[m-rev.] for review: Implement secure temporary file creation for .NET.

Sebastian Godelet sebastian.godelet at outlook.com
Fri May 6 19:29:27 AEST 2016


I've applied my previous changes to the do_make_temp predicate for C#.
While going through the C implementation I noticed that the call to mkstemp is violating the functional contract,
namely that XXXXXX needs to be at the end of the string. This seems to work since Suffix is "" in the usual case.
IMHO Suffix just should be removed (as using Suffix != "" will not work at the moment anyway).

Implement secure temporary file creation for .NET.
        Re-write do_make_temp/9 for C#, using the same mechanism as
        Implement Prefix for do_make_temp_directory (C#).
        Add a comment on why using Suffix for the C code will cause

diff --git a/library/io.m b/library/io.m
index 3b96cef..e0e5e9e 100644
--- a/library/io.m
+++ b/library/io.m
@@ -1345,12 +1345,7 @@
     % of the file.  It is the responsibility of the caller to delete the file
     % when it is no longer required.
-    % The C# backend has the following limitations:
-    %   - Dir is ignored.
-    %   - Prefix is ignored.
-    %   - Suffix is ignored.
-    %
-    % On the Erlang backend Suffix is ignored.
+    % On the Erlang and C# backend Suffix is ignored.
     % On the Erlang and Java backends, this does not attempt to create the file
     % with restrictive permissions (600 on Unix-like systems) and therefore
@@ -1368,7 +1363,10 @@
     % make_temp_directory(Result, !IO) creates an empty directory whose name
     % is different from the name of any existing directory.
-    % On the Java backend this is insecure as the file permissions are not set.
+    % On the Java backend this is insecure as the file permissions are not
+    % set.
+    %
+    % On the C# backend Suffix is ignored.
     % This is unimplemented on the Erlang backend.
@@ -1382,11 +1380,10 @@
     % new directory. It is the responsibility of the program to delete the
     % directory when it is no longer needed.
-    % The C# backend has the following limitations:
-    %   - Prefix is ignored.
-    %   - Suffix is ignored.
+    % On the Java backend this is insecure as the file permissions are not
+    % set.
-    % On the Java backend this is insecure as the file permissions are not set.
+    % On the C# backend Suffix is ignored.
     % This is unimplemented on the Erlang backend.
@@ -1417,7 +1414,7 @@
     %    temporary-file directory will be used, specified by the Java
     %    system property java.io.tmpdir. On UNIX systems the default
     %    value of this property is typically "/tmp" or "/var/tmp";
-    %    on Microsoft Windows systems it is typically "c:\\temp".
+    %    on Microsoft Windows systems it is typically "%TMP%".
 :- pred get_temp_directory(string::out, io::di, io::uo) is det.
@@ -1934,6 +1931,16 @@ using System.Security.Principal;
     [DllImport(""libc"", SetLastError=true, EntryPoint=""mkdir"",
     static extern int ML_sys_mkdir (string path, uint mode);
+    // int mkstemp(char *template);
+    [DllImport(""libc"", SetLastError=true, EntryPoint=""mkstemp"",
+        CallingConvention=CallingConvention.Cdecl)]
+    static extern int ML_sys_mkstemp(System.Text.StringBuilder template);
+    // int close(int fildes);
+    [DllImport(""libc"", SetLastError=true, EntryPoint=""close"",
+        CallingConvention=CallingConvention.Cdecl)]
+    static extern int ML_sys_close(int fildes);
@@ -10530,6 +10537,9 @@ import java.util.Random;
     int err, fd;
+    /* XXX mkstemp assumes that XXXXXX is at the end of the template,
+     * and mkstemps is used for this purpose instead.
+     */
     FileName = MR_make_string(MR_ALLOC_ID, ""%s%s%.5sXXXXXX%s"",
         Dir, Sep, Prefix, Suffix);
     fd = mkstemp(FileName);
@@ -10560,7 +10570,7 @@ import java.util.Random;
     MR_Word filename_word;
     int     flags;
-    len = strlen(Dir) + 1 + 5 + 6 + strlen(Suffix) + 1;
+    len = strlen(Dir) + strlen(Sep) + 5 + 6 + strlen(Suffix) + 1;
     /* Dir + / + Prefix + counter + Suffix + \\0 */
     MR_offset_incr_hp_atomic_msg(filename_word, 0,
         (len + sizeof(MR_Word)) / sizeof(MR_Word),
@@ -10607,18 +10617,107 @@ import java.util.Random;
 :- pragma foreign_proc("C#",
-    do_make_temp(_Dir::in, _Prefix::in, _Suffix::in, _Sep::in, FileName::out,
+    do_make_temp(Dir::in, Prefix::in, _Suffix::in, _Sep::in, FileName::out,
         Okay::out, ErrorMessage::out, _IO0::di, _IO::uo),
     [will_not_call_mercury, promise_pure, tabled_for_io, thread_safe],
-    try {
-        FileName = System.IO.Path.GetTempFileName();
-        Okay = mr_bool.YES;
-        ErrorMessage = """";
+    try
+    {
+        // The documentation for io.make_temp says that we should only use
+        // the first five characters of Prefix.
+        string trimmedPrefix = (Prefix.Length > 5)
+                ? Prefix.Substring(0, 5)
+                : Prefix;
+        string commonPath =  Path.Combine(Dir, trimmedPrefix);
+        switch (Environment.OSVersion.Platform)
+        {
+            case PlatformID.Win32NT:
+                // obtain the owner of the temporary directory
+                IdentityReference tempInfo =
+                    new DirectoryInfo(Dir)
+                        .GetAccessControl(AccessControlSections.Owner)
+                        .GetOwner(typeof(SecurityIdentifier));
+                FileSecurity security = new FileSecurity();
+                security.AddAccessRule(
+                    new FileSystemAccessRule(tempInfo,
+                            FileSystemRights.Read
+                            | FileSystemRights.Modify,
+                        InheritanceFlags.None,
+                        PropagationFlags.None,
+                        AccessControlType.Allow
+                    )
+                );
+                FileName = commonPath + Path.GetRandomFileName();
+                using (FileStream tempStream =
+                    File.Create(FileName, 0, FileOptions.WriteThrough,
+                        security))
+                {
+                    ErrorMessage = string.Empty;
+                    Okay = mr_bool.YES;
+                }
+                break;
+#if __MonoCS__
+            case PlatformID.Unix:
+            case (PlatformID)6: // MacOSX:
+                System.Text.StringBuilder template =
+                    new System.Text.StringBuilder(commonPath.Length + 6)
+                        .Append(commonPath)
+                        .Append(new string('X', 6));
+                int fd = ML_sys_mkstemp(template);
+                FileName = template.ToString();
+                if (fd != -1)
+                {
+                    bool closeSuccess;
+                    int errno;
+                    do
+                    {
+                        closeSuccess = ML_sys_close(fd) == 0;
+                        errno = Marshal.GetLastWin32Error();
+                        Okay = mr_bool.YES;
+                    }
+                    while (!closeSuccess && errno == 4 /* EINTR */);
+                    if (closeSuccess)
+                    {
+                        ErrorMessage = string.Empty;
+                        Okay = mr_bool.YES;
+                    }
+                    else
+                    {
+                        ErrorMessage = string.Format(
+                            ""Closing temporary file {0} failed with: {1:X}"",
+                                FileName, errno);
+                        Okay = mr_bool.NO;
+                    }
+                }
+                else
+                {
+                    ErrorMessage = string.Format(
+                        ""Creating temporary file {0} failed"",
+                            FileName);
+                    Okay = mr_bool.NO;
+                }
+                break;
+            default:
+                FileName = string.Empty;
+                Okay = mr_bool.NO;
+                ErrorMessage =
+                    ""Creating temporary files is not supported for: "" +
+                    Environment.OSVersion;
+                break;
+        }
     catch (System.Exception e)
-        FileName = """";
+        FileName = string.Empty;
         Okay = mr_bool.NO;
         ErrorMessage = e.Message;
@@ -10744,6 +10843,9 @@ import java.util.Random;
     int err;
+    /* XXX mkdtemp assumes that XXXXXX is at the end of the template,
+     * and mkstemps is used for this purpose instead.
+     */
     DirName = MR_make_string(MR_ALLOC_ID, ""%s%s%.5sXXXXXX%s"",
         Dir, Sep, Prefix, Suffix);
     DirName = mkdtemp(DirName);
@@ -10766,13 +10868,19 @@ import java.util.Random;
 :- pragma foreign_proc("C#",
-    do_make_temp_directory(Dir::in, _Prefix::in, _Suffix::in, _Sep::in,
+    do_make_temp_directory(Dir::in, Prefix::in, _Suffix::in, _Sep::in,
         DirName::out, Okay::out, ErrorMessage::out, _IO0::di, _IO::uo),
     [will_not_call_mercury, promise_pure, tabled_for_io, thread_safe],
-        DirName = Path.Combine(Dir, Path.GetRandomFileName());
+        // The documentation for io.make_temp says that we should only use
+        // the first five characters of Prefix.
+        string trimmedPrefix = (Prefix.Length > 5)
+                ? Prefix.Substring(0, 5)
+                : Prefix;
+        DirName = Path.Combine(Dir, trimmedPrefix + Path.GetRandomFileName());
         switch (Environment.OSVersion.Platform)
@@ -10802,17 +10910,17 @@ import java.util.Random;
 #if __MonoCS__
             case PlatformID.Unix:
             case (PlatformID)6: // MacOSX:
-                int errorNo = ML_sys_mkdir(DirName, 0x7 << 6);
-                if (errorNo == 0)
+                if (ML_sys_mkdir(DirName, 0x7 << 6) == 0)
                     ErrorMessage = string.Empty;
                     Okay = mr_bool.YES;
+                    int errno = Marshal.GetLastWin32Error();
                     ErrorMessage = string.Format(
                         ""Creating directory {0} failed with: {1:X}"",
-                            DirName, errorNo);
+                            DirName, errno);
                     Okay = mr_bool.NO;
@@ -10856,7 +10964,7 @@ import java.util.Random;
     } else {
         DirName = """";
         Okay = bool.NO;
-        ErrorMessage = ""Coudln't create directory"";
+        ErrorMessage = ""Could not create directory"";
@@ -10897,8 +11005,8 @@ import java.util.Random;
 get_temp_directory(Dir, !IO) :-
-    % If using the Java or C# backend then use their API to get the location of
-    % temporary files.
+    % If using the Java or C# backend then use their API to get the location
+    % of temporary files.
     system_temp_dir(Dir0, OK, !IO),
     ( if OK = 1 then
         Dir = Dir0

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