[m-rev.] [for review] Annouce the new downloads and the documentation in the news feed.

Paul Bone paul at bone.id.au
Wed Apr 17 10:59:11 AEST 2013

    As above.
 news/newsdb.inc | 10 ++++++++++
 1 file changed, 10 insertions(+)

diff --git a/news/newsdb.inc b/news/newsdb.inc
index 12396fd..fb0579b 100644
--- a/news/newsdb.inc
+++ b/news/newsdb.inc
@@ -21,6 +21,16 @@
 $newsdb = array(
+"17th April 2013" => array(
+"Downloads and documentation are available again",
+"We have put both the documentation and some
+<a href=\"http://dl.mercurylang.org/index.html\">downloads</a>
+back online.
+However until we setup a periodic build system these may be updated
+only intermittently.
+Also, the downloads available do not yet include historical versions of
 "8th April 2013" => array("64-bit Windows support",
 "Generation of 64-bit code on Windows using the MinGW64 version of GCC
 is now supported."),

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