[m-rev.] the grade library is ready for review

Julien Fischer jfischer at opturion.com
Tue Apr 5 14:03:31 AEST 2016

On Fri, 1 Apr 2016, Zoltan Somogyi wrote:

> The try_all_grade_structs program is a sanity check; it tests whether
> the grade library can properly process all valid grades (of which there
> are more than one million!). This takes a bit less than a minute on
> my laptop, which shows that the grade library can handle the kinds
> of problems that this test poses in about 50 microseconds each.
> (I expect that solving partial, not full, grade specifications takes longer.)

The runtime says:

  #error "Sorry, not supported: --high-level-code --gc accurate --thread-safe"

(Which is indeed the case.)

However, try_all_grade_structs is generating grades containing
components that corespond to the above options, e.g. hlc.par.agc 
and hlc_nest.par.agc.


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