[m-rev.] For review 1/2: Beefed up the pqueue implementation.

Michael Richter ttmrichter at gmail.com
Wed Nov 27 15:56:33 AEDT 2013

Oops.  Forgot that this list is setting Reply-to to the person, not the
list.  Sorry, Peter.

On 27 November 2013 12:55, Michael Richter <ttmrichter at gmail.com> wrote:

> On 26 November 2013 13:15, Peter Wang <novalazy at gmail.com> wrote:
>> On Sun, 24 Nov 2013 15:42:14 +1100, Paul Bone <paul at bone.id.au> wrote:
>> > +
>> > +:- pred pqueue.merge2(pqueue(K, V)::in, pqueue(K, V)::in, pqueue(K,
>> V)::out)
>> > +    is det.
>> > +
>> > +pqueue.merge2(empty,                   B,     B).
>> > +pqueue.merge2(A at pqueue(_, _, _, _, _), empty, A).
>> > +pqueue.merge2(pqueue(_, K, V, L, R),   !.PQ at pqueue(_, _, _, _, _),
>> !:PQ) :-
>> > +    pqueue.merge2(L, !PQ),
>> > +    pqueue.merge2(R, !PQ),
>> > +    pqueue.insert(K, V, !PQ).
>> pqueue.merge2(A, B, C) :-
>>     (
>>         A = empty,
>>         C = B
>>     ;
>>         A = pqueue(_, _, _, _, _),
>>         B = empty,
>>         C = A
>>     ;
>>         A = pqueue(_, K, V, L, R),
>>         B = pqueue(_, _, _, _, _),
>>         merge2(L, B, C0),
>>         merge2(R, C0, C1),
>>         insert(K, V, C1, C)
>>     ).
> Personally I find the multiple functors easier to see that the switch has
> been appropriately covered.  The coverage data is basically tabular in
> nature.  The linear format of your choice here is IMO a poor fit.
> --
> "Perhaps people don't believe this, but throughout all of the discussions
> of entering China our focus has really been what's best for the Chinese
> people. It's not been about our revenue or profit or whatnot."
> --Sergey Brin, demonstrating the emptiness of the "don't be evil" mantra.

"Perhaps people don't believe this, but throughout all of the discussions
of entering China our focus has really been what's best for the Chinese
people. It's not been about our revenue or profit or whatnot."
--Sergey Brin, demonstrating the emptiness of the "don't be evil" mantra.
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