[m-rev.] diff: merge sets of push goals
Zoltan Somogyi
zs at csse.unimelb.edu.au
Fri Jan 21 17:36:38 AEDT 2011
Merge sets of push goals.
Add back the field that Paul deleted, since it is useful.
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Index: deep_profiler/mdprof_fb.automatic_parallelism.m
RCS file: /home/mercury/mercury1/repository/mercury/deep_profiler/mdprof_fb.automatic_parallelism.m,v
retrieving revision 1.33
diff -u -b -r1.33 mdprof_fb.automatic_parallelism.m
--- deep_profiler/mdprof_fb.automatic_parallelism.m 21 Jan 2011 04:31:52 -0000 1.33
+++ deep_profiler/mdprof_fb.automatic_parallelism.m 21 Jan 2011 06:33:30 -0000
@@ -39,17 +39,17 @@
- % Perform Jerome's analysis and update the feedback info structure.
- %
-:- pred css_list_above_threshold(calls_above_threshold_sorted_opts::in,
- deep::in, feedback_info::in, feedback_info::out) is det.
:- type calls_above_threshold_sorted_opts
---> calls_above_threshold_sorted_opts(
cats_measure :: stat_measure,
cats_threshold :: int
+ % Perform Jerome's analysis and update the feedback info structure.
+ %
+:- pred css_list_above_threshold(calls_above_threshold_sorted_opts::in,
+ deep::in, feedback_info::in, feedback_info::out) is det.
:- pred create_candidate_parallel_conj_proc_report(
@@ -564,16 +564,61 @@
merge_candidate_par_conjs_proc(A, B, Result) :-
A = candidate_par_conjunctions_proc(VarTableA, PushGoalsA, CPCsA),
B = candidate_par_conjunctions_proc(VarTableB, PushGoalsB, CPCsB),
- Result = candidate_par_conjunctions_proc(VarTableA, PushGoals, CPCs),
CPCs = CPCsA ++ CPCsB,
- % XXX Merge pushes here.
- PushGoals = PushGoalsA ++ PushGoalsB,
+ merge_pushes_for_proc(PushGoalsA ++ PushGoalsB, PushGoals),
( VarTableA = VarTableB ->
- true
+ Result = candidate_par_conjunctions_proc(VarTableA, PushGoals, CPCs)
unexpected($module, $pred, "var tables do not match")
+:- pred merge_pushes_for_proc(list(push_goal)::in, list(push_goal)::out)
+ is det.
+merge_pushes_for_proc([], []).
+merge_pushes_for_proc(Pushes0 @ [_ | _], Pushes) :-
+ list.foldl(insert_into_push_map, Pushes0, map.init, PushMap),
+ map.foldl(extract_from_push_map, PushMap, [], Pushes).
+:- pred insert_into_push_map(push_goal::in,
+ map(goal_path_string, {int, int, set(goal_path_string)})::in,
+ map(goal_path_string, {int, int, set(goal_path_string)})::out) is det.
+insert_into_push_map(PushGoal, !Map) :-
+ PushGoal = push_goal(GoalPathStr, Lo, Hi, TargetGoalPathStrs),
+ ( map.search(!.Map, GoalPathStr, OldTriple) ->
+ OldTriple = {OldLo, OldHi, OldTargetGoalPathStrSet},
+ (
+ Lo = OldLo,
+ Hi = OldHi
+ ->
+ set.insert_list(OldTargetGoalPathStrSet, TargetGoalPathStrs,
+ NewTargetGoalPathStrSet),
+ NewTriple = {OldLo, OldHi, NewTargetGoalPathStrSet},
+ svmap.det_update(GoalPathStr, NewTriple, !Map)
+ ;
+ % There seem to be separate push requests inside the same
+ % conjunction that want to push different seets of conjuncts.
+ % Since they could interfere with each other, we keep only one.
+ % Since we don't have any good basis on which to make the choice,
+ % we keep the earlier pushes.
+ true
+ )
+ ;
+ NewTriple = {Lo, Hi, set.list_to_set(TargetGoalPathStrs)},
+ svmap.det_insert(GoalPathStr, NewTriple, !Map)
+ ).
+:- pred extract_from_push_map(goal_path_string::in,
+ {int, int, set(goal_path_string)}::in,
+ list(push_goal)::in, list(push_goal)::out) is det.
+extract_from_push_map(GoalPathStr, Triple, !Pushes) :-
+ Triple = {Lo, Hi, TargetGoalPathStrSet},
+ Push = push_goal(GoalPathStr, Lo, Hi,
+ set.to_sorted_list(TargetGoalPathStrSet)),
+ !:Pushes = [Push | !.Pushes].
% Search for paralleliation opportunities within a procedure.
@@ -664,9 +709,9 @@
SeenDuplicateInstantiation =
- % XXX Merge pushes here.
+ merge_pushes_for_proc(Pushes, MergedPushes),
CandidateProc = candidate_par_conjunctions_proc(VarTable,
- Pushes, Candidates0),
+ MergedPushes, Candidates0),
svmap.set(ProcLabel, CandidateProc, map.init, Candidates)
SeenDuplicateInstantiation = seen_duplicate_instantiation,
@@ -739,7 +784,7 @@
SingleCands = [],
Candidates = CandidatesBelow,
- PushesThisLevel = cord.empty,
+ Pushes = PushesBelow,
Singles = cord.from_list(SinglesSoFar),
Messages = MessagesBelow,
Cost = Annotation0 ^ pgd_cost
@@ -747,14 +792,23 @@
SingleCands = [CostlyIndex - SinglesBefore],
push_and_build_candidate_conjunctions(Info, RevGoalPathSteps,
Conjs, CostlyIndex, SinglesBefore,
- MessagesThisLevel, CandidatesThisLevel, PushesThisLevel),
- Candidates = CandidatesBelow ++ CandidatesThisLevel,
- ( cord.is_empty(CandidatesThisLevel) ->
+ MessagesThisLevel, CandidatesThisLevel),
+ (
+ CandidatesThisLevel = [],
+ Candidates = CandidatesBelow,
+ Pushes = PushesBelow,
% No candidate was built, pass our singles to our caller.
Singles = cord.from_list(SinglesSoFar)
- % Reset signals if we made a candidate our caller cannot
- % use them.
+ CandidatesThisLevel = [FirstCandidate | LaterCandidates],
+ merge_same_level_pushes(FirstCandidate, LaterCandidates,
+ PushThisLevel),
+ Candidates = CandidatesBelow ++
+ cord.from_list(CandidatesThisLevel),
+ Pushes = cord.snoc(PushesBelow, PushThisLevel),
+ % Any single expensive goals inside this conjunction
+ % cannot have later expensive goals pushed next to them
+ % without reanalysis of the whole goal, which we do not do.
Singles = cord.empty
Messages = MessagesBelow ++ MessagesThisLevel,
@@ -765,7 +819,7 @@
assoc_list.keys(SingleCands, CostlyIndexes),
build_candidate_conjunction(Info, RevGoalPathSteps,
Conjs, CostlyIndexes, MessagesThisLevel, MaybeCandidate),
- PushesThisLevel = cord.empty,
+ Pushes = PushesBelow,
Messages = MessagesBelow ++ MessagesThisLevel,
MaybeCandidate = yes(Candidate),
@@ -794,8 +848,7 @@
Singles = cord.from_list(SinglesSoFar),
Cost = Annotation0 ^ pgd_cost
- ),
- Pushes = PushesBelow ++ PushesThisLevel
+ )
GoalExpr0 = disj_rep(Disjs0),
@@ -1008,7 +1061,7 @@
- pardgoals_build_candidate_conjunction(Info, Location, RevGoalPathSteps,
+ pardgoals_build_candidate_conjunction(Info, Location, RevGoalPathSteps, no,
Conjs, MaybeCandidate, !Messages),
MaybeCandidate = yes(_Candidate),
@@ -1028,36 +1081,32 @@
:- pred push_and_build_candidate_conjunctions(implicit_parallelism_info::in,
list(goal_path_step)::in, list(pard_goal_detail)::in, int::in,
list(pard_goal_detail)::in, cord(message)::out,
- cord(candidate_par_conjunction(pard_goal_detail))::out,
- cord(push_goal)::out) is det.
+ list(candidate_par_conjunction(pard_goal_detail))::out) is det.
push_and_build_candidate_conjunctions(_Info, _RevGoalPathSteps, _Conjs,
- _CostlyIndex, [], cord.empty, cord.empty, cord.empty).
+ _CostlyIndex, [], cord.empty, []).
push_and_build_candidate_conjunctions(Info, RevGoalPathSteps, Conjs,
- CostlyIndex, [Single | Singles], Messages, Candidates, Pushes) :-
+ CostlyIndex, [Single | Singles], Messages, Candidates) :-
push_and_build_candidate_conjunction(Info, RevGoalPathSteps, Conjs,
- CostlyIndex, Single, HeadMessages, MaybeHeadCandidateAndPush),
+ CostlyIndex, Single, HeadMessages, MaybeHeadCandidate),
push_and_build_candidate_conjunctions(Info, RevGoalPathSteps, Conjs,
- CostlyIndex, Singles, TailMessages, TailCandidates, TailPushes),
+ CostlyIndex, Singles, TailMessages, TailCandidates),
Messages = HeadMessages ++ TailMessages,
- MaybeHeadCandidateAndPush = yes(HeadCandidate - HeadPush),
- Candidates = cord.cons(HeadCandidate, TailCandidates),
- Pushes = cord.cons(HeadPush, TailPushes)
- ;
- MaybeHeadCandidateAndPush = no,
- Candidates = TailCandidates,
- Pushes = TailPushes
+ MaybeHeadCandidate = yes(HeadCandidate),
+ Candidates = [HeadCandidate | TailCandidates]
+ ;
+ MaybeHeadCandidate = no,
+ Candidates = TailCandidates
:- pred push_and_build_candidate_conjunction(implicit_parallelism_info::in,
list(goal_path_step)::in, list(pard_goal_detail)::in, int::in,
pard_goal_detail::in, cord(message)::out,
- maybe(pair(candidate_par_conjunction(pard_goal_detail), push_goal))::out)
- is det.
+ maybe(candidate_par_conjunction(pard_goal_detail))::out) is det.
push_and_build_candidate_conjunction(Info, RevGoalPathSteps, Conjs,
- CostlyIndex, Single, !:Messages, MaybeCandidateAndPush) :-
+ CostlyIndex, Single, !:Messages, MaybeCandidate) :-
SingleRevPath = Single ^ goal_annotation ^ pgd_original_path,
SingleRevPath = rgp(SingleRevSteps),
list.reverse(SingleRevSteps, SingleSteps),
@@ -1103,22 +1152,52 @@
RelConjStep + 1, CostlyIndex,
pardgoals_build_candidate_conjunction(Info, Location,
- RevCandidateGoalPathSteps, CandidateConjs, MaybeCandidate,
- !Messages),
+ RevCandidateGoalPathSteps, yes(PushGoal), CandidateConjs,
+ MaybeCandidate, !Messages),
- MaybeCandidate = yes(Candidate),
+ MaybeCandidate = yes(_),
- !Messages),
- MaybeCandidateAndPush = yes(Candidate - PushGoal)
+ !Messages)
- MaybeCandidate = no,
- MaybeCandidateAndPush = no
+ MaybeCandidate = no
unexpected($module, $pred, "bad goal path for Single")
+:- pred merge_same_level_pushes(
+ candidate_par_conjunction(pard_goal_detail)::in,
+ list(candidate_par_conjunction(pard_goal_detail))::in,
+ push_goal::out) is det.
+merge_same_level_pushes(MainCandidate, [], MainPush) :-
+ MaybeMainPush = MainCandidate ^ cpc_maybe_push_goal,
+ (
+ MaybeMainPush = yes(MainPush)
+ ;
+ MaybeMainPush = no,
+ unexpected($module, $pred, "no push")
+ ).
+merge_same_level_pushes(MainCandidate, [HeadCandidate | TailCandidates],
+ Push) :-
+ merge_same_level_pushes(HeadCandidate, TailCandidates, RestPush),
+ MaybeMainPush = MainCandidate ^ cpc_maybe_push_goal,
+ (
+ MaybeMainPush = yes(MainPush)
+ ;
+ MaybeMainPush = no,
+ unexpected($module, $pred, "no push")
+ ),
+ (
+ MainPush = push_goal(GoalPathStr, Lo, Hi, [MainPushInto]),
+ RestPush = push_goal(GoalPathStr, Lo, Hi, RestPushInto)
+ ->
+ Push = push_goal(GoalPathStr, Lo, Hi, [MainPushInto | RestPushInto])
+ ;
+ unexpected($module, $pred, "mismatch on pushed goals")
+ ).
:- pred push_goals_create_candidate(implicit_parallelism_info::in,
list(goal_path_step)::in, list(goal_path_step)::in,
pard_goal_detail::in, list(pard_goal_detail)::in,
@@ -1232,12 +1311,13 @@
:- pred pardgoals_build_candidate_conjunction(implicit_parallelism_info::in,
- program_location::in, list(goal_path_step)::in, list(pard_goal_detail)::in,
+ program_location::in, list(goal_path_step)::in,
+ maybe(push_goal)::in, list(pard_goal_detail)::in,
cord(message)::in, cord(message)::out) is det.
pardgoals_build_candidate_conjunction(Info, Location, RevGoalPathSteps,
- Goals, MaybeCandidate, !Messages) :-
+ MaybePushGoal, Goals, MaybeCandidate, !Messages) :-
% Setting up the first parallel conjunct is a different algorithm to the
% latter ones, at this point we have the option of moving goals from before
% the first costly call to either before or during the parallel
@@ -1260,7 +1340,7 @@
conj_calc_cost(GoalsAfter, Calls, GoalsAfterCost0),
GoalsAfterCost = goal_cost_get_percall(GoalsAfterCost0),
RevGoalPathString = rev_goal_path_to_string(rgp(RevGoalPathSteps)),
- Candidate = candidate_par_conjunction(RevGoalPathString,
+ Candidate = candidate_par_conjunction(RevGoalPathString, MaybePushGoal,
FirstConjNum, IsDependent, GoalsBefore, GoalsBeforeCost, ParConjs,
GoalsAfter, GoalsAfterCost, Metrics),
@@ -3334,8 +3414,7 @@
set.union(ConsumedVarsTail, ConsumedVarsHead, ConsumedVars),
set.union(BoundVarsTail, BoundVarsHead, BoundVars),
SeenDuplicateInstantiation = merge_seen_duplicate_instantiation(
- SeenDuplicateInstantiationHead,
- SeenDuplicateInstantiationTail).
+ SeenDuplicateInstantiationHead, SeenDuplicateInstantiationTail).
:- pred disj_annotate_with_instmap(list(goal_rep(goal_id))::in,
seen_duplicate_instantiation::out, set(var_rep)::out, set(var_rep)::out,
@@ -3349,11 +3428,9 @@
ConsumedVars, BoundVars, InstMap0, InstMap, !InstMapArray) :-
HeadDetism = Disj ^ goal_detism_rep,
goal_annotate_with_instmap(Disj, SeenDuplicateInstantiationHead,
- ConsumedVarsHead, BoundVarsHead, InstMap0, InstMapHead,
- !InstMapArray),
+ ConsumedVarsHead, BoundVarsHead, InstMap0, InstMapHead, !InstMapArray),
disj_annotate_with_instmap(Disjs, SeenDuplicateInstantiationTail,
- ConsumedVarsTail, BoundVarsTail, InstMap0, InstMapTail,
- !InstMapArray),
+ ConsumedVarsTail, BoundVarsTail, InstMap0, InstMapTail, !InstMapArray),
set.union(ConsumedVarsTail, ConsumedVarsHead, ConsumedVars),
@@ -3374,8 +3451,7 @@
InstMap = merge_inst_map(InstMapHead, HeadDetism, InstMapTail, TailDetism),
SeenDuplicateInstantiation = merge_seen_duplicate_instantiation(
- SeenDuplicateInstantiationHead,
- SeenDuplicateInstantiationTail).
+ SeenDuplicateInstantiationHead, SeenDuplicateInstantiationTail).
:- pred switch_annotate_with_instmap(list(case_rep(goal_id))::in,
seen_duplicate_instantiation::out, set(var_rep)::out, set(var_rep)::out,
@@ -3390,11 +3466,9 @@
Case = case_rep(_, _, Goal),
HeadDetism = Goal ^ goal_detism_rep,
goal_annotate_with_instmap(Goal, SeenDuplicateInstantiationHead,
- ConsumedVarsHead, BoundVarsHead, InstMap0, InstMapHead,
- !InstMapArray),
+ ConsumedVarsHead, BoundVarsHead, InstMap0, InstMapHead, !InstMapArray),
switch_annotate_with_instmap(Cases, SeenDuplicateInstantiationTail,
- ConsumedVarsTail, BoundVarsTail, InstMap0, InstMapTail,
- !InstMapArray),
+ ConsumedVarsTail, BoundVarsTail, InstMap0, InstMapTail, !InstMapArray),
set.union(ConsumedVarsTail, ConsumedVarsHead, ConsumedVars),
% merge_inst_map requires the detism of goals that produce both inst maps,
% we can create fake values that satisfy merge_inst_map easily.
@@ -3409,8 +3483,7 @@
InstMap = merge_inst_map(InstMapHead, HeadDetism, InstMapTail, TailDetism),
SeenDuplicateInstantiation = merge_seen_duplicate_instantiation(
- SeenDuplicateInstantiationHead,
- SeenDuplicateInstantiationTail).
+ SeenDuplicateInstantiationHead, SeenDuplicateInstantiationTail).
:- pred ite_annotate_with_instmap(goal_rep(goal_id)::in,
goal_rep(goal_id)::in, goal_rep(goal_id)::in,
@@ -3604,7 +3677,7 @@
create_candidate_parallel_conj_report(VarTable, CandidateParConjunction,
Report) :-
CandidateParConjunction = candidate_par_conjunction(GoalPathString,
- FirstConjNum, IsDependent, GoalsBefore, GoalsBeforeCost,
+ MaybePushGoal, FirstConjNum, IsDependent, GoalsBefore, GoalsBeforeCost,
Conjs, GoalsAfter, GoalsAfterCost, ParExecMetrics),
ParExecMetrics = parallel_exec_metrics(NumCalls, SeqTime, ParTime,
ParOverheads, FirstConjDeadTime, FutureDeadTime),
@@ -3626,6 +3699,22 @@
[s(GoalPathString)], Header1Str),
Header1 = cord.singleton(Header1Str),
+ (
+ MaybePushGoal = no,
+ Header2 = cord.empty
+ ;
+ MaybePushGoal = yes(PushGoal),
+ PushGoal = push_goal(PushGoalPathStr, Lo, Hi, PushedGoalPathStrs),
+ string.format(" PushGoal: %s, lo %d, hi %d\n",
+ [s(PushGoalPathStr), i(Lo), i(Hi)], HeadPushGoalStr),
+ FormatPushedGoals = (
+ func(PushedGoalPathStr) =
+ string.format(" %s\n", [s(PushedGoalPathStr)])
+ ),
+ TailPushGoalStrs = list.map(FormatPushedGoals, PushedGoalPathStrs),
+ Header2 = cord.from_list([HeadPushGoalStr | TailPushGoalStrs])
+ ),
" Dependent: %s\n" ++
" NumCalls: %s\n" ++
@@ -3648,7 +3737,7 @@
- Header2 = cord.singleton(Header2Str),
+ Header3 = cord.singleton(Header2Str),
( rev_goal_path_from_string(GoalPathString, RevGoalPath) ->
RevGoalPath = rgp(RevGoalPathSteps)
@@ -3674,7 +3763,7 @@
ReportGoalsAfter = indent(3) ++ singleton("Goals after:\n") ++
- Report = Header1 ++ Header2 ++ ReportGoalsBefore ++ nl
+ Report = Header1 ++ Header2 ++ Header3 ++ ReportGoalsBefore ++ nl
++ ReportParConj ++ nl ++ ReportGoalsAfter ++ nl.
:- pred format_parallel_conjunction(var_table::in, int::in,
cvs diff: Diffing deep_profiler/notes
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Index: mdbcomp/feedback.automatic_parallelism.m
RCS file: /home/mercury/mercury1/repository/mercury/mdbcomp/feedback.automatic_parallelism.m,v
retrieving revision 1.13
diff -u -b -r1.13 feedback.automatic_parallelism.m
--- mdbcomp/feedback.automatic_parallelism.m 21 Jan 2011 04:31:52 -0000 1.13
+++ mdbcomp/feedback.automatic_parallelism.m 21 Jan 2011 06:04:39 -0000
@@ -27,6 +27,7 @@
:- import_module bool.
:- import_module list.
+:- import_module maybe.
:- import_module set.
:- import_module string.
@@ -197,6 +198,13 @@
% The path within the procedure to this conjunction.
cpc_goal_path :: goal_path_string,
+ % If the candidate is dependent on a push being performed,
+ % what is that push? Note that any push that specifies the same
+ % goals being pushed and the same OR GREATER set of goals next
+ % to which to push them is acceptable: if such a push is
+ % performed, then this candidate is viable.
+ cpc_maybe_push_goal :: maybe(push_goal),
% The position within the original conjunction that this
% parallelisation starts.
cpc_first_conj_num :: int,
@@ -372,21 +380,21 @@
CPCProcB = candidate_par_conjunctions_proc(VarTable, PushGoals, CPCB).
convert_candidate_par_conjunction(Conv0, CPC0, CPC) :-
- CPC0 = candidate_par_conjunction(GoalPath, FirstGoalNum,
- IsDependent, GoalsBefore0, GoalsBeforeCost, Conjs0, GoalsAfter0,
- GoalsAfterCost, Metrics),
+ CPC0 = candidate_par_conjunction(GoalPath, MaybePushGoal, FirstGoalNum,
+ IsDependent, GoalsBefore0, GoalsBeforeCost, Conjs0,
+ GoalsAfter0, GoalsAfterCost, Metrics),
Conv = (pred(A::in, B::out) is det :-
Conv0(CPC0, A, B)
list.map(convert_seq_conj(Conv), Conjs0, Conjs),
list.map(Conv, GoalsBefore0, GoalsBefore),
list.map(Conv, GoalsAfter0, GoalsAfter),
- CPC = candidate_par_conjunction(GoalPath, FirstGoalNum,
- IsDependent, GoalsBefore, GoalsBeforeCost, Conjs, GoalsAfter,
- GoalsAfterCost, Metrics).
+ CPC = candidate_par_conjunction(GoalPath, MaybePushGoal, FirstGoalNum,
+ IsDependent, GoalsBefore, GoalsBeforeCost, Conjs,
+ GoalsAfter, GoalsAfterCost, Metrics).
convert_seq_conj(Conv, seq_conj(Conjs0), seq_conj(Conjs)) :-
- map(Conv, Conjs0, Conjs).
+ list.map(Conv, Conjs0, Conjs).
:- end_module mdbcomp.feedback.automatic_parallelism.
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