[m-rev.] diff: inst_util.m cleanups

Zoltan Somogyi zs at unimelb.edu.au
Wed Apr 4 16:06:12 AEST 2012

On 04-Apr-2012, Zoltan Somogyi <zs at unimelb.edu.au> wrote:
> compiler/inst_util.m:
> 	Clean up this module in several respects.

I am committing an updated version of this cleanup.


	Clean up this module in several respects.

	First, replace predicate definitions consisting of long lists of
	clauses with a single clause with an explicit disjunction, and
	in the process, impose consistent names on things. The old code
	used to do things like call the same argument different names in
	different clauses, and use the same name for different things
	in different clauses. Different clauses also followed different
	naming conventions, for example some referred to two insts being
	merged as InstA and InstB, while others referred to them as X and Y.

	Second, put the disjuncts in a more logical order.

	Third, reorganize the disjuncts so that two old pieces of code that
	handled the abstract unification of e.g. bound/2 and ground/2 insts
	for live and dead unifications respectively are next to each other,
	with the commonalities factored out. In some cases, ALL of the code
	was common.

	Fourth, mark with XXXs some places where the behavior of the code
	seems suspect.

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cvs diff: Diffing boehm_gc/libatomic_ops-1.2/src/atomic_ops/sysdeps
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Index: compiler/inst_util.m
RCS file: /home/mercury/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/inst_util.m,v
retrieving revision 1.66
diff -u -b -r1.66 inst_util.m
--- compiler/inst_util.m	4 Apr 2012 02:07:59 -0000	1.66
+++ compiler/inst_util.m	4 Apr 2012 05:00:36 -0000
@@ -115,7 +115,7 @@
     % Succeed iff the inst is any or contains any.
-:- pred inst_contains_any(module_info::in, (mer_inst)::in) is semidet.
+:- pred inst_contains_any(module_info::in, mer_inst::in) is semidet.
     % Succeed iff the given var's inst is any or contains any.
@@ -166,10 +166,9 @@
-abstractly_unify_inst(Live, InstA, InstB, UnifyIsReal, Inst, Det,
-        !ModuleInfo) :-
+abstractly_unify_inst(Live, InstA, InstB, Real, Inst, Detism, !ModuleInfo) :-
     % Check whether this pair of insts is already in the unify_insts table.
-    ThisInstPair = unify_inst(Live, InstA, InstB, UnifyIsReal),
+    ThisInstPair = unify_inst(Live, InstA, InstB, Real),
     module_info_get_inst_table(!.ModuleInfo, InstTable0),
     inst_table_get_unify_insts(InstTable0, UnifyInsts0),
     % XXX For code that uses large facts, the deeply nested insts we unify
@@ -179,16 +178,16 @@
     % account for 116 out the 120 clock ticks spent in this predicate,
     % i.e. they account for almost 97% of its runtime.
     ( map.search(UnifyInsts0, ThisInstPair, Result) ->
-        ( Result = inst_det_known(UnifyInst, UnifyDet) ->
+        ( Result = inst_det_known(UnifyInst, UnifyDetism) ->
             Inst0 = UnifyInst,
-            Det = UnifyDet
+            Detism = UnifyDetism
             Inst0 = defined_inst(ThisInstPair),
             % It's ok to assume that the unification is deterministic here,
             % because the only time that this will happen is when we get to the
             % recursive case for a recursively defined inst. If the unification
             % as a whole is semidet then it must be semidet somewhere else too.
-            Det = detism_det
+            Detism = detism_det
         Inst1 = Inst0
@@ -198,14 +197,14 @@
         inst_table_set_unify_insts(UnifyInsts1, InstTable0, InstTable1),
         module_info_set_inst_table(InstTable1, !ModuleInfo),
         % Unify the insts.
-        inst_expand(!.ModuleInfo, InstA, InstA2),
-        inst_expand(!.ModuleInfo, InstB, InstB2),
-        abstractly_unify_inst_2(Live, InstA2, InstB2, UnifyIsReal,
-            Inst0, Det, !ModuleInfo),
+        inst_expand(!.ModuleInfo, InstA, ExpandedInstA),
+        inst_expand(!.ModuleInfo, InstB, ExpandedInstB),
+        abstractly_unify_inst_2(Live, ExpandedInstA, ExpandedInstB, Real,
+            Inst0, Detism, !ModuleInfo),
         % If this unification cannot possible succeed, the correct inst
         % is not_reached.
-        ( determinism_components(Det, _, at_most_zero) ->
+        ( determinism_components(Detism, _, at_most_zero) ->
             Inst1 = not_reached
             Inst1 = Inst0
@@ -214,7 +213,7 @@
         % Now update the value associated with ThisInstPair.
         module_info_get_inst_table(!.ModuleInfo, InstTable2),
         inst_table_get_unify_insts(InstTable2, UnifyInsts2),
-        map.det_update(ThisInstPair, inst_det_known(Inst1, Det),
+        map.det_update(ThisInstPair, inst_det_known(Inst1, Detism),
             UnifyInsts2, UnifyInsts),
         inst_table_set_unify_insts(UnifyInsts, InstTable2, InstTable),
         module_info_set_inst_table(InstTable, !ModuleInfo)
@@ -230,20 +229,21 @@
     unify_is_real::in, mer_inst::out, determinism::out,
     module_info::in, module_info::out) is semidet.
-abstractly_unify_inst_2(IsLive, InstA, InstB, UnifyIsReal, Inst, Det,
+abstractly_unify_inst_2(IsLive, InstA, InstB, Real, Inst, Detism,
         !ModuleInfo) :-
     ( InstB = not_reached ->
         Inst = not_reached,
-        Det = detism_det
-    ; InstA = constrained_inst_vars(InstVars, InstA1) ->
-        abstractly_unify_constrained_inst_vars(IsLive, InstVars, InstA1,
-            InstB, UnifyIsReal, Inst, Det, !ModuleInfo)
-    ; InstB = constrained_inst_vars(InstVars, InstB1) ->
-        abstractly_unify_constrained_inst_vars(IsLive, InstVars, InstB1,
-            InstA, UnifyIsReal, Inst, Det, !ModuleInfo)
+        Detism = detism_det
+    ; InstA = constrained_inst_vars(InstVars, SubInstA) ->
+        abstractly_unify_constrained_inst_vars(IsLive, InstVars,
+            SubInstA, InstB, Real, Inst, Detism, !ModuleInfo)
+    ; InstB = constrained_inst_vars(InstVars, SubInstB) ->
+        % XXX Why the switch in Inst order?
+        abstractly_unify_constrained_inst_vars(IsLive, InstVars,
+            SubInstB, InstA, Real, Inst, Detism, !ModuleInfo)
-        abstractly_unify_inst_3(IsLive, InstA, InstB, UnifyIsReal,
-            Inst, Det, !ModuleInfo)
+        abstractly_unify_inst_3(IsLive, InstA, InstB, Real, Inst,
+            Detism, !ModuleInfo)
     % Abstractly unify two expanded insts.
@@ -257,277 +257,266 @@
     unify_is_real::in, mer_inst::out, determinism::out,
     module_info::in, module_info::out) is semidet.
-abstractly_unify_inst_3(is_live, not_reached, _, _, not_reached, detism_det,
-        !ModuleInfo).
-abstractly_unify_inst_3(is_live, free, any(UniqY, HOInstInfo), Real,
-        any(Uniq, HOInstInfo), detism_det, !ModuleInfo) :-
-    unify_uniq(is_live, Real, detism_det, unique, UniqY, Uniq).
-% abstractly_unify_inst_3(is_live, free, free, _, _, _, _, _) :- fail.
-abstractly_unify_inst_3(is_live, free, bound(UniqY, List0), Real,
-        bound(Uniq, List), detism_det, !ModuleInfo) :-
-    unify_uniq(is_live, Real, detism_det, unique, UniqY, Uniq),
+abstractly_unify_inst_3(Live, InstA, InstB, Real, Inst, Detism, !ModuleInfo) :-
+    (
+        InstA = not_reached,
+        Inst = not_reached,
+        Detism = detism_det
+    ;
+        InstA = free,
+        (
+            Live = is_live,
+            (
+                InstB = free,
+                fail
+            ;
+                InstB = bound(UniqB, BoundInstsB),
+                unify_uniq(is_live, Real, detism_det, unique, UniqB, Uniq),
         % Since both are live, we must disallow free-free unifications.
-    bound_inst_list_is_ground_or_any(List0, !.ModuleInfo),
+                bound_inst_list_is_ground_or_any(BoundInstsB, !.ModuleInfo),
         % Since both are live, we must make the result shared
         % (unless it was already shared).
-    ( ( UniqY = unique ; UniqY = mostly_unique ) ->
-        make_shared_bound_inst_list(List0, List, !ModuleInfo)
+                ( ( UniqB = unique ; UniqB = mostly_unique ) ->
+                    make_shared_bound_inst_list(BoundInstsB, BoundInsts,
+                        !ModuleInfo)
-        List = List0
-    ).
-abstractly_unify_inst_3(is_live, free, ground(UniqY, PredInst), Real,
-        ground(Uniq, PredInst), detism_det, !ModuleInfo) :-
-    unify_uniq(is_live, Real, detism_det, unique, UniqY, Uniq).
-% abstractly_unify_inst_3(is_live, free, abstract_inst(_,_), _, _, _, _) :-
-%   fail.
-abstractly_unify_inst_3(is_live, bound(UniqX, List0), any(UniqY, _), Real,
-        bound(Uniq, List), Det, !ModuleInfo) :-
-    allow_unify_bound_any(Real),
-    unify_uniq(is_live, Real, detism_semi, UniqX, UniqY, Uniq),
-    make_any_bound_inst_list(List0, is_live, UniqY, Real, List, Det1,
-        !ModuleInfo),
-    det_par_conjunction_detism(Det1, detism_semi, Det).
-abstractly_unify_inst_3(is_live, bound(UniqY, List0), free, Real,
-        bound(Uniq, List), detism_det, !ModuleInfo) :-
-    unify_uniq(is_live, Real, detism_det, unique, UniqY, Uniq),
+                    BoundInsts = BoundInstsB
+                ),
+                Inst = bound(Uniq, BoundInsts),
+                Detism = detism_det
+            ;
+                InstB = ground(UniqB, HOInstInfoB),
+                unify_uniq(is_live, Real, detism_det, unique, UniqB, Uniq),
+                Inst = ground(Uniq, HOInstInfoB),
+                Detism = detism_det
+            ;
+                InstB = any(UniqB, HOInstInfo),
+                unify_uniq(is_live, Real, detism_det, unique, UniqB, Uniq),
+                Inst = any(Uniq, HOInstInfo),
+                Detism = detism_det
+            ;
+                InstB = abstract_inst(_, _),
+                fail
+            )
+        ;
+            Live = is_dead,
+            Inst = InstB,
+            Detism = detism_det
+        )
+    ;
+        InstA = bound(UniqA, BoundInstsA),
+        (
+            InstB = free,
+            (
+                Live = is_live,
+                unify_uniq(Live, Real, detism_det, unique, UniqA, Uniq),
     % Since both are live, we must disallow free-free unifications.
-    bound_inst_list_is_ground_or_any(List0, !.ModuleInfo),
-    make_shared_bound_inst_list(List0, List, !ModuleInfo).
-abstractly_unify_inst_3(is_live, bound(UniqX, ListX), bound(UniqY, ListY), Real,
-        bound(Uniq, List), Det, !ModuleInfo) :-
-    abstractly_unify_bound_inst_list(is_live, ListX, ListY, Real, List, Det,
-        !ModuleInfo),
-    unify_uniq(is_live, Real, Det, UniqX, UniqY, Uniq).
-abstractly_unify_inst_3(is_live, bound(UniqX, BoundInsts0), ground(UniqY, _),
-        Real, bound(Uniq, BoundInsts), Det, !ModuleInfo) :-
-    unify_uniq(is_live, Real, detism_semi, UniqX, UniqY, Uniq),
-    make_ground_bound_inst_list(BoundInsts0, is_live, UniqY, Real, BoundInsts,
-        Det1, !ModuleInfo),
-    det_par_conjunction_detism(Det1, detism_semi, Det).
-% abstract insts not supported
-% abstractly_unify_inst_3(is_live, bound(Uniq, List), abstract_inst(_,_), Real,
-%       ground(shared), detism_semi, !ModuleInfo) :-
-%   unify_uniq(is_live, Real, detism_semi, unique, UniqY, Uniq),
-%   bound_inst_list_is_ground(List, !.ModuleInfo).
-abstractly_unify_inst_3(is_live, ground(UniqX, higher_order(PredInst)),
-        any(UniqY, _), Real, ground(Uniq, higher_order(PredInst)),
-        detism_semi, !ModuleInfo) :-
-    Real = fake_unify,
-    unify_uniq(is_live, Real, detism_det, UniqX, UniqY, Uniq).
-abstractly_unify_inst_3(is_live, ground(Uniq0, higher_order(PredInst)), free,
-        Real, ground(Uniq, higher_order(PredInst)), detism_det, !ModuleInfo) :-
-    unify_uniq(is_live, Real, detism_det, unique, Uniq0, Uniq).
-abstractly_unify_inst_3(is_live, ground(UniqX, higher_order(_)),
-        bound(UniqY, BoundInsts0), Real, bound(Uniq, BoundInsts),
-        Det, !ModuleInfo) :-
-    % check `Real = fake_unify' ?
-    unify_uniq(is_live, Real, detism_semi, UniqX, UniqY, Uniq),
-    make_ground_bound_inst_list(BoundInsts0, is_live, UniqX, Real, BoundInsts,
-        Det1, !ModuleInfo),
-    det_par_conjunction_detism(Det1, detism_semi, Det).
-abstractly_unify_inst_3(is_live, ground(UniqA, higher_order(PredInstA)),
-        ground(UniqB, _HOInstInfoB), Real, ground(Uniq, HOInstInfo),
-        detism_semi, !ModuleInfo) :-
+                bound_inst_list_is_ground_or_any(BoundInstsA, !.ModuleInfo),
+                make_shared_bound_inst_list(BoundInstsA, BoundInsts,
+                    !ModuleInfo)
+            ;
+                Live = is_dead,
+                % Why the different argument order to the call above?
+                unify_uniq(Live, Real, detism_det, UniqA, unique, Uniq),
+                BoundInsts = BoundInstsA
+            ),
+            Inst = bound(Uniq, BoundInsts),
+            Detism = detism_det
+        ;
+            InstB = bound(UniqB, BoundInstsB),
+            abstractly_unify_bound_inst_list(Live, BoundInstsA, BoundInstsB,
+                Real, BoundInsts, Detism, !ModuleInfo),
+            unify_uniq(Live, Real, Detism, UniqA, UniqB, Uniq),
+            Inst = bound(Uniq, BoundInsts)
+        ;
+            InstB = ground(UniqB, _),
+            unify_uniq(Live, Real, detism_semi, UniqA, UniqB, Uniq),
+            make_ground_bound_inst_list(BoundInstsA, Live, UniqB, Real,
+                BoundInsts, Detism1, !ModuleInfo),
+            Inst = bound(Uniq, BoundInsts),
+            det_par_conjunction_detism(Detism1, detism_semi, Detism)
+        ;
+            InstB = any(UniqB, _),
+            allow_unify_bound_any(Real),
+            unify_uniq(Live, Real, detism_semi, UniqA, UniqB, Uniq),
+            % XXX Should this is_live be Live?
+            make_any_bound_inst_list(BoundInstsA, is_live, UniqB, Real,
+                BoundInsts, Detism1, !ModuleInfo),
+            Inst = bound(Uniq, BoundInsts),
+            det_par_conjunction_detism(Detism1, detism_semi, Detism)
+        ;
+            InstB = abstract_inst(_N, _As),
+            fail
+            % Abstract insts are not supported.
+            %
+            % (
+            %   Live = is_live,
+            %   unify_uniq(is_live, Real, detism_semi, unique, UniqB, Uniq),
+            %   bound_inst_list_is_ground(BoundInstsA, !.ModuleInfo),
+            %   Inst = ground(shared),
+            %   Detism = detism_semi
+            % ;
+            %   Live = is_dead,
+            %   ( bound_inst_list_is_ground(BoundInstsA, !.ModuleInfo) ->
+            %       Inst = bound(Uniq, BoundInstsA),
+            %       Detism = semidet
+            %   ; bound_inst_list_is_free(BoundInstsA, !.ModuleInfo) ->
+            %       Inst = abstract_inst(N, As),
+            %       Detism = det
+            %   ;
+            %       fail
+            %   )
+            % )
+        )
+    ;
+        InstA = ground(UniqA, HOInstInfoA),
+        (
+            HOInstInfoA = none,
+            make_ground_inst(InstB, Live, UniqA, Real, Inst, Detism,
+                !ModuleInfo)
+        ;
+            HOInstInfoA = higher_order(_PredInstA),
+            (
+                InstB = free,
+                (
+                    Live = is_live,
+                    unify_uniq(Live, Real, detism_det, unique, UniqA, Uniq)
+                ;
+                    Live = is_dead,
+                    Uniq = UniqA
+                ),
+                Inst = ground(Uniq, HOInstInfoA),
+                Detism = detism_det
+            ;
+                InstB = bound(UniqB, BoundInstsB),
+                % If Live = is_live, should we check `Real = fake_unify'?
+                unify_uniq(Live, Real, detism_semi, UniqA, UniqB, Uniq),
+                make_ground_bound_inst_list(BoundInstsB, Live, UniqA, Real,
+                    BoundInsts, Detism1, !ModuleInfo),
+                Inst = bound(Uniq, BoundInsts),
+                det_par_conjunction_detism(Detism1, detism_semi, Detism)
+            ;
+                InstB = ground(UniqB, _HOInstInfoB),
     % It is an error to unify higher-order preds,
     % so if Real \= fake_unify, then we must fail.
     Real = fake_unify,
-    % In theory we should choose take the union of the information specified
-    % by PredInstA and _HOInstInfoB. However, since our data representation
-    % provides no way of doing that, and since this will only happen for
-    % fake_unifys, for which it shouldn't make any difference, we just choose
-    % the information specified by PredInstA.
-    HOInstInfo = higher_order(PredInstA),
-    unify_uniq(is_live, Real, detism_semi, UniqA, UniqB, Uniq).
-abstractly_unify_inst_3(is_live, ground(Uniq, none), Inst0, Real, Inst, Det,
-        !ModuleInfo) :-
-    make_ground_inst(Inst0, is_live, Uniq, Real, Inst, Det, !ModuleInfo).
-abstractly_unify_inst_3(is_live, any(Uniq0, higher_order(PredInst)), free,
-        Real, any(Uniq, higher_order(PredInst)), detism_det, !ModuleInfo) :-
-    unify_uniq(is_live, Real, detism_det, unique, Uniq0, Uniq).
-abstractly_unify_inst_3(is_live, any(UniqX, higher_order(_)),
-        bound(UniqY, BoundInsts0), Real, bound(Uniq, BoundInsts),
-        Det, !ModuleInfo) :-
-    % check `Real = fake_unify' ?
-    unify_uniq(is_live, Real, detism_semi, UniqX, UniqY, Uniq),
-    make_any_bound_inst_list(BoundInsts0, is_live, UniqX, Real, BoundInsts,
-        Det1, !ModuleInfo),
-    det_par_conjunction_detism(Det1, detism_semi, Det).
-abstractly_unify_inst_3(is_live, any(UniqA, higher_order(PredInstA)),
-        ground(UniqB, _HOInstInfoB), Real, ground(Uniq, HOInstInfo),
-        detism_semi, !ModuleInfo) :-
-    % See comment for the ground(_, higher_order(_)), ground(_, _) case.
-    Real = fake_unify,
-    HOInstInfo = higher_order(PredInstA),
-    unify_uniq(is_live, Real, detism_semi, UniqA, UniqB, Uniq).
-abstractly_unify_inst_3(is_live, any(UniqA, higher_order(PredInstA)),
-        any(UniqB, _HOInstInfoB), Real, any(Uniq, HOInstInfo), detism_semi,
-        !ModuleInfo) :-
-    % See comment for the ground(_, higher_order(_)), ground(_, _) case.
+                % In theory we should choose take the union of the information
+                % specified by PredInstA and _HOInstInfoB. However, since
+                % our data representation provides no way of doing that, and
+                % since this will only happen for fake_unifys, for which it
+                % shouldn't make any difference, we just choose the information
+                % specified by HOInstInfoA.
+                unify_uniq(Live, Real, detism_semi, UniqA, UniqB, Uniq),
+                Inst = ground(Uniq, HOInstInfoA),
+                Detism = detism_semi
+            ;
+                InstB = any(UniqB, _),
+                (
+                    Live = is_live,
+                    Real = fake_unify
+                ;
+                    Live = is_dead,
+                    allow_unify_bound_any(Real)
+                ),
+                unify_uniq(Live, Real, detism_semi, UniqA, UniqB, Uniq),
+                Inst = ground(Uniq, HOInstInfoA),
+                Detism = detism_semi
+            )
+        )
+    ;
+        InstA = any(UniqA, HOInstInfoA),
+        (
+            HOInstInfoA = none,
+            make_any_inst(InstB, Live, UniqA, Real, Inst, Detism,
+                !ModuleInfo)
+        ;
+            HOInstInfoA = higher_order(_PredInstA),
+            (
+                InstB = free,
+                (
+                    Live = is_live,
+                    unify_uniq(Live, Real, detism_det, unique, UniqA, Uniq)
+                ;
+                    Live = is_dead,
+                    Uniq = UniqA
+                ),
+                Inst = any(Uniq, HOInstInfoA),
+                Detism = detism_det
+            ;
+                InstB = bound(UniqB, BoundInstsB),
+                % XXX If Live = is_live, should we test `Real = fake_unify'?
+                unify_uniq(Live, Real, detism_semi, UniqA, UniqB, Uniq),
+                make_any_bound_inst_list(BoundInstsB, Live, UniqA, Real,
+                    BoundInsts, Detism1, !ModuleInfo),
+                Inst = bound(Uniq, BoundInsts),
+                det_par_conjunction_detism(Detism1, detism_semi, Detism)
+            ;
+                InstB = ground(UniqB, _HOInstInfoB),
+                % See comment for the ground(_, higher_order(_)), ground(_, _)
+                % case.
     Real = fake_unify,
-    HOInstInfo = higher_order(PredInstA),
-    unify_uniq(is_live, Real, detism_semi, UniqA, UniqB, Uniq).
-abstractly_unify_inst_3(is_live, any(Uniq, none), Inst0, Real, Inst, Det,
-        !ModuleInfo) :-
-    make_any_inst(Inst0, is_live, Uniq, Real, Inst, Det, !ModuleInfo).
-% abstractly_unify_inst_3(is_live, abstract_inst(_,_), free, _, _, _, _, _)
-%       :- fail.
-% abstract insts not supported
-% abstractly_unify_inst_3(is_live, abstract_inst(_,_), bound(Uniq, List), Real,
-%       ground(shared, no), detism_semi, !ModuleInfo) :-
+                unify_uniq(Live, Real, detism_semi, UniqA, UniqB, Uniq),
+                Inst = ground(Uniq, HOInstInfoA),
+                Detism = detism_semi
+            ;
+                InstB = any(UniqB, _HOInstInfoB),
+                % See comment for the ground(_, higher_order(_)), ground(_, _)
+                % case.
+                (
+                    Live = is_live,
+                    Real = fake_unify
+                ;
+                    Live = is_dead
+                ),
+                unify_uniq(Live, Real, detism_semi, UniqA, UniqB, Uniq),
+                Inst = any(Uniq, HOInstInfoA),
+                Detism = detism_semi
+            )
+        )
+    ;
+        InstA = abstract_inst(_N, _As),
+        % Abstract insts are not supported.
+        fail
+%       (
+%           Live = is_live,
+%           (
+%               InstB = bound(_Uniq, _BoundInstsB),
 %   check_not_clobbered(Real, Uniq),
-%   bound_inst_list_is_ground(List, !.ModuleInfo).
-% abstractly_unify_inst_3(is_live, abstract_inst(_,_), ground(Uniq, no), Real,
-%       ground(shared, no), detism_semi, !ModuleInfo) :-
-%   check_not_clobbered(Real, Uniq).
-% abstractly_unify_inst_3(is_live, abstract_inst(Name, ArgsA),
-%       abstract_inst(Name, ArgsB), Real,
-%       abstract_inst(Name, Args), Det, !ModuleInfo) :-
+%               bound_inst_list_is_ground(BoundInstsB, !.ModuleInfo).
+%               Inst = ground(shared, none),
+%               Detism = detism_semi
+%           ;
+%               InstB = ground(_Uniq, none),
+%               check_not_clobbered(Real, Uniq),
+%               Inst = ground(shared, none),
+%               Detism = detism_semi
+%           ;
+%               InstB = abstract_inst(_NameB, _ArgsB),
 %   abstractly_unify_inst_list(ArgsA, ArgsB, is_live, Real,
-%       Args, Det, !ModuleInfo).
-abstractly_unify_inst_3(is_dead, not_reached, _, _, not_reached, detism_det,
-        !ModuleInfo).
-abstractly_unify_inst_3(is_dead, free, Inst, _, Inst, detism_det, !ModuleInfo).
-abstractly_unify_inst_3(is_dead, bound(UniqX, List0), any(UniqY, _), Real,
-        bound(Uniq, List), Det, !ModuleInfo) :-
-    allow_unify_bound_any(Real),
-    unify_uniq(is_dead, Real, detism_semi, UniqX, UniqY, Uniq),
-    make_any_bound_inst_list(List0, is_live, UniqY, Real, List, Det1,
-        !ModuleInfo),
-    det_par_conjunction_detism(Det1, detism_semi, Det).
-abstractly_unify_inst_3(is_dead, bound(UniqX, List), free, Real,
-        bound(Uniq, List), detism_det, !ModuleInfo) :-
-    unify_uniq(is_dead, Real, detism_det, UniqX, unique, Uniq).
-abstractly_unify_inst_3(is_dead, bound(UniqX, ListX), bound(UniqY, ListY),
-        Real, bound(Uniq, List), Det, !ModuleInfo) :-
-    abstractly_unify_bound_inst_list(is_dead, ListX, ListY, Real,
-        List, Det, !ModuleInfo),
-    unify_uniq(is_dead, Real, Det, UniqX, UniqY, Uniq).
-abstractly_unify_inst_3(is_dead, bound(UniqX, BoundInsts0), ground(UniqY, _),
-        Real, bound(Uniq, BoundInsts), Det, !ModuleInfo) :-
-    unify_uniq(is_dead, Real, detism_semi, UniqX, UniqY, Uniq),
-    make_ground_bound_inst_list(BoundInsts0, is_dead, UniqY, Real, BoundInsts,
-        Det1, !ModuleInfo),
-    det_par_conjunction_detism(Det1, detism_semi, Det).
-% abstract insts aren't really supported
-% abstractly_unify_inst_3(is_dead, bound(Uniq, List), abstract_inst(N,As),
-%           Result, Det, !ModuleInfo) :-
-%   ( bound_inst_list_is_ground(List, !.ModuleInfo) ->
-%       Result = bound(Uniq, List),
-%       Det = semidet
-%   ; bound_inst_list_is_free(List, !.ModuleInfo) ->
-%       Result = abstract_inst(N,As),
-%       Det = det
+%                   Args, Detism, !ModuleInfo),
+%               Inst = abstract_inst(Name, Args)
+%           )
 %   ;
-%       fail
-%   ).
-abstractly_unify_inst_3(is_dead, ground(UniqX, higher_order(PredInst)),
-        any(UniqY, _), Real, ground(Uniq, higher_order(PredInst)),
-        detism_semi, !ModuleInfo) :-
-    allow_unify_bound_any(Real),
-    unify_uniq(is_dead, Real, detism_semi, UniqX, UniqY, Uniq).
-abstractly_unify_inst_3(is_dead, ground(Uniq, higher_order(PredInst)), free,
-        _Real, ground(Uniq, higher_order(PredInst)), detism_det, !ModuleInfo).
-abstractly_unify_inst_3(is_dead, ground(UniqA, higher_order(_)),
-        bound(UniqB, BoundInsts0), Real, bound(Uniq, BoundInsts),
-        Det, !ModuleInfo) :-
-    unify_uniq(is_dead, Real, detism_semi, UniqA, UniqB, Uniq),
-    make_ground_bound_inst_list(BoundInsts0, is_dead, UniqA, Real, BoundInsts,
-        Det1, !ModuleInfo),
-    det_par_conjunction_detism(Det1, detism_semi, Det).
-abstractly_unify_inst_3(is_dead, ground(UniqA, higher_order(PredInstA)),
-        ground(UniqB, _HOInstInfoB), Real, ground(Uniq, HOInstInfo),
-        detism_det, !ModuleInfo) :-
-    Real = fake_unify,
-    HOInstInfo = higher_order(PredInstA),
-    unify_uniq(is_dead, Real, detism_det, UniqA, UniqB, Uniq).
-abstractly_unify_inst_3(is_dead, ground(Uniq, none), Inst0, Real, Inst, Det,
-        !ModuleInfo) :-
-    make_ground_inst(Inst0, is_dead, Uniq, Real, Inst, Det, !ModuleInfo).
-abstractly_unify_inst_3(is_dead, any(UniqX, higher_order(PredInst)),
-        any(UniqY, _), Real, any(Uniq, higher_order(PredInst)),
-        detism_semi, !ModuleInfo) :-
-    unify_uniq(is_dead, Real, detism_semi, UniqX, UniqY, Uniq).
-abstractly_unify_inst_3(is_dead, any(Uniq, higher_order(PredInst)), free,
-        _Real, any(Uniq, higher_order(PredInst)), detism_det, !ModuleInfo).
-abstractly_unify_inst_3(is_dead, any(UniqA, higher_order(_)),
-        bound(UniqB, BoundInsts0), Real, bound(Uniq, BoundInsts),
-        Det, !ModuleInfo) :-
-    unify_uniq(is_dead, Real, detism_semi, UniqA, UniqB, Uniq),
-    make_any_bound_inst_list(BoundInsts0, is_dead, UniqA, Real, BoundInsts,
-        Det1, !ModuleInfo),
-    det_par_conjunction_detism(Det1, detism_semi, Det).
-abstractly_unify_inst_3(is_dead, any(UniqA, higher_order(PredInstA)),
-        ground(UniqB, _HOInstInfoB), Real, ground(Uniq, HOInstInfo),
-        detism_det, !ModuleInfo) :-
-    Real = fake_unify,
-    HOInstInfo = higher_order(PredInstA),
-    unify_uniq(is_dead, Real, detism_det, UniqA, UniqB, Uniq).
-abstractly_unify_inst_3(is_dead, any(Uniq, none), Inst0, Real, Inst, Det,
-        !ModuleInfo) :-
-    make_any_inst(Inst0, is_dead, Uniq, Real, Inst, Det, !ModuleInfo).
-% abstract insts aren't really supported
-% abstractly_unify_inst_3(is_dead, abstract_inst(N,As), bound(List), Real,
-%           ModuleInfo, Result, Det, ModuleInfo) :-
-%   ( bound_inst_list_is_ground(List, ModuleInfo) ->
-%       Result = bound(List),
-%       Det = semidet
-%   ; bound_inst_list_is_free(List, ModuleInfo) ->
-%       Result = abstract_inst(N,As),
-%       Det = det
+%           Live = is_dead,
+%           (
+%               InstB = bound(_, _BoundInstsB),
+%               ( bound_inst_list_is_ground(BoundInstsB, ModuleInfo) ->
+%                   Inst = bound(BoundInstsB),
+%                   Detism = semidet
+%               ; bound_inst_list_is_free(BoundInstsB, ModuleInfo) ->
+%                   Inst = abstract_inst(N, As),
+%                   Detism = det
 %   ;
 %       fail
 %   ).
-% abstractly_unify_inst_3(is_dead, abstract_inst(_,_), ground, _Real,
-%       ground, detism_semi, !ModuleInfo).
-% abstractly_unify_inst_3(is_dead, abstract_inst(Name, ArgsA),
-%       abstract_inst(Name, ArgsB), Real,
-%       abstract_inst(Name, Args), Det, !ModuleInfo) :-
+%           ;
+%               InstB = abstract_inst(_NameB, _ArgsB),
 %   abstractly_unify_inst_list(ArgsA, ArgsB, is_dead, Real,
-%       Args, Det, !ModuleInfo).
+%                   Args, Detism, !ModuleInfo),
+%               Inst = abstract_inst(Name, Args)
+%           )
+%       )
+    ).
@@ -538,26 +527,26 @@
     module_info::in, module_info::out) is semidet.
 abstractly_unify_inst_list([], [], _, _, [], detism_det, !ModuleInfo).
-abstractly_unify_inst_list([X | Xs], [Y | Ys], Live, Real, [Z | Zs], Det,
-        !ModuleInfo) :-
-    abstractly_unify_inst(Live, X, Y, Real, Z, Det1, !ModuleInfo),
-    abstractly_unify_inst_list(Xs, Ys, Live, Real, Zs, Det2, !ModuleInfo),
-    det_par_conjunction_detism(Det1, Det2, Det).
+abstractly_unify_inst_list([InstA | InstsA], [InstB | InstsB], Live, Real,
+        [Inst | Insts], Detism, !ModuleInfo) :-
+    abstractly_unify_inst(Live, InstA, InstB, Real, Inst,
+        Detism1, !ModuleInfo),
+    abstractly_unify_inst_list(InstsA, InstsB, Live, Real, Insts,
+        Detism2, !ModuleInfo),
+    det_par_conjunction_detism(Detism1, Detism2, Detism).
     % This is the abstract unification operation which unifies a variable
     % (or rather, it's instantiatedness) with a functor.
-abstractly_unify_inst_functor(Live, InstA, ConsId, ArgInsts, ArgLives,
-        Real, Type, Inst, Det, !ModuleInfo) :-
-    inst_expand(!.ModuleInfo, InstA, InstA2),
-    ( InstA2 = constrained_inst_vars(InstVars, InstA3) ->
-        abstractly_unify_inst_functor(Live, InstA3, ConsId, ArgInsts,
-            ArgLives, Real, Type, Inst0, Det, !ModuleInfo),
-        (
-            inst_matches_final(Inst0, InstA3, !.ModuleInfo)
-        ->
+abstractly_unify_inst_functor(Live, InstA0, ConsIdB, ArgInstsB, ArgLives,
+        Real, Type, Inst, Detism, !ModuleInfo) :-
+    inst_expand(!.ModuleInfo, InstA0, InstA1),
+    ( InstA1 = constrained_inst_vars(InstVars, InstA) ->
+        abstractly_unify_inst_functor(Live, InstA, ConsIdB, ArgInstsB,
+            ArgLives, Real, Type, Inst0, Detism, !ModuleInfo),
+        ( inst_matches_final(Inst0, InstA, !.ModuleInfo) ->
             % We can keep the constrained_inst_vars.
             Inst = constrained_inst_vars(InstVars, Inst0)
@@ -567,17 +556,17 @@
             % ground as InstVars and is a subtype of InstVars. I don't think
             % this is likely to be a problem in practice because:
             % a) I don't think it's likely to occur very often in typical uses
-            %    of polymorphic modes (I suspect InstA3 will nearly always be
+            %    of polymorphic modes (I suspect InstA will nearly always be
             %    `ground' or `any' in which case the only way
             %    inst_matches_final can fail is if Inst0 is clobbered
-            %    -- it can't be less instantiated than InstA3); and
+            %    -- it can't be less instantiated than InstA); and
             % b) Even if this information is retained, I can't see what sort
             %    of situations it would actually be useful for.
             Inst = Inst0
-        abstractly_unify_inst_functor_2(Live, InstA2, ConsId, ArgInsts,
-            ArgLives, Real, Type, Inst, Det, !ModuleInfo)
+        abstractly_unify_inst_functor_2(Live, InstA1, ConsIdB, ArgInstsB,
+            ArgLives, Real, Type, Inst, Detism, !ModuleInfo)
 :- pred abstractly_unify_inst_functor_2(is_live::in, mer_inst::in,
@@ -585,69 +574,70 @@
     mer_type::in, mer_inst::out, determinism::out,
     module_info::in, module_info::out) is semidet.
-abstractly_unify_inst_functor_2(is_live, not_reached, _, _, _, _, _,
-        not_reached, detism_erroneous, !ModuleInfo).
-abstractly_unify_inst_functor_2(is_live, free, ConsId, Args0, ArgLives, _Real,
-        _, bound(unique, [bound_functor(ConsId, Args)]), detism_det,
-        !ModuleInfo) :-
-    inst_list_is_ground_or_any_or_dead(Args0, ArgLives, !.ModuleInfo),
-    maybe_make_shared_inst_list(Args0, ArgLives, Args, !ModuleInfo).
-abstractly_unify_inst_functor_2(is_live, any(Uniq, _), ConsId, ArgInsts,
-        ArgLives, Real, Type, Inst, Det, !ModuleInfo) :-
+abstractly_unify_inst_functor_2(Live, InstA, ConsIdB, ArgInstsB, ArgLives,
+        Real, Type, Inst, Detism, !ModuleInfo) :-
+    (
+        InstA = not_reached,
+        Inst = not_reached,
+        Detism = detism_erroneous
+    ;
+        InstA = free,
+        (
+            Live = is_live,
+            inst_list_is_ground_or_any_or_dead(ArgInstsB, ArgLives,
+                !.ModuleInfo),
+            maybe_make_shared_inst_list(ArgInstsB, ArgLives, ArgInsts,
+                !ModuleInfo)
+        ;
+            Live = is_dead,
+            ArgInsts = ArgInstsB
+        ),
+        Inst = bound(unique, [bound_functor(ConsIdB, ArgInsts)]),
+        Detism = detism_det
+    ;
+        InstA = any(Uniq, _),
     % We only allow `any' to unify with a functor if we know that
     % the type is not a solver type.
     \+ type_util.is_solver_type(!.ModuleInfo, Type),
-    make_any_inst_list_lives(ArgInsts, is_live, ArgLives, Uniq, Real,
-        AnyArgInsts, Det, !ModuleInfo),
-    Inst = bound(Uniq, [bound_functor(ConsId, AnyArgInsts)]).
-abstractly_unify_inst_functor_2(is_live, bound(Uniq, ListX), ConsId, Args,
-        ArgLives, Real, _, bound(Uniq, List), Det,
-        !ModuleInfo) :-
-    abstractly_unify_bound_inst_list_lives(ListX, ConsId, Args, ArgLives,
-        Real, List, Det, !ModuleInfo).
-abstractly_unify_inst_functor_2(is_live, ground(Uniq, _), ConsId, ArgInsts,
-        ArgLives, Real, _, Inst, Det, !ModuleInfo) :-
-    make_ground_inst_list_lives(ArgInsts, is_live, ArgLives, Uniq, Real,
-        GroundArgInsts, Det, !ModuleInfo),
-    Inst = bound(Uniq, [bound_functor(ConsId, GroundArgInsts)]).
-% abstractly_unify_inst_functor_2(is_live, abstract_inst(_,_), _, _, _, _, _,
-%       _, _) :-
-%       fail.
-abstractly_unify_inst_functor_2(is_dead, not_reached, _, _, _, _, _,
-        not_reached, detism_erroneous, !ModuleInfo).
-abstractly_unify_inst_functor_2(is_dead, free, ConsId, Args, _ArgLives,
-        _Real, _, bound(unique, [bound_functor(ConsId, Args)]), detism_det,
-        !ModuleInfo).
-abstractly_unify_inst_functor_2(is_dead, any(Uniq, _), ConsId, ArgInsts,
-        _ArgLives, Real, Type, Inst, Det, !ModuleInfo) :-
-    \+ type_util.is_solver_type(!.ModuleInfo, Type),
-    make_any_inst_list(ArgInsts, is_dead, Uniq, Real, AnyArgInsts, Det,
-        !ModuleInfo),
-    Inst = bound(Uniq, [bound_functor(ConsId, AnyArgInsts)]).
-abstractly_unify_inst_functor_2(is_dead, bound(Uniq, ListX), ConsId, Args,
-        _ArgLives, Real, _, bound(Uniq, List), Det, !ModuleInfo) :-
-    ListY = [bound_functor(ConsId, Args)],
-    abstractly_unify_bound_inst_list(is_dead, ListX, ListY, Real, List, Det,
-        !ModuleInfo).
-abstractly_unify_inst_functor_2(is_dead, ground(Uniq, _), ConsId, ArgInsts,
-        _ArgLives, Real, _, Inst, Det, !ModuleInfo) :-
-    make_ground_inst_list(ArgInsts, is_dead, Uniq, Real, GroundArgInsts, Det,
-        !ModuleInfo),
-    Inst = bound(Uniq, [bound_functor(ConsId, GroundArgInsts)]).
-% abstractly_unify_inst_functor_2(is_dead, abstract_inst(_,_), _, _, _, _,
-%       _, _, _) :-
-%       fail.
+        (
+            Live = is_live,
+            make_any_inst_list_lives(ArgInstsB, Live, ArgLives, Uniq, Real,
+                ArgInsts, Detism, !ModuleInfo)
+        ;
+            Live = is_dead,
+            make_any_inst_list(ArgInstsB, Live, Uniq, Real,
+                ArgInsts, Detism, !ModuleInfo)
+        ),
+        Inst = bound(Uniq, [bound_functor(ConsIdB, ArgInsts)])
+    ;
+        InstA = bound(UniqA, BoundInstsA),
+        (
+            Live = is_live,
+            abstractly_unify_bound_inst_list_lives(BoundInstsA, ConsIdB,
+                ArgInstsB, ArgLives, Real, BoundInsts, Detism, !ModuleInfo)
+        ;
+            Live = is_dead,
+            BoundInstsB = [bound_functor(ConsIdB, ArgInstsB)],
+            abstractly_unify_bound_inst_list(is_dead, BoundInstsA, BoundInstsB,
+                Real, BoundInsts, Detism, !ModuleInfo)
+        ),
+        Inst = bound(UniqA, BoundInsts)
+    ;
+        InstA = ground(UniqA, _),
+        (
+            Live = is_live,
+            make_ground_inst_list_lives(ArgInstsB, Live, ArgLives, UniqA, Real,
+                ArgInsts, Detism, !ModuleInfo)
+        ;
+            Live = is_dead,
+            make_ground_inst_list(ArgInstsB, Live, UniqA, Real,
+                ArgInsts, Detism, !ModuleInfo)
+        ),
+        Inst = bound(UniqA, [bound_functor(ConsIdB, ArgInsts)])
+    ;
+        InstA = abstract_inst(_, _),
+        fail
+    ).
@@ -665,37 +655,38 @@
     % and determinism checking of the goal for the unification
     % predicate for the type.
-:- pred abstractly_unify_bound_inst_list(is_live::in, list(bound_inst)::in,
-    list(bound_inst)::in, unify_is_real::in,
+:- pred abstractly_unify_bound_inst_list(is_live::in,
+    list(bound_inst)::in, list(bound_inst)::in, unify_is_real::in,
     list(bound_inst)::out, determinism::out,
     module_info::in, module_info::out) is semidet.
-abstractly_unify_bound_inst_list(Live, Xs, Ys, Real, L, Det, !ModuleInfo) :-
-    ( ( Xs = [] ; Ys = [] ) ->
+abstractly_unify_bound_inst_list(Live, BoundInstsA, BoundInstsB, Real,
+        BoundInsts, Detism, !ModuleInfo) :-
+    ( ( BoundInstsA = [] ; BoundInstsB = [] ) ->
         % This probably shouldn't happen. If we get here, it means that
         % a previous goal had determinism `failure' or `erroneous',
         % but we should have optimized away the rest of the conjunction
         % after that goal.
-        L = [],
-        Det = detism_erroneous
+        BoundInsts = [],
+        Detism = detism_erroneous
-        abstractly_unify_bound_inst_list_2(Live, Xs, Ys, Real,
-            L, Det0, !ModuleInfo),
+        abstractly_unify_bound_inst_list_2(Live, BoundInstsA, BoundInstsB,
+            Real, BoundInsts, Detism0, !ModuleInfo),
         % If there are multiple alternatives for either of the inputs,
         % or the constructor of the single alternative for each input
         % doesn't match, then the unification can fail, so adjust the
         % determinism.
-            Xs = [bound_functor(ConsIdX, _)],
-            Ys = [bound_functor(ConsIdY, _)],
-            equivalent_cons_ids(ConsIdX, ConsIdY)
+            BoundInstsA = [bound_functor(ConsIdA, _)],
+            BoundInstsB = [bound_functor(ConsIdB, _)],
+            equivalent_cons_ids(ConsIdA, ConsIdB)
-            Det = Det0
+            Detism = Detism0
-            determinism_components(Det0, _, MaxSoln),
-            determinism_components(Det, can_fail, MaxSoln)
+            determinism_components(Detism0, _, MaxSoln),
+            determinism_components(Detism, can_fail, MaxSoln)
@@ -710,33 +701,36 @@
 abstractly_unify_bound_inst_list_2(_, [_ | _], [], _, [], detism_failure,
-abstractly_unify_bound_inst_list_2(Live, [X | Xs], [Y | Ys], Real, L, Det,
-        !ModuleInfo) :-
-    X = bound_functor(ConsIdX, ArgsX),
-    Y = bound_functor(ConsIdY, ArgsY),
-    ( equivalent_cons_ids(ConsIdX, ConsIdY) ->
-        abstractly_unify_inst_list(ArgsX, ArgsY, Live, Real,
-            Args, Det1, !ModuleInfo),
-        abstractly_unify_bound_inst_list_2(Live, Xs, Ys, Real,
-            L1, Det2, !ModuleInfo),
+        [BoundInstA | BoundInstsA], [BoundInstB | BoundInstsB], Real,
+        BoundInsts, Detism, !ModuleInfo) :-
+    BoundInstA = bound_functor(ConsIdA, ArgsA),
+    BoundInstB = bound_functor(ConsIdB, ArgsB),
+    ( equivalent_cons_ids(ConsIdA, ConsIdB) ->
+        abstractly_unify_inst_list(ArgsA, ArgsB, Live,
+            Real, Args, Detism1, !ModuleInfo),
+        abstractly_unify_bound_inst_list_2(Live, BoundInstsA, BoundInstsB,
+            Real, BoundInstsTail, Detism2, !ModuleInfo),
         % If the unification of the two cons_ids is guaranteed
         % not to succeed, don't include it in the list.
-        ( determinism_components(Det1, _, at_most_zero) ->
-            L = L1
+        ( determinism_components(Detism1, _, at_most_zero) ->
+            BoundInsts = BoundInstsTail
-            L = [bound_functor(ConsIdX, Args) | L1]
+            BoundInsts = [bound_functor(ConsIdA, Args) | BoundInstsTail]
-        det_switch_detism(Det1, Det2, Det)
-    ;
-        ( compare(<, ConsIdX, ConsIdY) ->
-            abstractly_unify_bound_inst_list_2(Live, Xs, [Y | Ys],
-                Real, L, Det1, !ModuleInfo)
+        det_switch_detism(Detism1, Detism2, Detism)
-            abstractly_unify_bound_inst_list_2(Live, [X | Xs], Ys,
-                Real, L, Det1, !ModuleInfo)
+        ( compare(<, ConsIdA, ConsIdB) ->
+            abstractly_unify_bound_inst_list_2(Live,
+                BoundInstsA, [BoundInstB | BoundInstsB], Real, BoundInsts,
+                Detism1, !ModuleInfo)
+        ;
+            abstractly_unify_bound_inst_list_2(Live,
+                [BoundInstA | BoundInstsA], BoundInstsB, Real, BoundInsts,
+                Detism1, !ModuleInfo)
-        det_switch_detism(Det1, detism_failure, Det)
+        det_switch_detism(Detism1, detism_failure, Detism)
 :- pred abstractly_unify_bound_inst_list_lives(list(bound_inst)::in,
@@ -746,16 +740,16 @@
 abstractly_unify_bound_inst_list_lives([], _, _, _, _, [], detism_failure,
-abstractly_unify_bound_inst_list_lives([X | Xs], ConsIdY, ArgsY, LivesY, Real,
-        L, Det, !ModuleInfo) :-
-    X = bound_functor(ConsIdX, ArgsX),
-    ( equivalent_cons_ids(ConsIdX, ConsIdY) ->
-        abstractly_unify_inst_list_lives(ArgsX, ArgsY, LivesY, Real,
-            Args, Det, !ModuleInfo),
-        L = [bound_functor(ConsIdX, Args)]
+abstractly_unify_bound_inst_list_lives([BoundInstA | BoundInstsA], ConsIdB,
+        ArgsB, LivesB, Real, BoundInsts, Detism, !ModuleInfo) :-
+    BoundInstA = bound_functor(ConsIdA, ArgsA),
+    ( equivalent_cons_ids(ConsIdA, ConsIdB) ->
+        abstractly_unify_inst_list_lives(ArgsA, ArgsB, LivesB, Real, Args,
+            Detism, !ModuleInfo),
+        BoundInsts = [bound_functor(ConsIdA, Args)]
-        abstractly_unify_bound_inst_list_lives(Xs, ConsIdY, ArgsY,
-            LivesY, Real, L, Det, !ModuleInfo)
+        abstractly_unify_bound_inst_list_lives(BoundInstsA, ConsIdB, ArgsB,
+            LivesB, Real, BoundInsts, Detism, !ModuleInfo)
 :- pred abstractly_unify_inst_list_lives(list(mer_inst)::in,
@@ -764,12 +758,13 @@
     module_info::in, module_info::out) is semidet.
 abstractly_unify_inst_list_lives([], [], [], _, [], detism_det, !ModuleInfo).
-abstractly_unify_inst_list_lives([X | Xs], [Y | Ys], [Live | Lives], Real,
-        [Z | Zs], Det, !ModuleInfo) :-
-    abstractly_unify_inst(Live, X, Y, Real, Z, Det1, !ModuleInfo),
-    abstractly_unify_inst_list_lives(Xs, Ys, Lives, Real, Zs, Det2,
-        !ModuleInfo),
-    det_par_conjunction_detism(Det1, Det2, Det).
+abstractly_unify_inst_list_lives([InstA | InstsA], [InstB | InstsB],
+        [Live | Lives], Real, [Inst | Insts], Detism, !ModuleInfo) :-
+    abstractly_unify_inst(Live, InstA, InstB, Real, Inst,
+        Detism1, !ModuleInfo),
+    abstractly_unify_inst_list_lives(InstsA, InstsB, Lives, Real, Insts,
+        Detism2, !ModuleInfo),
+    det_par_conjunction_detism(Detism1, Detism2, Detism).
@@ -778,9 +773,9 @@
     determinism::out, module_info::in, module_info::out) is semidet.
 abstractly_unify_constrained_inst_vars(IsLive, InstVars, InstConstraint, InstB,
-        UnifyIsReal, Inst, Det, !ModuleInfo) :-
-    abstractly_unify_inst(IsLive, InstConstraint, InstB, UnifyIsReal,
-        Inst0, Det, !ModuleInfo),
+        Real, Inst, Detism, !ModuleInfo) :-
+    abstractly_unify_inst(IsLive, InstConstraint, InstB, Real,
+        Inst0, Detism, !ModuleInfo),
     ( \+ inst_matches_final(Inst0, InstConstraint, !.ModuleInfo) ->
         % The inst has become too instantiated so the
         % constrained_inst_vars must be removed.
@@ -823,49 +818,114 @@
 :- pred unify_uniq(is_live::in, unify_is_real::in, determinism::in,
     uniqueness::in, uniqueness::in, uniqueness::out) is semidet.
-unify_uniq(_, _, _, shared, shared, shared).
-unify_uniq(_, _, _, shared, unique, shared).
-unify_uniq(_, _, _, shared, mostly_unique, shared).
-unify_uniq(Live, Real, Det, shared, clobbered, clobbered) :-
-    allow_unify_with_clobbered(Live, Real, Det).
-unify_uniq(Live, Real, Det, shared, mostly_clobbered, mostly_clobbered) :-
-    allow_unify_with_clobbered(Live, Real, Det).
-unify_uniq(_, _, _, unique, shared, shared).
-unify_uniq(is_live, _, _, unique, unique, shared).
-unify_uniq(is_live, _, _, unique, mostly_unique, shared).
-unify_uniq(is_dead, _, _, unique, unique, unique).
-unify_uniq(is_dead, _, _, unique, mostly_unique, mostly_unique).
-        % XXX The above line is a conservative approximation;
-        % sometimes it should return unique not mostly_unique.
-unify_uniq(Live, Real, Det, unique, clobbered, clobbered) :-
-    allow_unify_with_clobbered(Live, Real, Det).
-unify_uniq(Live, Real, Det, unique, mostly_clobbered, mostly_clobbered) :-
-    allow_unify_with_clobbered(Live, Real, Det).
-unify_uniq(_, _, _, mostly_unique, shared, shared).
-unify_uniq(is_live, _, _, mostly_unique, unique, shared).
-unify_uniq(is_live, _, _, mostly_unique, mostly_unique, shared).
-unify_uniq(is_dead, _, _, mostly_unique, unique, mostly_unique).
-        % XXX The above line is a conservative approximation;
-        % sometimes it should return unique not mostly_unique.
-unify_uniq(is_dead, _, _, mostly_unique, mostly_unique, mostly_unique).
-unify_uniq(Live, Real, Det, mostly_unique, clobbered, clobbered) :-
-    allow_unify_with_clobbered(Live, Real, Det).
-unify_uniq(Live, Real, Det, mostly_unique, mostly_clobbered,
-        mostly_clobbered) :-
-    allow_unify_with_clobbered(Live, Real, Det).
-unify_uniq(Live, Real, Det, clobbered, _, clobbered) :-
-    allow_unify_with_clobbered(Live, Real, Det).
-unify_uniq(Live, Real, Det, mostly_clobbered, Uniq0, Uniq) :-
-    ( Uniq0 = clobbered ->
+unify_uniq(Live, Real, Detism, UniqA, UniqB, Uniq) :-
+    (
+        UniqA = shared,
+        UniqB = shared,
+        Uniq = shared
+    ;
+        UniqA = shared,
+        UniqB = unique,
+        Uniq = shared
+    ;
+        UniqA = shared,
+        UniqB = mostly_unique,
+        Uniq = shared
+    ;
+        UniqA = shared,
+        UniqB = clobbered,
+        allow_unify_with_clobbered(Live, Real, Detism),
         Uniq = clobbered
+        UniqA = shared,
+        UniqB = mostly_clobbered,
+        allow_unify_with_clobbered(Live, Real, Detism),
         Uniq = mostly_clobbered
-    ),
-    allow_unify_with_clobbered(Live, Real, Det).
+    ;
+        UniqA = unique,
+        UniqB = shared,
+        Uniq = shared
+    ;
+        UniqA = unique,
+        UniqB = unique,
+        Live = is_live,
+        Uniq = shared
+    ;
+        UniqA = unique,
+        UniqB = mostly_unique,
+        Live = is_live,
+        Uniq = shared
+    ;
+        UniqA = unique,
+        UniqB = unique,
+        Live = is_dead,
+        Uniq = unique
+    ;
+        UniqA = unique,
+        UniqB = mostly_unique,
+        Live = is_dead,
+        % XXX This is a conservative approximation;
+        % sometimes we should return unique, not mostly_unique.
+        Uniq = mostly_unique
+    ;
+        UniqA = unique,
+        UniqB = clobbered,
+        allow_unify_with_clobbered(Live, Real, Detism),
+        Uniq = clobbered
+    ;
+        UniqA = unique,
+        UniqB = mostly_clobbered,
+        allow_unify_with_clobbered(Live, Real, Detism),
+        Uniq = mostly_clobbered
+    ;
+        UniqA = mostly_unique,
+        UniqB = shared,
+        Uniq = shared
+    ;
+        UniqA = mostly_unique,
+        UniqB = unique,
+        Live = is_live,
+        Uniq = shared
+    ;
+        UniqA = mostly_unique,
+        UniqB = mostly_unique,
+        Live = is_live,
+        Uniq = shared
+    ;
+        UniqA = mostly_unique,
+        UniqB = unique,
+        Live = is_dead,
+        % XXX This is a conservative approximation;
+        % sometimes we should return unique, not mostly_unique.
+        Uniq = mostly_unique
+    ;
+        UniqA = mostly_unique,
+        UniqB = mostly_unique,
+        Live = is_dead,
+        Uniq = mostly_unique
+    ;
+        UniqA = mostly_unique,
+        UniqB = clobbered,
+        allow_unify_with_clobbered(Live, Real, Detism),
+        Uniq = clobbered
+    ;
+        UniqA = mostly_unique,
+        UniqB = mostly_clobbered,
+        allow_unify_with_clobbered(Live, Real, Detism),
+        Uniq = mostly_clobbered
+    ;
+        UniqA = clobbered,
+        allow_unify_with_clobbered(Live, Real, Detism),
+        Uniq = clobbered
+    ;
+        UniqA = mostly_clobbered,
+        allow_unify_with_clobbered(Live, Real, Detism),
+        ( UniqB = clobbered ->
+            Uniq = clobbered
+        ;
+            Uniq = mostly_clobbered
+        )
+    ).
 :- pred allow_unify_with_clobbered(is_live::in, unify_is_real::in,
     determinism::in) is semidet.
@@ -879,8 +939,8 @@
 :- pred check_not_clobbered(uniqueness::in, unify_is_real::in) is det.
-    % Sanity check.
 check_not_clobbered(Uniq, Real) :-
+    % Sanity check.
     ( Real = real_unify, Uniq = clobbered ->
         unexpected($module, $pred, "clobbered inst")
     ; Real = real_unify, Uniq = mostly_clobbered ->
@@ -898,29 +958,29 @@
 make_ground_inst_list_lives([], _, _, _, _, [], detism_det, !ModuleInfo).
 make_ground_inst_list_lives([Inst0 | Insts0], Live, [ArgLive | ArgLives],
-        Uniq, Real, [Inst | Insts], Det, !ModuleInfo) :-
+        Uniq, Real, [Inst | Insts], Detism, !ModuleInfo) :-
     ( Live = is_live, ArgLive = is_live ->
         BothLive = is_live
         BothLive = is_dead
-    make_ground_inst(Inst0, BothLive, Uniq, Real, Inst, Det1,
+    make_ground_inst(Inst0, BothLive, Uniq, Real, Inst, Detism1,
     make_ground_inst_list_lives(Insts0, Live, ArgLives, Uniq, Real,
-        Insts, Det2, !ModuleInfo),
-    det_par_conjunction_detism(Det1, Det2, Det).
+        Insts, Detism2, !ModuleInfo),
+    det_par_conjunction_detism(Detism1, Detism2, Detism).
 :- pred make_ground_inst_list(list(mer_inst)::in, is_live::in, uniqueness::in,
     unify_is_real::in, list(mer_inst)::out, determinism::out,
     module_info::in, module_info::out) is semidet.
 make_ground_inst_list([], _, _, _, [], detism_det, !ModuleInfo).
-make_ground_inst_list([Inst0 | Insts0], Live, Uniq, Real, [Inst | Insts], Det,
-        !ModuleInfo) :-
-    make_ground_inst(Inst0, Live, Uniq, Real, Inst, Det1, !ModuleInfo),
-    make_ground_inst_list(Insts0, Live, Uniq, Real, Insts, Det2,
+make_ground_inst_list([Inst0 | Insts0], Live, Uniq, Real, [Inst | Insts],
+        Detism, !ModuleInfo) :-
+    make_ground_inst(Inst0, Live, Uniq, Real, Inst, Detism1, !ModuleInfo),
+    make_ground_inst_list(Insts0, Live, Uniq, Real, Insts, Detism2,
-    det_par_conjunction_detism(Det1, Det2, Det).
+    det_par_conjunction_detism(Detism1, Detism2, Detism).
     % Abstractly unify an inst with `ground' and calculate the new inst
     % and the determinism of the unification.
@@ -929,54 +989,69 @@
     unify_is_real::in, mer_inst::out, determinism::out,
     module_info::in, module_info::out) is semidet.
-make_ground_inst(not_reached, _, _, _, not_reached, detism_erroneous,
-        !ModuleInfo).
-make_ground_inst(any(Uniq0, HOInstInfo), IsLive, Uniq1, Real,
-        ground(Uniq, HOInstInfo), detism_semi, !ModuleInfo) :-
-    unify_uniq(IsLive, Real, detism_semi, Uniq0, Uniq1, Uniq).
-make_ground_inst(free, IsLive, Uniq0, Real, ground(Uniq, none), detism_det,
-        !ModuleInfo) :-
-    unify_uniq(IsLive, Real, detism_det, unique, Uniq0, Uniq).
-make_ground_inst(free(T), IsLive, Uniq0, Real,
-        defined_inst(typed_ground(Uniq, T)), detism_det, !ModuleInfo) :-
-    unify_uniq(IsLive, Real, detism_det, unique, Uniq0, Uniq).
-make_ground_inst(bound(Uniq0, BoundInsts0), IsLive, Uniq1, Real,
-        bound(Uniq, BoundInsts), Det, !ModuleInfo) :-
-    unify_uniq(IsLive, Real, detism_semi, Uniq0, Uniq1, Uniq),
-    make_ground_bound_inst_list(BoundInsts0, IsLive, Uniq1, Real,
-        BoundInsts, Det1, !ModuleInfo),
-    det_par_conjunction_detism(Det1, detism_semi, Det).
-make_ground_inst(ground(Uniq0, HOInstInfo), IsLive, Uniq1, Real,
-        ground(Uniq, HOInstInfo), detism_semi, !ModuleInfo) :-
-    unify_uniq(IsLive, Real, detism_semi, Uniq0, Uniq1, Uniq).
-make_ground_inst(inst_var(_), _, _, _, _, _, _, _) :-
-    unexpected($module, $pred, "free inst var").
-make_ground_inst(constrained_inst_vars(InstVars, InstConstraint), IsLive,
-        Uniq, Real, Inst, Det, !ModuleInfo) :-
-    abstractly_unify_constrained_inst_vars(IsLive, InstVars,
-        InstConstraint, ground(Uniq, none), Real, Inst, Det, !ModuleInfo).
-make_ground_inst(abstract_inst(_,_), _, _, _, ground(shared, none),
-        detism_semi, !ModuleInfo).
-make_ground_inst(defined_inst(InstName), IsLive, Uniq, Real, Inst, Det,
-        !ModuleInfo) :-
+make_ground_inst(Inst0, Live, Uniq1, Real, Inst, Detism, !ModuleInfo) :-
+    (
+        Inst0 = not_reached,
+        Inst = not_reached,
+        Detism = detism_erroneous
+    ;
+        Inst0 = any(Uniq0, HOInstInfo),
+        unify_uniq(Live, Real, detism_semi, Uniq0, Uniq1, Uniq),
+        Inst = ground(Uniq, HOInstInfo),
+        Detism = detism_semi
+    ;
+        Inst0 = free,
+        unify_uniq(Live, Real, detism_det, unique, Uniq1, Uniq),
+        Inst = ground(Uniq, none),
+        Detism = detism_det
+    ;
+        Inst0 = free(T),
+        unify_uniq(Live, Real, detism_det, unique, Uniq1, Uniq),
+        Inst = defined_inst(typed_ground(Uniq, T)),
+        Detism = detism_det
+    ;
+        Inst0 = bound(Uniq0, BoundInsts0),
+        unify_uniq(Live, Real, detism_semi, Uniq0, Uniq1, Uniq),
+        make_ground_bound_inst_list(BoundInsts0, Live, Uniq1, Real,
+            BoundInsts, Detism1, !ModuleInfo),
+        Inst = bound(Uniq, BoundInsts),
+        det_par_conjunction_detism(Detism1, detism_semi, Detism)
+    ;
+        Inst0 = ground(Uniq0, HOInstInfo),
+        unify_uniq(Live, Real, detism_semi, Uniq0, Uniq1, Uniq),
+        Inst = ground(Uniq, HOInstInfo),
+        Detism = detism_semi
+    ;
+        Inst0 = inst_var(_),
+        unexpected($module, $pred, "free inst var")
+    ;
+        Inst0 = constrained_inst_vars(InstVars, SubInst0),
+        abstractly_unify_constrained_inst_vars(Live, InstVars,
+            SubInst0, ground(Uniq1, none), Real, Inst, Detism, !ModuleInfo)
+    ;
+        Inst0 = abstract_inst(_, _),
+        Inst = ground(shared, none),
+        Detism = detism_semi
+    ;
+        Inst0 = defined_inst(InstName),
     % Check whether the inst name is already in the ground_inst table.
     module_info_get_inst_table(!.ModuleInfo, InstTable0),
     inst_table_get_ground_insts(InstTable0, GroundInsts0),
-    GroundInstKey = ground_inst(InstName, IsLive, Uniq, Real),
+        GroundInstKey = ground_inst(InstName, Live, Uniq1, Real),
     ( map.search(GroundInsts0, GroundInstKey, Result) ->
-        ( Result = inst_det_known(GroundInst0, Det0) ->
+            ( Result = inst_det_known(GroundInst0, Detism0) ->
             GroundInst = GroundInst0,
-            Det = Det0
+                Detism = Detism0
             GroundInst = defined_inst(GroundInstKey),
-            Det = detism_det
+                Detism = detism_det
             % We can safely assume this is det, since if it were semidet,
             % we would have noticed this in the process of unfolding the
             % definition.
-        % Insert the inst name in the ground_inst table, with value `unknown'
-        % for the moment.
+            % Insert the inst name in the ground_inst table, with value
+            % `unknown' for the moment.
         map.det_insert(GroundInstKey, inst_det_unknown,
             GroundInsts0, GroundInsts1),
         inst_table_set_ground_insts(GroundInsts1, InstTable0, InstTable1),
@@ -984,16 +1059,17 @@
         % Expand the inst name, and invoke ourself recursively on its
         % expansion.
-        inst_lookup(!.ModuleInfo, InstName, Inst0),
-        inst_expand(!.ModuleInfo, Inst0, Inst1),
-        make_ground_inst(Inst1, IsLive, Uniq, Real, GroundInst, Det,
+            inst_lookup(!.ModuleInfo, InstName, SubInst0),
+            inst_expand(!.ModuleInfo, SubInst0, SubInst1),
+            make_ground_inst(SubInst1, Live, Uniq1, Real, GroundInst, Detism,
-        % Now that we have determined the resulting Inst, store the appropriate
-        % value `known(GroundInst, Det)' in the ground_inst table.
+            % Now that we have determined the resulting Inst, store the
+            % appropriate value `known(GroundInst, Detism)' in the ground_inst
+            % table.
         module_info_get_inst_table(!.ModuleInfo, InstTable2),
         inst_table_get_ground_insts(InstTable2, GroundInsts2),
-        map.det_update(GroundInstKey, inst_det_known(GroundInst, Det),
+            map.det_update(GroundInstKey, inst_det_known(GroundInst, Detism),
             GroundInsts2, GroundInsts),
         inst_table_set_ground_insts(GroundInsts, InstTable2, InstTable),
         module_info_set_inst_table(InstTable, !ModuleInfo)
@@ -1003,6 +1079,7 @@
         Inst = defined_inst(GroundInstKey)
         Inst = GroundInst
+        )
 :- pred make_ground_bound_inst_list(list(bound_inst)::in, is_live::in,
@@ -1012,14 +1089,14 @@
 make_ground_bound_inst_list([], _, _, _, [], detism_det, !ModuleInfo).
 make_ground_bound_inst_list([Bound0 | Bounds0], IsLive, Uniq, Real,
-            [Bound | Bounds], Det, !ModuleInfo) :-
+            [Bound | Bounds], Detism, !ModuleInfo) :-
     Bound0 = bound_functor(ConsId, ArgInsts0),
-    make_ground_inst_list(ArgInsts0, IsLive, Uniq, Real, ArgInsts, Det1,
+    make_ground_inst_list(ArgInsts0, IsLive, Uniq, Real, ArgInsts, Detism1,
     Bound = bound_functor(ConsId, ArgInsts),
-    make_ground_bound_inst_list(Bounds0, IsLive, Uniq, Real, Bounds, Det2,
+    make_ground_bound_inst_list(Bounds0, IsLive, Uniq, Real, Bounds, Detism2,
-    det_par_conjunction_detism(Det1, Det2, Det).
+    det_par_conjunction_detism(Detism1, Detism2, Detism).
@@ -1030,54 +1107,69 @@
     unify_is_real::in, mer_inst::out, determinism::out,
     module_info::in, module_info::out) is semidet.
-make_any_inst(not_reached, _, _, _, not_reached, detism_erroneous, !ModuleInfo).
-make_any_inst(any(Uniq0, HOInstInfo), IsLive, Uniq1, Real,
-        any(Uniq, HOInstInfo), detism_semi, !ModuleInfo) :-
+make_any_inst(Inst0, Live, Uniq1, Real, Inst, Detism, !ModuleInfo) :-
+    (
+        Inst0 = not_reached,
+        Inst = not_reached,
+        Detism = detism_erroneous
+    ;
+        Inst0 = any(Uniq0, HOInstInfo),
-    unify_uniq(IsLive, Real, detism_semi, Uniq0, Uniq1, Uniq).
-make_any_inst(free, IsLive, Uniq0, Real, any(Uniq, none), detism_det,
-        !ModuleInfo) :-
-    unify_uniq(IsLive, Real, detism_det, unique, Uniq0, Uniq).
-make_any_inst(free(T), IsLive, Uniq, Real, defined_inst(Any), detism_det,
-        !ModuleInfo) :-
+        unify_uniq(Live, Real, detism_semi, Uniq0, Uniq1, Uniq),
+        Inst = any(Uniq, HOInstInfo),
+        Detism = detism_semi
+    ;
+        Inst0 = free,
+        unify_uniq(Live, Real, detism_det, unique, Uniq1, Uniq),
+        Inst = any(Uniq, none),
+        Detism = detism_det
+    ;
+        Inst0 = free(T),
     % The following is a round-about way of doing this
-    %   unify_uniq(IsLive, Real, detism_det, unique, Uniq0, Uniq),
+        %   unify_uniq(Live, Real, detism_det, unique, Uniq0, Uniq),
     %   Any = typed_any(Uniq, T).
     % without the need for a `typed_any' inst.
-    Any = typed_inst(T, unify_inst(IsLive, free, any(Uniq, none), Real)).
-make_any_inst(bound(Uniq0, BoundInsts0), IsLive, Uniq1, Real,
-        bound(Uniq, BoundInsts), Det, !ModuleInfo) :-
+        Any = typed_inst(T, unify_inst(Live, free, any(Uniq1, none), Real)),
+        Inst = defined_inst(Any),
+        Detism = detism_det
+    ;
+        Inst0 = bound(Uniq0, BoundInsts0),
-    unify_uniq(IsLive, Real, detism_semi, Uniq0, Uniq1, Uniq),
-    make_any_bound_inst_list(BoundInsts0, IsLive, Uniq1, Real,
-        BoundInsts, Det1, !ModuleInfo),
-    det_par_conjunction_detism(Det1, detism_semi, Det).
-make_any_inst(ground(Uniq0, PredInst), IsLive, Uniq1, Real,
-        ground(Uniq, PredInst), detism_semi, !ModuleInfo) :-
+        unify_uniq(Live, Real, detism_semi, Uniq0, Uniq1, Uniq),
+        make_any_bound_inst_list(BoundInsts0, Live, Uniq1, Real, BoundInsts,
+            Detism1, !ModuleInfo),
+        Inst = bound(Uniq, BoundInsts),
+        det_par_conjunction_detism(Detism1, detism_semi, Detism)
+    ;
+        Inst0 = ground(Uniq0, PredInst),
-    unify_uniq(IsLive, Real, detism_semi, Uniq0, Uniq1, Uniq).
-make_any_inst(inst_var(_), _, _, _, _, _, _, _) :-
-    unexpected($module, $pred, "free inst var").
-make_any_inst(constrained_inst_vars(InstVars, InstConstraint), IsLive,
-        Uniq, Real, Inst, Det, !ModuleInfo) :-
-    abstractly_unify_constrained_inst_vars(IsLive, InstVars,
-        InstConstraint, any(Uniq, none), Real, Inst, Det, !ModuleInfo).
-make_any_inst(abstract_inst(_,_), _, _, _, any(shared, none), detism_semi,
-        !ModuleInfo).
-make_any_inst(defined_inst(InstName), IsLive, Uniq, Real, Inst, Det,
-        !ModuleInfo) :-
-        % check whether the inst name is already in the
-        % any_inst table
+        unify_uniq(Live, Real, detism_semi, Uniq0, Uniq1, Uniq),
+        Inst = ground(Uniq, PredInst),
+        Detism = detism_semi
+    ;
+        Inst0 = inst_var(_),
+        unexpected($module, $pred, "free inst var")
+    ;
+        Inst0 = constrained_inst_vars(InstVars, SubInst0),
+        abstractly_unify_constrained_inst_vars(Live, InstVars,
+            SubInst0, any(Uniq1, none), Real, Inst, Detism, !ModuleInfo)
+    ;
+        Inst0 = abstract_inst(_, _),
+        Inst = any(shared, none),
+        Detism = detism_semi
+    ;
+        Inst0 = defined_inst(InstName),
+        % Check whether the inst name is already in the any_inst table.
     module_info_get_inst_table(!.ModuleInfo, InstTable0),
     inst_table_get_any_insts(InstTable0, AnyInsts0),
-    AnyInstKey = any_inst(InstName, IsLive, Uniq, Real),
+        AnyInstKey = any_inst(InstName, Live, Uniq1, Real),
     ( map.search(AnyInsts0, AnyInstKey, Result) ->
-        ( Result = inst_det_known(AnyInst0, Det0) ->
+            ( Result = inst_det_known(AnyInst0, Detism0) ->
             AnyInst = AnyInst0,
-            Det = Det0
+                Detism = Detism0
             AnyInst = defined_inst(AnyInstKey),
-            Det = detism_det
+                Detism = detism_det
             % We can safely assume this is det, since if it were semidet,
             % we would have noticed this in the process of unfolding the
             % definition.
@@ -1091,15 +1183,16 @@
         % Expand the inst name, and invoke ourself recursively on its
         % expansion.
-        inst_lookup(!.ModuleInfo, InstName, Inst0),
-        inst_expand(!.ModuleInfo, Inst0, Inst1),
-        make_any_inst(Inst1, IsLive, Uniq, Real, AnyInst, Det, !ModuleInfo),
+            inst_lookup(!.ModuleInfo, InstName, SubInst0),
+            inst_expand(!.ModuleInfo, SubInst0, SubInst1),
+            make_any_inst(SubInst1, Live, Uniq1, Real, AnyInst, Detism,
+                !ModuleInfo),
-        % Now that we have determined the resulting Inst, store the appropriate
-        % value `known(AnyInst, Det)' in the any_inst table.
+            % Now that we have determined the resulting Inst, store the
+            % appropriate value `known(AnyInst, Detism)' in the any_inst table.
         module_info_get_inst_table(!.ModuleInfo, InstTable2),
         inst_table_get_any_insts(InstTable2, AnyInsts2),
-        map.det_update(AnyInstKey, inst_det_known(AnyInst, Det),
+            map.det_update(AnyInstKey, inst_det_known(AnyInst, Detism),
             AnyInsts2, AnyInsts),
         inst_table_set_any_insts(AnyInsts, InstTable2, InstTable),
         module_info_set_inst_table(InstTable, !ModuleInfo)
@@ -1109,6 +1202,7 @@
         Inst = defined_inst(AnyInstKey)
         Inst = AnyInst
+        )
 :- pred make_any_bound_inst_list(list(bound_inst)::in, is_live::in,
@@ -1118,25 +1212,25 @@
 make_any_bound_inst_list([], _, _, _, [], detism_det, !ModuleInfo).
 make_any_bound_inst_list([Bound0 | Bounds0], IsLive, Uniq, Real,
-        [Bound | Bounds], Det, !ModuleInfo) :-
+        [Bound | Bounds], Detism, !ModuleInfo) :-
     Bound0 = bound_functor(ConsId, ArgInsts0),
     make_any_inst_list(ArgInsts0, IsLive, Uniq, Real,
-        ArgInsts, Det1, !ModuleInfo),
+        ArgInsts, Detism1, !ModuleInfo),
     Bound = bound_functor(ConsId, ArgInsts),
-    make_any_bound_inst_list(Bounds0, IsLive, Uniq, Real, Bounds, Det2,
+    make_any_bound_inst_list(Bounds0, IsLive, Uniq, Real, Bounds, Detism2,
-    det_par_conjunction_detism(Det1, Det2, Det).
+    det_par_conjunction_detism(Detism1, Detism2, Detism).
 :- pred make_any_inst_list(list(mer_inst)::in, is_live::in, uniqueness::in,
     unify_is_real::in, list(mer_inst)::out, determinism::out,
     module_info::in, module_info::out) is semidet.
 make_any_inst_list([], _, _, _, [], detism_det, !ModuleInfo).
-make_any_inst_list([Inst0 | Insts0], Live, Uniq, Real, [Inst | Insts], Det,
+make_any_inst_list([Inst0 | Insts0], Live, Uniq, Real, [Inst | Insts], Detism,
         !ModuleInfo) :-
-    make_any_inst(Inst0, Live, Uniq, Real, Inst, Det1, !ModuleInfo),
-    make_any_inst_list(Insts0, Live, Uniq, Real, Insts, Det2, !ModuleInfo),
-    det_par_conjunction_detism(Det1, Det2, Det).
+    make_any_inst(Inst0, Live, Uniq, Real, Inst, Detism1, !ModuleInfo),
+    make_any_inst_list(Insts0, Live, Uniq, Real, Insts, Detism2, !ModuleInfo),
+    det_par_conjunction_detism(Detism1, Detism2, Detism).
 :- pred make_any_inst_list_lives(list(mer_inst)::in, is_live::in,
     list(is_live)::in, uniqueness::in, unify_is_real::in,
@@ -1145,16 +1239,16 @@
 make_any_inst_list_lives([], _, _, _, _, [], detism_det, !ModuleInfo).
 make_any_inst_list_lives([Inst0 | Insts0], Live, [ArgLive | ArgLives],
-        Uniq, Real, [Inst | Insts], Det, !ModuleInfo) :-
+        Uniq, Real, [Inst | Insts], Detism, !ModuleInfo) :-
     ( Live = is_live, ArgLive = is_live ->
         BothLive = is_live
         BothLive = is_dead
-    make_any_inst(Inst0, BothLive, Uniq, Real, Inst, Det1, !ModuleInfo),
+    make_any_inst(Inst0, BothLive, Uniq, Real, Inst, Detism1, !ModuleInfo),
     make_any_inst_list_lives(Insts0, Live, ArgLives, Uniq, Real,
-        Insts, Det2, !ModuleInfo),
-    det_par_conjunction_detism(Det1, Det2, Det).
+        Insts, Detism2, !ModuleInfo),
+    det_par_conjunction_detism(Detism1, Detism2, Detism).
@@ -1188,33 +1282,41 @@
 :- pred make_shared_inst(mer_inst::in, mer_inst::out,
     module_info::in, module_info::out) is det.
-make_shared_inst(not_reached, not_reached, !ModuleInfo).
-make_shared_inst(any(Uniq0, HOInstInfo), any(Uniq, HOInstInfo), !ModuleInfo) :-
-    make_shared(Uniq0, Uniq).
-make_shared_inst(free, free, !ModuleInfo) :-
+make_shared_inst(Inst0, Inst, !ModuleInfo) :-
+    (
+        Inst0 = not_reached,
+        Inst = Inst0
+    ;
+        Inst0 = free,
     % The caller should ensure that this never happens.
-    unexpected($module, $pred, "cannot make shared version of `free'").
-make_shared_inst(free(T), free(T), !ModuleInfo) :-
+        unexpected($module, $pred, "cannot make shared version of `free'")
+    ;
+        Inst0 = free(_),
     % The caller should ensure that this never happens.
-    unexpected($module, $pred, "cannot make shared version of `free(T)'").
-make_shared_inst(bound(Uniq0, BoundInsts0), bound(Uniq, BoundInsts),
-        !ModuleInfo) :-
+        unexpected($module, $pred, "cannot make shared version of `free(T)'")
+    ;
+        Inst0 = any(Uniq0, HOInstInfo),
+        make_shared(Uniq0, Uniq),
+        Inst = any(Uniq, HOInstInfo)
+    ;
+        Inst0 = bound(Uniq0, BoundInsts0),
     % XXX This code has a performance problem.
-    % The problem is that e.g. in a list of length N, you'll have N variables
-    % for the skeletons whose insts contain an average of N/2 occurences of
-    % `bound' each, so the complexity of running make_shared_inst on all their
-    % insts is quadratic in N.
+        % The problem is that e.g. in a list of length N, you will have
+        % N variables for the skeletons whose insts contain an average of
+        % N/2 occurences of `bound' each, so the complexity of running
+        % make_shared_inst on all their insts is quadratic in N.
     % One potential way to fix this would be to introduce a new function
-    % symbol for insts, make_shared(mer_inst), which would have the meaning of
-    % requiring any compiler component that finds it to run make_shared_inst
-    % on its argument before using it. That would require parameterizing
-    % make_shared_inst to say whether it is being used in such a manner.
+        % symbol for insts, make_shared(mer_inst), which would have the meaning
+        % of requiring any compiler component that finds it to run
+        % make_shared_inst on its argument before using it. That would require
+        % parameterizing make_shared_inst to say whether it is being used
+        % in such a manner.
     % Another similar fix would be to add an extra argument to bound/2
-    % to say whether the insts in its last argument should implicitly be made
-    % shared.
+        % to say whether the insts in its last argument should implicitly be
+        % made shared.
     % If Uniq0 = shared, then all the other cells below it should also be
     % shared as well, which means we should be able to avoid the call to
@@ -1223,22 +1325,28 @@
     % construction of large ground terms, Uniq0 will in fact be `unique'.
     make_shared(Uniq0, Uniq),
-    make_shared_bound_inst_list(BoundInsts0, BoundInsts, !ModuleInfo).
-make_shared_inst(ground(Uniq0, PredInst), ground(Uniq, PredInst),
-        !ModuleInfo) :-
-    make_shared(Uniq0, Uniq).
-make_shared_inst(inst_var(_), _, _, _) :-
-    unexpected($module, $pred, "free inst var").
-make_shared_inst(constrained_inst_vars(InstVars, Inst0), Inst, !ModuleInfo) :-
-    make_shared_inst(Inst0, Inst1, !ModuleInfo),
-    ( \+ inst_matches_final(Inst1, Inst0, !.ModuleInfo) ->
-        Inst = Inst1
+        make_shared_bound_inst_list(BoundInsts0, BoundInsts, !ModuleInfo),
+        Inst = bound(Uniq, BoundInsts)
-        Inst = constrained_inst_vars(InstVars, Inst1)
-    ).
-make_shared_inst(abstract_inst(_,_), _, !ModuleInfo) :-
-    unexpected($module, $pred, "abstract_inst").
-make_shared_inst(defined_inst(InstName), Inst, !ModuleInfo) :-
+        Inst0 = ground(Uniq0, PredInst),
+        make_shared(Uniq0, Uniq),
+        Inst = ground(Uniq, PredInst)
+    ;
+        Inst0 = inst_var(_),
+        unexpected($module, $pred, "free inst var")
+    ;
+        Inst0 = constrained_inst_vars(InstVars, SubInst0),
+        make_shared_inst(SubInst0, SubInst1, !ModuleInfo),
+        ( \+ inst_matches_final(SubInst1, SubInst0, !.ModuleInfo) ->
+            Inst = SubInst1
+        ;
+            Inst = constrained_inst_vars(InstVars, SubInst1)
+        )
+    ;
+        Inst0 = abstract_inst(_, _),
+        unexpected($module, $pred, "abstract_inst")
+    ;
+        Inst0 = defined_inst(InstName),
     % Check whether the inst name is already in the shared_inst table.
     module_info_get_inst_table(!.ModuleInfo, InstTable0),
     inst_table_get_shared_insts(InstTable0, SharedInsts0),
@@ -1249,20 +1357,20 @@
             SharedInst = defined_inst(InstName)
-        % Insert the inst name in the shared_inst table, with value `unknown'
-        % for the moment.
+            % Insert the inst name in the shared_inst table, with value
+            % `unknown' for the moment.
         map.det_insert(InstName, inst_unknown, SharedInsts0, SharedInsts1),
         inst_table_set_shared_insts(SharedInsts1, InstTable0, InstTable1),
         module_info_set_inst_table(InstTable1, !ModuleInfo),
         % Expand the inst name, and invoke ourself recursively on its
         % expansion.
-        inst_lookup(!.ModuleInfo, InstName, Inst0),
-        inst_expand(!.ModuleInfo, Inst0, Inst1),
-        make_shared_inst(Inst1, SharedInst, !ModuleInfo),
+            inst_lookup(!.ModuleInfo, InstName, SubInst0),
+            inst_expand(!.ModuleInfo, SubInst0, SubInst1),
+            make_shared_inst(SubInst1, SharedInst, !ModuleInfo),
-        % Now that we have determined the resulting Inst, store the appropriate
-        % value `known(SharedInst)' in the shared_inst table.
+            % Now that we have determined the resulting Inst, store the
+            % appropriate value `known(SharedInst)' in the shared_inst table.
         module_info_get_inst_table(!.ModuleInfo, InstTable2),
         inst_table_get_shared_insts(InstTable2, SharedInsts2),
         map.det_update(InstName, inst_known(SharedInst),
@@ -1275,6 +1383,7 @@
         Inst = defined_inst(InstName)
         Inst = SharedInst
+        )
 :- pred make_shared(uniqueness::in, uniqueness::out) is det.
@@ -1298,37 +1407,43 @@
-    % Make an inst mostly-uniq: replace all occurrences of `unique'
-    % in the inst with `mostly_unique'.  (Used by unique_modes.m to
-    % change the insts of semidet-live or nondet-live insts.)
-    %
-make_mostly_uniq_inst(not_reached, not_reached, !ModuleInfo).
-make_mostly_uniq_inst(any(Uniq0, HOInstInfo), any(Uniq, HOInstInfo),
-        !ModuleInfo) :-
-    make_mostly_uniq(Uniq0, Uniq).
-make_mostly_uniq_inst(free, free, !ModuleInfo).
-make_mostly_uniq_inst(free(T), free(T), !ModuleInfo).
-make_mostly_uniq_inst(bound(Uniq0, BoundInsts0), bound(Uniq, BoundInsts),
-        !ModuleInfo) :-
+make_mostly_uniq_inst(Inst0, Inst, !ModuleInfo) :-
+    (
+        ( Inst0 = not_reached
+        ; Inst0 = free
+        ; Inst0 = free(_)
+        ),
+        Inst = Inst0
+    ;
+        Inst0 = any(Uniq0, HOInstInfo),
+        make_mostly_uniq(Uniq0, Uniq),
+        Inst = any(Uniq, HOInstInfo)
+    ;
+        Inst0 = bound(Uniq0, BoundInsts0),
         % XXX could improve efficiency by avoiding recursion here
     make_mostly_uniq(Uniq0, Uniq),
-    make_mostly_uniq_bound_inst_list(BoundInsts0, BoundInsts, !ModuleInfo).
-make_mostly_uniq_inst(ground(Uniq0, PredInst), ground(Uniq, PredInst),
-        !ModuleInfo) :-
-    make_mostly_uniq(Uniq0, Uniq).
-make_mostly_uniq_inst(inst_var(_), _, _, _) :-
-    unexpected($module, $pred, "free inst var").
-make_mostly_uniq_inst(constrained_inst_vars(InstVars, Inst0), Inst,
-        !ModuleInfo) :-
-    make_mostly_uniq_inst(Inst0, Inst1, !ModuleInfo),
-    ( \+ inst_matches_final(Inst1, Inst0, !.ModuleInfo) ->
-        Inst = Inst1
+        make_mostly_uniq_bound_inst_list(BoundInsts0, BoundInsts, !ModuleInfo),
+        Inst = bound(Uniq, BoundInsts)
-        Inst = constrained_inst_vars(InstVars, Inst1)
-    ).
-make_mostly_uniq_inst(abstract_inst(_,_), _, !ModuleInfo) :-
-    unexpected($module, $pred, "abstract_inst").
-make_mostly_uniq_inst(defined_inst(InstName), Inst, !ModuleInfo) :-
+        Inst0 = ground(Uniq0, PredInst),
+        make_mostly_uniq(Uniq0, Uniq),
+        Inst = ground(Uniq, PredInst)
+    ;
+        Inst0 = inst_var(_),
+        unexpected($module, $pred, "free inst var")
+    ;
+        Inst0 = constrained_inst_vars(InstVars, SubInst0),
+        make_mostly_uniq_inst(SubInst0, SubInst, !ModuleInfo),
+        ( \+ inst_matches_final(SubInst, SubInst0, !.ModuleInfo) ->
+            Inst = SubInst
+        ;
+            Inst = constrained_inst_vars(InstVars, SubInst)
+        )
+    ;
+        Inst0 = abstract_inst(_, _),
+        unexpected($module, $pred, "abstract_inst")
+    ;
+        Inst0 = defined_inst(InstName),
     % Check whether the inst name is already in the mostly_uniq_inst table.
     module_info_get_inst_table(!.ModuleInfo, InstTable0),
     inst_table_get_mostly_uniq_insts(InstTable0, NondetLiveInsts0),
@@ -1339,8 +1454,8 @@
             NondetLiveInst = defined_inst(InstName)
-        % Insert the inst name in the mostly_uniq_inst table, with value
-        % `unknown' for the moment.
+            % Insert the inst name in the mostly_uniq_inst table,
+            % with value `unknown' for the moment.
         map.det_insert(InstName, inst_unknown,
             NondetLiveInsts0, NondetLiveInsts1),
@@ -1349,12 +1464,13 @@
         % Expand the inst name, and invoke ourself recursively on its
         % expansion.
-        inst_lookup(!.ModuleInfo, InstName, Inst0),
-        inst_expand(!.ModuleInfo, Inst0, Inst1),
-        make_mostly_uniq_inst(Inst1, NondetLiveInst, !ModuleInfo),
-        % Now that we have determined the resulting Inst, store the appropriate
-        % value `known(NondetLiveInst)' in the mostly_uniq_inst table.
+            inst_lookup(!.ModuleInfo, InstName, SubInst0),
+            inst_expand(!.ModuleInfo, SubInst0, SubInst1),
+            make_mostly_uniq_inst(SubInst1, NondetLiveInst, !ModuleInfo),
+            % Now that we have determined the resulting Inst, store the
+            % appropriate value `known(NondetLiveInst)' in the
+            % mostly_uniq_inst table.
         module_info_get_inst_table(!.ModuleInfo, InstTable2),
         inst_table_get_mostly_uniq_insts(InstTable2, NondetLiveInsts2),
         map.det_update(InstName, inst_known(NondetLiveInst),
@@ -1368,6 +1484,7 @@
         Inst = defined_inst(InstName)
         Inst = NondetLiveInst
+        )
 :- pred make_mostly_uniq(uniqueness::in, uniqueness::out) is det.
@@ -1406,7 +1523,8 @@
 :- pred allow_unify_bound_any(unify_is_real::in) is det.
-allow_unify_bound_any(_) :- true.
+allow_unify_bound_any(_) :-
+    true.
@@ -1450,128 +1568,169 @@
     mer_inst::out, module_info::in, module_info::out) is semidet.
 inst_merge_2(InstA, InstB, MaybeType, Inst, !ModuleInfo) :-
-%   % would this test improve efficiency??
+%   % XXX Would this test improve efficiency?s
+%   % What if we compared the addresses?
 %   ( InstA = InstB ->
 %       Inst = InstA,
 %   ;
-    inst_expand(!.ModuleInfo, InstA, InstA2),
-    inst_expand(!.ModuleInfo, InstB, InstB2),
-    ( InstB2 = not_reached ->
-        Inst = InstA2
+    inst_expand(!.ModuleInfo, InstA, ExpandedInstA),
+    inst_expand(!.ModuleInfo, InstB, ExpandedInstB),
+    ( ExpandedInstB = not_reached ->
+        Inst = ExpandedInstA
-        inst_merge_3(InstA2, InstB2, MaybeType, Inst, !ModuleInfo)
+        inst_merge_3(ExpandedInstA, ExpandedInstB, MaybeType, Inst,
+            !ModuleInfo)
 :- pred inst_merge_3(mer_inst::in, mer_inst::in, maybe(mer_type)::in,
     mer_inst::out, module_info::in, module_info::out) is semidet.
 inst_merge_3(InstA, InstB, MaybeType, Inst, !ModuleInfo) :-
-    ( InstA = constrained_inst_vars(InstVarsA, InstA1) ->
-        ( InstB = constrained_inst_vars(InstVarsB, InstB1) ->
-            inst_merge(InstA1, InstB1, MaybeType, Inst0, !ModuleInfo),
-            InstVars = InstVarsA `set.intersect` InstVarsB,
+    ( InstA = constrained_inst_vars(InstVarsA, SubInstA) ->
+        ( InstB = constrained_inst_vars(InstVarsB, SubInstB) ->
+            inst_merge(SubInstA, SubInstB, MaybeType, Inst0, !ModuleInfo),
+            set.intersect(InstVarsA, InstVarsB, InstVars),
             ( set.non_empty(InstVars) ->
                 Inst = constrained_inst_vars(InstVars, Inst0)
                 % We can keep the constrained_inst_vars here since
-                % Inst0 = InstA1 `lub` InstB1 and the original constraint
+                % Inst0 = SubInstA `lub` SubInstB and the original constraint
                 % on the InstVars, InstC, must have been such that
-                % InstA1 `lub` InstB1 =< InstC.
+                % SubInstA `lub` SubInstB =< InstC.
                 Inst = Inst0
-            inst_merge(InstA1, InstB, MaybeType, Inst, !ModuleInfo)
+            inst_merge(SubInstA, InstB, MaybeType, Inst, !ModuleInfo)
+        % XXX Why don't we look for InstB = constrained_inst_vars/2 here?
         inst_merge_4(InstA, InstB, MaybeType, Inst, !ModuleInfo)
 :- pred inst_merge_4(mer_inst::in, mer_inst::in, maybe(mer_type)::in,
     mer_inst::out, module_info::in, module_info::out) is semidet.
-% We do not yet allow merging of `free' and `any',
-% except in the case where the any is `mostly_clobbered_any'
-% or `clobbered_any', because that would require inserting
-% additional code to initialize the free var.
-% We do NOT plan to allow merging of `free' and `ground'
-% to produce `any', because that would introduce `any'
-% insts even for builtin types such as `int' which can't
-% support `any'.  It might also make the mode system
-% too weak -- it might not be able to detect bugs as well
-% as it can currently.
+inst_merge_4(InstA, InstB, MaybeType, Inst, !ModuleInfo) :-
+    % We do not yet allow merging of `free' and `any', except in the case
+    % where the any is `mostly_clobbered_any' or `clobbered_any', because
+    % that would require inserting additional code to initialize the free var.
+    %
+    % We do NOT plan to allow merging of `free' and `ground' to produce `any',
+    % because that would introduce `any' insts even for builtin types such as
+    % `int' which can't support `any'. It might also make the mode system
+    % too weak -- it might not be able to detect bugs as well as it can
+    % currently.
-inst_merge_4(any(UniqA, HOInstInfoA), any(UniqB, HOInstInfoB), _,
-        any(Uniq, HOInstInfo), !ModuleInfo) :-
+    (
+        InstA = any(UniqA, HOInstInfoA),
+        InstB = any(UniqB, HOInstInfoB),
     merge_ho_inst_info(HOInstInfoA, HOInstInfoB, HOInstInfo, !ModuleInfo),
-    merge_uniq(UniqA, UniqB, Uniq).
-inst_merge_4(any(Uniq, HOInstInfo), free, _, any(Uniq, HOInstInfo),
-        !ModuleInfo) :-
-    % We do not yet allow merge of any with free, except for clobbered anys.
-    ( Uniq = clobbered ; Uniq = mostly_clobbered ).
-inst_merge_4(any(UniqA, _), bound(UniqB, ListB), _, any(Uniq, none),
-        !ModuleInfo) :-
-    merge_uniq_bound(UniqA, UniqB, ListB, !.ModuleInfo, Uniq),
-    % We do not yet allow merge of any with free, except for clobbered anys.
+        merge_uniq(UniqA, UniqB, Uniq),
+        Inst = any(Uniq, HOInstInfo)
+    ;
+        InstA = any(Uniq, HOInstInfo),
+        InstB = free,
+        % We do not yet allow merge of any with free, except for
+        % clobbered anys.
+        ( Uniq = clobbered ; Uniq = mostly_clobbered ),
+        Inst = any(Uniq, HOInstInfo)
+    ;
+        InstA = any(UniqA, _),
+        InstB = bound(UniqB, BoundInstsB),
+        merge_uniq_bound(UniqA, UniqB, BoundInstsB, !.ModuleInfo, Uniq),
+        % We do not yet allow merge of any with free, except for
+        % clobbered anys.
     ( ( Uniq = clobbered ; Uniq = mostly_clobbered ) ->
-        bound_inst_list_is_ground_or_any(ListB, !.ModuleInfo)
-    ).
-inst_merge_4(any(UniqA, HOInstInfoA), ground(UniqB, HOInstInfoB), _,
-        any(Uniq, HOInstInfo), !ModuleInfo) :-
+            bound_inst_list_is_ground_or_any(BoundInstsB, !.ModuleInfo)
+        ),
+        Inst = any(Uniq, none)
+    ;
+        InstA = any(UniqA, HOInstInfoA),
+        InstB = ground(UniqB, HOInstInfoB),
     merge_ho_inst_info(HOInstInfoA, HOInstInfoB, HOInstInfo, !ModuleInfo),
-    merge_uniq(UniqA, UniqB, Uniq).
-inst_merge_4(any(UniqA, _), abstract_inst(_, _), _, any(Uniq, none),
-        !ModuleInfo) :-
+        merge_uniq(UniqA, UniqB, Uniq),
+        Inst = any(Uniq, HOInstInfo)
+    ;
+        InstA = any(UniqA, _),
+        InstB = abstract_inst(_, _),
     merge_uniq(UniqA, shared, Uniq),
-    % We do not yet allow merge of any with free, except for clobbered anys.
-    ( Uniq = clobbered ; Uniq = mostly_clobbered ).
-inst_merge_4(free, any(Uniq, HOInstInfo), _, any(Uniq, HOInstInfo),
-        !ModuleInfo) :-
-    % We do not yet allow merge of any with free, except for clobbered anys.
-    ( Uniq = clobbered ; Uniq = mostly_clobbered ).
-inst_merge_4(bound(UniqA, ListA), any(UniqB, _), _, any(Uniq, none),
-        !ModuleInfo) :-
-    merge_uniq_bound(UniqB, UniqA, ListA, !.ModuleInfo, Uniq),
-    % We do not yet allow merge of any with free, except for clobbered anys.
+        % We do not yet allow merge of any with free, except for
+        % clobbered anys.
+        ( Uniq = clobbered ; Uniq = mostly_clobbered ),
+        Inst = any(Uniq, none)
+    ;
+        InstA = free,
+        InstB = any(Uniq, HOInstInfo), 
+        % We do not yet allow merge of any with free, except for
+        % clobbered anys.
+        ( Uniq = clobbered ; Uniq = mostly_clobbered ),
+        Inst = any(Uniq, HOInstInfo)
+    ;
+        InstA = bound(UniqA, BoundInstsA),
+        InstB = any(UniqB, _), 
+        merge_uniq_bound(UniqB, UniqA, BoundInstsA, !.ModuleInfo, Uniq),
+        % We do not yet allow merge of any with free, except
+        % for clobbered anys.
     ( ( Uniq = clobbered ; Uniq = mostly_clobbered ) ->
-        bound_inst_list_is_ground_or_any(ListA, !.ModuleInfo)
-    ).
-inst_merge_4(ground(UniqA, HOInstInfoA), any(UniqB, HOInstInfoB), _,
-        any(Uniq, HOInstInfo), !ModuleInfo) :-
+            bound_inst_list_is_ground_or_any(BoundInstsA, !.ModuleInfo)
+        ),
+        Inst = any(Uniq, none)
+    ;
+        InstA = ground(UniqA, HOInstInfoA),
+        InstB = any(UniqB, HOInstInfoB),
     merge_ho_inst_info(HOInstInfoA, HOInstInfoB, HOInstInfo, !ModuleInfo),
-    merge_uniq(UniqA, UniqB, Uniq).
-inst_merge_4(abstract_inst(_, _), any(UniqB, _), _, any(Uniq, none),
-        !ModuleInfo) :-
+        merge_uniq(UniqA, UniqB, Uniq),
+        Inst = any(Uniq, HOInstInfo)
+    ;
+        InstA = abstract_inst(_, _),
+        InstB = any(UniqB, _), 
     merge_uniq(shared, UniqB, Uniq),
-    % We do not yet allow merge of any with free, except for clobbered anys.
-    ( Uniq = clobbered ; Uniq = mostly_clobbered ).
-inst_merge_4(free, free, _, free, !ModuleInfo).
-inst_merge_4(bound(UniqA, ListA), bound(UniqB, ListB), MaybeType,
-        bound(Uniq, List), !ModuleInfo) :-
+        % We do not yet allow merge of any with free, except for
+        % clobbered anys.
+        ( Uniq = clobbered ; Uniq = mostly_clobbered ),
+        Inst = any(Uniq, none)
+    ;
+        InstA = free,
+        InstB = free, 
+        Inst = free
+    ;
+        InstA = bound(UniqA, BoundInstsA),
+        InstB = bound(UniqB, BoundInstsB),
     merge_uniq(UniqA, UniqB, Uniq),
-    bound_inst_list_merge(ListA, ListB, MaybeType, List, !ModuleInfo).
-inst_merge_4(bound(UniqA, ListA), ground(UniqB, _), MaybeType, Result,
-        !ModuleInfo) :-
-    inst_merge_bound_ground(UniqA, ListA, UniqB, MaybeType, Result,
-        !ModuleInfo).
-inst_merge_4(ground(UniqA, _), bound(UniqB, ListB), MaybeType, Result,
-        !ModuleInfo) :-
-    inst_merge_bound_ground(UniqB, ListB, UniqA, MaybeType, Result,
-        !ModuleInfo).
-inst_merge_4(ground(UniqA, HOInstInfoA), ground(UniqB, HOInstInfoB), _,
-        ground(Uniq, HOInstInfo), !ModuleInfo) :-
+        bound_inst_list_merge(BoundInstsA, BoundInstsB, MaybeType, BoundInsts,
+            !ModuleInfo),
+        Inst = bound(Uniq, BoundInsts)
+    ;
+        InstA = bound(UniqA, BoundInstsA),
+        InstB = ground(UniqB, _),
+        inst_merge_bound_ground(UniqA, BoundInstsA, UniqB, MaybeType, Inst,
+            !ModuleInfo)
+    ;
+        InstA = ground(UniqA, _),
+        InstB = bound(UniqB, BoundInstsB),
+        inst_merge_bound_ground(UniqB, BoundInstsB, UniqA, MaybeType, Inst,
+            !ModuleInfo)
+    ;
+        InstA = ground(UniqA, HOInstInfoA),
+        InstB = ground(UniqB, HOInstInfoB),
     merge_ho_inst_info(HOInstInfoA, HOInstInfoB, HOInstInfo, !ModuleInfo),
-    merge_uniq(UniqA, UniqB, Uniq).
-inst_merge_4(abstract_inst(Name, ArgsA), abstract_inst(Name, ArgsB),
-        _, abstract_inst(Name, Args), !ModuleInfo) :-
+        merge_uniq(UniqA, UniqB, Uniq),
+        Inst = ground(Uniq, HOInstInfo)
+    ;
+        InstA = abstract_inst(Name, ArgsA),
+        InstB = abstract_inst(Name, ArgsB),
     % We don't know the arguments types of an abstract inst.
     MaybeTypes = list.duplicate(list.length(ArgsA), no),
-    inst_list_merge(ArgsA, ArgsB, MaybeTypes, Args, !ModuleInfo).
-inst_merge_4(not_reached, Inst, _, Inst, !ModuleInfo).
+        inst_list_merge(ArgsA, ArgsB, MaybeTypes, Args, !ModuleInfo),
+        Inst = abstract_inst(Name, Args)
+    ;
+        InstA = not_reached,
+        Inst = InstB
+    ).
     % merge_uniq(A, B, C) succeeds if C is minimum of A and B in the ordering
     % clobbered < mostly_clobbered < shared < mostly_unique < unique.
@@ -1613,16 +1772,16 @@
         HOInstInfo = none
-    % merge_uniq_bound(UniqA, UniqB, ListB, ModuleInfo, Uniq) succeeds iff
-    % Uniq is the result of merging
+    % merge_uniq_bound(UniqA, UniqB, BoundInstsB, ModuleInfo, Uniq) succeeds
+    % iff Uniq is the result of merging.
 :- pred merge_uniq_bound(uniqueness::in, uniqueness::in, list(bound_inst)::in,
     module_info::in, uniqueness::out) is det.
-merge_uniq_bound(UniqA, UniqB, ListB, ModuleInfo, Uniq) :-
+merge_uniq_bound(UniqA, UniqB, BoundInstsB, ModuleInfo, Uniq) :-
     merge_uniq(UniqA, UniqB, Uniq0),
-    merge_bound_inst_list_uniq(ListB, Uniq0, ModuleInfo,
+    merge_bound_inst_list_uniq(BoundInstsB, Uniq0, ModuleInfo,
         Expansions0, _Expansions, Uniq).
 :- pred merge_bound_inst_list_uniq(list(bound_inst)::in, uniqueness::in,
@@ -1634,8 +1793,8 @@
         !Expansions, Uniq) :-
     BoundInst = bound_functor(_ConsId, ArgInsts),
     merge_inst_list_uniq(ArgInsts, Uniq0, ModuleInfo, !Expansions, Uniq1),
-    merge_bound_inst_list_uniq(BoundInsts, Uniq1, ModuleInfo, !Expansions,
-        Uniq).
+    merge_bound_inst_list_uniq(BoundInsts, Uniq1, ModuleInfo,
+        !Expansions, Uniq).
 :- pred merge_inst_list_uniq(list(mer_inst)::in, uniqueness::in,
     module_info::in, set(inst_name)::in, set(inst_name)::out, uniqueness::out)
@@ -1649,33 +1808,42 @@
 :- pred merge_inst_uniq(mer_inst::in, uniqueness::in, module_info::in,
     set(inst_name)::in, set(inst_name)::out, uniqueness::out) is det.
-merge_inst_uniq(any(UniqA, _), UniqB, _, !Expansions, Uniq) :-
-    merge_uniq(UniqA, UniqB, Uniq).
-merge_inst_uniq(free, Uniq, _, !Expansions, Uniq).
-merge_inst_uniq(free(_), Uniq, _, !Expansions, Uniq).
-merge_inst_uniq(bound(UniqA, ListA), UniqB, ModuleInfo, !Expansions, Uniq) :-
+merge_inst_uniq(InstA, UniqB, ModuleInfo, !Expansions, Uniq) :-
+    (
+        ( InstA = free
+        ; InstA = free(_)
+        ; InstA = not_reached
+        ),
+        Uniq = UniqB
+    ;
+        ( InstA = ground(UniqA, _)
+        ; InstA = any(UniqA, _)
+        ),
+        merge_uniq(UniqA, UniqB, Uniq)
+    ;
+        InstA = abstract_inst(_, _),
+        merge_uniq(shared, UniqB, Uniq)
+    ;
+        InstA = bound(UniqA, BoundInstsA),
     merge_uniq(UniqA, UniqB, Uniq0),
-    merge_bound_inst_list_uniq(ListA, Uniq0, ModuleInfo,
-        !Expansions, Uniq).
-merge_inst_uniq(ground(UniqA, _), UniqB, _, !Expansions, Uniq) :-
-    merge_uniq(UniqA, UniqB, Uniq).
-merge_inst_uniq(abstract_inst(_,_), UniqB, _, !Expansions, Uniq) :-
-    merge_uniq(shared, UniqB, Uniq).
-merge_inst_uniq(defined_inst(InstName), UniqB, ModuleInfo,
-        !Expansions, Uniq) :-
+        merge_bound_inst_list_uniq(BoundInstsA, Uniq0, ModuleInfo,
+            !Expansions, Uniq)
+    ;
+        InstA = defined_inst(InstName),
     ( set.member(InstName, !.Expansions) ->
         Uniq = UniqB
         set.insert(InstName, !Expansions),
         inst_lookup(ModuleInfo, InstName, Inst),
         merge_inst_uniq(Inst, UniqB, ModuleInfo, !Expansions, Uniq)
+        )
+    ;
+        InstA = inst_var(_),
+        unexpected($module, $pred, "inst_var")
+    ;
+        InstA = constrained_inst_vars(_InstVars, SubInstA),
+        merge_inst_uniq(SubInstA, UniqB, ModuleInfo, !Expansions, Uniq)
-merge_inst_uniq(not_reached, Uniq, _, !Expansions, Uniq).
-merge_inst_uniq(inst_var(_), _, _, !Expansions, _) :-
-    unexpected($module, $pred, "inst_var").
-merge_inst_uniq(constrained_inst_vars(_InstVars, Inst0), UniqB, ModuleInfo,
-        !Expansions, Uniq) :-
-    merge_inst_uniq(Inst0, UniqB, ModuleInfo, !Expansions, Uniq).
@@ -1683,12 +1851,13 @@
     uniqueness::in, maybe(mer_type)::in, mer_inst::out,
     module_info::in, module_info::out) is semidet.
-inst_merge_bound_ground(UniqA, ListA, UniqB, MaybeType, Result, !ModuleInfo) :-
-    ( bound_inst_list_is_ground(ListA, !.ModuleInfo) ->
-        merge_uniq_bound(UniqB, UniqA, ListA, !.ModuleInfo, Uniq),
+inst_merge_bound_ground(UniqA, BoundInstsA, UniqB, MaybeType, Result,
+        !ModuleInfo) :-
+    ( bound_inst_list_is_ground(BoundInstsA, !.ModuleInfo) ->
+        merge_uniq_bound(UniqB, UniqA, BoundInstsA, !.ModuleInfo, Uniq),
         Result = ground(Uniq, none)
-        bound_inst_list_is_ground_or_any(ListA, !.ModuleInfo),
+        bound_inst_list_is_ground_or_any(BoundInstsA, !.ModuleInfo),
         % If we know the type, we can give a more accurate result than
         % just "any".
@@ -1696,13 +1865,13 @@
             type_constructors(!.ModuleInfo, Type, Constructors),
             type_to_ctor_det(Type, TypeCtor),
             constructors_to_bound_insts(!.ModuleInfo, UniqB, TypeCtor,
-                Constructors, ListB0),
-            list.sort_and_remove_dups(ListB0, ListB),
-            inst_merge_4(bound(UniqA, ListA), bound(UniqB, ListB),
+                Constructors, BoundInstsB0),
+            list.sort_and_remove_dups(BoundInstsB0, BoundInstsB),
+            inst_merge_4(bound(UniqA, BoundInstsA), bound(UniqB, BoundInstsB),
                 MaybeType, Result, !ModuleInfo)
             MaybeType = no,
-            merge_uniq_bound(UniqB, UniqA, ListA, !.ModuleInfo, Uniq),
+            merge_uniq_bound(UniqB, UniqA, BoundInstsA, !.ModuleInfo, Uniq),
             Result = any(Uniq, none)
@@ -1719,40 +1888,47 @@
     inst_merge(ArgA, ArgB, MaybeType, Arg, !ModuleInfo),
     inst_list_merge(ArgsA, ArgsB, MaybeTypes, Args, !ModuleInfo).
-    % bound_inst_list_merge(Xs, Ys, Zs, !ModuleInfo):
+    % bound_inst_list_merge(BoundInstsA, BoundInstsB, BoundInsts, !ModuleInfo):
-    % The two input lists Xs and Ys must already be sorted.
+    % The two input lists BoundInstsA and BoundInstsB must already be sorted.
     % Here we perform a sorted merge operation,
-    % so that the functors of the output list Zs are the union
-    % of the functors of the input lists Xs and Ys.
+    % so that the functors of the output list BoundInsts are the union
+    % of the functors of the input lists BoundInstsA and BoundInstsB.
 :- pred bound_inst_list_merge(list(bound_inst)::in, list(bound_inst)::in,
     maybe(mer_type)::in, list(bound_inst)::out,
     module_info::in, module_info::out) is semidet.
-bound_inst_list_merge(Xs, Ys, MaybeType, Zs, !ModuleInfo) :-
-    ( Xs = [] ->
-        Zs = Ys
-    ; Ys = [] ->
-        Zs = Xs
-    ;
-        Xs = [X | Xs1],
-        Ys = [Y | Ys1],
-        X = bound_functor(ConsIdX, ArgsX),
-        Y = bound_functor(ConsIdY, ArgsY),
-        ( equivalent_cons_ids(ConsIdX, ConsIdY) ->
-            maybe_get_cons_id_arg_types(!.ModuleInfo, MaybeType,
-                ConsIdX, list.length(ArgsX), MaybeTypes),
-            inst_list_merge(ArgsX, ArgsY, MaybeTypes, Args, !ModuleInfo),
-            Z = bound_functor(ConsIdX, Args),
-            Zs = [Z | Zs1],
-            bound_inst_list_merge(Xs1, Ys1, MaybeType, Zs1, !ModuleInfo)
-        ; compare(<, ConsIdX, ConsIdY) ->
-            Zs = [X | Zs1],
-            bound_inst_list_merge(Xs1, Ys, MaybeType, Zs1, !ModuleInfo)
+bound_inst_list_merge(BoundInstsA, BoundInstsB, MaybeType, BoundInsts,
+        !ModuleInfo) :-
+    (
+        BoundInstsA = [],
+        BoundInsts = BoundInstsB
-            Zs = [Y | Zs1],
-            bound_inst_list_merge(Xs, Ys1, MaybeType, Zs1, !ModuleInfo)
+        BoundInstsA = [_ | _],
+        BoundInstsB = [],
+        BoundInsts = BoundInstsA
+    ;
+        BoundInstsA = [BoundInstA | BoundInstsTailA],
+        BoundInstsB = [BoundInstB | BoundInstsTailB],
+        BoundInstA = bound_functor(ConsIdA, ArgsA),
+        BoundInstB = bound_functor(ConsIdB, ArgsB),
+        ( equivalent_cons_ids(ConsIdA, ConsIdB) ->
+            maybe_get_cons_id_arg_types(!.ModuleInfo, MaybeType,
+                ConsIdA, list.length(ArgsA), MaybeTypes),
+            inst_list_merge(ArgsA, ArgsB, MaybeTypes, Args, !ModuleInfo),
+            BoundInst = bound_functor(ConsIdA, Args),
+            bound_inst_list_merge(BoundInstsTailA, BoundInstsTailB, MaybeType,
+                BoundInstsTail, !ModuleInfo),
+            BoundInsts = [BoundInst | BoundInstsTail]
+        ; compare(<, ConsIdA, ConsIdB) ->
+            bound_inst_list_merge(BoundInstsTailA, BoundInstsB, MaybeType,
+                BoundInstsTail, !ModuleInfo),
+            BoundInsts = [BoundInstA | BoundInstsTail]
+        ;
+            bound_inst_list_merge(BoundInstsA, BoundInstsTailB, MaybeType,
+                BoundInstsTail, !ModuleInfo),
+            BoundInsts = [BoundInstB | BoundInstsTail]
@@ -1806,9 +1982,9 @@
         ContainsNonstd = no
         Inst = any(_, _),
-        % XXX This code preserves the old behavior of this predicate,
-        % but it is arguably incorrect, since any/2 insts, like ground/2 insts,
-        % contain a ho_inst_info.
+        % XXX This code preserves the old behavior of the predicate that
+        % preceded this function, but it is arguably incorrect, since
+        % any/2 insts, like ground/2 insts, contain a ho_inst_info.
         ContainsNonstd = no
@@ -1952,36 +2128,24 @@
 inst_may_restrict_cons_ids(ModuleInfo, Inst) = MayRestrict :-
-        Inst = any(_, _),
-        MayRestrict = yes
-    ;
-        Inst = free,
-        MayRestrict = no
-    ;
-        Inst = free(_),
-        MayRestrict = no
-    ;
-        Inst = bound(_, _),
+        ( Inst = any(_, _)
+        ; Inst = bound(_, _)
+        ; Inst = inst_var(_)
+        ; Inst = constrained_inst_vars(_, _)    % XXX is this right?
+        ; Inst = abstract_inst(_, _)
+        ),
         MayRestrict = yes
-        Inst = ground(_, _),
-        MayRestrict = no
-    ;
-        Inst = not_reached,
+        ( Inst = free
+        ; Inst = free(_)
+        ; Inst = not_reached
+        ; Inst = ground(_, _)
+        ),
         MayRestrict = no
-        Inst = inst_var(_),
-        MayRestrict = yes
-    ;
-        Inst = constrained_inst_vars(_, _),
-        MayRestrict = yes
-    ;
         Inst = defined_inst(InstName),
         inst_lookup(ModuleInfo, InstName, NewInst),
         MayRestrict = inst_may_restrict_cons_ids(ModuleInfo, NewInst)
-    ;
-        Inst = abstract_inst(_, _),
-        MayRestrict = yes
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cvs diff: Diffing tests/stm/orig/stm-compiler-par/test2
cvs diff: Diffing tests/stm/orig/stm-compiler-par/test3
cvs diff: Diffing tests/stm/orig/stm-compiler-par/test4
cvs diff: Diffing tests/stm/orig/stm-compiler-par/test5
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cvs diff: Diffing tests/stm/orig/stm-compiler-par/test8
cvs diff: Diffing tests/stm/orig/stm-compiler-par/test9
cvs diff: Diffing tests/stm/orig/stm-compiler-par-asm_fast
cvs diff: Diffing tests/stm/orig/stm-compiler-par-asm_fast/test1
cvs diff: Diffing tests/stm/orig/stm-compiler-par-asm_fast/test2
cvs diff: Diffing tests/stm/orig/stm-compiler-par-asm_fast/test3
cvs diff: Diffing tests/stm/orig/stm-compiler-par-asm_fast/test4
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cvs diff: Diffing tests/stm/orig/stm-compiler-par-asm_fast/test6
cvs diff: Diffing tests/stm/orig/stm-compiler-par-asm_fast/test7
cvs diff: Diffing tests/stm/orig/stm-compiler-par-asm_fast/test8
cvs diff: Diffing tests/stm/orig/stm-compiler-par-asm_fast/test9
cvs diff: Diffing tests/tabling
cvs diff: Diffing tests/term
cvs diff: Diffing tests/trailing
cvs diff: Diffing tests/valid
cvs diff: Diffing tests/warnings
cvs diff: Diffing tools
cvs diff: Diffing trace
cvs diff: Diffing util
cvs diff: Diffing vim
cvs diff: Diffing vim/after
cvs diff: Diffing vim/ftplugin
cvs diff: Diffing vim/syntax
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