[m-rev.] for review: Improve Mercury's temporary files and directories predicates.

Julien Fischer jfischer at opturion.com
Wed Apr 13 13:43:39 AEST 2016

Hi Paul,

Why have you posted this diff to the list twice?


On Wed, 13 Apr 2016, Paul Bone wrote:

> For review by anyone.
> I don't really know C# and have even less knowledge of Erlang.  I've not
> implemented these for the Erlang backend and a reviewer may wish to
> scrutinze the C# code in particular.
> Thanks.
> ---
> Improve Mercury's temporary files and directories predicates.
> + Add support for retriving the system/user's temporary directory.
> + Add support for creating temporary directories.
> library/io.m:
>    Add temp_directory/3
>    Add make_temp_directory/3 and make_temp_directory/5.
>    make_temp_file/3 and make_temp_file/5 now return the full pathname on
>    the Java backends.
>    On the Java backend make_temp_file/3 and make_temp_file/5 now create
>    files chmod 600, which is necessary when the temporary files are
>    security sensative.
>    Document the limitations of these calls for the C# and Erlang backends.
> configure.ac:
> runtime/mercury_conf.h.in:
>    Check for mkdtemp(3).
>    Announce the new predicates.
> ---
> NEWS                      |   3 +
> configure.ac              |   4 +-
> library/io.m              | 319 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++----------
> runtime/mercury_conf.h.in |   2 +
> 4 files changed, 258 insertions(+), 70 deletions(-)
> diff --git a/NEWS b/NEWS
> index 71c8764..bae0d9a 100644
> --- a/NEWS
> +++ b/NEWS
> @@ -123,6 +123,9 @@ Changes to the Mercury standard library:
> * io.print and string_writer.print now print arbitrary precision integers
>   in their decimal form instead of printing their underlying representation.
> +* We have added temp_directory/3, make_temp_directory/3 and
> +  make_temp_directory/5 predicates to the io module.
> +
> * We have added a module for discrete interval encoding trees, which are a
>   highly efficient set implementation for fat sets.  This module is a
>   contribution from Yes Logic Pty. Ltd.
> diff --git a/configure.ac b/configure.ac
> index d282008..037a6bd 100644
> --- a/configure.ac
> +++ b/configure.ac
> @@ -1316,8 +1316,8 @@ mercury_check_for_functions \
>         grantpt unlockpt ptsname tcgetattr tcsetattr ioctl \
>         access sleep opendir readdir closedir mkdir symlink readlink \
>         gettimeofday setenv putenv _putenv posix_spawn sched_setaffinity \
> -        sched_getaffinity sched_getcpu sched_yield mkstemp setrlimit \
> -        fma
> +        sched_getaffinity sched_getcpu sched_yield mkstemp mkdtemp
> +        setrlimit fma
> mercury_check_for_stdio_functions \
>         snprintf _snprintf vsnprintf _vsnprintf
> diff --git a/library/io.m b/library/io.m
> index b685315..3195532 100644
> --- a/library/io.m
> +++ b/library/io.m
> @@ -1312,8 +1312,65 @@
>     % It is the responsibility of the program to delete the file when it is
>     % no longer needed.
>     %
> -    % The file will reside in an implementation-dependent directory.
> -    % For current Mercury implementations, it is determined as follows:
> +    % The file is placed in the directory returned by temp_directory/3.
> +    %
> +    % This is insecure on the Erlang backend, file permissions are not set
> +    % properly.
> +    %
> +:- pred make_temp(string::out, io::di, io::uo) is det.
> +
> +    % make_temp(Dir, Prefix, Name, !IO) creates an empty file whose
> +    % name is different to the name of any existing file. The file will reside
> +    % in the directory specified by `Dir' and will have a prefix using up to
> +    % the first 5 characters of `Prefix'. Name is bound to the name of the
> +    % file. It is the responsibility of the program to delete the file
> +    % when it is no longer needed.
> +    %
> +    % The C# backend has the following limitations:
> +    %   + Dir is ignored.
> +    %   + Prefix is ignored.
> +    %
> +    % This is insecure on the Erlang backend, file permissions are not set
> +    % properly.
> +    %
> +:- pred make_temp(string::in, string::in, string::out, io::di, io::uo)
> +    is det.
> +
> +    % make_temp_directory(DirName, !IO) creates an empty directory whose name
> +    % is different from the name of any existing directory.
> +    %
> +    % On the C# backend this is insecure as the file permissions are not set
> +    % and this call does not test for an existing directory.
> +    %
> +    % This is unimplemented on the Erlang backend.
> +    %
> +:- pred make_temp_directory(string::out, io::di, io::uo) is det.
> +
> +    % make_temp_directory(Dir, Prefix, DirName, !IO) creates an empty directory
> +    % whose name is different from the name of any existing directory.  The new
> +    % directory will reside in the existing directory specified by `Dir' and
> +    % will have a prefix using up to the first 5 characters of `Prefix'.
> +    % DirName is bound to the name of the new directory. It is the
> +    % responsibility of the program to delete the directory when it is no
> +    % longer needed.
> +    %
> +    % The C# backend has the following limitations:
> +    %   + It is insecure as as the file permissions are not set and the call
> +    %     does not test for an existing directory.
> +    %   + Prefix is ignored.
> +    %
> +    % This is unimplemented on the Erlang backend.
> +    %
> +:- pred make_temp_directory(string::in, string::in, string::out,
> +    io::di, io::uo) is det.
> +
> +    % temp_directory(DirName, !IO)
> +    %
> +    % DirName is the name of a directory where applications should put
> +    % temporary files.
> +    %
> +    % This is implementation-dependent.  For current Mercury implementations,
> +    % it is determined as follows:
>     % 1. For the non-Java back-ends:
>     %    - On Microsoft Windows systems, the file will reside in
>     %      the current directory if the TMP environment variable
> @@ -1327,17 +1384,7 @@
>     %    value of this property is typically "/tmp" or "/var/tmp";
>     %    on Microsoft Windows systems it is typically "c:\\temp".
>     %
> -:- pred make_temp(string::out, io::di, io::uo) is det.
> -
> -    % make_temp(Dir, Prefix, Name, !IO) creates an empty file whose
> -    % name is different to the name of any existing file. The file will reside
> -    % in the directory specified by `Dir' and will have a prefix using up to
> -    % the first 5 characters of `Prefix'. Name is bound to the name of the
> -    % file. It is the responsibility of the program to delete the file
> -    % when it is no longer needed.
> -    %
> -:- pred make_temp(string::in, string::in, string::out, io::di, io::uo)
> -    is det.
> +:- pred temp_directory(string::out, io::di, io::uo) is det.
>     % remove_file(FileName, Result, !IO) attempts to remove the file
>     % `FileName', binding Result to ok/0 if it succeeds, or error/1 if it
> @@ -1807,6 +1854,10 @@
>     #endif
> ").
> +:- pragma foreign_decl("C#", "
> +using System.IO;
> +").
> +
> :- pragma foreign_code("C#", "
>     // The ML_ prefixes here are not really needed,
>     // since the C# code all gets generated inside a class,
> @@ -3770,7 +3821,7 @@ check_directory_accessibility_dotnet(_, _, _, Res, !IO) :-
>             // isn't read-only doesn't mean we have permission to write to it.
>             // The only way to test whether a directory is writable is to
>             // write a file to it. The ideal way to do that would be
> -            // io.make_temp, but currently the .NET backend version of that
> +            // io.make_temp, but currently the C# backend version of that
>             // ignores the directory passed to it.
>             System.IO.FileAttributes attrs =
>                 System.IO.File.GetAttributes(FileName);
> @@ -10310,25 +10361,12 @@ io.setenv(Var, Value) :-
> %---------------------------------------------------------------------------%
> -    % We need to do an explicit check of TMPDIR because not all
> -    % systems check TMPDIR for us (eg Linux #$%*@&).
> -io.make_temp(Name, !IO) :-
> -    Var = ( if dir.use_windows_paths then "TMP" else "TMPDIR" ),
> -    io.get_environment_var(Var, Result, !IO),
> -    (
> -        Result = yes(Dir)
> -    ;
> -        Result = no,
> -        ( if dir.use_windows_paths then
> -            Dir = dir.this_directory
> -        else
> -            Dir = "/tmp"
> -        )
> -    ),
> -    io.make_temp(Dir, "mtmp", Name, !IO).
> +make_temp(Name, !IO) :-
> +    temp_directory(Dir, !IO),
> +    make_temp(Dir, "mtmp", Name, !IO).
> -io.make_temp(Dir, Prefix, Name, !IO) :-
> -    io.do_make_temp(Dir, Prefix, char_to_string(dir.directory_separator),
> +make_temp(Dir, Prefix, Name, !IO) :-
> +    do_make_temp(Dir, Prefix, char_to_string(dir.directory_separator),
>         Name, Err, Message, !IO),
>     ( if Err = 0 then
>         true
> @@ -10336,7 +10374,20 @@ io.make_temp(Dir, Prefix, Name, !IO) :-
>         throw_io_error(Message)
>     ).
> -%---------------------------------------------------------------------------%
> +make_temp_directory(DirName, !IO) :-
> +    temp_directory(Dir, !IO),
> +    make_temp_directory(Dir, "mtmp", DirName, !IO).
> +
> +make_temp_directory(Dir, Prefix, DirName, !IO) :-
> +    do_make_temp_directory(Dir, Prefix,
> +        char_to_string(dir.directory_separator), DirName, Err, Message, !IO),
> +    ( if Err = 0 then
> +        true
> +    else
> +        throw_io_error(Message)
> +    ).
> +
> +%-----------------------------------------------------------------------%
> :- pred io.do_make_temp(string::in, string::in, string::in,
>     string::out, int::out, string::out, io::di, io::uo) is det.
> @@ -10467,55 +10518,42 @@ io.make_temp(Dir, Prefix, Name, !IO) :-
>     }
> }").
> -% For the Java implementation, io.make_temp/3 is overwritten directly,
> -% since Java is capable of locating the default temp directory itself.
> -
> -:- pragma foreign_proc("Java",
> -    io.do_make_temp(_Dir::in, _Prefix::in, _Sep::in, _FileName::out,
> -        _Error::out, _ErrorMessage::out, _IO0::di, _IO::uo),
> -    [will_not_call_mercury, promise_pure, tabled_for_io, thread_safe],
> +:- pragma foreign_decl("Java", local,
> "
> -    // this function should never be called.
> -
> -    throw new RuntimeException(""io.do_make_temp not implemented"");
> +import java.io.File;
> +import java.nio.file.Files;
> +import java.nio.file.Path;
> +import java.nio.file.Paths;
> +import java.nio.file.attribute.PosixFilePermissions;
> ").
> -:- pragma foreign_proc("Java",
> -    io.make_temp(FileName::out, _IO0::di, _IO::uo),
> -    [will_not_call_mercury, promise_pure, tabled_for_io, thread_safe,
> -        may_not_duplicate],
> -"
> -    try {
> -        java.io.File tmpdir = new java.io.File(
> -            java.lang.System.getProperty(""java.io.tmpdir""));
> -        FileName = java.io.File.createTempFile(""mtmp"", null, tmpdir).
> -            getName();
> -    } catch (java.lang.Exception e) {
> -        io.ML_throw_io_error(e.getMessage());
> -        FileName = null;
> -    }
> -").
> +
> +% For the Java implementation, io.make_temp/3 is overwritten directly,
> +% since Java is capable of locating the default temp directory itself.
> :- pragma foreign_proc("Java",
> -    io.make_temp(Dir::in, Prefix::in, FileName::out, _IO0::di, _IO::uo),
> +    io.do_make_temp(Dir::in, Prefix::in, _Sep::in, FileName::out,
> +        Error::out, ErrorMessage::out, _IO0::di, _IO::uo),
>     [will_not_call_mercury, promise_pure, tabled_for_io, thread_safe,
>         may_not_duplicate],
> "
>     try {
> -        if (Prefix.length() < 3) {
> -            // File.createTempFile() requires a Prefix which is
> -            // at least 3 characters long.
> -            Prefix = Prefix + ""tmp"";
> -        } else if (Prefix.length() > 5) {
> +        Path dir_path, new_file;
> +
> +        if (Prefix.length() > 5) {
>             // The documentation for io.make_temp says that we should only use
>             // the first five characters of Prefix.
>             Prefix = Prefix.substring(0, 5);
>         }
> -        FileName = java.io.File.createTempFile(Prefix, null,
> -            new java.io.File(Dir)).getName();
> +        dir_path = Paths.get(Dir);
> +        new_file = Files.createTempFile(dir_path, Prefix, null);
> +        FileName = new_file.toAbsolutePath().toString();
> +        Error = 0;
> +        ErrorMessage = """";
>     } catch (java.lang.Exception e) {
> -        io.ML_throw_io_error(e.getMessage());
> -        FileName = null;
> +        FileName = """";
> +        Error = -1;
> +        ErrorMessage = e.toString();
>     }
> ").
> @@ -10591,6 +10629,151 @@ io.make_temp(Dir, Prefix, Name, !IO) :-
>         end.
> ").
> +%-----------------------------------------------------------------------%
> +
> +:- pred io.do_make_temp_directory(string::in, string::in, string::in,
> +    string::out, int::out, string::out, io::di, io::uo) is det.
> +
> +:- pragma foreign_proc("C",
> +    io.do_make_temp_directory(Dir::in, Prefix::in, Sep::in, DirName::out,
> +        Error::out, ErrorMessage::out, _IO0::di, _IO::uo),
> +    [will_not_call_mercury, promise_pure, tabled_for_io,
> +        does_not_affect_liveness],
> +"
> +    int err;
> +
> +    DirName = MR_make_string(MR_ALLOC_ID, ""%s%s%.5sXXXXXX"",
> +        Dir, Sep, Prefix);
> +    DirName = mkdtemp(DirName);
> +    if (DirName == NULL) {
> +        ML_maybe_make_err_msg(MR_TRUE, errno,
> +            ""error creating temporary directory: "", MR_ALLOC_ID,
> +            ErrorMessage);
> +        Error = -1;
> +    } else {
> +        ErrorMessage = MR_make_string_const("""");
> +        Error = 0;
> +    }
> +#else
> +    #warning ""Your system does not have mkdtemp""
> +    Error = -1;
> +    ErrorMessage =
> +        MR_make_string_const(""Your system does not have mkdtemp"");
> +    DirName = MR_make_string_const("""");
> +#endif /* HAVE_MKDTEMP */
> +").
> +
> +:- pragma foreign_proc("C#",
> +    io.do_make_temp_directory(Dir::in, _Prefix::in, _Sep::in, DirName::out,
> +        Error::out, ErrorMessage::out, _IO0::di, _IO::uo),
> +    [will_not_call_mercury, promise_pure, tabled_for_io, thread_safe],
> +"{
> +    try {
> +        DirName = Path.Combine(Dir, Path.GetRandomFileName());
> +        /*
> +         * This is not secure:
> +         *   1. We cannot set permissions
> +         *   2. We cannot atomically test for and create a directory
> +         */
> +        Directory.CreateDirectory(DirName);
> +        Error = 0;
> +        ErrorMessage = """";
> +    }
> +    catch (System.Exception e)
> +    {
> +        DirName = """";
> +        Error = -1;
> +        ErrorMessage = e.Message;
> +    }
> +}").
> +
> +:- pragma foreign_proc("Java",
> +    io.do_make_temp_directory(Dir::in, Prefix::in, _Sep::in, DirName::out,
> +        Error::out, ErrorMessage::out, _IO0::di, _IO::uo),
> +    [will_not_call_mercury, promise_pure, tabled_for_io, thread_safe,
> +        may_not_duplicate],
> +"
> +    try {
> +        Path dir_path, new_file;
> +
> +        if (Prefix.length() > 5) {
> +            // The documentation for io.make_temp says that we should only use
> +            // the first five characters of Prefix.
> +            Prefix = Prefix.substring(0, 5);
> +        }
> +        dir_path = Paths.get(Dir);
> +        new_file = Files.createTempDirectory(dir_path, Prefix);
> +        DirName = new_file.toAbsolutePath().toString();
> +        Error = 0;
> +        ErrorMessage = """";
> +    } catch (java.lang.Exception e) {
> +        DirName = """";
> +        Error = -1;
> +        ErrorMessage = e.toString();
> +    }
> +").
> +
> +%---------------------------------------------------------------------------%
> +
> +temp_directory(Dir, !IO) :-
> +    % If using a Java or C# backend then use their API to get the location of
> +    % temporary files.
> +    system_temp_dir(Dir0, OK, !IO),
> +    ( if OK = 1 then
> +        Dir = Dir0
> +    else
> +        % Either this is not a Java or C# grade or the Java or C# backend
> +        % couldn't determine the temporary directory.
> +        %
> +        % We need to do an explicit check of TMPDIR because not all
> +        % systems check TMPDIR for us (eg Linux #$%*@&).
> +        Var = ( if dir.use_windows_paths then "TMP" else "TMPDIR" ),
> +        get_environment_var(Var, Result, !IO),
> +        (
> +            Result = yes(Dir)
> +        ;
> +            Result = no,
> +            ( if dir.use_windows_paths then
> +                Dir = dir.this_directory
> +            else
> +                Dir = "/tmp"
> +            )
> +        )
> +    ).
> +
> +:- pred system_temp_dir(string::out, int::out, io::di, io::uo) is det.
> +
> +:- pragma foreign_proc("Java",
> +    system_temp_dir(Dir::out, OK::out, _IO0::di, _IO::uo),
> +    [will_not_call_mercury, promise_pure, tabled_for_io, thread_safe,
> +        may_not_duplicate],
> +"
> +    try {
> +        Dir = java.lang.System.getProperty(""java.io.tmpdir"");
> +        OK = (Dir != null) ? 1 : 0;
> +    } catch (Exception e) {
> +        Dir = null;
> +        OK = 0;
> +    }
> +").
> +
> +:- pragma foreign_proc("C#",
> +    system_temp_dir(Dir::out, OK::out, _IO0::di, _IO::uo),
> +    [will_not_call_mercury, promise_pure, tabled_for_io, thread_safe,
> +        may_not_duplicate],
> +"
> +    try {
> +        Dir = System.IO.Path.GetTempPath();
> +        OK = (Dir != null) ? 1 : 0;
> +    } catch (System.Exception _) {
> +        Dir = null;
> +        OK = 0;
> +    }
> +").
> +
> +system_temp_dir("", 0, !IO).
> +
> %---------------------------------------------------------------------------%
> :- pragma foreign_decl("C", "
> diff --git a/runtime/mercury_conf.h.in b/runtime/mercury_conf.h.in
> index d631cdf..343b71d 100644
> --- a/runtime/mercury_conf.h.in
> +++ b/runtime/mercury_conf.h.in
> @@ -296,6 +296,7 @@
> **                              we have the pthread_mutexattr_setpshared()
> **                              function.
> **  MR_HAVE_MKSTEMP             we have the mkstemp() function.
> +**  MR_HAVE_MKDTEMP             we have the mkdtemp() function.
> **  MR_HAVE_SETRLIMIT           we have the setrlimit() function.
> **  MR_HAVE_ISNAN               we have the isnan() function.
> **  MR_HAVE_ISNANF              we have the isnanf() function.
> @@ -345,6 +346,7 @@
> #undef  MR_HAVE_DUP2
> #undef  MR_HAVE_FILENO
> +#undef  MR_HAVE_MKDTEMP
> #undef  MR_HAVE_ISATTY
> -- 
> 2.8.0.rc3
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> reviews mailing list
> reviews at lists.mercurylang.org
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