[m-rev.] for review: Make some I/O predicates exception-safe.
Peter Wang
novalazy at gmail.com
Thu Sep 29 16:35:01 AEST 2016
Add helper predicates `with_input_stream', `with_output_stream'.
(Note the compiler will warn that "determinism declaration could be
tighter" but there is nothing we can really do about it.)
Restore the original input stream if an exception is thrown during
Restore the original output stream if an exception is thrown during
`write_list' or `write_array'. Update documentation.
Don't temporarily change the current output stream in the
implementation of `write_binary/4'.
Announce changes.
NEWS | 10 +++++
library/io.m | 119 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++----------------
2 files changed, 98 insertions(+), 31 deletions(-)
diff --git a/NEWS b/NEWS
index 1064462..9916600 100644
--- a/NEWS
+++ b/NEWS
@@ -158,6 +158,16 @@ Changes to the Mercury standard library:
* We have removed the io.poly_type equivalence type from the io module.
string.poly_type should be used directly.
+* We have made these predicates exception safe: the current input or output
+ stream is restored to the original stream if an exception is thrown during
+ their exception:
+ - io.read/4
+ - io.write_list/6
+ - io.write_array/6
+ - io.read_binary/4
+ - io.write_binary/4
* We have added a module for discrete interval encoding trees, which are a
highly efficient set implementation for fat sets. This module is a
contribution from Yes Logic Pty. Ltd.
diff --git a/library/io.m b/library/io.m
index fa2bdd2..2cb7aa1 100644
--- a/library/io.m
+++ b/library/io.m
@@ -558,7 +558,7 @@
% write_list(List, Separator, OutputPred, !IO):
% Applies OutputPred to each element of List, printing Separator
- % between each element. Outputs to the current output stream.
+ % to the current output stream between each element.
:- pred write_list(list(T), string, pred(T, io, io), io, io).
:- mode write_list(in, in, pred(in, di, uo) is det, di, uo) is det.
@@ -566,8 +566,10 @@
is cc_multi.
% write_list(Stream, List, Separator, OutputPred, !IO):
- % applies OutputPred to each element of List, printing Separator
- % between each element. Outputs to Stream.
+ % Sets the current output stream to Stream, then applies OutputPred to
+ % each element of List, printing Separator between each element.
+ % The original output stream is restored whether returning normally
+ % or if an exception is thrown.
:- pred write_list(text_output_stream, list(T), string,
pred(T, io, io), io, io).
@@ -577,7 +579,7 @@
% write_array(Array, Separator, OutputPred, !IO):
% Applies OutputPred to each element of Array, printing Separator
- % between each element. Outputs to the current output stream.
+ % to the current output stream between each element.
:- pred write_array(array(T), string, pred(T, io, io), io, io).
:- mode write_array(in, in, pred(in, di, uo) is det, di, uo) is det.
@@ -587,8 +589,10 @@
% is cc_multi.
% write_array(Stream, Array, Separator, OutputPred, !IO):
- % Applies OutputPred to each element of Array, printing Separator
- % between each element. Outputs to Stream.
+ % Sets the current output stream to Stream, then applies OutputPred to
+ % each element of Array, printing Separator between each element.
+ % The original output stream is restored whether returning normally
+ % or if an exception is thrown.
:- pred write_array(text_output_stream, array(T), string, pred(T, io, io),
io, io).
@@ -4754,10 +4758,9 @@ process_read_term(ReadResult, LineNumber, Result) :-
read(Stream, Result, !IO) :-
- % XXX implicit-stream predicate should call explicit-stream predicate
- set_input_stream(Stream, OrigStream, !IO),
- read(Result, !IO),
- set_input_stream(OrigStream, _Stream, !IO).
+ % The term parser does not accept an explicit stream argument (yet)
+ % so we must change the current input stream.
+ with_input_stream(Stream, read, Result, !IO).
ignore_whitespace(Result, !IO) :-
input_stream(Stream, !IO),
@@ -4935,9 +4938,9 @@ write_list_lag(Head, Tail, Separator, OutputPred, !IO) :-
write_list(Stream, List, Separator, OutputPred, !IO) :-
- set_output_stream(Stream, OrigStream, !IO),
- write_list(List, Separator, OutputPred, !IO),
- set_output_stream(OrigStream, _Stream, !IO).
+ % OutputPred expects the current output stream to be Stream.
+ with_output_stream(Stream,
+ write_list(List, Separator, OutputPred), !IO).
@@ -4968,30 +4971,21 @@ do_write_array(Array, Separator, OutputPred, I, Hi, !IO) :-
write_array(Stream, Array, Separator, OutputPred, !IO) :-
- set_output_stream(Stream, OrigStream, !IO),
- write_array(Array, Separator, OutputPred, !IO),
- set_output_stream(OrigStream, _, !IO).
+ % OutputPred expects the current output stream to be Stream.
+ with_output_stream(Stream,
+ write_array(Array, Separator, OutputPred), !IO).
-write_binary(Stream, Term, !IO) :-
- % XXX implicit-stream predicate should call explicit-stream predicate
- set_binary_output_stream(Stream, OrigStream, !IO),
- write_binary(Term, !IO),
- set_binary_output_stream(OrigStream, _Stream, !IO).
-read_binary(Stream, Result, !IO) :-
- % XXX implicit-stream predicate should call explicit-stream predicate
- set_binary_input_stream(Stream, OrigStream, !IO),
- read_binary(Result, !IO),
- set_binary_input_stream(OrigStream, _Stream, !IO).
write_binary(Term, !IO) :-
+ binary_output_stream(Stream, !IO),
+ write_binary(Stream, Term, !IO).
+write_binary(binary_output_stream(Stream), Term, !IO) :-
% A quick-and-dirty implementation... not very space-efficient
% (not really binary!)
% XXX This will not work for the Java back-end. See the comment at the
% top of the MR_MercuryFileStruct class definition.
- binary_output_stream(binary_output_stream(Stream), !IO),
io.write(output_stream(Stream), Term, !IO),
io.write_string(output_stream(Stream), ".\n", !IO).
@@ -5001,12 +4995,29 @@ read_binary(Result, !IO) :-
% XXX This will not work for the Java back-end. See the comment at the
% top of the MR_MercuryFileStruct class definition.
binary_input_stream(binary_input_stream(Stream), !IO),
- read(input_stream(Stream), ReadResult, !IO),
+ with_input_stream(input_stream(Stream),
+ read_binary_from_current_input_stream, Result, !IO).
+read_binary(binary_input_stream(Stream), Result, !IO) :-
+ % We would prefer not to change the current input stream but the
+ % quick-and-dirty implementation of read_binary uses io.read,
+ % and io.read internally reads from the current text input stream.
+ % XXX This will not work for the Java back-end. See the comment at the
+ % top of the MR_MercuryFileStruct class definition.
+ with_input_stream(input_stream(Stream),
+ read_binary_from_current_input_stream, Result, !IO).
+:- pred read_binary_from_current_input_stream(io.result(T)::out,
+ io::di, io::uo)
+ is det.
+read_binary_from_current_input_stream(Result, !IO) :-
+ read(ReadResult, !IO),
ReadResult = ok(T),
% We've read the newline and the trailing full stop.
% Now skip the newline after the full stop.
- read_char(input_stream(Stream), NewLineRes, !IO),
+ read_char(NewLineRes, !IO),
NewLineRes = error(Error),
Result = error(Error)
@@ -9552,6 +9563,52 @@ set_binary_output_stream(binary_output_stream(NewStream),
+% Predicates to temporariliy change the input/output stream.
+:- pred with_input_stream(input_stream, pred(T, io, io), T, io, io).
+:- mode with_input_stream(in, pred(out, di, uo) is det, out, di, uo) is det.
+:- mode with_input_stream(in, pred(out, di, uo) is cc_multi, out, di, uo)
+ is cc_multi.
+with_input_stream(Stream, Pred, Result, !IO) :-
+ set_input_stream(Stream, OrigStream, !IO),
+ finally(Pred, Result,
+ restore_input_stream(Pred, OrigStream), _CleanupRes, !IO).
+:- pred with_output_stream(output_stream, pred(io, io), io, io).
+:- mode with_output_stream(in, pred(di, uo) is det, di, uo) is det.
+:- mode with_output_stream(in, pred(di, uo) is cc_multi, di, uo) is cc_multi.
+with_output_stream(Stream, Pred, !IO) :-
+ set_output_stream(Stream, OrigStream, !IO),
+ finally(call_pred_no_result(Pred), _Result,
+ restore_output_stream(Pred, OrigStream), _CleanupRes, !IO).
+:- pred call_pred_no_result(pred(io, io), {}, io, io).
+:- mode call_pred_no_result(pred(di, uo) is det, out, di, uo) is det.
+:- mode call_pred_no_result(pred(di, uo) is cc_multi, out, di, uo)
+ is cc_multi.
+call_pred_no_result(Pred, {}, !IO) :-
+ Pred(!IO).
+:- pred restore_input_stream(pred(T, io, io), input_stream, io.res, io, io).
+:- mode restore_input_stream(pred(out, di, uo) is det, in, out, di, uo)
+ is det.
+:- mode restore_input_stream(pred(out, di, uo) is cc_multi, in, out, di, uo)
+ is cc_multi.
+restore_input_stream(_DummyPred, Stream, ok, !IO) :-
+ set_input_stream(Stream, _OldStream, !IO).
+:- pred restore_output_stream(pred(io, io), output_stream, io.res, io, io).
+:- mode restore_output_stream(pred(di, uo) is det, in, out, di, uo) is det.
+:- mode restore_output_stream(pred(di, uo) is cc_multi, in, out, di, uo)
+ is cc_multi.
+restore_output_stream(_DummyPred, Stream, ok, !IO) :-
+ set_output_stream(Stream, _OldStream, !IO).
% Stream open/close predicates.
% do_open_binary(File, Mode, StreamId, Stream, Error, !IO):
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