[m-rev.] diff: delete the graph and group modules from the stdlib

Julien Fischer juliensf at csse.unimelb.edu.au
Tue May 10 02:42:45 AEST 2011

Branches: main

Delete some deprecated modules from the standard library.

 	Delete the contents of these files.

 	Do not include the above modules in the library.

 	Replace a use of the group module in this test.

 	Announce the above, plus the recent removal of the relation


Index: NEWS
RCS file: /home/mercury/mercury1/repository/mercury/NEWS,v
retrieving revision 1.566
diff -u -r1.566 NEWS
--- NEWS	8 May 2011 16:02:21 -0000	1.566
+++ NEWS	9 May 2011 16:39:29 -0000
@@ -95,6 +95,9 @@

+* The deprecated modules graph, group and relation are no longer included
+  in the library.

  NEWS for Mercury 11.01
Index: library/graph.m
RCS file: /home/mercury/mercury1/repository/mercury/library/graph.m,v
retrieving revision 1.36
diff -u -r1.36 graph.m
--- library/graph.m	3 May 2011 04:35:01 -0000	1.36
+++ library/graph.m	6 May 2011 15:22:18 -0000
@@ -1,377 +1,3 @@
-% vim: ft=mercury ts=4 sw=4 et wm=0 tw=0
-% Copyright (C) 1994-1999, 2003, 2005-2006, 2010-2011 The University of Melbourne.
-% This file may only be copied under the terms of the GNU Library General
-% Public License - see the file COPYING.LIB in the Mercury distribution.
-% File: graph.m.
-% Main author: conway.
-% Stability: low.
-% This module defines a directed graph data type. The type graph(N, A)
-% stores information of type N in the nodes, and information of type A
-% in the arcs.
-:- module graph.
-:- interface.
-:- import_module list.
-:- import_module set.
-:- import_module unit.
-    % graph(Node, Arc) represents a directed graph with information of
-    % type Node associated with each node, and information of type Arc
-    % associated with each arc.
-    %
-:- type graph(N, A).
-:- type node(N).
-:- type arc(A).
-    % Lots of graphs don't need to store anything in the arcs so here's
-    % a type equivalence that only has `real' information in the nodes.
-    %
-:- type graph(N)    == graph(N, unit).
-:- type arc     == arc(unit).
-    % graph.init(Graph) binds Graph to an empty graph containing no nodes
-    % and no arcs. (The graph contains a counter of the number of nodes
-    % allocated in it, so it is possible for a graph to contain no nodes
-    % or arcs and still fail to unify with the binding of Graph from
-    % graph.init.)
-    %
-:- pred graph.init(graph(N, A)::out) is det.
-:- func graph.init = graph(N, A).
-    % graph.set_node(OldGraph, NodeInfo, Node, NewGraph) takes
-    % OldGraph and NodeInfo which is the information to be stored
-    % in a new node, and returns a key "Node" which refers to that
-    % node, and the new graph NewGraph containing all of the nodes
-    % and arcs in OldGraph as well as the new node.
-    % It is possible to have two nodes in the graph with the
-    % same information stored in them.
-    %
-    % This operation is O(lgN) for a graph containing N nodes.
-    %
-:- pred graph.set_node(graph(N, A)::in, N::in, node(N)::out,
-    graph(N, A)::out) is det.
-    % graph.insert_node/4 is the same as graph.set_node/4 except
-    % that if the information to be stored in the node is stored
-    % in another node, then the graph.insert_node/4 fails.
-    %
-    % This operation is O(N) for a graph containing N nodes since
-    % this predicate has to check that the node data isn't in an
-    % existing node.
-    %
-:- pred graph.insert_node(graph(N, A)::in, N::in, node(N)::out,
-    graph(N, A)::out) is semidet.
-    % graph.det_insert_node/4 is like graph.insert_node, except
-    % that if the insertion would fail, it calls error/1.
-    %
-:- pred graph.det_insert_node(graph(N, A)::in, N::in, node(N)::out,
-    graph(N, A)::out) is det.
-    % graph.search_node(Graph, NodeInfo, Node) nondeterministically
-    % produces bindings of Node such that Node is a node in Graph
-    % that has the information NodeInfo attached to it.
-    %
-    % This operation is O(lgN) for the first solution for a graph
-    % containing N nodes.
-    %
-:- pred graph.search_node(graph(N, A)::in, N::in, node(N)::out) is nondet.
-    % graph.find_matching_nodes(Graph, NodeInfo, Nodes) takes a graph
-    % Graph and the information NodeInfo and returns the set of nodes
-    % Nodes which have the information NodeInfo stored in them. (The set
-    % Nodes will of course be empty if there are no matching nodes.)
-    %
-    % This operation is O(NlgN) for a graph containing N nodes.
-    %
-:- pred graph.find_matching_nodes(graph(N, A)::in, N::in, set(node(N))::out)
-    is det.
-:- func graph.find_matching_nodes(graph(N, A), N) = set(node(N)).
-    % graph.node_contents(Graph, Node, NodeInfo) takes Graph and
-    % Node and returns the information NodeInfo stored in Node.
-    %
-    % This operation is O(lgN) for a graph containing N nodes.
-    %
-:- pred graph.node_contents(graph(N, A)::in, node(N)::in, N::out) is det.
-:- func graph.node_contents(graph(N, A), node(N)) = N.
-    % graph.successors(Graph, Node, Nodes) takes a graph Graph and
-    % a node Node and returns the set of nodes Nodes that are reachable
-    % (directly - not transitively) from Node.
-    %
-    % This operation is O(NlgN) for a graph containing N nodes.
-    %
-:- pred graph.successors(graph(N, A)::in, node(N)::in, set(node(N))::out)
-    is det.
-:- func graph.successors(graph(N, A), node(N)) = set(node(N)).
-    % graph.nodes(Graph, Nodes) binds Nodes to the set of nodes in Graph.
-    %
-:- pred graph.nodes(graph(N, A)::in, set(node(N))::out) is det.
-:- func graph.nodes(graph(N, A)) = set(node(N)).
-    % graph.set_edge(OldGraph, Start, End, ArcInfo, Arc, NewGraph)
-    % takes a graph OldGraph and adds an arc from Start to End with
-    % the information ArcInfo stored in it, and returns a key for
-    % that arc Arc, and the new graph NewGraph.
-    % If an identical arc already exists then this operation has
-    % no effect.
-    %
-    % This operation is O(lgN+lgM) for a graph with N nodes and M arcs.
-    %
-:- pred graph.set_edge(graph(N, A)::in, node(N)::in, node(N)::in, A::in,
-    arc(A)::out, graph(N, A)::out) is det.
-    % graph.insert_edge/6 is the same as graph.set_edge/6 except that
-    % if an identical arc already exists in the graph the operation fails.
-    % This is O(N) for a graph with N edges between the two nodes.
-    %
-:- pred graph.insert_edge(graph(N, A)::in, node(N)::in, node(N)::in, A::in,
-    arc(A)::out, graph(N, A)::out) is semidet.
-    % graph.det_insert_edge/6 is like graph.insert_edge except
-    % than instead of failing, it calls error/1.
-    %
-:- pred graph.det_insert_edge(graph(N, A)::in, node(N)::in, node(N)::in,
-    A::in, arc(A)::out, graph(N, A)::out) is det.
-    % graph.arc_contents(Graph, Arc, Start, End, ArcInfo) takes a
-    % graph Graph and an arc Arc and returns the start and end nodes
-    % and the information stored in that arc.
-    %
-:- pred graph.arc_contents(graph(N, A)::in, arc(A)::in,
-    node(N)::out, node(N)::out, A::out) is det.
-    % graph.path(Graph, Start, End, Path) is true iff there is a path
-    % from the node Start to the node End in Graph that goes through
-    % the sequence of arcs Arcs.
-    % The algorithm will return paths containing at most one cycle.
-    %
-:- pred graph.path(graph(N, A), node(N), node(N), list(arc(A))).
-:- mode graph.path(in, in, in, out) is nondet.
-:- mode graph.path(in, in, out, out) is nondet.
-:- implementation.
-:- import_module counter.
-:- import_module map.
-:- import_module require.
-:- import_module solutions.
-:- type graph(N, A)
-    --->    graph(
-                node_supply     :: counter,
-                arc_supply      :: counter,
-                node_map        :: map(node(N), N),
-                arc_map         :: map(arc(A), arc_info(N, A)),
-                edge_map        :: map(node(N), map(arc(A), node(N)))
-            ).
-:- type node(N)
-    --->    node(int).
-:- type arc(A)
-    --->    arc(int).
-:- type arc_info(N, A)
-    --->    arc_info(node(N), node(N), A).
-graph.init(Graph) :-
-    Graph = graph(counter.init(0), counter.init(0), Nodes, Arcs, Edges),
-    map.init(Nodes),
-    map.init(Arcs),
-    map.init(Edges).
-graph.set_node(!.G, NInfo, node(N), !:G) :-
-    NS0 = !.G ^ node_supply,
-    counter.allocate(N, NS0, NS),
-    !G ^ node_supply := NS,
-    Nodes0 = !.G ^ node_map,
-    map.set(node(N), NInfo, Nodes0, Nodes),
-    !G ^ node_map := Nodes,
-    Edges0 = !.G ^ edge_map,
-    map.init(EdgeMap),
-    map.set(node(N), EdgeMap, Edges0, Edges),
-    !G ^ edge_map := Edges.
-graph.det_insert_node(!.G, NInfo, N, !:G) :-
-    ( graph.insert_node(!.G, NInfo, NPrime, !:G) ->
-        N = NPrime
-    ;
-        error("graph.det_insert_node: node already exists.")
-    ).
-graph.insert_node(!.G, NInfo, node(N), !:G) :-
-    % Make sure that the graph doesn't contain NInfo already.
-    \+ map.member(!.G ^ node_map, _, NInfo),
-    NS0 = !.G ^ node_supply,
-    counter.allocate(N, NS0, NS),
-    !G ^ node_supply := NS,
-    Nodes0 = !.G ^ node_map,
-    map.set(node(N), NInfo, Nodes0, Nodes),
-    !G ^ node_map := Nodes,
-    Edges0 = !.G ^ edge_map,
-    map.init(EdgeSet),
-    map.set(node(N), EdgeSet, Edges0, Edges),
-    !G ^ edge_map := Edges.
-graph.search_node(Graph, NodeInfo, Node) :-
-    NodeTable = Graph ^ node_map,
-    map.member(NodeTable, Node, NodeInfo).
-graph.find_matching_nodes(Graph, NodeInfo, NodeSet) :-
-    NodeTable = Graph ^ node_map,
-%   SolnGoal = lambda([Node::out] is nondet,
-%           map.member(NodeTable, Node, NodeInfo)),
-%   solutions(SolnGoal, NodeList),
-    solutions(graph.select_node(NodeTable, NodeInfo), NodeList),
-    set.sorted_list_to_set(NodeList, NodeSet).
-:- pred graph.select_node(map(node(N), N)::in, N::in, node(N)::out) is nondet.
-graph.select_node(NodeTable, NodeInfo, Node) :-
-    map.member(NodeTable, Node, NodeInfo).
-graph.node_contents(G, N, I) :-
-    map.lookup(G ^ node_map, N, I).
-graph.successors(G, N, Ss) :-
-    map.lookup(G ^ edge_map, N, E),
-    map.values(E, SsList),
-    set.list_to_set(SsList, Ss).
-graph.nodes(G, Ns) :-
-    map.keys(G ^ node_map, Ns1),
-    set.list_to_set(Ns1, Ns).
-graph.set_edge(!.G, Start, End, Info, Arc, !:G) :-
-    AS0 = !.G ^ arc_supply,
-    counter.allocate(A, AS0, AS),
-    Arc = arc(A),
-    !G ^ arc_supply := AS,
-    Arcs0 = !.G ^ arc_map,
-    map.set(Arc, arc_info(Start, End, Info), Arcs0, Arcs),
-    !G ^ arc_map := Arcs,
-    Es0 = !.G ^ edge_map,
-    map.lookup(Es0, Start, EdgeMap0),
-    map.set(Arc, End, EdgeMap0, EdgeMap),
-    map.set(Start, EdgeMap, Es0, Es),
-    !G ^ edge_map := Es.
-graph.det_insert_edge(!.G, Start, End, Info, Arc, !:G) :-
-    ( graph.insert_edge(!.G, Start, End, Info, ArcPrime, !:G) ->
-        Arc = ArcPrime
-    ;
-        error("graph.det_insert_edge: this edge is already in the graph.")
-    ).
-graph.insert_edge(!.G, Start, End, Info, Arc, !:G) :-
-    AS0 = !.G ^ arc_supply,
-    counter.allocate(A, AS0, AS),
-    Arc = arc(A),
-    !G ^ arc_supply := AS,
-    Arcs0 = !.G ^ arc_map,
-    map.insert(Arc, arc_info(Start, End, Info), Arcs0, Arcs),
-    !G ^ arc_map := Arcs,
-    Es0 = !.G ^ edge_map,
-    map.lookup(Es0, Start, EdgeMap0),
-    map.set(Arc, End, EdgeMap0, EdgeMap),
-    map.set(Start, EdgeMap, Es0, Es),
-    !G ^ edge_map := Es.
-graph.arc_contents(G, N, S, E, A) :-
-    map.lookup(G ^ arc_map, N, I),
-    I = arc_info(S, E, A).
-graph.path(G, S, E, Path) :-
-    graph.path_2(G, S, E, [], Path).
-:- pred graph.path_2(graph(N, A), node(N), node(N),
-    list(node(N)), list(arc(A))).
-:- mode graph.path_2(in, in, in, in, out) is nondet.
-:- mode graph.path_2(in, in, out, in, out) is nondet.
-graph.path_2(G, S, E, Nodes0, Path) :-
-    Es = G ^ edge_map,
-    map.lookup(Es, S, Arcs),
-    (
-        map.member(Arcs, A, E),
-        \+ list.member(E, Nodes0),
-        Path = [A]
-    ;
-        map.member(Arcs, A, N),
-        \+ list.member(N, Nodes0),
-        graph.path_2(G, N, E, [N | Nodes0], Path0),
-        Path = [A | Path0]
-    ).
-% Ralph Becket <rwab1 at cl.cam.ac.uk> 29/04/99
-%       Functional forms added.
-graph.init = G :-
-    graph.init(G).
-graph.find_matching_nodes(G, N) = S :-
-    graph.find_matching_nodes(G, N, S).
-graph.node_contents(G, N) = NI :-
-    graph.node_contents(G, N, NI).
-graph.successors(G, N) = S :-
-    graph.successors(G, N, S).
-graph.nodes(G) = S :-
-    graph.nodes(G,S).
Index: library/group.m
RCS file: /home/mercury/mercury1/repository/mercury/library/group.m,v
retrieving revision 1.31
diff -u -r1.31 group.m
--- library/group.m	3 May 2011 04:35:01 -0000	1.31
+++ library/group.m	6 May 2011 15:22:06 -0000
@@ -1,233 +1,3 @@
-% vim: ft=mercury ts=4 sw=4 et wm=0 tw=0
-% Copyright (C) 1994-1997, 1999, 2003, 2005-2007, 2010-2011 The University of Melbourne.
-% This file may only be copied under the terms of the GNU Library General
-% Public License - see the file COPYING.LIB in the Mercury distribution.
-% File: group.m.
-% Main author: conway.
-% Stability: low (obsolete).
-% This module is probably not terribly useful, and it may not be supported
-% in future releases.
-% The `group' module provides a facility for handling a partitioned set.
-% A group is a set of sets of elements, where each element is unique within
-% the scope of the group. The module provides moderately efficient ways for
-% manipulating groups and elements.
-:- module group.
-:- interface.
-:- import_module assoc_list.
-:- import_module list.
-:- import_module set.
-:- type group(T).
-:- type group.key.
-    % Create an empty group.
-    %
-:- pred group.init(group(T)::out) is det.
-:- func group.init = group(T).
-    % Insert a set of elements into the group.
-    %
-:- pred group.insert(group(T)::in, set(T)::in, group(T)::out) is det.
-:- func group.insert(group(T), set(T)) = group(T).
-    % Given an element, get the set containing that element.
-    %
-:- pred group.group(group(T)::in, T::in, set(T)::out) is det.
-:- func group.group(group(T), T) = set(T).
-    % Convert the group to a set of sets.
-    %
-:- pred group.to_set(group(T)::in, set(set(T))::out) is det.
-:- func group.to_set(group(T)) = set(set(T)).
-:- pred group.sets_and_keys(group(T)::in,
-    assoc_list(set(T), group.key)::out) is det.
-:- func group.sets_and_keys(group(T)) = assoc_list(set(T), group.key).
-    % Given an element, get the key for the group containing that element.
-    %
-:- pred group.group_key(group(T)::in, T::in, group.key::out) is det.
-:- func group.group_key(group(T), T) = group.key.
-    % Given a group key, get the corresponding set of elements.
-    %
-:- pred group.key_group(group(T)::in, group.key::in, set(T)::out) is det.
-:- func group.key_group(group(T), group.key) = set(T).
-    % Remove a set from the group, and return the set.
-    %
-:- pred group.remove_group(group(T)::in, group.key::in, set(T)::out,
-    group(T)::out) is det.
-    % Test to see if two elements are in the same set.
-    %
-:- pred group.same_group(group(T)::in, T::in, T::in) is semidet.
-:- pred group.largest_group_key(group(T)::in, group.key::out) is det.
-:- func group.largest_group_key(group(T)) = group.key.
-:- pred group.group_keys(group(T)::in, list(group.key)::out) is det.
-:- func group.group_keys(group(T)) = list(group.key).
-:- implementation.
-:- import_module counter.
-:- import_module map.
-:- import_module pair.
-:- import_module require.
-:- type group(T)
-    --->    group(
-                key_supply      :: counter,
-                sets            :: map(group.key, set(T)),
-                elements        :: map(T, group.key)
-            ).
-:- type group.key  ==  int.
-group.init(G) :-
-    map.init(Es),
-    map.init(Ss),
-    G = group(counter.init(0), Es, Ss).
-group.insert(!.G, S, !:G) :-
-    !.G = group(KS0, Ss0, Es0),
-    counter.allocate(C, KS0, KS),
-    map.set(C, S, Ss0, Ss),
-    set.to_sorted_list(S, SL),
-    group.insert_elements(SL, C, Es0, Es),
-    !:G = group(KS, Ss, Es).
-:- pred group.insert_elements(list(T)::in, group.key::in,
-    map(T, group.key)::in, map(T, group.key)::out) is det.
-group.insert_elements([], _GK, !Es).
-group.insert_elements([I | Is], GK, !Es) :-
-    map.set(I, GK, !Es),
-    group.insert_elements(Is, GK, !Es).
-group.group(G, E, S) :-
-    map.lookup(G ^ elements, E, GK),
-    map.lookup(G ^ sets, GK, S).
-group.to_set(G, S) :-
-    map.values(G ^ sets, S0),
-    set.list_to_set(S0, S).
-group.sets_and_keys(G, SKs) :-
-    map.to_assoc_list(G ^ sets, SKs0),
-    assoc_list.reverse_members(SKs0, SKs).
-group.group_key(G, E, GK) :-
-    map.lookup(G ^ elements, E, GK).
-group.key_group(G, GK, S) :-
-    map.lookup(G ^ sets, GK, S).
-group.remove_group(!.G, GK, S, !:G) :-
-    Ss0 = !.G ^ sets,
-    Es0 = !.G ^ elements,
-    ( map.remove(GK, SPrime, Ss0, SsPrime) ->
-        S = SPrime,
-        Ss = SsPrime
-    ;
-        error("map.remove unexpectedly failed.")
-    ),
-    set.to_sorted_list(S, SL),
-    group.remove_elements(SL, Es0, Es),
-    !G ^ sets := Ss,
-    !G ^ elements := Es.
-:- pred group.remove_elements(list(T)::in,
-    map(T, group.key)::in, map(T, group.key)::out) is det.
-group.remove_elements([], !Es).
-group.remove_elements([I | Is], !Es) :-
-    map.delete(I, !Es),
-    group.remove_elements(Is, !Es).
-group.same_group(G, E0, E1) :-
-    Es = G ^ elements,
-    map.lookup(Es, E0, GK),
-    map.lookup(Es, E1, GK).
-group.largest_group_key(G, GK) :-
-    Ss = G ^ sets,
-    map.to_assoc_list(Ss, SL),
-    group.largest_group_key_2(SL, 0, 0, GK).
-:- pred group.largest_group_key_2(assoc_list(group.key, set(T))::in, int::in,
-    group.key::in, group.key::out) is det.
-group.largest_group_key_2([], _, GK, GK).
-group.largest_group_key_2([GK0 - S0 | Ss], Sz0, GK1, GK) :-
-    set.to_sorted_list(S0, S1),
-    list.length(S1, Sz1),
-    compare(R, Sz1, Sz0),
-    (
-        R = (>),
-        Sz = Sz1,
-        GK2 = GK0
-    ;
-        ( R = (=)
-        ; R = (<)
-        ),
-        Sz = Sz0,
-        GK2 = GK1
-    ),
-    group.largest_group_key_2(Ss, Sz, GK2, GK).
-group.group_keys(G, Ks) :-
-    map.keys(G ^ sets, Ks).
-% Ralph Becket <rwab1 at cl.cam.ac.uk> 29/04/99
-%   Function forms added.
-group.init = G :-
-    group.init(G).
-group.insert(G1, S) = G2 :-
-    group.insert(G1, S, G2).
-group.group(G, T) = S :-
-    group.group(G, T, S).
-group.to_set(G) = SS :-
-    group.to_set(G, SS).
-group.sets_and_keys(G) = AL :-
-    group.sets_and_keys(G, AL).
-group.group_key(G, T) = K :-
-    group.group_key(G, T, K).
-group.key_group(G, K) = S :-
-    group.key_group(G, K, S).
-group.largest_group_key(G) = K :-
-    group.largest_group_key(G, K).
-group.group_keys(G) = Ks :-
-    group.group_keys(G, Ks).
Index: library/library.m
RCS file: /home/mercury/mercury1/repository/mercury/library/library.m,v
retrieving revision 1.128
diff -u -r1.128 library.m
--- library/library.m	28 Apr 2011 13:52:54 -0000	1.128
+++ library/library.m	6 May 2011 15:22:56 -0000
@@ -72,8 +72,6 @@
  :- import_module gc.
  :- import_module getopt.
  :- import_module getopt_io.
-:- import_module graph.
-:- import_module group.
  :- import_module hash_table.
  :- import_module injection.
  :- import_module int.
@@ -243,8 +241,6 @@
Index: tests/invalid/missing_interface_import2.err_exp
RCS file: /home/mercury/mercury1/repository/tests/invalid/missing_interface_import2.err_exp,v
retrieving revision 1.4
diff -u -r1.4 missing_interface_import2.err_exp
--- tests/invalid/missing_interface_import2.err_exp	10 Sep 2006 23:39:16 -0000	1.4
+++ tests/invalid/missing_interface_import2.err_exp	9 May 2011 16:29:46 -0000
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
  missing_interface_import2.m:009: In definition of predicate
  missing_interface_import2.m:009:   `missing_interface_import2.write_key'/3:
-missing_interface_import2.m:009:   error: undefined type `key'/0.
-missing_interface_import2.m:009:   (The modules `group' and
+missing_interface_import2.m:009:   error: undefined type `partition_id'/0.
+missing_interface_import2.m:009:   (The modules `eqvclass' and
  missing_interface_import2.m:009:   `missing_interface_import3' have not been
  missing_interface_import2.m:009:   imported in the interface.)
  missing_interface_import2.m:009: In definition of predicate
Index: tests/invalid/missing_interface_import2.m
RCS file: /home/mercury/mercury1/repository/tests/invalid/missing_interface_import2.m,v
retrieving revision 1.1
diff -u -r1.1 missing_interface_import2.m
--- tests/invalid/missing_interface_import2.m	1 Dec 2003 15:56:11 -0000	1.1
+++ tests/invalid/missing_interface_import2.m	9 May 2011 16:28:47 -0000
@@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
  :- module missing_interface_import2.

  :- import_module io.
-:- import_module group.
+:- import_module eqvclass.
  :- import_module missing_interface_import3.

  :- interface.

-:- pred write_key(key::in, io__state::di, io__state::uo) is det.
+:- pred write_key(partition_id::in, io__state::di, io__state::uo) is det.

  :- implementation.

Index: tests/invalid/missing_interface_import3.m
RCS file: /home/mercury/mercury1/repository/tests/invalid/missing_interface_import3.m,v
retrieving revision 1.1
diff -u -r1.1 missing_interface_import3.m
--- tests/invalid/missing_interface_import3.m	1 Dec 2003 15:56:11 -0000	1.1
+++ tests/invalid/missing_interface_import3.m	9 May 2011 16:29:00 -0000
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
  :- module missing_interface_import3.
  :- interface.

-:- type key == int.
+:- type partition_id == int.

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