[m-rev.] for review: pack sub-word-sized integers and dummies

Peter Wang novalazy at gmail.com
Sat Apr 21 12:06:50 AEST 2018

On Wed, 18 Apr 2018 04:58:59 +1000 (AEST), "Zoltan Somogyi" <zoltan.somogyi at runbox.com> wrote:
> For review by anyone.
> I have bootchecked a pre-final-cleanup version of this diff
> 3x2 times: in asm_fast.gc, asm_fast.debug.gc.stseg, and hlc.gc,
> and in both 64 and 32 bit mode. The only failures were two tests
> in debug grades that fail even without this diff.
> I will repeat all six bootchecks before final commit.
> When it comes to testing this diff, please remember I committed
> an extensive test case intended for this about a week ago.

> diff --git a/compiler/du_type_layout.m b/compiler/du_type_layout.m
> index 9c10e89..805d011 100644
> --- a/compiler/du_type_layout.m
> +++ b/compiler/du_type_layout.m
> @@ -248,12 +245,71 @@ decide_type_repns(!ModuleInfo, !Specs) :-
>          add_special_pred_decl_defns_for_type_maybe_lazily,
>          TypeTable, !ModuleInfo).
> -%---------------------------------------------------------------------------%
> +:- pred setup_decide_du_params(globals::in, direct_arg_map::in,
> +    decide_du_params::out) is det.
> +
> +setup_decide_du_params(Globals, DirectArgMap, Params) :-
> +    % Compute Target.
> +    globals.get_target(Globals, Target),
> +
> +    % Compute ArgPackBits.
> +    globals.lookup_int_option(Globals, arg_pack_bits, ArgPackBits),
> -are_direct_args_enabled(Globals, Target, MaybeDirectArgs) :-
> +    % Compute AllowDoubleWordInts and AllowNoneForDummy.


> +    globals.lookup_bool_option(Globals, allow_double_word_ints,
> +        AllowDoubleWordInts),
> +    globals.lookup_bool_option(Globals, allow_packing_ints,
> +        AllowPackingInts),
> +    globals.lookup_bool_option(Globals, allow_packing_dummies,
> +        AllowPackingDummies),
> +
> +    % Compute MaybeDirectArgs.
>      (
>          Target = target_c,
>          globals.lookup_bool_option(Globals, record_term_sizes_as_words,

> +
> +    % The memory cell for a term consists of, in order:
> +    %
> +    % - a word containing the remote secondary tag bits, if this ctor
> +    %   has a remote secondary tag;
> +    %
> +    % - zero or more extra arguments containing typeinfos and/or
> +    %   typeclass_infos added by polymorphism, if this ctor has one or
> +    %   more existential constraints (this number should be given by
> +    %   NumExtraArgWords), and
> +    %
> +    % - the words containing the ctor's arguments themselves.
> +    %
> +    % The calls to decide_complex_du_ctor_args_loop decide the representation
> +    % only of the last category. FirstArgWordNum measures offset with respect
> +    % to the last category only. FirstCellWordNum, which we should start
> +    % recording (in a separate field) once we can calculate it correctly,
> +    % would measure offset with respect to the start of the cell.

the offset

> +    %
> +    % TODO In the future, if NumExtraArgWords is really zero, we should pass
> +    % FirstArgWordNum = 0, FirstShift = NumRemoteSecTagBits, to allow any
> +    % initial sub-word-sized arguments to be packed together with the
> +    % secondary tag. If *any* ctor in a du type actually does any such packing,
> +    % then accessing the remote secondary tag on values of that type
> +    % will require applying a mask to the first word of the cell.
> +    % The simplest way to ensure finding all the places where this must be done
> +    % is to change the second argument of shared_remote_tag from an int
> +    % to something that corresponds either to apw_full_word (the current
> +    % arrangement where the remote secondary tag takes a full word) or to
> +    % apw_partial_first (the new, optimized arrangement).
> +    %
> +    % TODO An even more aggressive possible future optimization would apply
> +    % to ctors whose arguments take up less than one word in total:
> +    % these could be stored next to the primary tag. If a type has
> +    % more than one such ctor, they would need to be distinguished by
> +    % a local secondary tag between the primary tag and the packed arguments.
> +    % Unlike the first todo above, implementing this todo will require
> +    % changing our current approach of (a) first deciding the tag of a ctor,
> +    % and (b) *then* deciding the representation of its arguments.
> +    %
> +    FirstCellWordNum = NumSecTagWords + NumExtraArgWords,
> +    FirstArgWordNum = 0,
> +    FirstShift = 0,
>      decide_complex_du_ctor_args_loop(ModuleInfo, Params, map.init,
> -        0, CtorArgs, CtorArgRepnsBase),
> +        FirstArgWordNum, FirstCellWordNum, FirstShift,
> +        CtorArgs, CtorArgRepnsBase),
>      decide_complex_du_ctor_args_loop(ModuleInfo, Params, ComponentTypeMap,
> -        0, CtorArgs, CtorArgRepnsPacked),
> +        FirstArgWordNum, FirstCellWordNum, FirstShift,
> +        CtorArgs, CtorArgRepnsPacked),
>      WorthPacking = worth_arg_packing(CtorArgRepnsBase, CtorArgRepnsPacked),
>      (
>          WorthPacking = no,

See the comment about may_pack_arg_type below.

> -decide_complex_du_ctor_args_loop(_, _, _, _, [], []).
> +decide_complex_du_ctor_args_loop(_, _, _, _, _, _, [], []).
>  decide_complex_du_ctor_args_loop(ModuleInfo, Params, ComponentTypeMap,
> -        CurShift, [Arg | Args], [ArgRepn | ArgRepns]) :-
> +        CurAOWordNum, CurCellWordNum, CurShift,
> +        [Arg | Args], [ArgRepn | ArgRepns]) :-
>      Arg = ctor_arg(ArgName, ArgType, ArgContext),
> +    ( if may_pack_arg_type(Params, ComponentTypeMap, ArgType, Packable) then
> +        (
> +            Packable = packable_n_bits(NumArgBits, FillKind),
> +            ArgNumBits = arg_num_bits(NumArgBits),
> +            ArgMaskInt = int.pow(2, NumArgBits) - 1,
> +            ArgMask = arg_mask(ArgMaskInt),
>              % Try to place Arg in the current word.
>              % If it does not fit, move on to the next word.
> -        ( if CurShift + NumArgBits =< TargetWordBits then
> +            ( if CurShift + NumArgBits =< Params ^ ddp_arg_pack_bits then
> +                ArgOnlyOffset0 = arg_only_offset(CurAOWordNum),
> +                CellOffset0 = cell_offset(CurCellWordNum),
>                  ( if CurShift = 0 then
> -                ArgWidth0 = partial_word_first(ArgMask)
> +                    ArgPosWidth0 = apw_partial_first(ArgOnlyOffset0,
> +                        CellOffset0, ArgNumBits, ArgMask, FillKind)
>                  else
> -                ArgWidth0 = partial_word_shifted(CurShift, ArgMask)
> +                    ArgPosWidth0 = apw_partial_shifted(ArgOnlyOffset0,
> +                        CellOffset0, arg_shift(CurShift), ArgNumBits,
> +                        ArgMask, FillKind)
>                  ),
> +                NextAOWordNum = CurAOWordNum,
> +                NextCellWordNum = CurCellWordNum,
>                  NextShift = CurShift + NumArgBits
>              else
> -            ArgWidth0 = partial_word_first(ArgMask),
> +                padding_increment(CurShift, PaddingIncrement),
> +                AfterPaddingAOWordNum = CurAOWordNum + PaddingIncrement,
> +                AfterPaddingCellWordNum = CurCellWordNum + PaddingIncrement,
> +                ArgOnlyOffset0 = arg_only_offset(AfterPaddingAOWordNum),
> +                CellOffset0 = cell_offset(AfterPaddingCellWordNum),
> +                ArgPosWidth0 = apw_partial_first(ArgOnlyOffset0, CellOffset0,
> +                    ArgNumBits, ArgMask, FillKind),
> +                NextAOWordNum = AfterPaddingAOWordNum,
> +                NextCellWordNum = AfterPaddingCellWordNum,
>                  NextShift = NumArgBits
> +            )
> +        ;
> +            Packable = packable_dummy,
> +            ( if CurShift = 0 then
> +                ArgPosWidth0 = apw_none_nowhere
> +            else
> +                ArgOnlyOffset0 = arg_only_offset(CurAOWordNum),
> +                CellOffset0 = cell_offset(CurCellWordNum),
> +                ArgPosWidth0 = apw_none_shifted(ArgOnlyOffset0, CellOffset0)
> +            ),
> +            NextAOWordNum = CurAOWordNum,
> +            NextCellWordNum = CurCellWordNum,
> +            NextShift = CurShift
>          ),
>          decide_complex_du_ctor_args_loop(ModuleInfo, Params, ComponentTypeMap,
> -            NextShift, Args, ArgRepns),
> -        % If this argument starts a word, then it is a *partial* word
> -        % only if (a) there is a next argument, and (b) it is packed with it.
> -        % Otherwise, it is not packed.
> +            NextAOWordNum, NextCellWordNum, NextShift, Args, ArgRepns),
>          (
> -            ArgWidth0 = partial_word_first(_),
> +            ArgPosWidth0 = apw_partial_first(ArgOnlyOffset, CellOffset,
> +                _, _, _),
> +            % If this argument starts a word, then it is a *partial* word
> +            % only if (a) there is a next argument, and (b) it is packed
> +            % with it. Otherwise, it is not packed.
>              ( if
>                  ArgRepns = [NextArgRepn | _],
> -                NextArgRepn ^ car_width = partial_word_shifted(_, _)
> +                NextArgPosWidth = NextArgRepn ^ car_pos_width,
> +                ( NextArgPosWidth = apw_partial_shifted(_, _, _, _, _, _)
> +                ; NextArgPosWidth = apw_none_shifted(_, _)
> +                )
> +            then
> +                ArgPosWidth = ArgPosWidth0
> +            else
> +                ArgPosWidth = apw_full(ArgOnlyOffset, CellOffset)
> +            )
> +        ;
> +            ArgPosWidth0 = apw_none_shifted(_, _),
> +            % We represent a dummy argument as apw_none_shifted
> +            % only if it is packed with other sub-word arguments both
> +            % before it and after it. The "before it" part was tested above.
> +            % Here we test the "after it" part.
> +            ( if
> +                ArgRepns = [NextArgRepn | _],
> +                NextArgRepn ^ car_pos_width =
> +                    apw_partial_shifted(_, _, _, _, _, _)

May be followed by apw_none_shifted as well?

>              then
> -                ArgWidth = ArgWidth0
> +                ArgPosWidth = ArgPosWidth0
>              else
> -                ArgWidth = full_word
> +                ArgPosWidth = apw_none_nowhere
>              )
>          ;

> +:- pred may_pack_arg_type(decide_du_params::in, component_type_map::in,
> +    mer_type::in, packable_kind::out) is semidet.
> +
> +may_pack_arg_type(Params, ComponentTypeMap, ArgType, PackableKind) :-
> +    % XXX ARG_PACK Make this code dereference eqv types,
> +    % subject to all types involved having the same visibility.
> +    type_to_ctor(ArgType, ArgTypeCtor),
> +    ( if map.search(ComponentTypeMap, ArgTypeCtor, ComponentKind) then
> +        ComponentKind = packable(PackableKind),
> +        (
> +            PackableKind = packable_n_bits(NumArgBits, _FillKind),
> +            NumArgBits < Params ^ ddp_arg_pack_bits
> +        ;
> +            PackableKind = packable_dummy,
> +            % XXX ARG_PACK For bootstrapping.
> +            Params ^ ddp_allow_packing_dummies = yes
> +        )
> +    else
> +        ArgType = builtin_type(builtin_type_int(ArgIntType)),
> +        Params ^ ddp_allow_packing_ints = yes,
> +        (
> +            (
> +                ArgIntType = int_type_int8,
> +                NumArgBits = 8,
> +                FillKind = fill_int8
> +            ;
> +                ArgIntType = int_type_int16,
> +                NumArgBits = 16,
> +                FillKind = fill_int16
> +            ;
> +                ArgIntType = int_type_int32,
> +                NumArgBits = 32,
> +                NumArgBits < Params ^ ddp_arg_pack_bits,
> +                FillKind = fill_int32
> +            )
> +        ;
> +            (
> +                ArgIntType = int_type_uint8,
> +                NumArgBits = 8,
> +                FillKind = fill_uint8
> +            ;
> +                ArgIntType = int_type_uint16,
> +                NumArgBits = 16,
> +                FillKind = fill_uint16
> +            ;
> +                ArgIntType = int_type_uint32,
> +                NumArgBits = 32,
> +                NumArgBits < Params ^ ddp_arg_pack_bits,
> +                FillKind = fill_uint32
> +            )
> +        ),
> +        PackableKind = packable_n_bits(NumArgBits, FillKind)
> +    ).

Sub-word-sized integers will be packed (if the option is enabled) even
if the overall cell size would not be reduced. Is that deliberate?
(The worth_arg_packing test might not be worth keeping, that's fine.)

> @@ -1487,48 +1786,202 @@ compute_cheaper_tag_test(TypeCtor, CtorRepns, CheaperTagTest) :-
>      ).
>  %---------------------------------------------------------------------------%
> -%
> -% Predicates to create and maintain ctor_name_to_repn_maps.
> -%
> -:- func add_default_repn_to_ctor_arg(constructor_arg) = constructor_arg_repn.
> +:- pred inform_about_any_suboptimal_packing(decide_du_params::in,
> +    sym_name::in, prog_context::in, list(constructor_arg_repn)::in,
> +    list(error_spec)::in, list(error_spec)::out) is det.
> -add_default_repn_to_ctor_arg(ConsArg) = ConsArgRepn :-
> -    ConsArg = ctor_arg(MaybeFieldName, Type, Context),
> -    ConsArgRepn = ctor_arg_repn(MaybeFieldName, Type, full_word, Context).
> +inform_about_any_suboptimal_packing(Params, CtorSymName, CtorContext,
> +        CtorArgRepns, !Specs) :-
> +    % Find the number of words we would need to store all the sub-word-sized
> +    % arguments in CtorArgRepns using the first-fit-decreasing algorithm
> +    % (see the wikipedia page on "Bin_packing_problem"). If this number,
> +    % NumSubWordBins, is smaller than ActualNumSubWords, then generate
> +    % an informational message giving SubWordBins as a better packing order
> +    % of the arguments than the one in the program.
> +
> +    record_subword_args_and_count_their_words(CtorArgRepns, 0,
> +        [], SubWords, 0, ActualNumSubWords),
> +    list.sort(SubWords, SortedSubWords),
> +    list.reverse(SortedSubWords, RevSortedSubWords),
> +    BinSize = Params ^ ddp_arg_pack_bits,
> +    list.foldl(insert_subword_into_first_fit_bin(BinSize), RevSortedSubWords,
> +        [], SubWordBins),
> +    list.length(SubWordBins, NumSubWordBins),
> +
> +    worth_arg_packing_compare(ActualNumSubWords, NumSubWordBins, WorthWhile),
> +    (
> +        WorthWhile = no
> +    ;
> +        WorthWhile = yes,
> +        list.length(CtorArgRepns, CtorArity),
> +        CtorSymNameArity = sym_name_arity(CtorSymName, CtorArity),
> +        StartPieces = [words("The arguments of the constructor"),
> +            unqual_sym_name_and_arity(CtorSymNameArity),
> +            words("could be packed more tightly."),
> +            words("Here is one arrangement for the arguments"),
> +            words("which take up less than one wor each"),


> +            words("that would allow better packing."),
> +            words("(The position of the word sized arguments"),
> +            words("does not affect the effectiveness of the packing.)"), nl],

> diff --git a/compiler/foreign.m b/compiler/foreign.m
> index e79a1ba..f152abc 100644
> --- a/compiler/foreign.m
> +++ b/compiler/foreign.m
> @@ -54,6 +54,11 @@
>      %
>  :- func to_exported_type(module_info, mer_type) = exported_type.
> +    % A version of to_exported_type which requires the given Mercury type
> +    % to be a builtin.
> +    %

I suggest:

A version of to_exported_type where the given Mercury type must be a
builtin type.

> +:- func builtin_type_to_exported_type(mer_type) = exported_type.
> +
>      % Given the exported_type representation for a type, determine
>      % whether or not it is a foreign type, and if yes, return the foreign
>      % type's assertions.
> @@ -194,6 +199,9 @@ to_exported_type(ModuleInfo, Type) = ExportType :-
>          ExportType = exported_type_mercury(Type)
>      ).
> +builtin_type_to_exported_type(Type) = ExportType :-
> +    ExportType = exported_type_mercury(Type).
> +

> diff --git a/compiler/ml_code_util.m b/compiler/ml_code_util.m
> index d61cf96..5d8427c 100644
> --- a/compiler/ml_code_util.m
> +++ b/compiler/ml_code_util.m
> +        % For the MLDS->C back-end, we need to handle constant floats,
> +        % int64s and uint64s specially. Boxed floats, inst64s and uint64s


> +        % normally get heap allocated, whereas for other types boxing
> +        % is just a cast (casts are OK in static initializers, but calls
> +        % to malloc() are not).

> diff --git a/compiler/ml_unify_gen.m b/compiler/ml_unify_gen.m
> index 70b0322..f866f3f 100644
> --- a/compiler/ml_unify_gen.m
> +++ b/compiler/ml_unify_gen.m
> +
> +:- func ml_lshift(mlds_rval, arg_shift) = mlds_rval.
> -ml_lshift(Rval0, Shift) = Rval :-
> +ml_lshift(Rval, Shift) = ShiftedRval :-
> +    Shift = arg_shift(ShiftInt),
> +    ( if Rval = ml_const(mlconst_null(_)) then
>          % We may get nulls from unfilled fields. Replace them with zeroes
>          % so we don't get type errors from the C compiler.
> -    ( if Rval0 = ml_const(mlconst_null(_)) then
> -        Rval = ml_const(mlconst_int(0))
> -    else if Shift = 0 then
> -        Rval = Rval0
> -    else if Rval0 = ml_unop(box(Type), SubRval0) then
> -        SubRval = ml_binop(unchecked_left_shift(int_type_int), SubRval0,
> -            ml_const(mlconst_int(Shift))),
> -        Rval = ml_unop(box(Type), SubRval)
> +        ShiftedRval = ml_const(mlconst_int(0))
> +    else if Rval = ml_const(mlconst_int(0)) then
> +        % Shifting a zero by any amount is a noop.
> +        ShiftedRval = Rval
> +    else if ShiftInt = 0 then
> +        % Shifting anything by zero bits is a noop.
> +        ShiftedRval = Rval
> +    else
> +        ( if Rval = ml_unop(box(Type), SubRval) then
> +            ShiftedSubRval = ml_binop(unchecked_left_shift(int_type_int),
> +                SubRval, ml_const(mlconst_int(ShiftInt))),
> +            ShiftedRval = ml_unop(box(Type), ShiftedSubRval)
>          else
> -        Rval = ml_binop(unchecked_left_shift(int_type_int), Rval0,
> -            ml_const(mlconst_int(Shift)))
> +            ShiftedRval = ml_binop(unchecked_left_shift(int_type_int),
> +                Rval, ml_const(mlconst_int(ShiftInt)))
> +        )
>      ).
> -:- func ml_rshift(mlds_rval, int) = mlds_rval.
> +:- func ml_rshift(mlds_rval, arg_shift) = mlds_rval.
> -ml_rshift(Rval, Shift) =
> -    ( if Shift = 0 then
> -        Rval
> +ml_rshift(Rval, Shift) = ShiftedRval :-
> +    Shift = arg_shift(ShiftInt),
> +    ( if Rval = ml_const(mlconst_int(0)) then
> +        % Shifting a zero by any amount is a noop.
> +        ShiftedRval = Rval
> +    else if ShiftInt = 0 then
> +        % Shifting anything by zero bits is a noop.
> +        ShiftedRval = Rval
>      else
> -        ml_binop(unchecked_right_shift(int_type_int), Rval,
> -            ml_const(mlconst_int(Shift)))
> +        ShiftedRval = ml_binop(unchecked_right_shift(int_type_int),
> +            Rval, ml_const(mlconst_int(ShiftInt)))
>      ).

ml_rshift doesn't handle a boxed value like ml_lshift; should it?

> @@ -3276,6 +3503,45 @@ ml_cons_id_to_tag(Info, ConsId, Tag) :-
>      ml_gen_info_get_module_info(Info, ModuleInfo),
>      Tag = cons_id_to_tag(ModuleInfo, ConsId).
> +:- pred is_apw_full(arg_pos_width::in) is semidet.
> +
> +is_apw_full(apw_full(_, _)).
> +
> +:- pred allocate_consecutive_ctor_arg_repns(int::in,
> +    list(mer_type)::in, list(constructor_arg_repn)::out) is det.

I suggest allocate_consecutive_full_word_ctor_arg_repns.

> +
> +allocate_consecutive_ctor_arg_repns(_, [], []).
> +allocate_consecutive_ctor_arg_repns(CurOffset,
> +        [Type | Types], [ArgRepn | ArgRepns]) :-
> +    % Tuples and extra fields are word-sized, and have no extra type_infos
> +    % and/or typeclass_infos in front of them.

This comment makes more sense near the call sites.

> +    ArgRepn = ctor_arg_repn(no, Type,
> +        apw_full(arg_only_offset(CurOffset), cell_offset(CurOffset)),
> +        term.context_init),
> +    allocate_consecutive_ctor_arg_repns(CurOffset + 1, Types, ArgRepns).
> +

> diff --git a/compiler/prog_data.m b/compiler/prog_data.m
> index cbabf70..eb27868 100644
> --- a/compiler/prog_data.m
> +++ b/compiler/prog_data.m
> +:- type arg_only_offset
> +    --->    arg_only_offset(int).
> +            % The offset of the word from the first part of the memory cell
> +            % that contains arguments. In other words, the first argument word
> +            % is at offset 0, even if it is preceded in the memory cell
> +            % by a remote secondary tag, or by type_infos and/or
> +            % typeclass_infos added by polymorphism.

Mention what values are used when arg_only_offset needs to be provided
for extra args.

> diff --git a/compiler/unify_gen.m b/compiler/unify_gen.m
> index d82dc42..547a264 100644
> --- a/compiler/unify_gen.m
> +++ b/compiler/unify_gen.m
> @@ -897,7 +989,7 @@ generate_and_pack_one_cons_word([VarWidth | VarsWidths], [ArgMode | ArgModes],
>              % and its type is not a dummy type. The rval next to this is real.
>              % (The reason why we don's store the rval as an argument of


>              % real_input_arg, making this type a synonym for the maybe type,
> -            % is to avoid the memory allocation that would require;
> +            % is to avoid the memory allocation that this would require;
>              % construction unifications are one of the most frequent types
>              % of goals.)

> +    ;
> +        ( RightWidth = apw_none_nowhere
> +        ; RightWidth = apw_none_shifted(_, _)
> +        ),
> +        % The value being assign is of a dummy type, so no assignment
> +        % is actually necessary.
> +        Code = empty
>      ).


> @@ -1364,20 +1500,35 @@ generate_sub_assign_to_field_from_var(LeftField, RightVar, Code, CI, !CLD) :-
>          ])
>      ;
>          (
> -            LeftWidth = partial_word_first(Mask),
> -            Shift = 0
> +            LeftWidth = apw_partial_first(_, _, _, Mask, _),
> +            Shift = arg_shift(0)
>          ;
> -            LeftWidth = partial_word_shifted(Shift, Mask)
> +            LeftWidth = apw_partial_shifted(_, _, Shift, _, Mask, _)
>          ),
> +        Shift = arg_shift(ShiftInt),
> +        Mask = arg_mask(MaskInt),
> +        % XXX ARG_PACK In the usual case where the heap cell we are assigning
> +        % to is freshly created, this code is *seriously* suboptimal.
>          LeftLval = field(yes(LeftPtag), LeftBaseRval,
>              const(llconst_int(LeftOffset))),
> -        ComplementMask = const(llconst_int(\(Mask << Shift))),
> +        ComplementMask = const(llconst_int(\ (MaskInt << ShiftInt))),
>          MaskOld = binop(bitwise_and(int_type_int),
>              lval(LeftLval), ComplementMask),


> -        ShiftNew = maybe_left_shift_rval(RightRval, Shift),
> -        Combined = binop(bitwise_or(int_type_int), MaskOld, ShiftNew),
> -        AssignCode = singleton(llds_instr(assign(LeftLval, Combined),
> +        ShiftedRightRval = left_shift_rval(RightRval, Shift),
> +        CombinedRval = or_two_rvals(MaskOld, ShiftedRightRval),
> +        AssignCode = singleton(llds_instr(assign(LeftLval, CombinedRval),
>              "Update part of word"))
> +    ;
> +        ( LeftWidth = apw_none_nowhere
> +        ; LeftWidth = apw_none_shifted(_, _)
> +        ),
> +        % The value being assign is of a dummy type, so no assignment


> +        % is actually necessary.
> +        % XXX Should we try to avoid generating ProduceRightVarCode
> +        % and MaterializeLeftBaseCode as well? MaterializeLeftBaseCode
> +        % is probably needed by other, non-dummy fields, and
> +        % ProduceRightVarCode is probably very cheap, so probably not.
> +        AssignCode = empty
>      ),
>      Code = ProduceRightVarCode ++ MaterializeLeftBaseCode ++ AssignCode.

> @@ -2034,42 +2216,58 @@ int_tag_to_const_and_int_type(IntTag, Const, Type) :-
>          Type = int_type_uint64
>      ).
> -:- pred generate_ground_term_args(assoc_list(prog_var, arg_width)::in,
> +:- pred generate_ground_term_args(assoc_list(prog_var, arg_pos_width)::in,
>      list(typed_rval)::out,
>      active_ground_term_map::in, active_ground_term_map::out) is det.
>  generate_ground_term_args([], [], !ActiveMap).
>  generate_ground_term_args([ArgVarWidth | ArgVarsWidths],
>          [TypedRval | TypedRvals], !ActiveMap) :-
> -    ArgVarWidth = ArgVar - ArgWidth,
> +    ArgVarWidth = ArgVar - ArgPosWidth,
>      map.det_remove(ArgVar, ArgTypedRval, !ActiveMap),
>      (
> -        ArgWidth = full_word,
> +        ArgPosWidth = apw_full(_, _),
>          TypedRval = ArgTypedRval,
>          generate_ground_term_args(ArgVarsWidths, TypedRvals, !ActiveMap)
>      ;
> -        ArgWidth = double_word,
> +        ArgPosWidth = apw_double(_, _, DoubleWordKind),
>          % Though a standalone float might have needed to boxed,
>          % it may be stored in unboxed form as a constructor argument.

Update this comment.

>          ( if ArgTypedRval = typed_rval(ArgRval, lt_data_ptr) then
> +            (
> +                DoubleWordKind = dw_float,
>                  TypedRval = typed_rval(ArgRval, lt_float)
> +            ;
> +                DoubleWordKind = dw_int64,
> +                TypedRval = typed_rval(ArgRval, lt_int(int_type_int64))
> +            ;
> +                DoubleWordKind = dw_uint64,
> +                TypedRval = typed_rval(ArgRval, lt_int(int_type_uint64))
> +            )
>          else
>              TypedRval = ArgTypedRval
>          ),
>          generate_ground_term_args(ArgVarsWidths, TypedRvals, !ActiveMap)
>      ;

> diff --git a/library/construct.m b/library/construct.m
> index bb50f47..30100ea 100644
> --- a/library/construct.m
> +++ b/library/construct.m
> +static void
> +MR_copy_memory_cell_args(MR_Word arg_list, MR_Word new_data,
> +    const MR_Word ptag, const MR_DuFunctorDesc *functor_desc,
> +    MR_bool has_sectag)
> +{
> +    for (i = 0; i < arity; i++) {
> +        MR_Word         arg_data;
> +        MR_TypeInfo     arg_type_info;
> +        MR_Unsigned     bits_to_or;
> +
> +        arg_data = MR_field(MR_UNIV_TAG, MR_list_head(arg_list),
> +            MR_UNIV_OFFSET_FOR_DATA);
> +        arg_type_info = (MR_TypeInfo) MR_field(MR_UNIV_TAG,
> +            MR_list_head(arg_list), MR_UNIV_OFFSET_FOR_TYPEINFO);
> +        if (arg_locns == NULL) {
> +            MR_field(ptag, new_data, sectag01 + i) = arg_data;
> +        } else {
> +            const MR_DuArgLocn *locn = &arg_locns[i];
> +
> +            case -8:
> +            case -9:
> +                // This is an int32 (-6) or uint32 (-9) argument.


> +                bits_to_or = (((MR_Unsigned) arg_data) & 0xffffffff);
> +                MR_field(ptag, new_data, sectag01 + locn->MR_arg_offset)
> +                    |= (bits_to_or << locn->MR_arg_shift);
> +                break;
> +
> +            case -10:
> +                // This is a dummy argument, which does not need setting.
> +                break;
> +
> +            default:
> +                if (locn->MR_arg_bits > 0) {
> +                    MR_field(ptag, new_data, sectag01 + locn->MR_arg_offset)
> +                        |= (arg_data << locn->MR_arg_shift);
> +                } else {
> +                    MR_fatal_error(""unknown MR_arg_bits value"");
> +                }
> +                break;

I think this should also handle MR_arg_bits==0.

> +            }
> +        }
> +
> +        size += MR_term_size(arg_type_info, arg_data);
> +        arg_list = MR_list_tail(arg_list);
> +    }
> +
> +    MR_define_size_slot(ptag, new_data, size);
> +}
> +").

> diff --git a/library/store.m b/library/store.m
> index dc6e379..2a66c9a 100644
> --- a/library/store.m
> +++ b/library/store.m
> @@ -714,6 +714,8 @@ copy_ref_value(Ref, Val) -->
>          MR_offset_incr_hp_msg(ArgRef, MR_SIZE_SLOT_SIZE,
>              MR_SIZE_SLOT_SIZE + 1, MR_ALLOC_ID, ""store.ref/2"");
>          MR_define_size_slot(0, ArgRef, 1);
> +        // XXX I (zs) don't think this will work for arguments
> +        // that are stored unboxed in two words.
>          * (MR_Word *) ArgRef = MR_arg_value(arg_ref, arg_locn);
>      } else {
>          ArgRef = (MR_Word) arg_ref;
> @@ -780,6 +782,8 @@ copy_ref_value(Ref, Val) -->
>          MR_offset_incr_hp_msg(ArgRef, MR_SIZE_SLOT_SIZE,
>              MR_SIZE_SLOT_SIZE + 1, MR_ALLOC_ID, ""store.ref/2"");
>          MR_define_size_slot(0, ArgRef, 1);
> +        // XXX I (zs) don't think this will work for arguments
> +        // that are stored unboxed in two words.
>          * (MR_Word *) ArgRef = MR_arg_value(arg_ref, arg_locn);
>      } else if (arg_ref == &Val) {
>          /*

Right, I think there are a lot more problems with that API.

Looks fine otherwise.


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