[m-rev.] diff: Make the prepare.sh script more verbose

Paul Bone paul at bone.id.au
Wed Sep 23 11:32:36 AEST 2015

Branches: upgrade_boehm

Make the prepare.sh script more verbose

Prepare often fetches sources and so it can take some time, it's helpful if
it's a little more verbose so that users know that something is happening.
I've also specified --remote and --checkout for the submodule update
command, which should ensure that things work consistently when those
repositories get updated.

    As above.
 prepare.sh | 2 +-
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/prepare.sh b/prepare.sh
index 13c1d57..5f942b4 100755
--- a/prepare.sh
+++ b/prepare.sh
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ set -e
 if [ ! -e boehm_gc/libatomic_ops ]; then
     if git submodule --quiet init; then
-        git submodule --quiet update
+        git submodule update --remote --checkout
         ln -s ../libatomic_ops boehm_gc/libatomic_ops
         echo There was a problem configuring the submodules.  If the

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