtti_names_array(module_name, rtti_type_ctor,
     list(ctor_rtti_name)) = mlds_initializer.
@@ -1707,6 +1751,8 @@ gen_init_type_ctor_rep(TypeCtorData) = Initializer :-
     rtti.type_ctor_rep_to_string(TypeCtorData, TargetPrefixes, Name),
     Initializer = gen_init_builtin_const(TargetPrefixes, Name).
 % Ordering RTTI definitions.
diff --git a/compiler/type_ctor_info.m b/compiler/type_ctor_info.m
index a63a19e22..25b3fabf1 100644
--- a/compiler/type_ctor_info.m
+++ b/compiler/type_ctor_info.m
@@ -388,8 +388,8 @@ construct_type_ctor_info(TypeCtorGenInfo, ModuleInfo, RttiData) :-
                 DuTypeKind = du_type_kind_mercury_enum,
-                make_mercury_enum_details(MaybeSuperType, CtorRepns,
-                    enum_is_not_dummy, EqualityAxioms, Details,
+                make_mercury_enum_details(ModuleInfo, MaybeSuperType,
+                    CtorRepns, enum_is_not_dummy, EqualityAxioms, Details,
                 LayoutIndexable = IndexableByEnumValue
@@ -399,20 +399,21 @@ construct_type_ctor_info(TypeCtorGenInfo, ModuleInfo, RttiData) :-
                 LayoutIndexable = no
                 DuTypeKind = du_type_kind_direct_dummy,
-                make_mercury_enum_details(MaybeSuperType, CtorRepns,
-                    enum_is_dummy, EqualityAxioms, Details,
+                make_mercury_enum_details(ModuleInfo, MaybeSuperType,
+                    CtorRepns, enum_is_dummy, EqualityAxioms, Details,
                 LayoutIndexable = IndexableByEnumValue
                 DuTypeKind = du_type_kind_notag(FunctorName, ArgType,
-                make_notag_details(TypeArity, FunctorName, ArgType,
-                    MaybeArgName, EqualityAxioms, Details),
+                make_notag_details(ModuleInfo, TypeArity, MaybeSuperType,
+                    FunctorName, ArgType, MaybeArgName, EqualityAxioms,
+                    Details),
                 LayoutIndexable = no
                 DuTypeKind = du_type_kind_general,
-                make_du_details(ModuleInfo, CtorRepns, TypeArity,
-                    EqualityAxioms, Details, IndexableByPtag),
+                make_du_details(ModuleInfo, MaybeSuperType, CtorRepns,
+                    TypeArity, EqualityAxioms, Details, IndexableByPtag),
                 LayoutIndexable = IndexableByPtag
@@ -517,11 +518,12 @@ type_ctor_info_rtti_version = 18u8.
     % Make the functor and layout tables for a notag type.
-:- pred make_notag_details(int::in, sym_name::in, mer_type::in,
-    maybe(string)::in, equality_axioms::in, type_ctor_details::out) is det.
+:- pred make_notag_details(module_info::in, int::in, maybe(mer_type)::in,
+    sym_name::in, mer_type::in, maybe(string)::in, equality_axioms::in,
+    type_ctor_details::out) is det.
-make_notag_details(TypeArity, SymName, ArgType, MaybeArgName, EqualityAxioms,
-        Details) :-
+make_notag_details(ModuleInfo, TypeArity, MaybeSuperType, SymName, ArgType,
+        MaybeArgName, EqualityAxioms, Details) :-
     FunctorName = unqualify_name(SymName),
     NumUnivTVars = TypeArity,
     % There can be no existentially typed args to the functor in a notag type.
@@ -535,7 +537,8 @@ make_notag_details(TypeArity, SymName, ArgType, MaybeArgName, EqualityAxioms,
     Functor = notag_functor(FunctorName, MaybePseudoTypeInfo, MaybeArgName,
-    Details = tcd_notag(EqualityAxioms, Functor).
+    maybe_get_base_type_ctor(ModuleInfo, MaybeSuperType, MaybeBaseTypeCtor),
+    Details = tcd_notag(EqualityAxioms, Functor, MaybeBaseTypeCtor).
@@ -543,12 +546,12 @@ make_notag_details(TypeArity, SymName, ArgType, MaybeArgName, EqualityAxioms,
     % Make the functor and layout tables for an enum type.
-:- pred make_mercury_enum_details(maybe(mer_type)::in,
+:- pred make_mercury_enum_details(module_info::in, maybe(mer_type)::in,
     list(constructor_repn)::in, enum_maybe_dummy::in, equality_axioms::in,
     type_ctor_details::out, bool::out) is det.
-make_mercury_enum_details(MaybeSuperType, CtorRepns, IsDummy, EqualityAxioms,
-        Details, IndexableByEnumValue) :-
+make_mercury_enum_details(ModuleInfo, MaybeSuperType, CtorRepns, IsDummy,
+        EqualityAxioms, Details, IndexableByEnumValue) :-
         CtorRepns = [],
         unexpected($pred, "enum with no ctors")
@@ -578,8 +581,9 @@ make_mercury_enum_details(MaybeSuperType, CtorRepns, IsDummy, EqualityAxioms,
         IndexableByEnumValue = no
     FunctorNumberMap = make_functor_number_map(CtorRepns),
+    maybe_get_base_type_ctor(ModuleInfo, MaybeSuperType, MaybeBaseTypeCtor),
     Details = tcd_enum(EqualityAxioms, IsDummy, EnumFunctors,
-        OrdinalMap, NameMap, FunctorNumberMap).
+        OrdinalMap, NameMap, FunctorNumberMap, MaybeBaseTypeCtor).
     % Create an enum_functor structure for each functor in an enum type.
     % The functors are given to us in ordinal order (since that's how the HLDS
@@ -745,14 +749,14 @@ make_foreign_enum_maps(ForeignEnumFunctor, !OrdinalMap, !NameMap) :-
 :- type tag_list == assoc_list(int,
     pair(sectag_locn, map(int, ctor_rtti_name))).
-    % Make the functor and layout tables for a du type
-    % (including reserved_addr types).
+    % Make the functor and layout tables for a du type.
-:- pred make_du_details(module_info::in, list(constructor_repn)::in,
-    int::in, equality_axioms::in, type_ctor_details::out, bool::out) is det.
+:- pred make_du_details(module_info::in, maybe(mer_type)::in,
+    list(constructor_repn)::in, int::in, equality_axioms::in,
+    type_ctor_details::out, bool::out) is det.
-make_du_details(ModuleInfo, Ctors, TypeArity, EqualityAxioms, Details,
-        IndexableByPtag) :-
+make_du_details(ModuleInfo, MaybeSuperType, Ctors, TypeArity, EqualityAxioms,
+        Details, IndexableByPtag) :-
     make_du_functors(ModuleInfo, Ctors, 0u32, TypeArity, DuFunctors),
     list.foldl(make_du_ptag_ordered_table, DuFunctors, map.init, DuPtagTable),
     ( if is_ptag_table_indexable(DuPtagTable) then
@@ -763,8 +767,9 @@ make_du_details(ModuleInfo, Ctors, TypeArity, EqualityAxioms, Details,
     FunctorNumberMap = make_functor_number_map(Ctors),
     list.foldl(make_du_name_ordered_table, DuFunctors,
         map.init, DuNameOrderedMap),
+    maybe_get_base_type_ctor(ModuleInfo, MaybeSuperType, MaybeBaseTypeCtor),
     Details = tcd_du(EqualityAxioms, DuFunctors, DuPtagTable,
-        DuNameOrderedMap, FunctorNumberMap).
+        DuNameOrderedMap, FunctorNumberMap, MaybeBaseTypeCtor).
     % Create a du_functor_desc structure for each functor in a du type.
     % Besides returning a list of the rtti names of their du_functor_desc
@@ -1103,6 +1108,28 @@ lookup_functor_number(CtorNameToSeqNumMap, CtorName, SeqNumUint32) :-
+:- pred maybe_get_base_type_ctor(module_info::in, maybe(mer_type)::in,
+    maybe(type_ctor)::out) is det.
+maybe_get_base_type_ctor(ModuleInfo, MaybeSuperType, MaybeBaseTypeCtor) :-
+    (
+        MaybeSuperType = yes(SuperType),
+        module_info_get_type_table(ModuleInfo, TypeTable),
+        ( if
+            type_to_ctor(SuperType, SuperTypeCtor),
+            get_base_type_ctor(TypeTable, SuperTypeCtor, BaseTypeCtor)
+        then
+            MaybeBaseTypeCtor = yes(BaseTypeCtor)
+        else
+            unexpected($pred, "cannot get base type ctor")
+        )
+    ;
+        MaybeSuperType = no,
+        MaybeBaseTypeCtor = no
+    ).
 compute_du_ptag_layout_flags(SectagTable, Flags) :-
     ( if is_sectag_table_indexable(SectagTable) then
         SectagAltsIndexable = yes
diff --git a/compiler/type_util.m b/compiler/type_util.m
index fd560a120..18bbcad1b 100644
--- a/compiler/type_util.m
+++ b/compiler/type_util.m
@@ -188,6 +188,13 @@
 :- pred type_ctor_has_hand_defined_rtti(type_ctor::in, hlds_type_body::in)
     is semidet.
+    % Return the base type ctor for a given type ctor.
+    % This predicate must only be called with a type ctor that is known
+    % to be a subtype or supertype type ctor, not with arbitrary type ctors.
+    %
+:- pred get_base_type_ctor(type_table::in, type_ctor::in, type_ctor::out)
+    is semidet.
     % Given a type, determine what category its principal constructor
     % falls into.
@@ -902,6 +909,52 @@ type_ctor_has_hand_defined_rtti(Type, Body) :-
+get_base_type_ctor(TypeTable, TypeCtor, BaseTypeCtor) :-
+    % Circular subtype definitions are assumed to have been detected by now.
+    hlds_data.search_type_ctor_defn(TypeTable, TypeCtor, TypeDefn),
+    hlds_data.get_type_defn_body(TypeDefn, TypeBody),
+    require_complete_switch [TypeBody]
+    (
+        TypeBody = hlds_du_type(_, MaybeSuperType, _, _, _),
+        (
+            MaybeSuperType = no,
+            BaseTypeCtor = TypeCtor
+        ;
+            MaybeSuperType = yes(SuperType),
+            type_to_ctor(SuperType, SuperTypeCtor),
+            get_base_type_ctor(TypeTable, SuperTypeCtor, BaseTypeCtor)
+        )
+    ;
+        TypeBody = hlds_abstract_type(AbstractDetails),
+        require_complete_switch [AbstractDetails]
+        (
+            ( AbstractDetails = abstract_type_general
+            ; AbstractDetails = abstract_type_fits_in_n_bits(_)
+            ; AbstractDetails = abstract_dummy_type
+            ; AbstractDetails = abstract_notag_type
+            ),
+            BaseTypeCtor = TypeCtor
+        ;
+            AbstractDetails = abstract_subtype(SuperTypeCtor),
+            get_base_type_ctor(TypeTable, SuperTypeCtor, BaseTypeCtor)
+        ;
+            AbstractDetails = abstract_solver_type,
+            unexpected($pred, "abstract solver type")
+        )
+    ;
+        TypeBody = hlds_eqv_type(EqvType),
+        type_to_ctor(EqvType, EqvTypeCtor),
+        get_base_type_ctor(TypeTable, EqvTypeCtor, BaseTypeCtor)
+    ;
+        TypeBody = hlds_foreign_type(_),
+        unexpected($pred, "foreign type")
+    ;
+        TypeBody = hlds_solver_type(_),
+        unexpected($pred, "solver type")
+    ).
 classify_type(ModuleInfo, VarType) = TypeCategory :-
     ( if type_to_ctor(VarType, TypeCtor) then
         TypeCategory = classify_type_ctor(ModuleInfo, TypeCtor)
diff --git a/compiler/unify_proc.m b/compiler/unify_proc.m
index 24b8d7700..9bda36ddd 100644
--- a/compiler/unify_proc.m
+++ b/compiler/unify_proc.m
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
 % vim: ft=mercury ts=4 sw=4 et
 % Copyright (C) 1994-2012 The University of Melbourne.
-% Copyright (C) 2015 The Mercury team.
+% Copyright (C) 2015-2018, 2020-2021 The Mercury team.
 % This file may only be copied under the terms of the GNU General
 % Public License - see the file COPYING in the Mercury distribution.
@@ -105,6 +105,7 @@
 :- import_module parse_tree.prog_data_foreign.
 :- import_module parse_tree.prog_mode.
 :- import_module parse_tree.prog_type.
+:- import_module parse_tree.prog_type_subst.
 :- import_module parse_tree.set_of_var.
 :- import_module bool.
@@ -232,47 +233,60 @@ generate_unify_proc_body(SpecDefnInfo, X, Y, Clauses, !Info) :-
                 Clause, !Info),
             Clauses = [Clause]
-            TypeBody = hlds_du_type(_, _, _, MaybeRepn, _),
+            TypeBody = hlds_du_type(_, MaybeSuperType, _, MaybeRepn, _),
                 MaybeRepn = no,
                 unexpected($pred, "MaybeRepn = no")
                 MaybeRepn = yes(Repn)
-            DuTypeKind = Repn ^ dur_kind,
-            (
-                ( DuTypeKind = du_type_kind_mercury_enum
-                ; DuTypeKind = du_type_kind_foreign_enum(_)
-                ),
-                generate_unify_proc_body_enum(Context, X, Y,
-                    Clause, !Info),
-                Clauses = [Clause]
-            ;
-                DuTypeKind = du_type_kind_direct_dummy,
-                generate_unify_proc_body_dummy(Context, X, Y,
-                    Clause, !Info),
+            ( if
+                MaybeSuperType = yes(SuperType),
+                compilation_target_uses_high_level_data(ModuleInfo),
+                TVarSet = SpecDefnInfo ^ spdi_tvarset,
+                get_du_base_type(ModuleInfo, TVarSet, SuperType, BaseType)
+            then
+                % In high-level data grades, subtypes use the same class
+                % as their base type constructor.
+                generate_unify_proc_body_eqv(Context, BaseType, X, Y, Clause,
+                    !Info),
                 Clauses = [Clause]
-            ;
-                DuTypeKind = du_type_kind_notag(_, ArgType, _),
-                ArgIsDummy = is_type_a_dummy(ModuleInfo, ArgType),
+            else
+                DuTypeKind = Repn ^ dur_kind,
-                    ArgIsDummy = is_dummy_type,
-                    % Treat this type as if it were a dummy type
-                    % itself.
+                    ( DuTypeKind = du_type_kind_mercury_enum
+                    ; DuTypeKind = du_type_kind_foreign_enum(_)
+                    ),
+                    generate_unify_proc_body_enum(Context, X, Y,
+                        Clause, !Info),
+                    Clauses = [Clause]
+                ;
+                    DuTypeKind = du_type_kind_direct_dummy,
                     generate_unify_proc_body_dummy(Context, X, Y,
                         Clause, !Info),
                     Clauses = [Clause]
-                    ArgIsDummy = is_not_dummy_type,
+                    DuTypeKind = du_type_kind_notag(_, ArgType, _),
+                    ArgIsDummy = is_type_a_dummy(ModuleInfo, ArgType),
+                    (
+                        ArgIsDummy = is_dummy_type,
+                        % Treat this type as if it were a dummy type
+                        % itself.
+                        generate_unify_proc_body_dummy(Context, X, Y,
+                            Clause, !Info),
+                        Clauses = [Clause]
+                    ;
+                        ArgIsDummy = is_not_dummy_type,
+                        CtorRepns = Repn ^ dur_ctor_repns,
+                        generate_unify_proc_body_du(SpecDefnInfo,
+                            CtorRepns, X, Y, Clauses, !Info)
+                    )
+                ;
+                    DuTypeKind = du_type_kind_general,
                     CtorRepns = Repn ^ dur_ctor_repns,
                         CtorRepns, X, Y, Clauses, !Info)
-            ;
-                DuTypeKind = du_type_kind_general,
-                CtorRepns = Repn ^ dur_ctor_repns,
-                generate_unify_proc_body_du(SpecDefnInfo,
-                    CtorRepns, X, Y, Clauses, !Info)
@@ -974,44 +988,63 @@ generate_compare_proc_body(SpecDefnInfo, Res, X, Y, Clause, !Info) :-
                 Res, X, Y, Clause, !Info)
-            TypeBody = hlds_du_type(_, _, _, MaybeRepn, _),
+            TypeBody = hlds_du_type(_, MaybeSuperType, _, MaybeRepn, _),
                 MaybeRepn = no,
                 unexpected($pred, "MaybeRepn = no")
                 MaybeRepn = yes(Repn)
-            DuTypeKind = Repn ^ dur_kind,
-            (
-                ( DuTypeKind = du_type_kind_mercury_enum
-                ; DuTypeKind = du_type_kind_foreign_enum(_)
-                ),
-                generate_compare_proc_body_enum(Context,
-                    Res, X, Y, Clause, !Info)
-            ;
-                DuTypeKind = du_type_kind_direct_dummy,
-                generate_compare_proc_body_dummy(Context,
-                    Res, X, Y, Clause, !Info)
-            ;
-                DuTypeKind = du_type_kind_notag(_, ArgType, _),
-                ArgIsDummy = is_type_a_dummy(ModuleInfo, ArgType),
+            ( if
+                MaybeSuperType = yes(SuperType),
+                compilation_target_uses_high_level_data(ModuleInfo),
+                TVarSet = SpecDefnInfo ^ spdi_tvarset,
+                get_du_base_type(ModuleInfo, TVarSet, SuperType, BaseType)
+            then
+                % In high-level data grades, subtypes use the same class
+                % as their base type constructor.
+                %
+                % XXX SUBTYPE This produces the wrong ordering for subtypes
+                % whose functors are declared in a different order from their
+                % base types. However, it is probably better to define the
+                % standard ordering on subtypes to be the same as their base
+                % types, and report a warning if the functor order in a
+                % subtype definition differs.
+                generate_compare_proc_body_eqv(Context, BaseType, Res, X, Y,
+                    Clause, !Info)
+            else
+                DuTypeKind = Repn ^ dur_kind,
-                    ArgIsDummy = is_dummy_type,
-                    % Treat this type as if it were a dummy type
-                    % itself.
+                    ( DuTypeKind = du_type_kind_mercury_enum
+                    ; DuTypeKind = du_type_kind_foreign_enum(_)
+                    ),
+                    generate_compare_proc_body_enum(Context,
+                        Res, X, Y, Clause, !Info)
+                ;
+                    DuTypeKind = du_type_kind_direct_dummy,
                         Res, X, Y, Clause, !Info)
-                    ArgIsDummy = is_not_dummy_type,
+                    DuTypeKind = du_type_kind_notag(_, ArgType, _),
+                    ArgIsDummy = is_type_a_dummy(ModuleInfo, ArgType),
+                    (
+                        ArgIsDummy = is_dummy_type,
+                        % Treat this type as if it were a dummy type
+                        % itself.
+                        generate_compare_proc_body_dummy(Context,
+                            Res, X, Y, Clause, !Info)
+                    ;
+                        ArgIsDummy = is_not_dummy_type,
+                        CtorRepns = Repn ^ dur_ctor_repns,
+                        generate_compare_proc_body_du(SpecDefnInfo,
+                            CtorRepns, Res, X, Y, Clause, !Info)
+                    )
+                ;
+                    DuTypeKind = du_type_kind_general,
                     CtorRepns = Repn ^ dur_ctor_repns,
                         CtorRepns, Res, X, Y, Clause, !Info)
-            ;
-                DuTypeKind = du_type_kind_general,
-                CtorRepns = Repn ^ dur_ctor_repns,
-                generate_compare_proc_body_du(SpecDefnInfo,
-                    CtorRepns, Res, X, Y, Clause, !Info)
@@ -2531,6 +2564,68 @@ generate_index_du_case(SpecDefnInfo, X, Index, CtorRepn, Goal, !N, !Info) :-
 % Utility predicates.
+:- pred compilation_target_uses_high_level_data(module_info::in) is semidet.
+compilation_target_uses_high_level_data(ModuleInfo) :-
+    module_info_get_globals(ModuleInfo, Globals),
+    globals.get_target(Globals, Target),
+    compilation_target_high_level_data(Target) = yes.
+:- pred get_du_base_type(module_info::in, tvarset::in, mer_type::in,
+    mer_type::out) is det.
+get_du_base_type(ModuleInfo, TVarSet, Type, BaseType) :-
+    module_info_get_type_table(ModuleInfo, TypeTable),
+    get_du_base_type_loop(TypeTable, TVarSet, Type, BaseType).
+:- pred get_du_base_type_loop(type_table::in, tvarset::in, mer_type::in,
+    mer_type::out) is det.
+get_du_base_type_loop(TypeTable, TVarSet, Type, BaseType) :-
+    % Circular subtype definitions are assumed to have been detected by now.
+    type_to_ctor_and_args_det(Type, TypeCtor, TypeArgs),
+    hlds_data.lookup_type_ctor_defn(TypeTable, TypeCtor, TypeDefn),
+    hlds_data.get_type_defn_body(TypeDefn, TypeBody),
+    (
+        TypeBody = hlds_du_type(_, MaybeSuperType, _, _MaybeRepn, _),
+        (
+            MaybeSuperType = no,
+            BaseType = Type
+        ;
+            MaybeSuperType = yes(SuperType0),
+            hlds_data.get_type_defn_tvarset(TypeDefn, TypeDefnTVarSet),
+            hlds_data.get_type_defn_tparams(TypeDefn, TypeDefnTypeParams),
+            merge_tvarsets_and_subst_type_args(TVarSet, TypeArgs,
+                TypeDefnTVarSet, TypeDefnTypeParams, SuperType0, SuperType),
+            get_du_base_type_loop(TypeTable, TVarSet, SuperType, BaseType)
+        )
+    ;
+        TypeBody = hlds_abstract_type(_),
+        unexpected($pred, "abstract type")
+    ;
+        TypeBody = hlds_eqv_type(_),
+        unexpected($pred, "eqv type")
+    ;
+        TypeBody = hlds_foreign_type(_),
+        unexpected($pred, "foreign type")
+    ;
+        TypeBody = hlds_solver_type(_),
+        unexpected($pred, "solver type")
+    ).
+:- pred merge_tvarsets_and_subst_type_args(tvarset::in, list(mer_type)::in,
+    tvarset::in, list(type_param)::in, mer_type::in, mer_type::out) is det.
+merge_tvarsets_and_subst_type_args(TVarSet, TypeArgs,
+        TVarSet0, TypeParams0, Type0, Type) :-
+    tvarset_merge_renaming(TVarSet, TVarSet0, _MergedTVarSet, Renaming),
+    apply_variable_renaming_to_tvar_list(Renaming, TypeParams0, TypeParams),
+    map.from_corresponding_lists(TypeParams, TypeArgs, TSubst),
+    apply_variable_renaming_to_type(Renaming, Type0, Type1),
+    apply_rec_subst_to_type(TSubst, Type1, Type).
 :- pred build_simple_call(module_info::in, module_name::in, string::in,
     list(prog_var)::in, prog_context::in, hlds_goal::out) is det.
diff --git a/java/runtime/TypeCtorInfo_Struct.java b/java/runtime/TypeCtorInfo_Struct.java
index 94a3b9745..363210cc6 100644
--- a/java/runtime/TypeCtorInfo_Struct.java
+++ b/java/runtime/TypeCtorInfo_Struct.java
@@ -26,6 +26,7 @@ public class TypeCtorInfo_Struct extends PseudoTypeInfo
     public int                  type_ctor_num_functors;
     public short                type_ctor_flags;
     public int[]                type_functor_number_map;
+    public TypeCtorInfo_Struct  type_ctor_base; // null unless subtype
     private final short MR_TYPE_CTOR_FLAG_LAYOUT_INDEXABLE = 0x8;
@@ -50,7 +51,8 @@ public class TypeCtorInfo_Struct extends PseudoTypeInfo
-            other.type_functor_number_map
+            other.type_functor_number_map,
+            other.type_ctor_base
@@ -67,21 +69,23 @@ public class TypeCtorInfo_Struct extends PseudoTypeInfo
         java.lang.Object ordinal_ordered_functor_descs, // TypeLayout
         int num_functors,
         short flags,
-        int[] functor_number_map)
+        int[] functor_number_map,
+        TypeCtorInfo_Struct base_type_ctor)
-        arity = type_arity;
-        type_ctor_version = version;
-        type_ctor_num_ptags = num_ptags;
-        type_ctor_rep = new TypeCtorRep(rep);
-        unify_pred = (MethodPtr) unify_proc;
-        compare_pred = (MethodPtr) compare_proc;
-        type_ctor_module_name = module;
-        type_ctor_name = name;
-        type_functors = (TypeFunctors) name_ordered_functor_descs;
-        type_layout = (TypeLayout) ordinal_ordered_functor_descs;
-        type_ctor_num_functors = num_functors;
-        type_ctor_flags = flags;
-        type_functor_number_map = functor_number_map;
+        this.arity = type_arity;
+        this.type_ctor_version = version;
+        this.type_ctor_num_ptags = num_ptags;
+        this.type_ctor_rep = new TypeCtorRep(rep);
+        this.unify_pred = (MethodPtr) unify_proc;
+        this.compare_pred = (MethodPtr) compare_proc;
+        this.type_ctor_module_name = module;
+        this.type_ctor_name = name;
+        this.type_functors = (TypeFunctors) name_ordered_functor_descs;
+        this.type_layout = (TypeLayout) ordinal_ordered_functor_descs;
+        this.type_ctor_num_functors = num_functors;
+        this.type_ctor_flags = flags;
+        this.type_functor_number_map = functor_number_map;
+        this.type_ctor_base = base_type_ctor;
     // XXX this should be renamed `equals'
diff --git a/library/rtti_implementation.m b/library/rtti_implementation.m
index 708ad3eb2..a05fa567a 100644
--- a/library/rtti_implementation.m
+++ b/library/rtti_implementation.m
@@ -396,9 +396,9 @@ unify_tuple_pos(Loc, TupleArity, TypeInfo, TermA, TermB) :-
         ArgTypeInfo = var_arity_type_info_index_as_ti(TypeInfo, Loc),
-        SubTermA = get_tuple_subterm(ArgTypeInfo, TermA, Loc - 1),
-        SubTermB = get_tuple_subterm(ArgTypeInfo, TermB, Loc - 1),
+        % XXX just count from 0
+        get_tuple_subterm(TermA, Loc - 1, ArgTypeInfo, SubTermA),
+        get_tuple_subterm(TermB, Loc - 1, ArgTypeInfo, SubTermB),
         private_builtin.unsafe_type_cast(SubTermB, CastSubTermB),
         generic_unify(SubTermA, CastSubTermB),
@@ -423,9 +423,9 @@ compare_tuple_pos(Loc, TupleArity, TypeInfo, Result, TermA, TermB) :-
         Result = (=)
         ArgTypeInfo = var_arity_type_info_index_as_ti(TypeInfo, Loc),
-        SubTermA = get_tuple_subterm(ArgTypeInfo, TermA, Loc - 1),
-        SubTermB = get_tuple_subterm(ArgTypeInfo, TermB, Loc - 1),
+        % XXX just count from 0
+        get_tuple_subterm(TermA, Loc - 1, ArgTypeInfo, SubTermA),
+        get_tuple_subterm(TermB, Loc - 1, ArgTypeInfo, SubTermB),
         private_builtin.unsafe_type_cast(SubTermB, CastSubTermB),
         generic_compare(SubResult, SubTermA, CastSubTermB),
@@ -2034,13 +2034,35 @@ is_exist_pseudo_type_info(_, _) :-
     private static object
     ML_construct_du(runtime.TypeCtorInfo_Struct tc,
         runtime.DuFunctorDesc functor_desc, list.List_1 arg_list)
+    {
+        TypeCtorInfo_Struct base_tc = tc.type_ctor_base;
+        if (base_tc != null) {
+            // For subtypes, we must derive the class and field names from the
+            // base type ctor.
+            byte ptag = functor_desc.du_functor_primary;
+            DuPtagLayout ptag_layout =
+                base_tc.index_or_search_ptag_layout(ptag);
+            int sectag = functor_desc.du_functor_secondary;
+            if (sectag == -1) {
+                sectag = 0;
+            }
+            DuFunctorDesc base_functor_desc =
+                ptag_layout.index_or_search_sectag_functor(sectag);
+            return ML_construct_du_2(base_tc, base_functor_desc, arg_list);
+        } else {
+            return ML_construct_du_2(tc, functor_desc, arg_list);
+        }
+    }
+    private static object
+    ML_construct_du_2(runtime.TypeCtorInfo_Struct tc,
+        runtime.DuFunctorDesc functor_desc, list.List_1 arg_list)
         string typename;
         System.Type type;
-        // XXX SUBTYPE A subtype may have only one functor without being a
-        // notag type. We may need to look at this again after changing the
-        // data representation of subtypes in high-level data grades.
         if (tc.type_ctor_num_functors == 1) {
             typename =
                 ""mercury."" + ML_name_mangle(tc.type_ctor_module_name)
@@ -2091,6 +2113,11 @@ is_exist_pseudo_type_info(_, _) :-
     private static object
     ML_construct_static_member(runtime.TypeCtorInfo_Struct tc, int i)
+        // For subtypes, we must derive the class name from the base type ctor.
+        if (tc.type_ctor_base != null) {
+            tc = tc.type_ctor_base;
+        }
         string typename =
             ""mercury."" + ML_name_mangle(tc.type_ctor_module_name)
             + ""+"" + ML_flipInitialCase(ML_name_mangle(tc.type_ctor_name))
@@ -2099,7 +2126,8 @@ is_exist_pseudo_type_info(_, _) :-
         return System.Enum.ToObject(type, i);
-    private static System.Type ML_search_type(string typename)
+    private static System.Type
+    ML_search_type(string typename)
         // Do we need to optimise this?  e.g. search the current assembly,
         // then that which contains the standard library, or cache old results.
@@ -2114,6 +2142,7 @@ is_exist_pseudo_type_info(_, _) :-
         return null;
+    // XXX fix name
     private static string
     ML_flipInitialCase(string s)
@@ -2481,16 +2510,42 @@ is_exist_pseudo_type_info(_, _) :-
     private static Object
     ML_construct_du(TypeCtorInfo_Struct tc, DuFunctorDesc functor_desc,
-            list.List_1<univ.Univ_0> arg_list)
+        list.List_1<univ.Univ_0> arg_list)
         throws ClassNotFoundException, NoSuchFieldException,
             IllegalAccessException, InstantiationException,
+    {
+        final jmercury.runtime.TypeCtorInfo_Struct base_tc = tc.type_ctor_base;
+        if (base_tc != null) {
+            // For subtypes, we must derive the class and field names from the
+            // base type ctor.
+            byte ptag = functor_desc.du_functor_primary;
+            jmercury.runtime.DuPtagLayout ptag_layout =
+                base_tc.index_or_search_ptag_layout(ptag);
+            int sectag = functor_desc.du_functor_secondary;
+            if (sectag == -1) {
+                sectag = 0;
+            }
+            jmercury.runtime.DuFunctorDesc base_functor_desc =
+                ptag_layout.index_or_search_sectag_functor(sectag);
+            return ML_construct_du_2(base_tc, base_functor_desc, arg_list);
+        } else {
+            return ML_construct_du_2(tc, functor_desc, arg_list);
+        }
+    }
+    private static Object
+    ML_construct_du_2(TypeCtorInfo_Struct tc, DuFunctorDesc functor_desc,
+        list.List_1<univ.Univ_0> arg_list)
+        throws
+            ClassNotFoundException, NoSuchFieldException,
+            IllegalAccessException, InstantiationException,
+            InvocationTargetException
         String clsname;
-        // XXX SUBTYPE A subtype may have only one functor without being a
-        // notag type. We may need to look at this again after changing the
-        // data representation of subtypes in high-level data grades.
         if (tc.type_ctor_num_functors == 1) {
             clsname = ""jmercury."" + ML_name_mangle(tc.type_ctor_module_name)
                 + ""$"" + ML_flipInitialCase(ML_name_mangle(tc.type_ctor_name))
@@ -2569,6 +2624,11 @@ is_exist_pseudo_type_info(_, _) :-
         throws ClassNotFoundException, NoSuchFieldException,
+        // For subtypes, we must derive the class name from the base type ctor.
+        if (tc.type_ctor_base != null) {
+            tc = tc.type_ctor_base;
+        }
         Class<?> cls = Class.forName(
             ""jmercury."" + ML_name_mangle(tc.type_ctor_module_name)
             + ""$"" + ML_flipInitialCase(ML_name_mangle(tc.type_ctor_name))
@@ -2580,6 +2640,7 @@ is_exist_pseudo_type_info(_, _) :-
         return field.get(cls);
+    // XXX fix name
     private static String
     ML_flipInitialCase(String s)
@@ -2824,7 +2885,7 @@ deconstruct_2(Term, TypeInfo, TypeCtorInfo, TypeCtorRep, NonCanon,
             Ordinal = int32.to_int(FunctorDesc ^ du_functor_ordinal),
             Arity = int16.to_int(FunctorDesc ^ du_functor_arity),
             Arguments = iterate(0, Arity - 1,
-                get_arg_univ(Term, SecTagLocn, FunctorDesc, TypeInfo))
+                get_arg_univ(Term, TypeInfo, SecTagLocn, FunctorDesc))
             SecTagLocn = stag_local_rest_of_word,
             Functor = "some_du_local_sectag",
@@ -3012,9 +3073,9 @@ deconstruct_2(Term, TypeInfo, TypeCtorInfo, TypeCtorRep, NonCanon,
         Ordinal = 0,
         Arity = get_var_arity_typeinfo_arity(TypeInfo),
-            (pred(TI::in, U::out, Index::in, Next::out) is det :-
-                SubTerm = get_tuple_subterm(TI, Term, Index),
-                U = univ(SubTerm),
+            ( pred(ArgTypeInfo::in, Univ::out, Index::in, Next::out) is det :-
+                get_tuple_subterm(Term, Index, ArgTypeInfo, SubTerm),
+                Univ = univ(SubTerm),
                 Next = Index + 1
             ), TypeArgs, Arguments, 0, _)
@@ -3218,7 +3279,7 @@ univ_named_arg_2(Term, TypeInfo, TypeCtorInfo, TypeCtorRep, NonCanon, Name,
                 get_du_functor_arg_names(FunctorDesc, Names),
                 search_arg_names(Names, 0, Arity, Name, Index)
-                ArgUniv = get_arg_univ(Term, SecTagLocn, FunctorDesc, TypeInfo,
+                ArgUniv = get_arg_univ(Term, TypeInfo, SecTagLocn, FunctorDesc,
                 MaybeArgument = yes(ArgUniv)
@@ -3405,20 +3466,21 @@ expand_type_name(TypeCtorInfo, Wrap) = Name :-
     % Retrieve an argument number from a term, given the functor descriptor.
-:- some [T] pred get_arg(U::in, sectag_locn::in, du_functor_desc::in,
-    type_info::in, int::in, T::out) is det.
+:- some [ArgT] pred get_arg(T::in, type_info::in, sectag_locn::in,
+    du_functor_desc::in, int::in, ArgT::out) is det.
-get_arg(Term, SecTagLocn, FunctorDesc, TypeInfo, Index, Arg) :-
+get_arg(Term, TypeInfo, SecTagLocn, FunctorDesc, Index, Arg) :-
     ( if get_du_functor_exist_info(FunctorDesc, ExistInfo) then
-        ExtraArgs = int16.to_int(exist_info_typeinfos_plain(ExistInfo)) +
+        NumExtraArgs0 =
+            int16.to_int(exist_info_typeinfos_plain(ExistInfo)) +
-        ExtraArgs = 0
+        NumExtraArgs0 = 0
     ArgTypes = FunctorDesc ^ du_functor_arg_types,
     PseudoTypeInfo = get_pti_from_arg_types(ArgTypes, Index),
-    get_arg_type_info(TypeInfo, PseudoTypeInfo, Term, FunctorDesc,
+    get_arg_type_info(Term, TypeInfo, FunctorDesc, PseudoTypeInfo,
     ( if
         ( SecTagLocn = stag_none
@@ -3426,25 +3488,25 @@ get_arg(Term, SecTagLocn, FunctorDesc, TypeInfo, Index, Arg) :-
         ; high_level_data
-        TagOffset = 0
+        NumExtraArgs = NumExtraArgs0
-        TagOffset = 1
+        NumExtraArgs = NumExtraArgs0 + 1
-    RealArgsOffset = TagOffset + ExtraArgs,
-    Arg = get_subterm(FunctorDesc, ArgTypeInfo, Term, Index, RealArgsOffset).
+    get_subterm(Term, TypeInfo, FunctorDesc, Index, NumExtraArgs,
+        ArgTypeInfo, Arg).
-:- func get_arg_univ(U, sectag_locn, du_functor_desc, type_info, int) = univ.
+:- func get_arg_univ(T, type_info, sectag_locn, du_functor_desc, int) = univ.
-get_arg_univ(Term, SecTagLocn, FunctorDesc, TypeInfo, Index) = Univ :-
-    get_arg(Term, SecTagLocn, FunctorDesc, TypeInfo, Index, Arg),
+get_arg_univ(Term, TypeInfo, SecTagLocn, FunctorDesc, Index) = Univ :-
+    get_arg(Term, TypeInfo, SecTagLocn, FunctorDesc, Index, Arg),
     type_to_univ(Arg, Univ).
-:- pred get_arg_type_info(type_info::in, pseudo_type_info::in, T::in,
-    du_functor_desc::in, type_info::out) is det.
+:- pred get_arg_type_info(T::in, type_info::in, du_functor_desc::in,
+    pseudo_type_info::in, type_info::out) is det.
-get_arg_type_info(TypeInfoParams, PseudoTypeInfo, Term, FunctorDesc,
+get_arg_type_info(Term, TypeInfoParams, FunctorDesc, PseudoTypeInfo,
         ArgTypeInfo) :-
     ( if pseudo_type_info_is_variable(PseudoTypeInfo, VarNum) then
         get_type_info_for_var(TypeInfoParams, VarNum, Term,
@@ -3472,7 +3534,7 @@ get_arg_type_info_2(TypeInfoParams, TypeInfo, Term, FunctorDesc,
         Offset, I, Max, !ArgTypeInfo) :-
     ( if I < Max then
         get_pti_from_type_info_index(TypeInfo, Offset, I, PTI),
-        get_arg_type_info(TypeInfoParams, PTI, Term, FunctorDesc, ETypeInfo),
+        get_arg_type_info(Term, TypeInfoParams, FunctorDesc, PTI, ETypeInfo),
         set_type_info_index(Offset, I, ETypeInfo, !ArgTypeInfo),
         get_arg_type_info_2(TypeInfoParams, TypeInfo, Term, FunctorDesc,
             Offset, I + 1, Max, !ArgTypeInfo)
@@ -3647,124 +3709,240 @@ type_info_from_pseudo_type_info(PseudoTypeInfo) = TypeInfo :-
-    % Get a subterm T, given its type_info, the original term U, its index
-    % and the start region size.
-    %
-:- some [T] func get_subterm(du_functor_desc, type_info, U, int, int) = T.
+:- some [ArgT] pred get_subterm(T::in, type_info::in, du_functor_desc::in,
+    int::in, int::in, type_info::in, ArgT::out) is det.
-get_subterm(_, _, _, _, _) = -1 :-
+get_subterm(_, _, _, _, _, _, -1) :-
 :- pragma foreign_proc("C#",
-    get_subterm(FunctorDesc::in, SubTermTypeInfo::in, Term::in,
-        Index::in, ExtraArgs::in) = (Arg::out),
+    get_subterm(Term::in, TypeInfo::in, FunctorDesc::in,
+        Index::in, NumExtraArgs::in, ArgTypeInfo::in, Arg::out),
     [will_not_call_mercury, promise_pure, thread_safe, may_not_duplicate],
     // Mention TypeInfo_for_U to avoid a warning.
-    if (Term is object[]) {
-        int i = Index + ExtraArgs;
-        Arg = ((object[]) Term)[i];
-    } else {
-        string fieldName = null;
-        if (FunctorDesc.du_functor_arg_names != null) {
-            fieldName = FunctorDesc.du_functor_arg_names[Index];
+    Arg = ML_get_subterm(Term, TypeInfo, FunctorDesc, Index, NumExtraArgs);
+    TypeInfo_for_ArgT = ArgTypeInfo;
+:- pragma foreign_proc("Java",
+    get_subterm(Term::in, TypeInfo::in, FunctorDesc::in,
+        Index::in, NumExtraArgs::in, ArgTypeInfo::in, Arg::out),
+    [will_not_call_mercury, promise_pure, thread_safe, may_not_duplicate],
+    // Mention TypeInfo_for_T to avoid a warning.
+    // Currently we use reflection to extract the field.
+    // It probably would be more efficient to generate
+    // a method for each class to return its n'th field.
+    Arg = ML_get_subterm(Term, TypeInfo, FunctorDesc, Index, NumExtraArgs);
+    assert Arg != null;
+    TypeInfo_for_ArgT = ArgTypeInfo;
+:- pragma foreign_code("C#",
+    private static object
+    ML_get_subterm(object term,
+        TypeInfo_Struct type_info,
+        DuFunctorDesc functor_desc,
+        int index, int num_extra_args)
+    {
+        if (term is object[]) {
+            int i = index + num_extra_args;
+            return ((object[]) term)[i];
+        } else {
+            return ML_get_subterm_non_array(term, type_info, functor_desc,
+                index, num_extra_args);
+        }
+    }
+    private static object
+    ML_get_subterm_non_array(object term,
+        TypeInfo_Struct type_info,
+        DuFunctorDesc functor_desc,
+        int index, int num_extra_args)
+    {
+        TypeCtorInfo_Struct base_tc = type_info.type_ctor.type_ctor_base;
+        string field_name;
+        if (base_tc != null) {
+            // For subtypes, we need to get the corresponding DuFunctorDesc
+            // from the base type ctor.
+            DuFunctorDesc base_functor_desc =
+                ML_get_functor_desc_by_tags(base_tc,
+                    functor_desc.du_functor_primary,
+                    functor_desc.du_functor_secondary);
+            field_name =
+                ML_get_field_name_by_index(base_functor_desc,
+                    index, num_extra_args);
+        } else {
+            field_name =
+                ML_get_field_name_by_index(functor_desc,
+                    index, num_extra_args);
+        }
+        return ML_get_subterm_by_field_name(term, field_name);
+    }
+    private static DuFunctorDesc
+    ML_get_functor_desc_by_tags(TypeCtorInfo_Struct base_tc,
+        byte ptag, int sectag)
+    {
+        DuPtagLayout ptag_layout = base_tc.index_or_search_ptag_layout(ptag);
+        if (sectag == -1) {
+            sectag = 0;
-        if (fieldName != null) {
-            fieldName = ML_name_mangle(fieldName);
+        return ptag_layout.index_or_search_sectag_functor(sectag);
+    }
+    private static string
+    ML_get_field_name_by_index(DuFunctorDesc functor_desc,
+        int index, int num_extra_args)
+    {
+        // Look up the field name if it exists, otherwise recreate the field
+        // name that would have been used.
+        string field_name = null;
+        if (functor_desc.du_functor_arg_names != null) {
+            field_name = functor_desc.du_functor_arg_names[index];
+        }
+        if (field_name != null) {
+            field_name = ML_name_mangle(field_name);
         } else {
             // The F<i> field variables are numbered from 1.
-            int i = 1 + Index + ExtraArgs;
-            fieldName = ""F"" + i;
+            int i = 1 + index + num_extra_args;
+            field_name = ""F"" + i;
+        return field_name;
+    }
-        System.Reflection.FieldInfo f = Term.GetType().GetField(fieldName);
+    private static object
+    ML_get_subterm_by_field_name(object term, string field_name)
+    {
+        System.Reflection.FieldInfo f = term.GetType().GetField(field_name);
         if (f == null) {
-            throw new System.Exception(""no such field: "" + fieldName);
+            throw new System.Exception(""no such field: "" + field_name);
-        Arg = f.GetValue(Term);
+        return f.GetValue(term);
-    TypeInfo_for_T = SubTermTypeInfo;
-:- pragma foreign_proc("Java",
-    get_subterm(FunctorDesc::in, SubTermTypeInfo::in, Term::in,
-        Index::in, ExtraArgs::in) = (Arg::out),
-    [will_not_call_mercury, promise_pure, thread_safe, may_not_duplicate],
+:- pragma foreign_code("Java",
-    // Mention TypeInfo_for_U to avoid a warning.
+    private static Object
+    ML_get_subterm(Object term,
+        jmercury.runtime.TypeInfo_Struct type_info,
+        jmercury.runtime.DuFunctorDesc functor_desc,
+        int index, int num_extra_args)
+    {
+        if (term instanceof Object[]) {
+            int i = index + num_extra_args;
+            return ((Object[]) term)[i];
+        } else {
+            return ML_get_subterm_non_array(term, type_info, functor_desc,
+                index, num_extra_args);
+        }
+    }
-    // Currently we use reflection to extract the field.
-    // It probably would be more efficient to generate
-    // a method for each class to return its n'th field.
+    private static Object
+    ML_get_subterm_non_array(Object term,
+        jmercury.runtime.TypeInfo_Struct type_info,
+        jmercury.runtime.DuFunctorDesc functor_desc,
+        int index, int num_extra_args)
+    {
+        jmercury.runtime.TypeCtorInfo_Struct base_tc =
+            type_info.type_ctor.type_ctor_base;
+        String field_name;
+        if (base_tc != null) {
+            // For subtypes, we need to get the corresponding DuFunctorDesc in
+            // the base type ctor.
+            jmercury.runtime.DuFunctorDesc base_functor_desc =
+                ML_get_functor_desc_by_tags(base_tc,
+                    functor_desc.du_functor_primary,
+                    functor_desc.du_functor_secondary);
+            field_name =
+                ML_get_field_name_by_index(base_functor_desc,
+                    index, num_extra_args);
+        } else {
+            field_name =
+                ML_get_field_name_by_index(functor_desc,
+                    index, num_extra_args);
+        }
-    if (Term instanceof Object[]) {
-        int i = Index + ExtraArgs;
-        Arg = ((Object[]) Term)[i];
-    } else {
+        return ML_get_subterm_by_field_name(term, field_name);
+    }
+    private static jmercury.runtime.DuFunctorDesc
+    ML_get_functor_desc_by_tags(jmercury.runtime.TypeCtorInfo_Struct base_tc,
+        byte ptag, int sectag)
+    {
+        jmercury.runtime.DuPtagLayout ptag_layout =
+            base_tc.index_or_search_ptag_layout(ptag);
+        if (sectag == -1) {
+            sectag = 0;
+        }
+        return ptag_layout.index_or_search_sectag_functor(sectag);
+    }
+    private static String
+    ML_get_field_name_by_index(jmercury.runtime.DuFunctorDesc functor_desc,
+        int index, int num_extra_args)
+    {
         // Look up the field name if it exists, otherwise recreate the field
         // name that would have been used.
-        String fieldName = null;
-        if (FunctorDesc.du_functor_arg_names != null) {
-            fieldName = FunctorDesc.du_functor_arg_names[Index];
+        String field_name = null;
+        if (functor_desc.du_functor_arg_names != null) {
+            field_name = functor_desc.du_functor_arg_names[index];
-        if (fieldName != null) {
-            fieldName = ML_name_mangle(fieldName);
+        if (field_name != null) {
+            field_name = ML_name_mangle(field_name);
         } else {
             // The F<i> field variables are numbered from 1.
-            int i = 1 + Index + ExtraArgs;
-            fieldName = ""F"" + i;
+            int i = 1 + index + num_extra_args;
+            field_name = ""F"" + i;
+        return field_name;
+    }
+    private static Object
+    ML_get_subterm_by_field_name(Object term, String field_name)
+    {
         try {
-            Field f = Term.getClass().getDeclaredField(fieldName);
-            Arg = f.get(Term);
+            Field f = term.getClass().getDeclaredField(field_name);
+            return f.get(term);
         } catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
             throw new Error(e);
         } catch (NoSuchFieldException e) {
             throw new Error(e);
-    assert Arg != null;
-    TypeInfo_for_T = SubTermTypeInfo;
-    % Same as above, but for tuples instead of du types.
-    %
-:- some [T] func get_tuple_subterm(type_info, U, int) = T.
+:- some [ArgT] pred get_tuple_subterm(T::in, int::in, type_info::in, ArgT::out)
+    is det.
-get_tuple_subterm(TypeInfo, Term, Index) = SubTerm :-
-    % Reuse the code in get_subterm.
-    % Passing null for FunctorDesc is okay because the C# implementation
-    % doesn't use it, and the Java implementation doesn't use it if
-    % the Term is an array (true of tuples).
-    SubTerm = get_subterm(null_functor_desc, TypeInfo, Term, Index, 0).
+get_tuple_subterm(_, _, _, -1) :-
+    private_builtin.sorry("get_tuple_subterm").
-:- func null_functor_desc = du_functor_desc.
 :- pragma foreign_proc("C#",
-    null_functor_desc = (NullFunctorDesc::out),
-    [will_not_call_mercury, promise_pure, thread_safe],
+    get_tuple_subterm(Term::in, Index::in, ArgTypeInfo::in, Arg::out),
+    [will_not_call_mercury, promise_pure, thread_safe, tabled_for_io],
-    NullFunctorDesc = null;
+    Arg = ((object[]) Term)[Index];
+    TypeInfo_for_ArgT = ArgTypeInfo;
 :- pragma foreign_proc("Java",
-    null_functor_desc = (NullFunctorDesc::out),
-    [will_not_call_mercury, promise_pure, thread_safe],
-    NullFunctorDesc = null;
-:- pragma foreign_proc("C",
-    null_functor_desc = (NullFunctorDesc::out),
-    [will_not_call_mercury, promise_pure, thread_safe],
+    get_tuple_subterm(Term::in, Index::in, ArgTypeInfo::in, Arg::out),
+    [will_not_call_mercury, promise_pure, thread_safe, tabled_for_io],
-    NullFunctorDesc = (MR_Word) NULL;
+    Arg = ((Object[]) Term)[Index];
+    TypeInfo_for_ArgT = ArgTypeInfo;
diff --git a/runtime/mercury_dotnet.cs.in b/runtime/mercury_dotnet.cs.in
index bed8d333d..271dbc7e9 100644
--- a/runtime/mercury_dotnet.cs.in
+++ b/runtime/mercury_dotnet.cs.in
@@ -369,19 +369,20 @@ public class PseudoTypeInfo {
 public class TypeCtorInfo_Struct : PseudoTypeInfo {
-    public int              arity;
-    public byte             type_ctor_version;
-    public sbyte            type_ctor_num_ptags;
-    public TypeCtorRep      type_ctor_rep;
-    public object           unify_pred;
-    public object           compare_pred;
-    public string           type_ctor_module_name;
-    public string           type_ctor_name;
-    public TypeFunctors     type_functors;
-    public TypeLayout       type_layout;
-    public int              type_ctor_num_functors;
-    public ushort           type_ctor_flags;
-    public int[]            type_functor_number_map;
+    public int                  arity;
+    public byte                 type_ctor_version;
+    public sbyte                type_ctor_num_ptags;
+    public TypeCtorRep          type_ctor_rep;
+    public object               unify_pred;
+    public object               compare_pred;
+    public string               type_ctor_module_name;
+    public string               type_ctor_name;
+    public TypeFunctors         type_functors;
+    public TypeLayout           type_layout;
+    public int                  type_ctor_num_functors;
+    public ushort               type_ctor_flags;
+    public int[]                type_functor_number_map;
+    public TypeCtorInfo_Struct  type_ctor_base; // null unless subtype
     private const ushort MR_TYPE_CTOR_FLAG_LAYOUT_INDEXABLE = 0x8;
@@ -406,7 +407,8 @@ public class TypeCtorInfo_Struct : PseudoTypeInfo {
-            other.type_functor_number_map
+            other.type_functor_number_map,
+            other.type_ctor_base
@@ -423,21 +425,23 @@ public class TypeCtorInfo_Struct : PseudoTypeInfo {
         object ordinal_ordered_functor_descs, // TypeLayout
         int num_functors,
         ushort flags,
-        int[] functor_number_map)
+        int[] functor_number_map,
+        TypeCtorInfo_Struct type_ctor_base)
-        arity = type_arity;
-        type_ctor_version = version;
-        type_ctor_num_ptags = num_ptags;
-        type_ctor_rep = rep;
-        unify_pred = unify_proc;
-        compare_pred = compare_proc;
-        type_ctor_module_name = module;
-        type_ctor_name = name;
-        type_functors = (TypeFunctors) name_ordered_functor_descs;
-        type_layout = (TypeLayout) ordinal_ordered_functor_descs;
-        type_ctor_num_functors = num_functors;
-        type_ctor_flags = flags;
-        type_functor_number_map = functor_number_map;
+        this.arity = type_arity;
+        this.type_ctor_version = version;
+        this.type_ctor_num_ptags = num_ptags;
+        this.type_ctor_rep = rep;
+        this.unify_pred = unify_proc;
+        this.compare_pred = compare_proc;
+        this.type_ctor_module_name = module;
+        this.type_ctor_name = name;
+        this.type_functors = (TypeFunctors) name_ordered_functor_descs;
+        this.type_layout = (TypeLayout) ordinal_ordered_functor_descs;
+        this.type_ctor_num_functors = num_functors;
+        this.type_ctor_flags = flags;
+        this.type_functor_number_map = functor_number_map;
+        this.type_ctor_base = type_ctor_base;
     public override bool Equals(object other) {
diff --git a/runtime/mercury_type_info.h b/runtime/mercury_type_info.h
index ed00dca4a..a43e9e6ce 100644
--- a/runtime/mercury_type_info.h
+++ b/runtime/mercury_type_info.h
@@ -1261,10 +1261,13 @@ struct MR_TypeCtorInfo_Struct {
     MR_uint_least16_t   MR_type_ctor_flags;
     MR_FunctorNumberMap MR_type_ctor_functor_number_map;
-// The following fields will be added later, once we can exploit them:
-//  MR_TrieNodePtr      MR_type_ctor_std_table;
-//  MR_ProcAddr         MR_type_ctor_prettyprinter;
+    // The following field is required when using high-level data
+    // (Java and C#) but not for low-level data (both C backends):
+    //  MR_TypeCtorInfo_Struct  *MR_type_ctor_base;
+    // The following fields will be added later, once we can exploit them:
+    //  MR_TrieNodePtr  MR_type_ctor_std_table;
+    //  MR_ProcAddr     MR_type_ctor_prettyprinter;
 // Check whether an MR_TypeCtorRepInt is a valid MR_TypeCtorRep value.
diff --git a/tests/hard_coded/Mmakefile b/tests/hard_coded/Mmakefile
index 5f966063a..23ed2129e 100644
--- a/tests/hard_coded/Mmakefile
+++ b/tests/hard_coded/Mmakefile
@@ -392,6 +392,7 @@ ORDINARY_PROGS = \
 	string_various \
 	string_well_formed \
 	string_well_formed_utf8 \
+	subtype_abstract \
 	subtype_pack \
 	subtype_rtti \
 	sv_nested_closures \
diff --git a/tests/hard_coded/subtype_abstract.exp b/tests/hard_coded/subtype_abstract.exp
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..93ca24748
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/hard_coded/subtype_abstract.exp
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+foo(pair(3.14159, 42))
diff --git a/tests/hard_coded/subtype_abstract.m b/tests/hard_coded/subtype_abstract.m
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..7b73b378d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/hard_coded/subtype_abstract.m
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+% vim: ts=4 sw=4 et ft=mercury
+:- module subtype_abstract.
+:- interface.
+:- import_module io.
+:- pred main(io::di, io::uo) is det.
+:- implementation.
+:- import_module subtype_abstract_2.
+:- type foo(T, U)
+    --->    foo(
+                my_field :: abstract_pair(T, U)
+            ).
+main(!IO) :-
+    X = foo(make_abstract_pair(42, 3.14159)),
+    io.print_line(X, !IO).
diff --git a/tests/hard_coded/subtype_abstract_2.m b/tests/hard_coded/subtype_abstract_2.m
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..93b7bf16f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/hard_coded/subtype_abstract_2.m
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+% vim: ts=4 sw=4 et ft=mercury
+:- module subtype_abstract_2.
+:- interface.
+:- type abstract_pair(T, U).
+:- func make_abstract_pair(T, U) = abstract_pair(T, U).
+:- implementation.
+:- type bar(T, U)
+    --->    red
+    ;       green
+    ;       blue
+    ;       pair(U, T).
+:- type bar_pair(T, U) =< bar(T, U)
+    --->    pair(U, T).
+:- type eqv_bar_pair(T, U) == bar_pair(T, U).
+:- type abstract_pair(T, U) =< eqv_bar_pair(T, U)
+    --->    pair(U, T).
+make_abstract_pair(X, Y) = pair(Y, X).
diff --git a/tests/hard_coded/subtype_rtti.exp2 b/tests/hard_coded/subtype_rtti.exp2
index 5e166a5c3..28eafa865 100644
--- a/tests/hard_coded/subtype_rtti.exp2
+++ b/tests/hard_coded/subtype_rtti.exp2
@@ -93,7 +93,9 @@ construct.get_functor_with_names
 	arg names:	[no]
 	arg type descs:	[int]
-construct.construct skipped
+	f1(42)
+unify ok
diff --git a/tests/hard_coded/subtype_rtti.m b/tests/hard_coded/subtype_rtti.m
index 35470df82..520973e48 100644
--- a/tests/hard_coded/subtype_rtti.m
+++ b/tests/hard_coded/subtype_rtti.m
@@ -235,15 +235,7 @@ test(Term, !IO) :-
             io.write_string("construct.find_functor failed\n", !IO)
-        % XXX SUBTYPE construct of sub_tagged currently does not work on
-        % Java/C# backends (see ML_construct_du in rtti_implementation.m).
-        % Revisit this after updating high-level data backends.
-        ( if
-            is_java_or_csharp,
-            dynamic_cast(Term, _ : sub_tagged)
-        then
-            io.write_string("construct.construct skipped\n", !IO)
-        else if construct.construct(TypeDesc, FunctorLex, Args) = Univ then
+        ( if construct.construct(TypeDesc, FunctorLex, Args) = Univ then
             io.write_string("construct.construct\n\t", !IO),
             io.print_line(Univ, !IO),
             ( if univ_to_type(Univ, Term) then
@@ -276,10 +268,3 @@ print_value(Label, Value, !IO) :-
     io.print(Value, !IO),
-:- pred is_java_or_csharp is semidet.
-is_java_or_csharp :-
-    ( string.sub_string_search($grade, "java", _)
-    ; string.sub_string_search($grade, "csharp", _)
-    ).

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