[m-rev.] for review: more specific errors when file sizes exceed maximum buffer sizes

Julien Fischer jfischer at opturion.com
Mon Oct 28 13:08:26 AEDT 2019

Hi Peter,

On Mon, 28 Oct 2019, Peter Wang wrote:

> On Fri, 25 Oct 2019 16:02:28 +1100 (AEDT), Julien Fischer <jfischer at opturion.com> wrote:
>> More specific errors when file sizes exceed maximum buffer sizes.
>> Predicates such as read_file_as_string and read_binary_input_as_bitmap, use
>> buffers that are backend by Mercury arrays.  Since Mercury arrays are indexed
>> using the int type, it is possible to cause the buffer index to overflow when
>> reading large files on 32-bit platforms.  Detect this situation and throw an
>> exception that is specific to it.  Currently, the behaviour we get depends on
>> how much the overflowing index wraps around.
>> As part of the above, fix the XXXs where we were casting 64-bit stream file
>> sizes to ints; file stream files sizes are now always returned as int64s.
>> Julien.
>> diff --git a/library/io.m b/library/io.m
>> index 91c1a72..7b63ed4 100644
>> --- a/library/io.m
>> +++ b/library/io.m
>> @@ -200,6 +200,9 @@
>>       % Returns an error if the file contains a null character, because
>>       % null characters are not allowed in Mercury strings.
>>       %
>> +    % Throws an exception if the number of characters in the stream exceeds the
>> +    % maximum index of an array on this platform.
>> +    %
> Number of characters may be interpreted as code points,

Number of characters *is* interpreted as code points because the text
directly above (not shown in the diff) says exactly that.  (Given that
the characters are defined to be Unicode code points by the language
reference now, I'm not sure that repeating that fact everywhere is
particularly necessary.)

> and maximum index of an array seems like an implementation detail.
> Maybe just write the limits directly?

I've changed it to read:

     % Throws an exception if the number of characters in the stream exceeds
     % int.max_int.

>>       % WARNING: the returned string is NOT guaranteed to be valid UTF-8
>>       % or UTF-16.
>>       %
>> @@ -1053,8 +1056,10 @@
>>       bitmap::bitmap_di, bitmap::bitmap_uo, num_bytes::out, io.res::out,
>>       io::di, io::uo) is det.
>> -    % Reads all the bytes until eof or error from the current binary input
>> -    % stream or from the specified binary input stream into a bitmap.
>> +    % Reads all the bytes until eof on error from the current binary input
> or error


>> +    % stream or the specified binary input stream into a bitmap. Throws an
> I think it was easier to read with "or from".

Changed it back.

>> +    % exception if the number of bytes to be read exceeds the maximum number
>> +    % of bytes that can be stored in a bitmap on this platform.
>>       %
>>   :- pred read_binary_file_as_bitmap(
>>       io.res(bitmap)::out, io::di, io::uo) is det.
>> @@ -3626,9 +3631,18 @@ read_binary_file_as_bitmap(Stream, Result, !IO) :-
>>       % according to the size of the file. Otherwise, just use a default buffer
>>       % size of 4k minus a bit (to give malloc some room).
>>       binary_input_stream_file_size(Stream, FileSize, !IO),
>> -    ( if FileSize >= 0 then
>> -        binary_input_stream_offset(Stream, CurrentOffset, !IO),
>> -        RemainingSize = FileSize - CurrentOffset,
>> +    ( if FileSize >= 0i64 then
>> +        binary_input_stream_offset64(Stream, CurrentOffset, !IO),
>> +        RemainingSizeInt64 = FileSize - CurrentOffset,
>> +        ( if
>> +            int.bits_per_int = 32,
>> +            RemainingSizeInt64 > from_int(int.max_int)
>> +        then
>> +            error("io.read_binary_file_as_bitmap",
>> +                "file size exceeds maximum buffer size")
>> +        else
>> +            RemainingSize = cast_to_int(RemainingSizeInt64)
>> +        ),
>>           some [!BM] (
>>               !:BM = bitmap.init(RemainingSize * bits_per_byte),
>>               ( if RemainingSize = 0 then
>> @@ -4043,18 +4057,30 @@ read_file_as_string_2(Stream, String, NumCUs, Error, NullCharError, !IO) :-
>>       % according to the size of the file. Otherwise, just use a default buffer
>>       % size of 4k minus a bit (to give malloc some room).
>>       input_stream_file_size(input_stream(Stream), FileSize, !IO),
>> -    ( if FileSize >= 0 then
>> -        BufferSize0 = FileSize + 1
>> +    ( if FileSize >= 0i64 then
>> +        BufferSize0 = FileSize + 1i64
>> +    else
>> +        BufferSize0 = 4000i64
>> +    ),
>> +
>> +    % In grades with 32-bit ints, buffer indexes will be 32-bit, so abort if we
>> +    % need to read in more than int.int_max bytes.
> int.max_int


Thanks for that.


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