[m-rev.] diff: delete LLDS support for nondet foreign code

Julien Fischer juliensf at csse.unimelb.edu.au
Fri Jun 17 17:10:33 AEST 2011

Branches: main

Delete LLDS support for nondet foreign code.

 	Remove support for save structs from the LLDS.

 	Conform to the above change.

 	Ignore .compiler_tags; delete references to Aditi backend


Index: compiler/.cvsignore
RCS file: /home/mercury/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/.cvsignore,v
retrieving revision 1.26
diff -u -r1.26 .cvsignore
--- compiler/.cvsignore	15 Jun 2007 12:41:46 -0000	1.26
+++ compiler/.cvsignore	17 Jun 2011 07:05:07 -0000
@@ -15,7 +15,6 @@
-aditi_backend.m rl_file.m rl_out.m
@@ -40,3 +39,4 @@
Index: compiler/dupproc.m
RCS file: /home/mercury/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/dupproc.m,v
retrieving revision 1.30
diff -u -r1.30 dupproc.m
--- compiler/dupproc.m	23 May 2011 05:08:02 -0000	1.30
+++ compiler/dupproc.m	17 Jun 2011 06:54:50 -0000
@@ -195,8 +195,8 @@
              FrameInfo = temp_frame(_),
              StdFrameInfo = FrameInfo
-            FrameInfo = ordinary_frame(_, NumSlots, MaybePragma),
-            StdFrameInfo = ordinary_frame("", NumSlots, MaybePragma)
+            FrameInfo = ordinary_frame(_, NumSlots),
+            StdFrameInfo = ordinary_frame("", NumSlots)
          standardize_maybe_code_addr(MaybeCodeAddr, MaybeStdCodeAddr,
Index: compiler/frameopt.m
RCS file: /home/mercury/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/frameopt.m,v
retrieving revision 1.125
diff -u -r1.125 frameopt.m
--- compiler/frameopt.m	23 May 2011 05:08:02 -0000	1.125
+++ compiler/frameopt.m	17 Jun 2011 06:55:54 -0000
@@ -308,7 +308,7 @@
  nondetstack_setup(Instrs0, FrameInfo, Redoip, MkframeInstr, Remain) :-
      Instrs0 = [MkframeInstr | Remain],
      MkframeInstr = llds_instr(mkframe(FrameInfo, yes(Redoip)), _),
-    FrameInfo = ordinary_frame(_, _, _).
+    FrameInfo = ordinary_frame(_, _).

  :- pred find_succeed_labels(list(instruction)::in, tailmap::in, tailmap::out)
      is det.
@@ -799,7 +799,7 @@
      % then even this entry block needs a stack frame, so frameopt cannot do
      % anything.
      Redoip = do_fail,
-    FrameInfo = ordinary_frame(Msg, Size, no),
+    FrameInfo = ordinary_frame(Msg, Size),
      EntryInfo = nondet_entry(Msg, Size, Redoip).

@@ -2149,7 +2149,7 @@
  :- func nondet_late_setup(nondet_entry_info) = list(instruction).

  nondet_late_setup(nondet_entry(Msg, FrameSize, Redoip)) =
-    [llds_instr(mkframe(ordinary_frame(Msg, FrameSize, no), yes(Redoip)),
+    [llds_instr(mkframe(ordinary_frame(Msg, FrameSize), yes(Redoip)),
          "late setup")].

  :- func nondet_non_teardown_exit_code(nondet_exit_info) = list(instruction).
Index: compiler/llds.m
RCS file: /home/mercury/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/llds.m,v
retrieving revision 1.375
diff -u -r1.375 llds.m
--- compiler/llds.m	24 May 2011 00:53:01 -0000	1.375
+++ compiler/llds.m	17 Jun 2011 06:54:09 -0000
@@ -664,11 +664,7 @@
      ;       ordinary_frame(
                  string,                 % Name of the predicate.
-                int,                    % Number of framevar slots.
-                maybe(foreign_proc_struct)
-                                        % If yes, the frame should also contain
-                                        % this struct (for use by a model_non
-                                        % pragma C code).
+                int                     % Number of framevar slots.

  :- type c_code_live_lvals
@@ -703,23 +699,6 @@
                                  % whether cell reuse was actually possible.

-    % Procedures defined by nondet pragma C codes must have some way of
-    % preserving information after a success, so that when control
-    % backtracks to the procedure, the C code knows what to do.
-    % Our implementation saves this information in a C struct.
-    % Programmers must include the declaration of the fields of this
-    % C struct in the `pragma c_code' declaration itself.
-    % A foreign_proc_struct holds information about this C struct.
-    %
-:- type foreign_proc_struct
-    --->    foreign_proc_struct(
-                string,     % The name of the struct tag.
-                string,     % The field declarations, supplied by the user
-                            % in the `pragma foreign_proc' % declaration.
-                maybe(prog_context)
-                            % Where the field declarations originally appeared.
-            ).
      % A foreign_proc_decl holds the information needed for the declaration
      % of a local variable in a block of C code emitted for a foreign_proc_code
      % instruction.
@@ -732,13 +711,6 @@
                              % in the C code.
                  string      % The name of the local variable that will hold
                              % the value of that argument inside the C block.
-            )
-        ;   foreign_proc_struct_ptr_decl(
-                % This local variable holds the address of the save struct.
-                string,     % The name of the C struct tag of the save struct;
-                            % the type of the local variable will be a pointer
-                            % to a struct with this tag.
-                string      % The name of the local variable.

      % A foreign_proc_component holds one component of a foreign_proc_code
Index: compiler/llds_out_instr.m
RCS file: /home/mercury/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/llds_out_instr.m,v
retrieving revision 1.8
diff -u -r1.8 llds_out_instr.m
--- compiler/llds_out_instr.m	24 May 2011 00:53:01 -0000	1.8
+++ compiler/llds_out_instr.m	17 Jun 2011 06:58:24 -0000
@@ -125,36 +125,7 @@
          output_record_code_addr_decls(Info, Target, !DeclSet, !IO),
          output_record_code_addr_decls(Info, ContLabel, !DeclSet, !IO)
-        Instr = mkframe(FrameInfo, MaybeFailureContinuation),
-        (
-            FrameInfo = ordinary_frame(_, _, yes(Struct)),
-            Struct = foreign_proc_struct(StructName, StructFields,
-                MaybeStructFieldsContext)
-        ->
-            DeclId = decl_foreign_proc_struct(StructName),
-            ( decl_set_is_member(DeclId, !.DeclSet) ->
-                unexpected($module, $pred,
-                    "struct " ++ StructName ++ " has been declared already")
-            ;
-                true
-            ),
-            io.write_string("struct ", !IO),
-            io.write_string(StructName, !IO),
-            io.write_string(" {\n", !IO),
-            (
-                MaybeStructFieldsContext = yes(StructFieldsContext),
-                output_set_line_num(Info, StructFieldsContext, !IO),
-                io.write_string(StructFields, !IO),
-                output_reset_line_num(Info, !IO)
-            ;
-                MaybeStructFieldsContext = no,
-                io.write_string(StructFields, !IO)
-            ),
-            io.write_string("\n};\n", !IO),
-            decl_set_insert(DeclId, !DeclSet)
-        ;
-            true
-        ),
+        Instr = mkframe(_FrameInfo, MaybeFailureContinuation),
              MaybeFailureContinuation = yes(FailureContinuation),
              output_record_code_addr_decls(Info, FailureContinuation,
@@ -516,50 +487,23 @@
          Instr = mkframe(FrameInfo, MaybeFailCont),
-            FrameInfo = ordinary_frame(Msg, Num, MaybeStruct),
+            FrameInfo = ordinary_frame(Msg, Num),
-                MaybeStruct = yes(foreign_proc_struct(StructName, _, _)),
-                (
-                    MaybeFailCont = yes(FailCont),
-                    io.write_string("\tMR_mkpragmaframe(""", !IO),
-                    c_util.output_quoted_string(Msg, !IO),
-                    io.write_string(""", ", !IO),
-                    io.write_int(Num, !IO),
-                    io.write_string(",\n\t\t", !IO),
-                    io.write_string(StructName, !IO),
-                    io.write_string(", ", !IO),
-                    output_code_addr(FailCont, !IO),
-                    io.write_string(");\n", !IO)
-                ;
-                    MaybeFailCont = no,
-                    io.write_string("\tMR_mkpragmaframe_no_redoip(""", !IO),
-                    c_util.output_quoted_string(Msg, !IO),
-                    io.write_string(""", ", !IO),
-                    io.write_int(Num, !IO),
-                    io.write_string(",\n\t\t", !IO),
-                    io.write_string(StructName, !IO),
-                    io.write_string(");\n", !IO)
-                )
+                MaybeFailCont = yes(FailCont),
+                io.write_string("\tMR_mkframe(""", !IO),
+                c_util.output_quoted_string(Msg, !IO),
+                io.write_string(""", ", !IO),
+                io.write_int(Num, !IO),
+                io.write_string(",\n\t\t", !IO),
+                output_code_addr(FailCont, !IO),
+                io.write_string(");\n", !IO)
-                MaybeStruct = no,
-                (
-                    MaybeFailCont = yes(FailCont),
-                    io.write_string("\tMR_mkframe(""", !IO),
-                    c_util.output_quoted_string(Msg, !IO),
-                    io.write_string(""", ", !IO),
-                    io.write_int(Num, !IO),
-                    io.write_string(",\n\t\t", !IO),
-                    output_code_addr(FailCont, !IO),
-                    io.write_string(");\n", !IO)
-                ;
-                    MaybeFailCont = no,
-                    io.write_string("\tMR_mkframe_no_redoip(""",
-                        !IO),
-                    c_util.output_quoted_string(Msg, !IO),
-                    io.write_string(""", ", !IO),
-                    io.write_int(Num, !IO),
-                    io.write_string(");\n", !IO)
-                )
+                MaybeFailCont = no,
+                io.write_string("\tMR_mkframe_no_redoip(""", !IO),
+                c_util.output_quoted_string(Msg, !IO),
+                io.write_string(""", ", !IO),
+                io.write_int(Num, !IO),
+                io.write_string(");\n", !IO)
              FrameInfo = temp_frame(Kind),
@@ -1776,22 +1720,13 @@

  output_foreign_proc_decls([], !IO).
  output_foreign_proc_decls([Decl | Decls], !IO) :-
-    (
-        % Apart from special cases, the local variables are MR_Words
-        Decl = foreign_proc_arg_decl(_Type, TypeString, VarName),
-        io.write_string("\t", !IO),
-        io.write_string(TypeString, !IO),
-        io.write_string("\t", !IO),
-        io.write_string(VarName, !IO),
-        io.write_string(";\n", !IO)
-    ;
-        Decl = foreign_proc_struct_ptr_decl(StructTag, VarName),
-        io.write_string("\tstruct ", !IO),
-        io.write_string(StructTag, !IO),
-        io.write_string("\t*", !IO),
-        io.write_string(VarName, !IO),
-        io.write_string(";\n", !IO)
-    ),
+    % Apart from special cases, the local variables are MR_Words
+    Decl = foreign_proc_arg_decl(_Type, TypeString, VarName),
+    io.write_string("\t", !IO),
+    io.write_string(TypeString, !IO),
+    io.write_string("\t", !IO),
+    io.write_string(VarName, !IO),
+    io.write_string(";\n", !IO),
      output_foreign_proc_decls(Decls, !IO).

      % Output declarations for any rvals used to initialize the inputs.
Index: compiler/opt_debug.m
RCS file: /home/mercury/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/opt_debug.m,v
retrieving revision 1.219
diff -u -r1.219 opt_debug.m
--- compiler/opt_debug.m	20 May 2011 04:16:49 -0000	1.219
+++ compiler/opt_debug.m	17 Jun 2011 06:59:30 -0000
@@ -846,16 +846,9 @@
              R_str = "no_redoip"
-            FrameInfo = ordinary_frame(Name, Size, MaybePragma),
-            (
-                MaybePragma = yes(foreign_proc_struct(StructName, Fields, _)),
-                P_str = "yes(" ++ StructName ++ ", " ++ Fields ++ ")"
-            ;
-                MaybePragma = no,
-                P_str = "no"
-            ),
+            FrameInfo = ordinary_frame(Name, Size),
              Str = "mkframe(" ++ Name ++ ", " ++ int_to_string(Size) ++ ", "
-                ++ P_str ++ ", " ++ R_str ++ ")"
+                ++ R_str ++ ")"
              FrameInfo = temp_frame(Kind),
@@ -1142,8 +1135,6 @@

  dump_decl(foreign_proc_arg_decl(_MerType, TypeStr, VarName)) =
      "decl " ++ TypeStr ++ " " ++ VarName ++ "\n".
-dump_decl(foreign_proc_struct_ptr_decl(StructTag, VarName)) =
-    "decl struct" ++ StructTag ++ " " ++ VarName ++ "\n".

  :- func dump_components(maybe(proc_label), list(foreign_proc_component))
      = string.
Index: compiler/peephole.m
RCS file: /home/mercury/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/peephole.m,v
retrieving revision 1.106
diff -u -r1.106 peephole.m
--- compiler/peephole.m	3 May 2011 04:34:57 -0000	1.106
+++ compiler/peephole.m	17 Jun 2011 06:59:49 -0000
@@ -281,7 +281,7 @@
          % A mkframe sets curfr to point to the new frame
          % only for ordinary frames, not temp frames.
-            NondetFrameInfo = ordinary_frame(_, _, _),
+            NondetFrameInfo = ordinary_frame(_, _),
              AllowedBases = [maxfr, curfr]
              NondetFrameInfo = temp_frame(_),
Index: compiler/proc_gen.m
RCS file: /home/mercury/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/proc_gen.m,v
retrieving revision 1.47
diff -u -r1.47 proc_gen.m
--- compiler/proc_gen.m	23 May 2011 05:08:09 -0000	1.47
+++ compiler/proc_gen.m	17 Jun 2011 07:00:11 -0000
@@ -917,7 +917,7 @@
          CodeModel = model_non,
          resume_point_stack_addr(OutsideResumePoint, OutsideResumeAddress),
-        NondetFrameInfo = ordinary_frame(PushMsg, TotalSlots, no),
+        NondetFrameInfo = ordinary_frame(PushMsg, TotalSlots),
          AllocCode = singleton(
              llds_instr(mkframe(NondetFrameInfo, yes(OutsideResumeAddress)),
                  "Allocate stack frame")
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