[m-rev.] diff: mercury_to_mercury bugs
Peter Wang
novalazy at gmail.com
Thu Jul 5 14:32:04 AEST 2012
Branches: main
Fix two bugs in mercury_output_goal.
- Goals connected by => or <=> operators may need to be surrounded
by brackets to be parseable.
- Do not normalise the operator ':' to '.' any longer.
As above.
diff --git a/compiler/mercury_to_mercury.m b/compiler/mercury_to_mercury.m
index cb8a905..1e40cfe 100644
--- a/compiler/mercury_to_mercury.m
+++ b/compiler/mercury_to_mercury.m
@@ -2766,11 +2766,11 @@ mercury_output_goal_2(Expr, VarSet, Indent, !IO) :-
Indent1 = Indent + 1,
io.write_string("(", !IO),
mercury_output_newline(Indent1, !IO),
- mercury_output_goal(G1, VarSet, Indent1, !IO),
+ mercury_output_connected_goal(G1, VarSet, Indent1, !IO),
mercury_output_newline(Indent, !IO),
io.write_string("=>", !IO),
mercury_output_newline(Indent1, !IO),
- mercury_output_goal(G2, VarSet, Indent1, !IO),
+ mercury_output_connected_goal(G2, VarSet, Indent1, !IO),
mercury_output_newline(Indent, !IO),
io.write_string(")", !IO)
@@ -2778,11 +2778,11 @@ mercury_output_goal_2(Expr, VarSet, Indent, !IO) :-
Indent1 = Indent + 1,
io.write_string("(", !IO),
mercury_output_newline(Indent1, !IO),
- mercury_output_goal(G1, VarSet, Indent1, !IO),
+ mercury_output_connected_goal(G1, VarSet, Indent1, !IO),
mercury_output_newline(Indent, !IO),
io.write_string("<=>", !IO),
mercury_output_newline(Indent1, !IO),
- mercury_output_goal(G2, VarSet, Indent1, !IO),
+ mercury_output_connected_goal(G2, VarSet, Indent1, !IO),
mercury_output_newline(Indent, !IO),
io.write_string(")", !IO)
@@ -3109,6 +3109,49 @@ mercury_output_goal_2(Expr, VarSet, Indent, !IO) :-
mercury_output_term_nq(VarSet, no, next_to_graphic_token, B, !IO)
+:- pred mercury_output_connected_goal(goal::in, prog_varset::in,
+ int::in, io::di, io::uo) is det.
+mercury_output_connected_goal(Goal, VarSet, Indent, !IO) :-
+ Goal = Expr - _Context,
+ (
+ ( Expr = fail_expr
+ ; Expr = true_expr
+ ; Expr = implies_expr(_, _)
+ ; Expr = equivalent_expr(_, _)
+ ; Expr = try_expr(_, _, _, _, _, _)
+ ; Expr = if_then_else_expr(_, _, _, _, _)
+ ; Expr = not_expr(_)
+ ; Expr = par_conj_expr(_, _)
+ ; Expr = disj_expr(_, _)
+ ; Expr = event_expr(_, _)
+ ; Expr = call_expr(_, _, _)
+ ; Expr = unify_expr(_, _, _)
+ ),
+ mercury_output_goal(Goal, VarSet, Indent, !IO)
+ ;
+ ( Expr = some_expr(_, _)
+ ; Expr = some_state_vars_expr(_, _)
+ ; Expr = all_expr(_, _)
+ ; Expr = all_state_vars_expr(_, _)
+ ; Expr = promise_equivalent_solutions_expr(_, _, _, _, _)
+ ; Expr = promise_equivalent_solution_sets_expr(_, _, _, _, _)
+ ; Expr = promise_equivalent_solution_arbitrary_expr(_, _, _, _, _)
+ ; Expr = promise_purity_expr(_, _)
+ ; Expr = require_detism_expr(_, _)
+ ; Expr = require_complete_switch_expr(_, _)
+ ; Expr = conj_expr(_, _)
+ ; Expr = atomic_expr(_, _, _, _, _)
+ ; Expr = trace_expr(_, _, _, _, _)
+ ),
+ io.write_string("(", !IO),
+ Indent1 = Indent + 1,
+ mercury_output_newline(Indent1, !IO),
+ mercury_output_goal(Goal, VarSet, Indent1, !IO),
+ mercury_output_newline(Indent, !IO),
+ io.write_string(")", !IO)
+ ).
:- pred mercury_output_promise_eqv_solutions_goal(list(prog_var)::in,
list(prog_var)::in, list(prog_var)::in, list(prog_var)::in,
goal::in, prog_varset::in, int::in, string::in, io::di, io::uo) is det.
@@ -4387,11 +4430,7 @@ mercury_format_term_nq(VarSet, AppendVarnums, NextToGraphicToken,
Functor = term.atom(FunctorName),
- (
- ( FunctorName = ":"
- ; FunctorName = "."
- )
- ->
+ ( FunctorName = "." ->
mercury_format_term_nq(VarSet, AppendVarnums,
next_to_graphic_token, Arg1, !U),
add_string(".", !U),
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