[m-rev.] diff: add a stronger test of generic_refs from the store module
Julien Fischer
jfischer at opturion.com
Wed Aug 29 14:45:16 AEST 2018
This is the first of a number of diffs to improve test coverage of the
store module. I'm committing this one now as it appears that we
don't currently pass it any grade.
Add a stronger test of generic_refs from the store module.
Add a test of updating the fields of term inside a generic_ref.
diff --git a/tests/hard_coded/Mmakefile b/tests/hard_coded/Mmakefile
index 1c5fe2a..e9f3d81 100644
--- a/tests/hard_coded/Mmakefile
+++ b/tests/hard_coded/Mmakefile
@@ -367,6 +367,7 @@ ORDINARY_PROGS = \
test_char_digits \
test_cord \
test_cord2 \
+ test_generic_ref \
test_imported_no_tag \
test_infinity \
test_int_hash \
diff --git a/tests/hard_coded/test_generic_ref.exp b/tests/hard_coded/test_generic_ref.exp
index e69de29..b790c82 100644
--- a/tests/hard_coded/test_generic_ref.exp
+++ b/tests/hard_coded/test_generic_ref.exp
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+ Orig. Term: test1_struct(561)
+ Updated Term: test1_struct(41041)
+Expected Term: test1_struct(41041)
+ Orig. Term: test2_struct(111, 111, 111)
+ Updated Term: test2_struct(222, 222, 222)
+Expected Term: test2_struct(222, 222, 222)
+ Orig. Term: test3_struct(yes, yes, yes, 65535u16)
+ Updated Term: test3_struct(no, no, no, 0u16)
+Expected Term: test3_struct(no, no, no, 0u16)
+ Orig. Term: test4_struct(bat, bat, 561, "Hello", owl, owl, owl, owl)
+ Updated Term: test4_struct(fox, fox, 41041, "World", hog, hog, hog, hog)
+Expected Term: test4_struct(fox, fox, 41041, "World", hog, hog, hog, hog)
+ Orig. Term: test5_struct(561, dummy, nested_dummy(dummy), "Hello", yes, yes)
+ Updated Term: test5_struct(41041, dummy, nested_dummy(dummy), "World", no, no)
+Expected Term: test5_struct(41041, dummy, nested_dummy(dummy), "World", no, no)
+ Orig. Term: test6_struct(255u8, 255u8, dummy, 65535u16)
+ Updated Term: test6_struct(1u8, 1u8, dummy, 1u16)
+Expected Term: test6_struct(1u8, 1u8, dummy, 1u16)
+ Orig. Term: packed_2(dummy, 561.0, 1i8, 1u8, dummy, 2i8, 3u8)
+ Updated Term: packed_2(dummy, 41041.0, 127i8, 255u8, dummy, 127i8, 255u8)
+Expected Term: packed_2(dummy, 41041.0, 127i8, 255u8, dummy, 127i8, 255u8)
+ Orig. Term: packed_1(1i8, 1u8, dummy, dummy, 0i8, 0u8, 'A')
+ Updated Term: packed_1(127i8, 255u8, dummy, dummy, 127i8, 255u8, 'Z')
+Expected Term: packed_1(127i8, 255u8, dummy, dummy, 127i8, 255u8, 'Z')
diff --git a/tests/hard_coded/test_generic_ref.m b/tests/hard_coded/test_generic_ref.m
index e69de29..662f918 100644
--- a/tests/hard_coded/test_generic_ref.m
+++ b/tests/hard_coded/test_generic_ref.m
@@ -0,0 +1,237 @@
+% vim: ft=mercury ts=4 sw=4 et
+:- module test_generic_ref.
+:- interface.
+:- import_module io.
+:- pred main(io::di, io::uo) is det.
+:- implementation.
+:- import_module bool.
+:- import_module char.
+:- import_module deconstruct.
+:- import_module int.
+:- import_module store.
+main(!IO) :-
+ do_test(test1_orig, test1_expected, !IO),
+ io.nl(!IO),
+ do_test(test2_orig, test2_expected, !IO),
+ io.nl(!IO),
+ do_test(test3_orig, test3_expected, !IO),
+ io.nl(!IO),
+ do_test(test4_orig, test4_expected, !IO),
+ io.nl(!IO),
+ do_test(test5_orig, test5_expected, !IO),
+ io.nl(!IO),
+ do_test(test6_orig, test6_expected, !IO),
+ io.nl(!IO),
+ do_test(test7_orig, test7_expected, !IO),
+ io.nl(!IO),
+ do_test(test8_orig, test8_expected, !IO).
+ % do_test(TermA, TermB, !IO):
+ % If TermA and TermB have the same top-level functor then place a copy
+ % of TermA in a generic_ref and then individually update each of its
+ % fields using arg_ref and set_ref_value so they match those of TermB.
+ % When the term is extracted from the generic ref it should match TermB.
+ %
+:- pred do_test(T::in, T::in, io::di, io::uo) is det.
+do_test(OrigTerm, ExpectedTerm, !IO) :-
+ io.print(" Orig. Term: ", !IO),
+ io.print_line(OrigTerm, !IO),
+ % Note that 'canonicalize' is what ref_functor/4 does.
+ deconstruct.functor(ExpectedTerm, canonicalize, ExpectedFunctor,
+ ExpectedArity),
+ some [!Store] (
+ copy(OrigTerm, UniqTerm),
+ store.init(!:Store),
+ store.new_ref(UniqTerm, Ref, !Store),
+ store.ref_functor(Ref, Functor, Arity, !Store),
+ ( if
+ ExpectedFunctor = Functor,
+ ExpectedArity = Arity
+ then
+ int.fold_up(update_arg(Ref, ExpectedTerm), 0, Arity - 1, !Store),
+ store.extract_ref_value(!.Store, Ref, FinalTerm),
+ io.print(" Updated Term: ", !IO),
+ io.print_line(FinalTerm, !IO),
+ io.print("Expected Term: ", !IO),
+ io.print_line(ExpectedTerm, !IO),
+ ( if FinalTerm \= ExpectedTerm then
+ io.print_line("*** MATCH FAILED ***", !IO)
+ else
+ true
+ )
+ else
+ io.print_line("Cannot update - terms have different functors.", !IO)
+ )
+ ).
+:- pred update_arg(generic_ref(T, S)::in, T::in, int::in, S::di, S::uo)
+ is det <= store(S).
+update_arg(Ref, ExpectedTerm, N, !Store) :-
+ deconstruct.det_arg(ExpectedTerm, do_not_allow, N, Value),
+ store.arg_ref(Ref, N, ArgNRef, !Store),
+ copy(Value, UniqValue),
+ store.set_ref_value(ArgNRef, UniqValue, !Store).
+:- type test1_struct
+ ---> test1_struct(int).
+:- func test1_orig = test1_struct.
+test1_orig = test1_struct(561).
+:- func test1_expected = test1_struct.
+test1_expected = test1_struct(41041).
+:- type test2_struct --->
+ test2_struct(int, int, int).
+:- func test2_orig = test2_struct.
+test2_orig = test2_struct(111, 111, 111).
+:- func test2_expected = test2_struct.
+test2_expected = test2_struct(222, 222, 222).
+:- type test3_struct
+ ---> test3_struct(bool, bool, bool, uint16).
+:- func test3_orig = test3_struct.
+test3_orig = test3_struct(yes, yes, yes, 0xffffu16).
+:- func test3_expected = test3_struct.
+test3_expected = test3_struct(no, no, no, 0x0000u16).
+:- type animal
+ ---> ant
+ ; bat
+ ; cat
+ ; dog
+ ; eel
+ ; fox
+ ; gnu
+ ; hog
+ ; ibis
+ ; jay
+ ; kea
+ ; lark
+ ; moa
+ ; newt
+ ; owl
+ ; pug.
+:- type test4_struct
+ ---> test4_struct(
+ animal, animal,
+ int,
+ string,
+ animal, animal, animal, animal
+ ).
+:- func test4_orig = test4_struct.
+test4_orig = test4_struct(bat, bat, 561, "Hello", owl, owl, owl, owl).
+:- func test4_expected = test4_struct.
+test4_expected = test4_struct(fox, fox, 41041, "World", hog, hog, hog, hog).
+:- type dummy
+ ---> dummy.
+:- type nested_dummy
+ ---> nested_dummy(dummy).
+:- type test5_struct
+ ---> test5_struct(int, dummy, nested_dummy, string, bool, bool).
+:- func test5_orig = test5_struct.
+test5_orig =
+ test5_struct(561, dummy, nested_dummy(dummy), "Hello", yes, yes).
+:- func test5_expected = test5_struct.
+test5_expected =
+ test5_struct(41041, dummy, nested_dummy(dummy), "World", no, no).
+:- type test6_struct
+ ---> test6_struct(uint8, uint8, dummy, uint16).
+:- func test6_orig = test6_struct.
+test6_orig =
+ test6_struct(0xffu8, 0xffu8, dummy, 0xffffu16).
+:- func test6_expected = test6_struct.
+test6_expected =
+ test6_struct(0x1u8, 0x1u8, dummy, 0x1u16).
+% Tests 7-8.
+:- type packed(T)
+ ---> packed_1(int8, uint8, dummy, dummy, int8, uint8, T)
+ ; some [U] packed_2(dummy, U, int8, uint8, dummy, int8, uint8)
+ ; packed_3(int)
+ ; packed_4(int)
+ ; packed_5(int)
+ ; packed_6(int)
+ ; packed_7(int)
+ ; packed_8(T, dummy, int8, uint8, dummy, dummy, int8, uint8,
+ float, int)
+ ; some [U] packed_9(T, dummy, U, int8, uint8, dummy, int8, uint8).
+:- func test7_orig = packed(float).
+test7_orig =
+ 'new packed_2'(dummy, 561.0, 1i8, 1u8, dummy, 2i8, 3u8).
+:- func test7_expected = packed(float).
+test7_expected =
+ 'new packed_2'(dummy, 41041.0, 127i8, 255u8, dummy, 127i8, 255u8).
+:- func test8_orig = packed(char).
+test8_orig = packed_1(1i8, 1u8, dummy, dummy, 0i8, 0u8, 'A').
+:- func test8_expected = packed(char).
+test8_expected = packed_1(127i8, 255u8, dummy, dummy, 127i8, 255u8, 'Z').
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