[m-rev.] diff: batch file launchers for the erlang grade

Julien Fischer juliensf at csse.unimelb.edu.au
Fri Jan 7 15:55:41 AEDT 2011

This is still work-in-progress - I am comitting it now to make it easier
for me to test it on different machines.


Branches: main, 11.01

Generate batch file launchers for the Erlang grade on Windows.

 	Generate a launcher batch file for programs compiled in the Erlang
 	grade on Windows.

 	Use io.write_strings instead of folding io.write_string in a couple
 	of spots.

Index: module_cmds.m
RCS file: /home/mercury/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/module_cmds.m,v
retrieving revision 1.17
diff -u -r1.17 module_cmds.m
--- module_cmds.m	4 Jan 2011 03:59:42 -0000	1.17
+++ module_cmds.m	7 Jan 2011 04:48:38 -0000
@@ -716,7 +716,7 @@
      globals.lookup_string_option(Globals, java_interpreter, Java),
      mangle_sym_name_for_java(MainModuleName, module_qual, ".", ClassName),

-    list.foldl(io.write_string(Stream), [
+    io.write_strings(Stream, [
          "case $WINDIR in\n",
@@ -746,7 +746,7 @@
      globals.lookup_string_option(Globals, java_interpreter, Java),
      mangle_sym_name_for_java(MainModuleName, module_qual, ".", ClassName),

-    list.foldl(io.write_string(Stream), [
+    io.write_strings(Stream, [
          "@echo off\n",
          "rem Automatically generated by the Mercury compiler.\n",
@@ -924,7 +924,7 @@
          MaybeStdLibDir = yes(StdLibDir),
          StdLibBeamsPath = StdLibDir/"lib"/GradeDir/"libmer_std.beams",
-        SearchStdLib = pa_option(yes, StdLibBeamsPath),
+        SearchStdLib = pa_option(yes, yes, StdLibBeamsPath),
          % Added by elds_to_erlang.m
          MainFunc = "mercury__main_wrapper"
@@ -944,12 +944,12 @@
          LinkLibrariesList0, LinkLibrariesList, !IO),

      globals.lookup_string_option(Globals, erlang_interpreter, Erlang),
-    SearchLibs = string.append_list(list.map(pa_option(yes),
+    SearchLibs = string.append_list(list.map(pa_option(yes, yes),

      % XXX main_2_p_0 is not necessarily in the main module itself and
      % could be in a submodule.  We don't handle that yet.
-    SearchProg = pa_option(no, """$DIR""/" ++ quote_arg(BeamDirName)),
+    SearchProg = pa_option(yes, no, """$DIR""/" ++ quote_arg(BeamDirName)),

      % Write the shell script.
      % Note we need to use '-extra' instead of '--' for "-flag" and
@@ -967,8 +967,61 @@
  :- pred write_erlang_batch_file(globals::in, module_name::in,
      io.text_output_stream::in, io::di, io::uo) is det.

-write_erlang_batch_file(_Globals, _MainModuleName, _Stream, _, _) :-
-    sorry($pred, "Batch file launchers NYI for Erlang graade.").
+write_erlang_batch_file(Globals, MainModuleName, Stream, !IO) :-
+    % XXX It should be possible to avoid some of the code duplication with
+    % the Unix version above.
+    globals.lookup_string_option(Globals, erlang_object_file_extension,
+        BeamExt),
+    module_name_to_file_name(Globals, MainModuleName, BeamExt,
+        do_not_create_dirs, BeamFileName, !IO),
+    BeamDirName = dir.dirname(BeamFileName),
+    module_name_to_file_name_stem(MainModuleName, BeamBaseNameNoExt),
+    % Add `-pa <dir>' option to find the standard library.
+    % (-pa adds the directory to the beginning of the list of paths to search
+    % for .beam files)
+    grade_directory_component(Globals, GradeDir),
+    globals.lookup_maybe_string_option(Globals,
+        mercury_standard_library_directory, MaybeStdLibDir),
+    (
+        MaybeStdLibDir = yes(StdLibDir),
+        StdLibBeamsPath = StdLibDir/"lib"/GradeDir/"libmer_std.beams",
+        SearchStdLib = pa_option(no, yes, StdLibBeamsPath),
+        % Added by elds_to_erlang.m
+        MainFunc = "mercury__main_wrapper"
+    ;
+        MaybeStdLibDir = no,
+        SearchStdLib = "",
+        MainFunc = "main_2_p_0"
+    ),
+    % Add `-pa <dir>' options to find any other libraries specified by the user.
+    globals.lookup_accumulating_option(Globals, mercury_library_directories,
+        MercuryLibDirs0),
+    MercuryLibDirs = list.map((func(LibDir) = LibDir/"lib"/GradeDir),
+        MercuryLibDirs0),
+    globals.lookup_accumulating_option(Globals, link_libraries,
+        LinkLibrariesList0),
+    list.map_foldl(find_erlang_library_path(Globals, MercuryLibDirs),
+        LinkLibrariesList0, LinkLibrariesList, !IO),
+    globals.lookup_string_option(Globals, erlang_interpreter, Erlang),
+    SearchLibs = string.append_list(list.map(pa_option(no, yes),
+        list.sort_and_remove_dups(LinkLibrariesList))),
+    % XXX main_2_p_0 is not necessarily in the main module itself and
+    % could be in a submodule.  We don't handle that yet.
+    SearchProg = pa_option(no, no, "%DIR%\\" ++ quote_arg(BeamDirName)),
+    io.write_strings(Stream, [
+        "@echo off\n",
+        "rem Generated by the Mercury compiler.\n",
+        "setlocal\n",
+        "set DIR=%~dp0\n",
+        Erlang, " -noshell ",
+        SearchStdLib, SearchLibs, SearchProg,
+        " -s ", BeamBaseNameNoExt, " ", MainFunc,
+        " -s init stop -extra %*\n"
+    ], !IO).

  :- pred find_erlang_library_path(globals::in, list(dir_name)::in, string::in,
      string::out, io::di, io::uo) is det.
@@ -983,7 +1036,7 @@
          LibFileName, SearchResult, !IO),
          SearchResult = ok(DirName),
-        LibPath = DirName/LibFileName
+        LibPath = DirName / LibFileName
          SearchResult = error(Error),
          LibPath = "",
@@ -991,16 +1044,24 @@

-:- func pa_option(bool, dir_name) = string.
+:- func pa_option(bool, bool, dir_name) = string.

-pa_option(Quote, Dir0) = " -pa " ++ Dir ++ " \\\n" :-
+pa_option(BreakLines, Quote, Dir0) = Option :-
          Quote = yes,
          Dir = quote_arg(Dir0)
          Quote = no,
          Dir = Dir0
-    ).
+    ),
+    (
+        BreakLines = yes,
+        LineContinuation = " \\\n"
+    ;
+        BreakLines = no,
+        LineContinuation = ""
+    ),
+    Option = " -pa " ++ Dir ++ LineContinuation.


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