[m-rev.] diff: fix minor documentation error

Julien Fischer jfischer at opturion.com
Thu Oct 17 16:01:22 AEDT 2019

Fix minor documentation error.

     The functor returned for C pointers is c_pointer(0xXXXX) *not* ptr(0x0000).


diff --git a/library/deconstruct.m b/library/deconstruct.m
index 72d97be..391447f 100644
--- a/library/deconstruct.m
+++ b/library/deconstruct.m
@@ -90,7 +90,7 @@
      %     predicate and function values created by lambda expressions.)
      %   - for tuples, the string {}.
      %   - for arrays, the string <<array>>.
-    %   - for c_pointers, the string ptr(0xXXXX) where XXXX is the
+    %   - for c_pointers, the string c_pointer(0xXXXX) where XXXX is the
      %     hexadecimal representation of the pointer.
      %   - for foreign types, a string of the form <<foreign(Name, Rep)>> where
      %     Name is the type's Mercury name and Rep is a target language specific

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