[m-rev.] diff: fix --deep-profile-tail-recursion

Zoltan Somogyi zs at csse.unimelb.edu.au
Wed Jul 6 07:59:07 AEST 2011

Fix bugs that prevented the compiler from bootstrapping in deep profiling
grades with --deep-profile-tail-recursion enabled.

	Apply the tail recursion optimization only to procedures that are
	not mutually recursive with any other procedure. (The transformation
	cannot keep track of invocation counts in such cases.) Apply this
	restriction even when the possible mutual recursion is not visible
	to dependency_graph.m.

	Refer to the call_site_nums_N type constructors with the correct arity.

	The procedures generated by the tail recursion transformation
	do not have their own proc_static structures; they use those
	of the original procedure (whose clones they are). Do not
	insist on them having their own proc_static structure.

	Add this new tool, which was instrumental in tracking down
	the problems above.


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cvs diff: Diffing compiler
Index: compiler/deep_profiling.m
RCS file: /home/mercury/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/deep_profiling.m,v
retrieving revision 1.113
diff -u -b -r1.113 deep_profiling.m
--- compiler/deep_profiling.m	23 May 2011 05:08:01 -0000	1.113
+++ compiler/deep_profiling.m	5 Jul 2011 21:25:57 -0000
@@ -125,7 +125,15 @@
 apply_deep_prof_tail_rec_transform_to_scc(SCC, !ModuleInfo) :-
     % For the time being, we only look for self-tail-recursive calls.
-    list.foldl(apply_deep_prof_tail_rec_transform_to_proc, SCC, !ModuleInfo).
+    % If the SCC contains more than one procedure, a self-tail-recursive
+    % call in Proc A could end up calling the other procedure Proc B
+    % in the SCC, which could then call back to Proc A. This would screw up
+    % our bookkeeping.
+    ( SCC = [PredProcId] ->
+        apply_deep_prof_tail_rec_transform_to_proc(PredProcId, !ModuleInfo)
+    ;
+        true
+    ).
 :- pred apply_deep_prof_tail_rec_transform_to_proc(pred_proc_id::in,
     module_info::in, module_info::out) is det.
@@ -135,6 +143,7 @@
     module_info_get_preds(!.ModuleInfo, PredTable0),
     map.lookup(PredTable0, PredId, PredInfo0),
     pred_info_get_arg_types(PredInfo0, Types),
+    pred_info_get_origin(PredInfo0, Origin),
     pred_info_get_procedures(PredInfo0, ProcTable0),
     map.lookup(ProcTable0, ProcId, ProcInfo0),
     proc_info_get_goal(ProcInfo0, Goal0),
@@ -152,10 +161,20 @@
             [PredProcId - ClonePredProcId], Detism, Outputs),
         apply_deep_prof_tail_rec_to_goal(Goal0, Goal, TailRecInfo,
             no, FoundTailCall, _Continue),
-        FoundTailCall = yes
+        FoundTailCall = yes,
+        % The unification or comparison procedure for a type can be called
+        % from builtin.unify or builtin.compare respectively, through the
+        % type_ctor_info of an argument type. This means that we cannot
+        % guarantee that a unification or comparison procedure is alone
+        % in its SCC unless it cannot call builtin.unify and builtin.compare.
+        (
+            Origin = origin_special_pred(_)
+        =>
+            goal_contains_builtin_unify_or_compare(Goal) = no
+        )
         proc_info_set_goal(Goal, ProcInfo0, ProcInfo1),
-        figure_out_rec_call_numbers(Goal, 0, _N, [], TailCallSites),
+        figure_out_rec_call_numbers(Goal, 0, _Num, [], TailCallSites),
         OrigDeepRecInfo = yes(deep_recursion_info(
             [visible_scc_data(PredProcId, ClonePredProcId, TailCallSites)])),
@@ -208,6 +227,82 @@
         Outputs = [Var | LaterOutputs]
+:- func goal_contains_builtin_unify_or_compare(hlds_goal) = bool.
+goal_contains_builtin_unify_or_compare(Goal) = Contains :-
+    Goal = hlds_goal(GoalExpr, _GoalInfo),
+    (
+        GoalExpr = unify(_, _, _, _, _),
+        Contains = no
+    ;
+        ( GoalExpr = generic_call(_, _, _, _)
+        ; GoalExpr = plain_call(_, _, _, _, _, _)
+        ),
+        % Unfortunately, even if the procedure we are calling is neither
+        % builtin.unify nor builtin.compare, we cannot know whether it
+        % can call those predicates directly or indirectly.
+        Contains = yes
+    ;
+        GoalExpr = call_foreign_proc(Attributes, _, _, _, _, _, _),
+        MayCallMercury = get_may_call_mercury(Attributes),
+        (
+            MayCallMercury = proc_will_not_call_mercury,
+            Contains = no
+        ;
+            MayCallMercury = proc_may_call_mercury,
+            % The Mercury code may call builtin.unify or builtin.compare.
+            Contains = yes
+        )
+    ;
+        ( GoalExpr = conj(_, Goals)
+        ; GoalExpr = disj(Goals)
+        ),
+        Contains = goals_contain_builtin_unify_or_compare(Goals)
+    ;
+        GoalExpr = switch(_, _, Cases),
+        Contains = cases_contain_builtin_unify_or_compare(Cases)
+    ;
+        GoalExpr = if_then_else(_, Cond, Then, Else),
+        (
+            goal_contains_builtin_unify_or_compare(Cond) = no,
+            goal_contains_builtin_unify_or_compare(Then) = no,
+            goal_contains_builtin_unify_or_compare(Else) = no
+        ->
+            Contains = no
+        ;
+            Contains = yes
+        )
+    ;
+        ( GoalExpr = negation(SubGoal)
+        ; GoalExpr = scope(_, SubGoal)
+        ),
+        Contains = goal_contains_builtin_unify_or_compare(SubGoal)
+    ;
+        GoalExpr = shorthand(_),
+        unexpected($module, $pred, "shorthand")
+    ).
+:- func goals_contain_builtin_unify_or_compare(list(hlds_goal)) = bool.
+goals_contain_builtin_unify_or_compare([]) = no.
+goals_contain_builtin_unify_or_compare([Goal | Goals]) = Contains :-
+    ( goal_contains_builtin_unify_or_compare(Goal) = yes ->
+        Contains = yes
+    ;
+        Contains = goals_contain_builtin_unify_or_compare(Goals)
+    ).
+:- func cases_contain_builtin_unify_or_compare(list(case)) = bool.
+cases_contain_builtin_unify_or_compare([]) = no.
+cases_contain_builtin_unify_or_compare([Case | Cases]) = Contains :-
+    Case = case(_, _, Goal),
+    ( goal_contains_builtin_unify_or_compare(Goal) = yes ->
+        Contains = yes
+    ;
+        Contains = cases_contain_builtin_unify_or_compare(Cases)
+    ).
 :- type deep_prof_tail_rec_info
@@ -1647,8 +1742,7 @@
     VarInfo0 = !.DeepInfo ^ deep_varinfo,
     ProfilingBuiltin = mercury_profiling_builtin_module,
     CellTypeName = string.format("call_site_nums_%d", [i(Length)]),
-    CellTypeCtor = type_ctor(qualified(ProfilingBuiltin, CellTypeName),
-        Length),
+    CellTypeCtor = type_ctor(qualified(ProfilingBuiltin, CellTypeName), 0),
     construct_type(CellTypeCtor, [], CellType),
     generate_var("CSNCell", CellType, CellVar, VarInfo0, VarInfo),
     !DeepInfo ^ deep_varinfo := VarInfo,
Index: compiler/proc_gen.m
RCS file: /home/mercury/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/proc_gen.m,v
retrieving revision 1.48
diff -u -b -r1.48 proc_gen.m
--- compiler/proc_gen.m	17 Jun 2011 07:51:18 -0000	1.48
+++ compiler/proc_gen.m	5 Jul 2011 21:25:58 -0000
@@ -446,8 +446,8 @@
         proc_info_get_maybe_deep_profile_info(ProcInfo, MaybeHLDSDeepInfo),
             MaybeHLDSDeepInfo = yes(HLDSDeepInfo),
-            DeepProfInfo = generate_deep_prof_info(ProcInfo, HLDSDeepInfo),
-            MaybeDeepProfInfo = yes(DeepProfInfo)
+            MaybeDeepProfInfo =
+                maybe_generate_deep_prof_info(ProcInfo, HLDSDeepInfo)
             MaybeHLDSDeepInfo = no,
             MaybeDeepProfInfo = no
@@ -560,17 +560,13 @@
-:- func generate_deep_prof_info(proc_info, deep_profile_proc_info)
-    = proc_deep_prof_info.
+:- func maybe_generate_deep_prof_info(proc_info, deep_profile_proc_info)
+    = maybe(proc_deep_prof_info).
-generate_deep_prof_info(ProcInfo, HLDSDeepInfo) = DeepProfInfo :-
+maybe_generate_deep_prof_info(ProcInfo, HLDSDeepInfo) = MaybeDeepProfInfo :-
     HLDSDeepInfo ^ deep_layout = MaybeHLDSDeepLayout,
-        MaybeHLDSDeepLayout = yes(HLDSDeepLayout)
-    ;
-        MaybeHLDSDeepLayout = no,
-        unexpected($module, $pred, "no HLDS deep profiling layout info")
-    ),
+        MaybeHLDSDeepLayout = yes(HLDSDeepLayout),
     HLDSDeepLayout = hlds_deep_layout(HLDSProcStatic, HLDSExcpVars),
     HLDSDeepInfo ^ deep_orig_body = OriginalProcBody,
     HLDSExcpVars = hlds_deep_excp_vars(TopCSDVar, MiddleCSDVar,
@@ -596,7 +592,12 @@
     DeepExcpSlots = deep_excp_slots(TopCSDSlotNum, MiddleCSDSlotNum,
     DeepProfInfo = proc_deep_prof_info(HLDSProcStatic, DeepExcpSlots,
-        OriginalProcBody).
+            OriginalProcBody),
+        MaybeDeepProfInfo = yes(DeepProfInfo)
+    ;
+        MaybeHLDSDeepLayout = no,
+        MaybeDeepProfInfo = no
+    ).
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cvs diff: Diffing samples/java_interface/java_calls_mercury
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cvs diff: Diffing tests/stm/orig/stm-compiler
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cvs diff: Diffing tests/valid
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cvs diff: Diffing tools
Index: tools/unary
RCS file: tools/unary
diff -N tools/unary
--- /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
+++ tools/unary	5 Jul 2011 21:26:01 -0000
@@ -0,0 +1,511 @@
+# vim: ts=4 sw=4 et
+# This script finds miscompiled procedures in a module after the binary script
+# has identified the module.
+# Given
+# - a stage2 directory that works (stage2.ok), which must have
+#   its object files,
+# - a stage2 directory that does not work (stage2.bad), which must have
+#   its Mmake.params file,
+# - a directory name (library, compiler etc),
+# - the name of the bad module in that directory (list, hlds_data, etc), and
+# - a limit number
+# this script compiles the bad module with the parameters from
+# stage2.bad/Mmake.params plus --experiment=N, varying N from 1 to the limit,
+# and finds out which values of N cause a problem.
+# The test for the cobbled-up stage2 compiler is either bootstrap checking
+# (the default), some initial part of bootstrap checking (making dependencies,
+# compiling the library), the successful execution of all the test cases in
+# one or more subdirectories of the tests directory, or the successful
+# execution of a single command.
+Usage: $0 [options] dirname modulename merfilename limit
+    -b-, --no-bootcheck
+        Do not perform a bootcheck; check only the tests directory
+        or the single command.
+    -c, --compile-only
+        Check the successful creation of the stage3 .c files,
+        but do not compare stage2.ok and stage3.
+    -C <mmc_command>
+        Use the given string as the command to invoke the Mercury compiler.
+        The string may include options.
+    -d, --dependency-only
+        Make dependencies for stage3 only. Do not compile stage3.
+    -h, --help
+        Display this usage message.
+    -j <num-jobs>, --jobs <num-jobs>
+        Run using <num-jobs> different parallel processes.
+    -l, --library-only
+        Check the successful creation of the stage3 .c files in the
+        library, but do not compile the compiler directory.
+    -m <mmake-args>, --mmake-args <mmake-args>
+        Pass <mmake-args> as options to \`mmake'.
+    -o <filename>, --output-file <filename>
+        Output results to <filename>.
+    -r, --copy-runtime
+        Copy the runtime directory instead of linking it.
+        This is necessary if the test uses a compilation model option
+        that differs from the one used in the main runtime directory.
+    -s <command>, --single-command <command>
+        Execute the given command using each constructed compiler.
+    -t <testdir>, --test-dir <testdir>
+        Execute runtests from the named subdirectory of tests.
+# If you change this, you will also need to change the files indicated
+# in scripts/c2init.in.
+set -x
+while [ $# -gt 0 ]; do
+    case "$1" in
+    -b-|--no-bootcheck)
+        bootcheck="-b-" ;;
+    -c|--compile-only)
+        compile_only="-c" ;;
+    -C)
+        mmc_command="$2"; shift ;;
+    -d|--dependency-only)
+        dependency_only="-d" ;;
+    -h|--help)
+        echo "$usage"
+        exit 0 ;;
+    -j|--jobs)
+        jfactor="-j$2"; shift ;;
+    -j*)
+        jfactor="-j` expr $1 : '-j\(.*\)' `" ;;
+    --jobs*)
+        jfactor="--jobs` expr $1 : '--jobs\(.*\)' `" ;;
+    -l|--library-only)
+        library_only="-l" ;;
+    -m|--mmake)
+        mmake_opts="$mmake_opts $2"; shift ;;
+    -o|--output-file)
+        outfile="-o $2"; shift ;;
+    -o*)
+        outfile="-o ` expr $1 : '-o\(.*\)' `"; ;;
+    -r|--copy-runtime)
+        copy_runtime=true ;;
+    -s|--single-command)
+        single_command="$2"; shift ;;
+    -s*)
+        single_command=` expr "$1" : '-s\(.*\)' ` ;;
+    --single-command*)
+        single_command=` expr "$1" : '--single-command\(.*\)' ` ;;
+    -t|--test-dir)
+        testdirs="$testdirs -t$2"; shift ;;
+    -t*)
+        testdirs="$testdirs ` expr $1 : '-t\(.*\)' `" ;;
+    -*)
+        echo "$0: unknown option \`$1'" 1>&2
+        echo "$usage" 1>&2
+        exit 1 ;;
+    *)
+        break
+        ;;
+    esac
+    shift
+case "$#" in
+    4)
+        tested_dir_name="$1"
+        tested_module_name="$2"
+        tested_file_name="$3"
+        limit="$4"
+        ;;
+    *)
+        echo "$usage" 1>&2
+        exit 1 ;;
+if test -d stage2.ok -a -d stage2.bad
+    echo "stage2.ok and stage2.bad both present"
+    echo "at least one of stage2.ok and stage2.bad is missing"
+    exit 1
+if test ! -d stage2.ok/${tested_dir_name}
+    echo stage2.ok/${tested_dir_name} does not exist
+    exit 1
+if test ! -f stage2.ok/${tested_dir_name}/${tested_file_name}.m
+    echo stage2.ok/${tested_dir_name}/${tested_file_name}.m does not exist
+    exit 1
+if test ! -f stage2.ok/${tested_dir_name}/${tested_module_name}.c
+    echo stage2.ok/${tested_dir_name}/${tested_module_name}.c does not exist
+    exit 1
+trueroot=`echo $root | sed '
+export PATH
+if test "$RMSTAGECMD" = ""
+    RMSTAGECMD="/bin/rm -fr"
+echo "starting at `date`"
+for dir in $base $trial
+    for subdir in library mdbcomp compiler
+    do
+        case $subdir in
+            library)    example_o=builtin.o ;;
+            mdbcomp)    example_o=mdbcomp.prim_data.o ;;
+            compiler)   example_o=check_hlds.cse_detection.o ;;
+        esac
+        if test -f stage2.$dir/$subdir/$example_o
+        then
+            echo "stage2.$dir/$subdir seems to have its object files"
+        else
+            echo "reconstructing object files in stage2.$dir/$subdir"
+            ( cd stage2.$dir/$subdir; mmake )
+        fi
+    done
+echo "starting unary at `date`"
+set +x
+[ -d stage2 ] || mkdir stage2
+$RMSTAGECMD $trueroot/stage2/compiler < /dev/null &
+$RMSTAGECMD $trueroot/stage2/library < /dev/null &
+$RMSTAGECMD $trueroot/stage2/* < /dev/null
+echo linking stage 2... 1>&2
+cd stage2
+ln -s $root/main.c .
+mkdir compiler
+cd compiler
+ln -s $root/compiler/[a-h]*.m .
+ln -s $root/compiler/[i-o]*.m .
+ln -s $root/compiler/[p-s]*.m .
+ln -s $root/compiler/[t-z]*.m .
+ln -s $root/compiler/*.pp .
+cp $root/compiler/Mmake* .
+cp $root/compiler/Mercury* .
+cp $root/compiler/*FLAGS* .
+cp $root/compiler/.mgnuc* .
+cd $root/stage2
+mkdir library
+cd library
+ln -s $root/library/[a-l]*.m .
+ln -s $root/library/[m-z]*.m .
+ln -s $root/library/*.init .
+cp $root/library/print_extra_inits .
+cp $root/library/Mmake* .
+cp $root/library/Mercury* .
+cp $root/library/*FLAGS* .
+cp $root/library/.mgnuc* .
+cd $root/stage2
+mkdir mdbcomp
+cd mdbcomp
+ln -s $root/mdbcomp/*.m .
+ln -s $root/mdbcomp/*.init .
+cp $root/mdbcomp/Mmake* .
+cp $root/mdbcomp/Mercury* .
+cp $root/mdbcomp/*FLAGS* .
+cp $root/mdbcomp/.mgnuc* .
+cd $root/stage2
+if "$copy_runtime"
+    mkdir runtime
+    cd runtime
+    ln -s $root/runtime/*.h .
+    ln -s $root/runtime/*.c .
+    ln -s $root/runtime/*.in .
+    ln -s $root/runtime/machdeps .
+    cp $root/runtime/Mmake* .
+    cd $root/stage2
+    # $root/runtime may be in a different grade from the stage2 directories.
+    ln -s $root/stage2.ok/runtime .
+ln -s $root/boehm_gc .
+ln -s $root/browser .
+ln -s $root/ssdb .
+ln -s $root/trace .
+ln -s $root/robdd .
+ln -s $root/doc .
+ln -s $root/scripts .
+ln -s $root/util .
+ln -s $root/profiler .
+ln -s $root/deep_profiler .
+ln -s $root/tools .
+ln -s $root/conf* .
+ln -s $root/aclocal.m4 .
+ln -s $root/VERSION .
+ln -s $root/Mercury.options .
+ln -s $root/.*.in .
+rm -f config*.log
+cp $root/stage2.ok/Mmake* .
+cd $root
+# We don't copy the .d files. This prevents mmake from trying to remake any
+# of the .c and .o files, which we provide in the form they should be used.
+# cp stage2.ok/library/*.d stage2/library
+cp stage2.ok/library/*.dep stage2/library
+cp stage2.ok/library/*.dv stage2/library
+cp stage2.ok/library/*.int0 stage2/library
+cp stage2.ok/library/*.int3 stage2/library
+cp stage2.ok/library/*.date3 stage2/library
+cp stage2.ok/library/*.int stage2/library
+cp stage2.ok/library/*.int2 stage2/library
+cp stage2.ok/library/*.date stage2/library
+cp stage2.ok/library/*.opt stage2/library
+cp stage2.ok/library/*.optdate stage2/library
+cp stage2.ok/library/*.trans_opt stage2/library
+cp stage2.ok/library/*.trans_opt_date stage2/library
+cp stage2.ok/library/*.mh stage2/library
+cp stage2.ok/library/*.mih stage2/library
+# cp stage2.ok/mdbcomp/*.d stage2/mdbcomp
+cp stage2.ok/mdbcomp/*.dep stage2/mdbcomp
+cp stage2.ok/mdbcomp/*.dv stage2/mdbcomp
+cp stage2.ok/mdbcomp/*.int0 stage2/mdbcomp
+cp stage2.ok/mdbcomp/*.int3 stage2/mdbcomp
+cp stage2.ok/mdbcomp/*.date3 stage2/mdbcomp
+cp stage2.ok/mdbcomp/*.int stage2/mdbcomp
+cp stage2.ok/mdbcomp/*.int2 stage2/mdbcomp
+cp stage2.ok/mdbcomp/*.date stage2/mdbcomp
+cp stage2.ok/mdbcomp/*.mh stage2/mdbcomp
+cp stage2.ok/mdbcomp/*.mih stage2/mdbcomp
+# cp stage2.ok/compiler/*.d stage2/compiler
+cp stage2.ok/compiler/*.dep stage2/compiler
+cp stage2.ok/compiler/*.dv stage2/compiler
+cp stage2.ok/compiler/*.int0 stage2/compiler
+cp stage2.ok/compiler/*.int3 stage2/compiler
+cp stage2.ok/compiler/*.date3 stage2/compiler
+cp stage2.ok/compiler/*.int stage2/compiler
+cp stage2.ok/compiler/*.int2 stage2/compiler
+cp stage2.ok/compiler/*.date stage2/compiler
+cp stage2.ok/compiler/*.mh stage2/compiler
+cp stage2.ok/compiler/*.mih stage2/compiler
+if test "$bootcheck" = ""
+    cd $root
+    [ -d stage3 ] || mkdir stage3
+    $RMSTAGECMD $trueroot/stage3/compiler < /dev/null &
+    $RMSTAGECMD $trueroot/stage3/library < /dev/null &
+    wait
+    $RMSTAGECMD $trueroot/stage3/* < /dev/null
+    echo linking stage 3... 1>&2
+    cd stage3
+    ln -s $root/main.c
+    mkdir compiler
+    cd compiler
+    # Break up the links into several chunks.
+    # This is needed to cope with small limits
+    # on the size of argument vectors.
+    ln -s $root/compiler/[a-h]*.m .
+    ln -s $root/compiler/[i-o]*.m .
+    ln -s $root/compiler/[p-s]*.m .
+    ln -s $root/compiler/[t-z]*.m .
+    ln -s $root/compiler/*.pp .
+    cp $root/compiler/Mmake* .
+    cp $root/compiler/Mercury* .
+    cp $root/compiler/*FLAGS* .
+    cp $root/compiler/.mgnuc* .
+    cd $root/stage3
+    mkdir library
+    cd library
+    ln -s $root/library/[a-l]*.m .
+    ln -s $root/library/[m-z]*.m .
+    ln -s $root/library/*.init .
+    cp $root/library/Mercury* .
+    cp $root/library/*FLAGS* .
+    cp $root/library/.mgnuc* .
+    cp $root/library/Mmake* .
+    cd $root/stage3
+    mkdir mdbcomp
+    cd mdbcomp
+    ln -s $root/mdbcomp/*.m .
+    ln -s $root/mdbcomp/*.init .
+    cp $root/mdbcomp/Mercury* .
+    cp $root/mdbcomp/*FLAGS* .
+    cp $root/mdbcomp/.mgnuc* .
+    cp $root/mdbcomp/Mmake* .
+    cd $root/stage3
+    ln -s $root/boehm_gc .
+    ln -s $root/browser .
+    ln -s $root/ssdb .
+    ln -s $root/trace .
+    ln -s $root/doc .
+    ln -s $root/scripts .
+    ln -s $root/util .
+    ln -s $root/profiler .
+    ln -s $root/deep_profiler .
+    ln -s $root/runtime .
+    ln -s $root/tools .
+    ln -s $root/conf* .
+    ln -s $root/aclocal.m4 .
+    ln -s $root/VERSION .
+    ln -s $root/Mercury.options .
+    ln -s $root/.*.in .
+    rm -f config*.log
+    /bin/rm -f Mmake*
+    cp $root/stage2.$basis/Mmake* .
+    # cp $root/stage2.ok/so_locations .
+    cd $root
+set -x
+if "$copy_runtime"
+    if (cd stage2 ; mmake $mmake_opts $jfactor runtime)
+    then
+        echo "building of stage 2 runtime successful"
+    else
+        echo "building of stage 2 runtime not successful"
+        exit 1
+    fi
+cp stage2.ok/main.o stage2
+for subdir in library mdbcomp
+    echo linking stage2/$subdir from stage2.ok/$subdir 1>&2
+    cp stage2.ok/$subdir/*.[co] stage2/$subdir
+    cp stage2.ok/$subdir/*.pic_o stage2/$subdir
+for subdir in compiler
+    echo linking stage2/$subdir from stage2.ok/$subdir 1>&2
+    cp stage2.ok/$subdir/*.[co] stage2/$subdir
+# start out with all files in stage2 coming from stage2.$base
+set +x
+echo linking stage2 from stage2.$base 1>&2
+cp stage2.$base/library/*.[co] stage2/library
+cp stage2.$base/library/*.pic_o stage2/library
+cp stage2.$base/compiler/*.[co] stage2/compiler
+set -x
+# find the set of candidate modules
+/bin/rm -fr $root/SAME_C > /dev/null 2>&1
+/bin/rm -fr $root/GOOD_C > /dev/null 2>&1
+/bin/rm -fr $root/BAD_C  > /dev/null 2>&1
+mkdir $root/SAME_C
+mkdir $root/GOOD_C
+mkdir $root/BAD_C
+/bin/rm $root/.unary.progress
+while test "$n" -le "$limit"
+    # at this point, all the files in stage2 should be from stage2.$base
+    echo "testing $n"
+    echo $n > $root/.unary.checkpoint
+    echo $n >> $root/.unary.progress
+    date >> $root/.unary.progress
+    cd $root/stage2/${tested_dir_name}
+    cp $root/stage2.ok/${tested_dir_name}/${tested_module_name}.d .
+    $mmc_command --experiment=$n -C ${tested_file_name}.m
+    /bin/rm ${tested_module_name}.d
+    if cmp $root/stage2.ok/${tested_dir_name}/${tested_module_name}.c ${tested_module_name}.c
+    then
+        echo "test $n generated same .c file"
+        samen="$samen $n"
+        cp $root/stage2/${tested_dir_name}/${tested_module_name}.c $root/SAME_C/$n.c
+    else
+        mmake ${tested_module_name}.o
+        if test "${tested_dir_name}" = "library"
+        then
+            mmake ${tested_module_name}.pic_o
+        fi
+        cd $root
+        if binary_step $bootcheck $compile_only $compare_to_bad $dependency_only $library_only $jfactor -m "$mmake_opts" $outfile $testdirs -s "$single_command"
+        then
+            echo "test $n succeeded"
+            goodn="$goodn $n"
+            cp $root/stage2/${tested_dir_name}/${tested_module_name}.c $root/GOOD_C/$n.c
+        else
+            echo "test $n failed"
+            badn="$badn $n"
+            cp $root/stage2/${tested_dir_name}/${tested_module_name}.c $root/BAD_C/$n.c
+        fi
+    fi
+    n=`expr $n + 1`
+echo "the parameter values for same .c are: $samen"
+echo "the parameter values for success are: $goodn"
+echo "the parameter values for failure are: $badn"
+echo "finishing at `date`"
+exit 0
cvs diff: Diffing trace
cvs diff: Diffing util
cvs diff: Diffing vim
cvs diff: Diffing vim/after
cvs diff: Diffing vim/ftplugin
cvs diff: Diffing vim/syntax
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