[m-rev.] for review: lco and constant constructions
Peter Wang
novalazy at gmail.com
Mon Jul 23 14:42:24 AEST 2012
On Fri, 20 Jul 2012 16:48:05 +1000, Zoltan Somogyi <zs at unimelb.edu.au> wrote:
> You need two different tests for two different kinds of unifications.
> For those that depend directly or indirectly on a value generated by the
> recursive call, you need to test the tag. For those that don't, you
> don't care what the tag is. You may not even require it to be a unify goal;
> there is no reason why you shouldn't allow a from_ground_term_construct
> goal in that role as well, or even an arbitrary det goal that (a) does not
> depend on the output of the recursive call, and (b) is guaranteed to neither
> throw an exception nor loop forever. The point is, goals of the second kind
> need no processing beyond being moved before the recursive call.
Thanks for the clarification. New patch follows. The number of
LCMC-generated procedures in the compiler directory increases
from 633 to 651 in asm_fast.gc.
Branches: main
Allow the last-call-modulo-cons optimisation to move goals in a conjunction
following after a recursive call to before the call, if that would make the
LCMC transform possible. Currently, only construction unifications and
from_ground_term goals are moved.
As above.
Add test case.
diff --git a/compiler/lco.m b/compiler/lco.m
index 0ba7142..8374eb4 100644
--- a/compiler/lco.m
+++ b/compiler/lco.m
@@ -187,6 +187,7 @@
:- import_module parse_tree.prog_mode.
:- import_module parse_tree.prog_type.
:- import_module parse_tree.prog_util.
+:- import_module parse_tree.set_of_var.
:- import_module transform_hlds.dependency_graph.
:- import_module assoc_list.
@@ -479,8 +480,7 @@ lco_in_goal(Goal0, Goal, !Info, ConstInfo) :-
GoalExpr0 = conj(ConjType, Goals0),
ConjType = plain_conj,
- lco_in_conj(list.reverse(Goals0), [], bag.init, MaybeGoals,
- !Info, ConstInfo),
+ lco_in_conj(Goals0, MaybeGoals, !Info, ConstInfo),
MaybeGoals = yes(Goals),
GoalExpr = conj(plain_conj, Goals)
@@ -572,56 +572,214 @@ lco_in_cases([Case0 | Cases0], [Case | Cases], !Info, ConstInfo) :-
- % lco_in_conj(RevGoals, Unifies, ModuleInfo, Goals)
+ % lco_in_conj(Goals0, MaybeGoals, !Info, ConstInfo)
% Given a conjunction whose structure is:
% zero or more arbitrary goals
% recursive call that could be a last call modulo constructors
- % one or more construction unifications
+ % one or more moveable goals
- % move the construction unifications before the call.
+ % move the moveable goals before the call.
+ % If successful, MaybeGoals is yes(Goals) with the goals in the new order.
+ % Otherwise MaybeGoals is no.
- % We traverse the conjunction backwards (the caller has reversed the list).
- % RevGoals is the list of remaining goals in the reversed conjunction list.
- % RevUnifies is the list of assignments and constructions delayed by any
- % previous recursive invocations of lco_in_conj.
- %
- % invariant: append(reverse(RevGoals), Unifies) = original conjunction
- %
-:- pred lco_in_conj(list(hlds_goal)::in, list(hlds_goal)::in,
- bag(prog_var)::in, maybe(list(hlds_goal))::out,
+:- pred lco_in_conj(list(hlds_goal)::in, maybe(list(hlds_goal))::out,
lco_info::in, lco_info::out, lco_const_info::in) is det.
-lco_in_conj([], _Unifies, _UnifyInputVars, no, !Info, _ConstInfo).
-lco_in_conj([RevGoal | RevGoals], !.Unifies, !.UnifyInputVars, MaybeGoals,
- !Info, ConstInfo) :-
- RevGoal = hlds_goal(RevGoalExpr, RevGoalInfo),
- ModuleInfo = !.Info ^ lco_module_info,
- ProcInfo = ConstInfo ^ lci_cur_proc_proc,
- proc_info_get_vartypes(ProcInfo, VarTypes),
+lco_in_conj(Goals0, MaybeGoals, !Info, ConstInfo) :-
+ list.reverse(Goals0, RevGoals0),
- RevGoalExpr = unify(_, _, _, Unification, _),
- Unification = construct(ConstructedVar, ConsId, ConstructArgs,
- ArgUniModes, _, _, SubInfo),
+ divide_rev_conj(!.Info, ConstInfo, RevGoals0, [], AfterGoals,
+ RecGoal, RecOutArgs, RevBeforeGoals),
+ AfterGoals = [_ | _],
+ set_of_var.list_to_set(RecOutArgs, DelayForVars0),
+ list.foldl3(partition_dependent_goal(!.Info, ConstInfo), AfterGoals,
+ [], RevAfterDependentGoals,
+ [], RevAfterNonDependentGoals,
+ DelayForVars0, _DelayForVars),
+ list.foldl2(acceptable_construct_unification,
+ RevAfterDependentGoals, bag.init, UnifyInputVars, !Info)
+ ->
+ list.reverse(RevAfterDependentGoals, UnifyGoals),
+ transform_call_and_unifies(RecGoal, RecOutArgs,
+ UnifyGoals, UnifyInputVars, MaybeGoals1, !Info, ConstInfo),
- SubInfo = no_construct_sub_info
+ MaybeGoals1 = yes(UpdatedRecAndUnifies),
+ Goals = list.reverse(RevBeforeGoals)
+ ++ list.reverse(RevAfterNonDependentGoals)
+ ++ UpdatedRecAndUnifies,
+ MaybeGoals = yes(Goals)
- SubInfo = construct_sub_info(no, _)
- ),
- all_true(acceptable_construct_mode(ModuleInfo), ArgUniModes),
- ConsTag = cons_id_to_tag(ModuleInfo, ConsId),
- % The code generator can't handle some kinds of tags. For example,
- % it does not make sense to take the address of the field of a function
- % symbol of a `notag' type. These are the kinds it CAN handle.
+ MaybeGoals1 = no,
+ MaybeGoals = no
+ )
+ ;
+ MaybeGoals = no
+ ).
+ % Divide a conjunction into
+ % - a list of goals before the rightmost recursive call
+ % - the recursive call itself
+ % - the goals following the recursive call which could potentially be
+ % moved before the recursive call, using the LCMC transform if necessary.
+ %
+ % invariant:
+ % reverse(RevGoals0) ++ AfterGoals0
+ % = reverse(RevBeforeGoals) ++ [RecGoal] ++ AfterGoals
+ %
+:- pred divide_rev_conj(lco_info::in, lco_const_info::in, list(hlds_goal)::in,
+ list(hlds_goal)::in, list(hlds_goal)::out,
+ hlds_goal::out, list(prog_var)::out, list(hlds_goal)::out) is semidet.
+divide_rev_conj(Info, ConstInfo, RevGoals0, !AfterGoals, RecGoal, RecOutArgs,
+ RevBeforeGoals) :-
+ (
+ RevGoals0 = [],
+ % No recursive call found.
+ fail
+ ;
+ RevGoals0 = [RevGoal | RevGoalsTail],
- ConsTag = single_functor_tag
+ potentially_transformable_recursive_call(Info, ConstInfo, RevGoal,
+ OutArgs)
+ ->
+ RecGoal = RevGoal,
+ RecOutArgs = OutArgs,
+ RevBeforeGoals = RevGoalsTail
+ ;
+ potentially_moveable_goal(RevGoal)
+ ->
+ cons(RevGoal, !AfterGoals),
+ divide_rev_conj(Info, ConstInfo, RevGoalsTail, !AfterGoals,
+ RecGoal, RecOutArgs, RevBeforeGoals)
- ConsTag = unshared_tag(_)
+ fail
+ )
+ ).
+:- pred potentially_transformable_recursive_call(lco_info::in,
+ lco_const_info::in, hlds_goal::in, list(prog_var)::out) is semidet.
+potentially_transformable_recursive_call(Info, ConstInfo, Goal, OutArgs) :-
+ Goal = hlds_goal(GoalExpr, GoalInfo),
+ GoalExpr = plain_call(PredId, ProcId, Args, _Builtin, _UnifyContext,
+ _SymName),
+ set.member(proc(PredId, ProcId), ConstInfo ^ lci_cur_scc),
+ goal_info_get_determinism(GoalInfo) = ConstInfo ^ lci_cur_proc_detism,
+ ModuleInfo = Info ^ lco_module_info,
+ ProcInfo = ConstInfo ^ lci_cur_proc_proc,
+ proc_info_get_vartypes(ProcInfo, VarTypes),
+ module_info_proc_info(ModuleInfo, PredId, ProcId, CalleeProcInfo),
+ proc_info_get_argmodes(CalleeProcInfo, CalleeArgModes),
+ classify_proc_call_args(ModuleInfo, VarTypes, Args, CalleeArgModes,
+ _InArgs, OutArgs, UnusedArgs),
+ UnusedArgs = [],
+ trace [compiletime(flag("lco")), io(!IO)] (
+ io.write_string("call output args: ", !IO),
+ io.write(OutArgs, !IO),
+ io.nl(!IO)
+ ),
+ list.length(OutArgs, NumOutArgs),
+ CurrProcOutArgs = ConstInfo ^ lci_cur_proc_outputs,
+ list.length(CurrProcOutArgs, NumCurrProcOutArgs),
+ NumOutArgs = NumCurrProcOutArgs.
+ % A goal is potentially moveable before a recursive call if it is det, and
+ % guaranteed neither to throw an exception nor loop forever (subject to
+ % --no-reorder-conj). It is actually moveable if it does not depend on the
+ % output of the recursive call.
+ %
+ % For now we only move unification goals and goals which construct ground
+ % terms.
+ %
+:- pred potentially_moveable_goal(hlds_goal::in) is semidet.
+potentially_moveable_goal(Goal) :-
+ Goal = hlds_goal(GoalExpr, GoalInfo),
+ goal_info_get_determinism(GoalInfo) = detism_det,
+ require_complete_switch [GoalExpr]
+ (
+ GoalExpr = unify(_, _, _, _, _)
+ ;
+ GoalExpr = scope(Reason, SubGoal),
+ ( Reason = from_ground_term(_, _) ->
+ true
- ConsTag = shared_remote_tag(_, _)
+ potentially_moveable_goal(SubGoal)
- ->
+ ;
+ ( GoalExpr = plain_call(_, _, _, _, _, _)
+ ; GoalExpr = generic_call(_, _, _, _, _)
+ ; GoalExpr = call_foreign_proc(_, _, _, _, _, _, _)
+ ; GoalExpr = conj(_, _)
+ ; GoalExpr = disj(_)
+ ; GoalExpr = switch(_, _, _)
+ ; GoalExpr = negation(_)
+ ; GoalExpr = if_then_else(_, _, _, _)
+ ),
+ fail
+ ;
+ GoalExpr = shorthand(_),
+ unexpected($module, $pred, "shorthand")
+ ).
+ % Partition a goal which follows a recursive call goal into those goals
+ % which depend directly or indirectly on an output of the recursive call,
+ % and those goals which don't.
+ %
+:- pred partition_dependent_goal(lco_info::in, lco_const_info::in,
+ hlds_goal::in, list(hlds_goal)::in, list(hlds_goal)::out,
+ list(hlds_goal)::in, list(hlds_goal)::out,
+ set_of_progvar::in, set_of_progvar::out) is det.
+partition_dependent_goal(_Info, _ConstInfo, Goal,
+ !RevDependentGoals, !RevNonDependentGoals, !DelayForVars) :-
+ Goal = hlds_goal(_GoalExpr, GoalInfo),
+ goal_vars(Goal, GoalVars),
+ set_of_var.intersect(!.DelayForVars, GoalVars, Intersection),
+ ( set_of_var.is_empty(Intersection) ->
+ cons(Goal, !RevNonDependentGoals)
+ ;
+ cons(Goal, !RevDependentGoals),
+ % Expand the set of variables for which we must delay goals.
+ InstmapDelta = goal_info_get_instmap_delta(GoalInfo),
+ instmap_delta_changed_vars(InstmapDelta, ChangedVars),
+ set_of_var.union(ChangedVars, !DelayForVars)
+ ).
+:- pred acceptable_construct_unification(hlds_goal::in, bag(prog_var)::in,
+ bag(prog_var)::out, lco_info::in, lco_info::out) is semidet.
+acceptable_construct_unification(Goal, !UnifyInputVars, !Info) :-
+ Goal = hlds_goal(GoalExpr, _GoalInfo),
+ GoalExpr = unify(_, _, _, Unification, _),
+ Unification = construct(ConstructedVar, ConsId, ConstructArgs,
+ ArgUniModes, _, _, SubInfo),
+ (
+ SubInfo = no_construct_sub_info
+ ;
+ SubInfo = construct_sub_info(no, _)
+ ),
+ ModuleInfo = !.Info ^ lco_module_info,
+ all_true(acceptable_construct_mode(ModuleInfo), ArgUniModes),
+ ConsTag = cons_id_to_tag(ModuleInfo, ConsId),
+ % The code generator can't handle some kinds of tags. For example, it does
+ % not make sense to take the address of the field of a function symbol of a
+ % `notag' type. These are the kinds it CAN handle.
+ (
+ ConsTag = single_functor_tag
+ ;
+ ConsTag = unshared_tag(_)
+ ;
+ ConsTag = shared_remote_tag(_, _)
+ ),
+ require_det (
trace [compiletime(flag("lco")), io(!IO)] (
io.write_string("processing unification ", !IO),
io.write(ConstructedVar, !IO),
@@ -642,36 +800,26 @@ lco_in_conj([RevGoal | RevGoals], !.Unifies, !.UnifyInputVars, MaybeGoals,
io.write_string("updated UnifyInputVars: ", !IO),
io.write(!.UnifyInputVars, !IO),
- ),
- !:Unifies = [RevGoal | !.Unifies],
- lco_in_conj(RevGoals, !.Unifies, !.UnifyInputVars, MaybeGoals,
- !Info, ConstInfo)
- ;
- RevGoalExpr = plain_call(PredId, ProcId, Args, Builtin, UnifyContext,
- SymName),
- set.member(proc(PredId, ProcId), ConstInfo ^ lci_cur_scc),
- goal_info_get_determinism(RevGoalInfo) =
- ConstInfo ^ lci_cur_proc_detism,
+ )
+ ).
- module_info_pred_proc_info(ModuleInfo, PredId, ProcId,
- _CalleePredInfo, CalleeProcInfo),
- proc_info_get_argmodes(CalleeProcInfo, CalleeArgModes),
- classify_proc_call_args(ModuleInfo, VarTypes, Args, CalleeArgModes,
- _InArgs, OutArgs, UnusedArgs),
- UnusedArgs = [],
- trace [compiletime(flag("lco")), io(!IO)] (
- io.write_string("call output args: ", !IO),
- io.write(OutArgs, !IO),
- io.nl(!IO)
- ),
- list.length(OutArgs, NumOutArgs),
- CurrProcOutArgs = ConstInfo ^ lci_cur_proc_outputs,
- list.length(CurrProcOutArgs, NumCurrProcOutArgs),
- NumOutArgs = NumCurrProcOutArgs,
+:- pred transform_call_and_unifies(hlds_goal::in, list(prog_var)::in,
+ list(hlds_goal)::in, bag(prog_var)::in, maybe(list(hlds_goal))::out,
+ lco_info::in, lco_info::out, lco_const_info::in) is det.
- assoc_list.from_corresponding_lists(OutArgs, CurrProcOutArgs,
+transform_call_and_unifies(CallGoal, CallOutArgs, UnifyGoals, UnifyInputVars,
+ MaybeGoals, !Info, ConstInfo) :-
+ CallGoal = hlds_goal(CallGoalExpr, CallGoalInfo),
+ ModuleInfo = !.Info ^ lco_module_info,
+ ProcInfo = ConstInfo ^ lci_cur_proc_proc,
+ proc_info_get_vartypes(ProcInfo, VarTypes),
+ (
+ CallGoalExpr = plain_call(PredId, ProcId, Args, Builtin, UnifyContext,
+ SymName),
+ CurrProcOutArgs = ConstInfo ^ lci_cur_proc_outputs,
+ assoc_list.from_corresponding_lists(CallOutArgs, CurrProcOutArgs,
- find_args_to_pass_by_addr(ConstInfo, !.UnifyInputVars, CallHeadPairs,
+ find_args_to_pass_by_addr(ConstInfo, UnifyInputVars, CallHeadPairs,
1, Mismatches, UpdatedCallOutArgs, map.init, Subst, !Info),
trace [compiletime(flag("lco")), io(!IO)] (
io.write_string("find_args_to_pass_by_addr:\n", !IO),
@@ -695,18 +843,18 @@ lco_in_conj([RevGoal | RevGoals], !.Unifies, !.UnifyInputVars, MaybeGoals,
assoc_list.values(Mismatches, MismatchedCallArgs),
% The variants we create return each output in only one place in
% memory.
- all_true(occurs_once(!.UnifyInputVars), MismatchedCallArgs),
+ all_true(occurs_once(UnifyInputVars), MismatchedCallArgs),
list.map_foldl2(update_construct(ConstInfo, Subst),
- !.Unifies, UpdatedUnifies, map.init, AddrFieldIds, !Info),
+ UnifyGoals, UpdatedUnifyGoals, map.init, AddrFieldIds, !Info),
trace [compiletime(flag("lco")), io(!IO)] (
VarSet = !.Info ^ lco_var_set,
io.write_string("original unifies:\n", !IO),
- io.write_list(!.Unifies, "\n",
+ io.write_list(UnifyGoals, "\n",
dump_goal(ModuleInfo, VarSet), !IO),
io.write_string("updated unifies:\n", !IO),
- io.write_list(UpdatedUnifies, "\n",
+ io.write_list(UpdatedUnifyGoals, "\n",
dump_goal(ModuleInfo, VarSet), !IO),
io.write_string("addr field ids:\n", !IO),
@@ -719,15 +867,16 @@ lco_in_conj([RevGoal | RevGoals], !.Unifies, !.UnifyInputVars, MaybeGoals,
ensure_variant_exists(PredId, ProcId, VariantArgs,
VariantPredProcId, SymName, VariantSymName, !Info)
+ module_info_proc_info(ModuleInfo, PredId, ProcId, CalleeProcInfo),
proc_info_get_argmodes(CalleeProcInfo, CalleeModes),
update_call_args(ModuleInfo, VarTypes, CalleeModes, Args,
UpdatedCallOutArgs, UpdatedArgs),
VariantPredProcId = proc(VariantPredId, VariantProcId),
- UpdatedGoalExpr = plain_call(VariantPredId, VariantProcId, UpdatedArgs,
- Builtin, UnifyContext, VariantSymName),
- UpdatedGoalInfo = RevGoalInfo,
+ UpdatedGoalExpr = plain_call(VariantPredId, VariantProcId,
+ UpdatedArgs, Builtin, UnifyContext, VariantSymName),
+ UpdatedGoalInfo = CallGoalInfo,
UpdatedGoal = hlds_goal(UpdatedGoalExpr, UpdatedGoalInfo),
- Goals = list.reverse(RevGoals) ++ UpdatedUnifies ++ [UpdatedGoal],
+ Goals = UpdatedUnifyGoals ++ [UpdatedGoal],
MaybeGoals = yes(Goals),
!Info ^ lco_changed := proc_changed
diff --git a/tests/hard_coded/Mercury.options b/tests/hard_coded/Mercury.options
index 99726e0..2dbcab4 100644
--- a/tests/hard_coded/Mercury.options
+++ b/tests/hard_coded/Mercury.options
@@ -63,6 +63,7 @@ MCFLAGS-lco_mday_bug_1 = --optimize-constructor-last-call
MCFLAGS-lco_mday_bug_2 = --optimize-constructor-last-call
MCFLAGS-lco_no_inline = --optimize-constructor-last-call --no-inline-builtins
MCFLAGS-lco_pack_args = --optimize-constructor-last-call
+MCFLAGS-lco_reorder = --optimize-constructor-last-call
MCFLAGS-lookup_switch_simple_non = --no-warn-det-decls-too-lax
MCFLAGS-opt_format = --optimize-format-calls
MCFLAGS-pack_args_reuse = --structure-reuse
diff --git a/tests/hard_coded/Mmakefile b/tests/hard_coded/Mmakefile
index a78eeac..8499a59 100644
--- a/tests/hard_coded/Mmakefile
+++ b/tests/hard_coded/Mmakefile
@@ -466,6 +466,7 @@ ifeq "$(findstring debug,$(GRADE))$(findstring deep,$(GRADE))" ""
big_array_from_list \
hash_table_test \
+ lco_reorder \
diff --git a/tests/hard_coded/lco_reorder.exp b/tests/hard_coded/lco_reorder.exp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b962241
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/hard_coded/lco_reorder.exp
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+length: 10000000
+length: 10000000
diff --git a/tests/hard_coded/lco_reorder.m b/tests/hard_coded/lco_reorder.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b570568
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/hard_coded/lco_reorder.m
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+:- module lco_reorder.
+:- interface.
+:- import_module io.
+:- pred main(io::di, io::uo) is det.
+:- implementation.
+:- import_module char.
+:- import_module int.
+:- import_module list.
+main(!IO) :-
+ Cs = dup_literal(10000000),
+ io.write_string("length: ", !IO),
+ io.write_int(len(Cs, 0), !IO),
+ io.nl(!IO),
+ GTs = dup_ground_term(10000000),
+ io.write_string("length: ", !IO),
+ io.write_int(len(GTs, 0), !IO),
+ io.nl(!IO).
+:- func dup_literal(int) = list(char).
+dup_literal(N) = Xs :-
+ ( N > 0 ->
+ Xs0 = dup_literal(N - 1),
+ % Previously the goal which constructs the literal would not be moved
+ % before the recursive goal.
+ Xs = ['A' | Xs0]
+ ;
+ Xs = []
+ ).
+:- func dup_ground_term(int) = list(list(char)).
+dup_ground_term(N) = Xs :-
+ ( N > 0 ->
+ Xs0 = dup_ground_term(N - 1),
+ GT = ['A', 'A', 'A', 'A', 'A', 'A', 'A', 'A', 'A', 'A'],
+ Xs = [GT | Xs0]
+ ;
+ Xs = []
+ ).
+:- func len(list(T), int) = int.
+len([], N) = N.
+len([_ | Xs], N) = len(Xs, N + 1).
+% vim: ft=mercury ts=4 sts=4 sw=4 et
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