[m-rev.] Re: for review: fix bug in higher order specialization

Ian MacLarty maclarty at csse.unimelb.edu.au
Thu Oct 13 15:14:09 AEDT 2011

Mark Brown pointed out that my fix excludes specialization opportunities
where some of the branch arms are unreachable.  For example:

( ... ->
    P = f1

In this case P does not appear in the else part, but it can still
be specialized to f1 after the if-then-else.

I've fixed this by including the reachability of the branch arm in the
post_branch_infos and modifying merge_post_branch_infos to include
all variables in a reachable arm if the other arm is unreachable.

I've also moved the regression test to general, since valid doesn't
seem to check expected output files.

Here's the revised log message and diff:

Branches: main

Fix a bug in higher order specialization where it incorrectly specialized a
call to a variable after a branch if the variable was constructed in the branch
and its value was known in one branch arm, but not the others.

higher_order.m uses a map to track the possible values of higher order
variables.  The map maps variables to either a constant value, or a
'multiple_values' functor to indicate that the variable can contain multiple
values (and is therefore not specializable).  The problem was there was
some confusion about what it meant if a variable did not appear in this map.

merge_post_branch_infos was expecting the post_branch_info maps it was merging
to contain all the higher order variables in the arms, when in fact it only
contained variables that the goal traversal routines had deemed specializable.
Any entries it found in one post_branch_info but not the other, would be
copied to the resulting post_branch_info.  This was incorrect, because if a
variable did not occur in one post_branch_info its value might simply be
unknown in that arm (in which case is should not be specializable after
the branch).

The fix is to remove the multiple_values functor altogether.  A variable now
only appears in the post_branch_info if its value is known and unique.
merge_post_branch_infos has been changed so that it drops variables that
don't appear in both post_branch_infos.

There is one exception to the above where one switch arm is reachable and the
others are unreachable.  In this case we can copy any variables with unique
known values in the reachable arm's post_branch_info to the merged
post_branch_info.  The reachablility of each arm is therefore now also included
in the post_branch_infos.

    As above.

    Also remove some comments about the complexity of the
    merge_post_branch_infos algorithm, as the current algorithm is the obvious
    one given the new meaning of the post_branch_info maps.

    Add a regression test.

Index: compiler/higher_order.m
RCS file: /home/mercury/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/higher_order.m,v
retrieving revision 1.197
diff -u -r1.197 higher_order.m
--- compiler/higher_order.m	31 Aug 2011 07:59:32 -0000	1.197
+++ compiler/higher_order.m	13 Oct 2011 04:09:29 -0000
@@ -224,7 +224,7 @@
     --->    higher_order_info(
                 hoi_global_info         :: higher_order_global_info,
-                % Higher_order variables.
+                % Higher order variables with unique known values.
                 hoi_pred_vars           :: pred_vars,
                 % The pred_proc_id, pred_info and proc_info of the procedure
@@ -307,9 +307,9 @@
 :- type goal_sizes == map(pred_id, int).
     % Used to hold the value of known higher order variables.
-    % If a variable is not in the map, it does not have a value yet.
+    % If a variable is not in the map, it does not have a unique known value.
-:- type pred_vars == map(prog_var, maybe_const).
+:- type pred_vars == map(prog_var, ho_const).
 :- type new_preds == map(pred_proc_id, set(new_pred)).
@@ -319,12 +319,8 @@
     % must be constants. For pred_consts and type_infos, non-constant
     % arguments are passed through to any specialised version.
-:- type maybe_const
-    --->    constant(cons_id, list(prog_var))
-                                    % Unique possible value.
-    ;       multiple_values.        % Multiple possible values,
-                                    % cannot specialise.
+:- type ho_const
+    --->    constant(cons_id, list(prog_var)).
 :- type ho_params
     --->    ho_params(
@@ -586,10 +582,10 @@
         get_pre_branch_info(!.Info, PreInfo),
         ho_traverse_goal(Cond0, Cond, !Info),
         ho_traverse_goal(Then0, Then, !Info),
-        get_post_branch_info(!.Info, PostThenInfo),
+        get_post_branch_info_for_goal(!.Info, Then, PostThenInfo),
         set_pre_branch_info(PreInfo, !Info),
         ho_traverse_goal(Else0, Else, !Info),
-        get_post_branch_info(!.Info, PostElseInfo),
+        get_post_branch_info_for_goal(!.Info, Else, PostElseInfo),
         merge_post_branch_infos(PostThenInfo, PostElseInfo, PostInfo),
         set_post_branch_info(PostInfo, !Info),
         GoalExpr = if_then_else(Vars, Cond, Then, Else),
@@ -664,7 +660,7 @@
         !PostInfos, !Info) :-
     set_pre_branch_info(PreInfo, !Info),
     ho_traverse_goal(Goal0, Goal, !Info),
-    get_post_branch_info(!.Info, GoalPostInfo),
+    get_post_branch_info_for_goal(!.Info, Goal, GoalPostInfo),
     !:PostInfos = [GoalPostInfo | !.PostInfos],
     ho_traverse_parallel_conj_2(PreInfo, Goals0, Goals, !PostInfos, !Info).
@@ -699,7 +695,7 @@
         !PostInfos, !Info) :-
     set_pre_branch_info(PreInfo, !Info),
     ho_traverse_goal(Goal0, Goal, !Info),
-    get_post_branch_info(!.Info, GoalPostInfo),
+    get_post_branch_info_for_goal(!.Info, Goal, GoalPostInfo),
     !:PostInfos = [GoalPostInfo | !.PostInfos],
     ho_traverse_disj_2(PreInfo, Goals0, Goals, !PostInfos, !Info).
@@ -734,15 +730,19 @@
     Case0 = case(MainConsId, OtherConsIds, Goal0),
     ho_traverse_goal(Goal0, Goal, !Info),
     Case = case(MainConsId, OtherConsIds, Goal),
-    get_post_branch_info(!.Info, GoalPostInfo),
+    get_post_branch_info_for_goal(!.Info, Goal, GoalPostInfo),
     !:PostInfos = [GoalPostInfo | !.PostInfos],
     ho_traverse_cases_2(PreInfo, Cases0, Cases, !PostInfos, !Info).
 :- type pre_branch_info
     --->    pre_branch_info(pred_vars).
+:- type reachability
+    --->    reachable
+    ;       unreachable.
 :- type post_branch_info
-    --->    post_branch_info(pred_vars).
+    --->    post_branch_info(pred_vars, reachability).
 :- pred get_pre_branch_info(higher_order_info::in, pre_branch_info::out)
     is det.
@@ -755,24 +755,26 @@
     Info, Info ^ hoi_pred_vars := PreInfo).
-:- pred get_post_branch_info(higher_order_info::in, post_branch_info::out)
-    is det.
+:- pred get_post_branch_info_for_goal(higher_order_info::in, hlds_goal::in,
+    post_branch_info::out) is det.
-get_post_branch_info(Info, post_branch_info(Info ^ hoi_pred_vars)).
+get_post_branch_info_for_goal(HOInfo, Goal, PostBranchInfo) :-
+    InstMapDelta = goal_info_get_instmap_delta(Goal ^ hlds_goal_info),
+    ( instmap_delta_is_reachable(InstMapDelta) ->
+        Reachability = reachable
+    ;
+        Reachability = unreachable
+    ),
+    PostBranchInfo = post_branch_info(HOInfo ^ hoi_pred_vars, Reachability).
 :- pred set_post_branch_info(post_branch_info::in,
     higher_order_info::in, higher_order_info::out) is det.
-    Info, Info ^ hoi_pred_vars := PostInfo).
+set_post_branch_info(post_branch_info(PredVars, _),
+    Info, Info ^ hoi_pred_vars := PredVars).
     % Merge a bunch of post_branch_infos into one.
-    % The algorithm we use has a complexity of N log N, whereas the obvious
-    % algorithm is quadratic. Since N can be very large for predicates defined
-    % lots of facts, this can be the difference between being able to compile
-    % them and having the compiler exhaust available memory in the attempt.
-    %
 :- pred merge_post_branch_infos_into_one(list(post_branch_info)::in,
     post_branch_info::out) is det.
@@ -796,48 +798,53 @@
     % Merge two post_branch_infos.
-    % The algorithm we use is designed to minimize worst case complexity,
-    % to minimize compilation time for predicates defined by clauses in which
-    % each clause contains lots of variables. This will happen e.g. when the
-    % clause contains some large ground terms.
-    %
-    % We separate out the variables that occur in only one post_branch_info
-    % to avoid having to process them at all, while allowing the variables
-    % occur in both post_branch_infos to be processed using a linear algorithm.
-    % The algorithm here is mostly linear, with an extra log N factor coming in
-    % from the operations on maps.
+    % If a variable appears in one post_branch_info, but not the
+    % other, it is dropped.  Such a variable is either local to
+    % the branch arm, in which case no subsequent specialization
+    % opportunities exist, or it does not have a unique constant
+    % value in one of the branch arms, so we can't specialize it
+    % outside the branch anyway.  A third possibility is that
+    % the branch without the variable is unreachable.  In that
+    % case we include the variable in the result.
 :- pred merge_post_branch_infos(post_branch_info::in,
     post_branch_info::in, post_branch_info::out) is det.
 merge_post_branch_infos(PostA, PostB, Post) :-
-    PostA = post_branch_info(VarConstMapA),
-    PostB = post_branch_info(VarConstMapB),
-    map.keys(VarConstMapA, VarListA),
-    map.keys(VarConstMapB, VarListB),
-    set.sorted_list_to_set(VarListA, VarsA),
-    set.sorted_list_to_set(VarListB, VarsB),
-    set.intersect(VarsA, VarsB, CommonVars),
-    VarConstCommonMapA = map.select(VarConstMapA, CommonVars),
-    VarConstCommonMapB = map.select(VarConstMapB, CommonVars),
-    map.to_assoc_list(VarConstCommonMapA, VarConstCommonListA),
-    map.to_assoc_list(VarConstCommonMapB, VarConstCommonListB),
-    merge_common_var_const_list(VarConstCommonListA, VarConstCommonListB,
-        [], VarConstCommonList),
-    set.difference(VarsA, CommonVars, OnlyVarsA),
-    set.difference(VarsB, CommonVars, OnlyVarsB),
-    VarConstOnlyMapA = map.select(VarConstMapA, OnlyVarsA),
-    VarConstOnlyMapB = map.select(VarConstMapB, OnlyVarsB),
-    map.to_assoc_list(VarConstOnlyMapA, VarConstOnlyListA),
-    map.to_assoc_list(VarConstOnlyMapB, VarConstOnlyListB),
-    FinalList = VarConstOnlyListA ++ VarConstOnlyListB ++ VarConstCommonList,
-    map.from_assoc_list(FinalList, FinalVarConstMap),
-    Post = post_branch_info(FinalVarConstMap).
-:- pred merge_common_var_const_list(assoc_list(prog_var, maybe_const)::in,
-    assoc_list(prog_var, maybe_const)::in,
-    assoc_list(prog_var, maybe_const)::in,
-    assoc_list(prog_var, maybe_const)::out) is det.
+    (
+        PostA = post_branch_info(VarConstMapA, reachable),
+        PostB = post_branch_info(VarConstMapB, reachable),
+        map.keys(VarConstMapA, VarListA),
+        map.keys(VarConstMapB, VarListB),
+        set.sorted_list_to_set(VarListA, VarsA),
+        set.sorted_list_to_set(VarListB, VarsB),
+        set.intersect(VarsA, VarsB, CommonVars),
+        VarConstCommonMapA = map.select(VarConstMapA, CommonVars),
+        VarConstCommonMapB = map.select(VarConstMapB, CommonVars),
+        map.to_assoc_list(VarConstCommonMapA, VarConstCommonListA),
+        map.to_assoc_list(VarConstCommonMapB, VarConstCommonListB),
+        merge_common_var_const_list(VarConstCommonListA, VarConstCommonListB,
+            [], VarConstCommonList),
+        map.from_assoc_list(VarConstCommonList, FinalVarConstMap),
+        Post = post_branch_info(FinalVarConstMap, reachable)
+    ;
+        PostA = post_branch_info(_, unreachable),
+        PostB = post_branch_info(_, reachable),
+        Post = PostB
+    ;
+        PostA = post_branch_info(_, reachable),
+        PostB = post_branch_info(_, unreachable),
+        Post = PostA
+    ;
+        PostA = post_branch_info(_, unreachable),
+        PostB = post_branch_info(_, unreachable),
+        Post = post_branch_info(map.init, unreachable)
+    ).
+:- pred merge_common_var_const_list(assoc_list(prog_var, ho_const)::in,
+    assoc_list(prog_var, ho_const)::in,
+    assoc_list(prog_var, ho_const)::in,
+    assoc_list(prog_var, ho_const)::out) is det.
 merge_common_var_const_list([], [], !List).
 merge_common_var_const_list([], [_ | _], !MergedList) :-
@@ -848,17 +855,10 @@
         !MergedList) :-
     expect(unify(VarA, VarB), $module, $pred, "var mismatch"),
     ( ValueA = ValueB ->
-        % It does not matter whether ValueA is bound to constant(_, _)
-        % or to multiple_values, in both cases, if ValueA = ValueB, the
-        % right value for Value is ValueA.
-        Value = ValueA
-    ;
-        % Either ValueA and ValueB are both bound to different constants,
-        % or one is constant and the other is multiple_values. In both cases,
-        % the right value for Value is multiple_values.
-        Value = multiple_values
+        !:MergedList = [VarA - ValueA | !.MergedList]
+    ;
+        !:MergedList = !.MergedList
-    !:MergedList = [VarA - Value | !.MergedList],
     merge_common_var_const_list(ListA, ListB, !MergedList).
 :- pred check_unify(unification::in,
@@ -881,18 +881,9 @@
             IsInteresting = yes,
             PredVars0 = !.Info ^ hoi_pred_vars,
-            ( map.search(PredVars0, LVar, Specializable) ->
-                (
-                    % We cannot specialize calls involving a variable with
-                    % more than one possible value.
-                    Specializable = constant(_, _),
-                    map.det_update(LVar, multiple_values, PredVars0, PredVars),
-                    !Info ^ hoi_pred_vars := PredVars
-                ;
-                    % If a variable is already non-specializable, it can't
-                    % become specializable.
-                    Specializable = multiple_values
-                )
+            ( map.search(PredVars0, LVar, _) ->
+                % A variable cannot be constructed twice.
+                unexpected($module, $pred, "variable constructed twice")
                 map.det_insert(LVar, constant(ConsId, Args),
                     PredVars0, PredVars),
Index: tests/general/Mercury.options
RCS file: /home/mercury/mercury1/repository/tests/general/Mercury.options,v
retrieving revision 1.5
diff -u -r1.5 Mercury.options
--- tests/general/Mercury.options	15 Jun 2011 01:05:34 -0000	1.5
+++ tests/general/Mercury.options	13 Oct 2011 04:09:31 -0000
@@ -4,6 +4,8 @@
 MCFLAGS-mode_inf_bug = --infer-all
 MCFLAGS-mode_inference_reorder = --infer-all
+MCFLAGS-ho_spec_branch_bug = --optimize-higher-order
 # The intermod_type test is a regression test for a bug that occurred only
 # when intermodule optimization was enabled.
 MCFLAGS-intermod_type = --intermodule-optimization
Index: tests/general/Mmakefile
RCS file: /home/mercury/mercury1/repository/tests/general/Mmakefile,v
retrieving revision 1.61
diff -u -r1.61 Mmakefile
--- tests/general/Mmakefile	7 Mar 2011 11:30:09 -0000	1.61
+++ tests/general/Mmakefile	13 Oct 2011 04:09:31 -0000
@@ -30,6 +30,7 @@
 		hello_again \
 		higher_order \
 		hlc_name_mangling \
+		ho_spec_branch_bug \
 		intermod_type \
 		interpreter \
 		io_foldl \
Index: tests/general/ho_spec_branch_bug.exp
RCS file: tests/general/ho_spec_branch_bug.exp
diff -N tests/general/ho_spec_branch_bug.exp
--- /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
+++ tests/general/ho_spec_branch_bug.exp	13 Oct 2011 04:09:31 -0000
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
Index: tests/general/ho_spec_branch_bug.m
RCS file: tests/general/ho_spec_branch_bug.m
diff -N tests/general/ho_spec_branch_bug.m
--- /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
+++ tests/general/ho_spec_branch_bug.m	13 Oct 2011 04:09:31 -0000
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+% Regression test for a bug where the compiler would incorrectly specialize
+% the call to P in do_stuff.
+:- module ho_spec_branch_bug.
+:- interface.
+:- import_module io.
+:- pred main(io::di, io::uo) is det.
+:- implementation.
+:- import_module maybe.
+main(!IO) :-
+    do_stuff(yes(1), !IO).
+:- pred ho1(io::di, io::uo) is det.
+ho1(!IO) :- io.write_string("ho1\n", !IO).
+:- pred ho2(io::di, io::uo) is det.
+ho2(!IO) :- io.write_string("ho2\n", !IO).
+:- func get_ho2 = (pred(io, io)).
+:- mode get_ho2 = out(pred(di, uo) is det) is det.
+get_ho2 = ho2.
+:- pred do_stuff(maybe(int)::in, io::di, io::uo) is det.
+do_stuff(Maybe, !IO) :-
+    (
+        Maybe = no,
+        P = ho1
+    ;
+        Maybe = yes(_),
+        P = get_ho2
+    ),
+    P(!IO).
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