[m-rev.] additional mdb aliases

Peter Wang novalazy at gmail.com
Wed Jul 3 11:06:45 AEST 2019


The recent thread on m-users reminded me of the mdb aliases that I've
collected since I started using Mercury. Would it make sense for some of
them to be added to the default configuration? I'm sure everyone has
their own aliases but I expect many similarities.

One that might be controversial is 'd' for down, which clashes with 'd'
for dump. I've always used 'st' or 'bt' (compatible with gdb), but some
people might be used to 'd'.


diff --git a/scripts/mdbrc.in b/scripts/mdbrc.in
index bebbed6fd..c1cf27d7a 100644
--- a/scripts/mdbrc.in
+++ b/scripts/mdbrc.in
@@ -2,17 +2,39 @@ source @DEFAULT_MERCURY_DEBUGGER_DOC@
 alias	s	step
 alias	g	goto
 alias	f	finish
+alias	n	next -a
 alias	r	retry
 alias	v	vars
 alias	p	print
 alias	P	print *
-alias	d	stack
+#alias	d	stack
+alias	st	stack
+alias	bt	stack
+alias	u	up
+alias	d	down
+alias	cur	current
+alias	lv	level
 alias	c	continue
 alias	b	break
+alias	bi	break info
+alias	cond	condition
+alias	cv	condition -v
+alias	del	delete
+alias	dis	disable
+alias	en	enable
+alias	l	list
+alias	pld	push_list_dir
 alias	h	help
 alias	?	help
 alias	excp	exception
 alias	e	exception
+alias	q	quit
+alias	Q	quit -y
+alias	bw	browse --web
+alias	depth	format_param depth
+alias	lines	format_param lines
+alias	size	format_param size
+alias	width	format_param width
 alias	EMPTY	step
 alias	NUMBER	step
 alias	!	shell

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